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Make It Happen: Michelle Bridges’ pram bam workout for mums

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Body+Soul Daily

Make It Happen: Michelle Bridges’ pram bam workout for mums

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Michelle Bridges chats about motherhood, fitness and why she wants you to have your healthiest year yet.

IT’S hard getting to the gym when you’re a mum so here’s an energising workout where your bub gets to join in.

Walk to your local park to do this new-mum workout. It’s only 20 minutes in total. Complete one minute of each exercise. Rest for one minute, repeat three more times and then walk home.

Michelle Bridges explains the pram push and squat. Picture: Nick Scott


WHY: This works your arms, legs and glutes, all in one.

HOW: Stand with your feet shoulder-width apart, toes turned out slightly, both hands on the pram, and with the pram close to you.

Slowly lower into a squat position, pushing the pram forward as you go.

Sit your butt back and push your knees out to align them with your toes.

As you return to standing, pull the pram towards you, and squeeze your butt, tighten your shoulder blades and push your chest out. That’s one rep. Do this exercise for one minute.


WHY: Your legs will love you for it.

HOW: Stand with the pram close to you. As you push the pram forward, lean into it slightly, bend your left leg a little and curl your other leg all the way up, heel to butt.

Pull the pram back towards you as you lower your right leg, and tap your toes on the ground.

This is one rep. Repeat on the same leg for 30 seconds, then swap limbs.

Your legs will love you if you try the pram push leg lift and curl. Picture: Nick Scott


WHY: This strengthens your back and glutes.

HOW: Starting on all fours on the ground, lift your right arm off the ground and slowly extend it forward while simultaneously extending your left leg back.

Pause, then slowly bring both limbs back. Repeat. Keep your abs tight and your body still. Do this exercise for 30 seconds, then swap sides.

The Superwoman helps strengthen your back and glutes. Picture: Nick Scott


WHY: To switch on your core.

HOW: Assume the plank position on the floor on either your knees (beginners) or toes (advanced) (this exercise can also be done against a wall), with your elbows under your shoulders.

Draw your belly button in. Hold still, maintaining a long neck, for one minute, taking five-second breaks where needed.

Assume the plank position. Picture: Nick Scott


By Michelle Bridges


Michelle Bridges loves responsibility. Picture: Nick Scott

I LOVE the word responsibility. You have the ability to respond to everything any way you wish. You can react in a way which has you feeling furious or deflated, or relieved and joyous. It’s your choice.

Step 1: Take responsibility for who you are and for your life. Now, I know that’s a big call — but we all have to accept that where we are right now and who we are today is a product of our own choosing.

Step 2: Once you’ve stopped fighting step 1, you can choose how to move forward, perhaps with different choices and heading down a different path. This step can’t really happen until step one has landed.

Step 3: Now for the fun part — what would you like to change, take on or remove? Remember, you’re writing the book of your life! What’s the next chapter going to look like? It’s all up to you.


STUCK in traffic with a car full of kids one weekend, I was at a mental crossroads.

I could either lose my cool, making being in the car a living hell, or I could choose a different response.

Who knew I was a genius at I Spy? I created an “I Spy championship” and I had everyone — including myself — happily distracted until the gridlock eased.
