PM Modi intensifies focus on education, healthcare

NEW DELHI: PM Narendra Modi has turned his attention to the social sector and is holding detailed discussions with the HRD and health ministries to improve the quality of services offered.

In case of health, the focus is on pulling the laggards - Odisha, Bihar, Jharkhand, Uttar Pradesh, Madhya Pradesh and Chattisgarh - through a series of initiatives focused on improving infant mortality and maternal mortality rates. At the same time, there has been discussion around reworking the architecture so that Medical Council of India does not hold up education and training of professionals.

Sources said that Modi has spent three-four hours each with the HRD and health ministry where Niti Aayog was also roped in to identify he areas that need attention.

In education, "creating India's own Harvards" has emerged as one of the themes, said a source. In fact, there has been discussion around building 10-20 world-class institu ions with academic autonomy . One of the key themes could be a focus on job-oriented courses with more electives ntroduced at bachelor's level.


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