eDiscovery Software for Early Data Assessment, Load File Creation, Processing and Review

Simplify Your Discovery™ with our Easy-To-Use Processing and Review Tools

Process Your Data with OnDemand Discovery® Software to Dramatically Reduce the Overall Costs of eDiscovery Processing

One Tool Does it All! 

  • Create Early Data Assessment Reports. (sample EDA report)
  • Process & Build Native Load Files.
  • Process & Load Data for Review.
  • Do It Yourself!

Early Data Assessment (EDA) Report: Do-It-Yourself with this early data assessment report tool. Simply upload any data set and an EDA report is automatically generated.  This graphical PDF report includes summary stats about your current data batch, including number of files, expanded size of the data, number of file types and number of exceptions.  It also include breakdowns of file categories and file types by file count and size, the top 25 domains in the collection and email timelines for any year with email data.  Example EDA Report in PDF format.

Build Early Data Assessment (EDA) Report Only Option: This option enables you to generate that same EDA report for a selected data collection – without loading the data into CloudNine’s hosting platform.  This option is ideal for people who want to get vital insight into their data set before loading that data for review.  Sample uses of this report are: understanding your data set, estimating processing and review costs, preparing for meet and confer, etc.

Create a Load File Only Option: If you’re an advanced user and already have a review platform, you can still use CloudNine’s Discovery Client to process your data and generate load files to enable you to load the data into your preferred platform.  Simply follow the CloudNine wizard to upload and process your data.  When processing and load file creation is complete, you will receive an email message indicating that your data is ready for download.  You can then proceed to download it and load it into your preferred platform.  Now, you don’t have to swap phone calls, emails and forms with a vendor to get your data processed – you can do it yourself with CloudNine!

>>Learn more about our Enterprise Processing Software.  *First load up to 100 GB is free, plus 30-days free hosting.  New clients only.


Review Your Data with OnDemand® Review Software our Cloud-based eDiscovery Review Platform

OnDemand is the powerful, easy-to-use online eDiscovery review platform that will change the way you review and produce documents to satisfy your discovery obligations and reduce the overall costs of eDiscovery.  CloudNine allows you to automate the early data assessment reporting, build industry standard load files and process and load your data for review.

OnDemand® Review Platform Features:

 Customizable to Your Needs

  • Process and load your own data with OnDemand Discovery®
  • Add as many users as you want – at no charge
  • Create review sets for multiple reviewers
  • Add as many data fields as you want
  • Set user rights to control access to functions, fields and documents

>>Learn more about our Enterprise Review Software.

Visually Innovative

  • Easily view native files, OCR and scanned images
  • Annotate and redact images
  • Group tagging capability
  • Simultaneous index field and full-text searching

 Ease of Exporting

  • Support for single document and batch printing of images (no printing setup fees)
  • Online, real-time, customizable and printable document audit reports
  • Export custom reports to .XLS and CSV Formats
  • Download Documents to your local machine

User Support

  • Customizable FAQs by case to enable custom review instructions
  • Live Chat Support
OnDemand Review Software & Document Review Hosting

Watch A Recorded 12 Minute Webinar Demonstrating OnDemand’s Easy-To-Use Features And Benefits!

Ease of Use

OnDemand has an easy-to-use and intuitive point and click browser-based interface. Support is available via Live Chat weekdays, as well as via phone and email. 

No Capital Investment Required

The OnDemand platform is delivered as Software as a Service (SaaS) via the Internet with no long term software license and maintenance fees, no setup fees and no hardware to purchase or manage.  You simply pay a per GB fee for the time that you want to store and review your documents.

OnDemand® Technology Platform

  • Microsoft technology
  • Software as a Service (SaaS) delivery model
  • Unlimited scalability
  • State-of-the-art hosting facility

» Webinar Schedule of Live OnDemand Software Demonstrations

FREE Trial – Up to 100 GBs of Free Native Processing, Loading and Hosting for 30 Days, on your first data load when hosting in OnDemand®.


To Simplify Your Review™: Call or email us and try the hosting platform for free* with your own documents. We will process your first set of data for native review and load it for free.  (*Setup and load fees waived on up to one hundred (100) GB of data for first-time users, on first data load.  Some restrictions apply.) Also receive 30 days of free (no strings attached) hosting while you try out our software.  We will coordinate with you on getting your data loaded and/or train you to load your own data using OnDemand Discovery®Enterprise eDiscovery Review Platform Video



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