We have what you need...
Simplify your eDiscovery™ and Internal Investigations with our easy-to-use automated eDiscovery processing, review and production software and your company's capabilities will grow instantly.
Start Your Review in Minutes

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SaaS eDiscovery Software to Simplify the Discovery Process:

Do-It-Yourself: With CloudNine, Start Your eDiscovery Review and Internal Investigations in Minutes not Days

You no longer need to call someone or buy software to process and review your data.  It is easier than ever for you to self-manage the complete eDiscovery review and investigation process from the comfort of your desk. CloudNine combines automated DIY eDiscovery processing and hosting features to streamline your document review.
  • Upload

    Upload to automatically convert your documents

    CloudNine Discovery allows do-it-yourself uploading of your data to our secure online repository while automatically converting documents to a usable format for review.  We offer cost effective cloud-based eDiscovery software to process and review large volumes of data, reducing the expense of traditional processing, loading and hosting. Learn more about load file creation and OnDemand Discovery.

  • Review

    Start reviewing your documents in minutes


    CloudNine’s Online Review Tool eliminates the need for specialized processing of your discovery data prior to upload. Simply upload your data and during upload, your files are automatically processed, indexed and added to a secure online database for instant availability. Learn more about automated discovery and internal investigations Data Review.

  • Produce

    Produce and export your documents the same day


    OnDemand makes producing your responsive data easy, generates production and privilege logs and eliminates the need for additional processing after export. Your image, native and text files can be exported, with the images bates numbered, custom branded and converted to single or multi-page tiff or pdf with a load file.  Learn more about data production and CloudNine.

"We have used CloudNine Discovery on multiple matters and have found them to be very responsive to our needs. They have always delivered when time was of the essence. We have also found them to be very effective in helping us reduce our eDiscovery costs. We like the fact that they offer a free early data assessment that enables us to analyze our data and make decisions regarding whether or not to litigate prior to getting outside counsel involved."

Brian Carter, General Counsel at TriStar Global Energy Solutions

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