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The Hill

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“If Ms. Lynch were not confirmed by the U.S. Senate, it would be an astonishing display of partisanship," press secretary Earnest said.
An Obama aide said the attorney general nominee "has already waited for far too long."
Patti Fischer's profile photoMULSIPHER's profile photoJohn Eng Woo's profile photoRalph Shields's profile photo
Dear Sir,
In my opinion that Republican Party will be big won the general election on November 8, 2016. According to Democratic Party must be won this general election, if former President Bill Clinton who should be nominated by Democratic Party.
First, to talk about Republican Party will be won the general election on November 8, 2016 because the American citizens do love the newest of American president that looked like President Reagan. The both parties are the same as one, because one builds war, and other one is in moderation. For example, the Vietnam War has taken place.
Second, the Trump’s candidacy has been touched scratch for the main itching of the American citizens. Even though, something of his told before public was arrogant, but the American citizens could forgive him.
Third, the Hillary Clinton's candidacy was untrue things. Her ambitions could not be belongs for the American citizens. Because she has been protected for her own family than the American citizens, she seems not dedicate to her nation and people. For example, when she has said ,"She has run for the White House, because she is first woman's candidacy."
In conclusion, if we compare to both parties, we have understand about both parties that they were the same as one. For example, the Iraq and Afghanistan Wars have been passed by the more years, but Democratic Party could not solve them. Moreover, the Syria War of Democratic party seemed lost face by the Government of the United States of America because the Putin has playing an interesting game. Significantly, in the America history has never had one political party, which must continuously win for three terms of the president . In fact, Democratic Party has been provoking for war in Asia in order to build war after going out from Middle - East to Asia. Because April 30, 1975, Republican Party has sold of Republic of Vietnam to China and secretly supporting for China to be on strong. Both parties have been falling in love with war, they look like an American guys for loving sexual than his family values.   However, Congress will be controlled by Democratic Party.
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A majority of voters see Hillary Clinton and Jeb Bush as a "return to the policies of the past," according to a new poll.
The poll reveals potential campaign problems for both parties.
Jean-Roger Kaseki's profile photoAlejandro Perales's profile photoTwila Le Page-Hughes's profile photoDong Liu's profile photo
+Don Peterson ... Just give me a decade after the rats leave
All 536 multi millionaires 
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GOP Benghazi chairman: "You do not need a law degree to understand how troubling this is."
Rep. Gowdy says revelations could lead to calls for "multiple" testimony.
Alejandro Perales's profile photoDong Liu's profile photomark myers's profile photoMargie N's profile photo
I have not kept up wth the emails - I do hope for some closure for the survivor's. WHAT REALLY HAPPEN? 
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Sen. Barbara Mikulski’s surprise retirement announcement Monday sets off a mad scramble among Maryland Democrats for the wide-open contest.
Several Democratic House members are eyeing the seat while GOP hopes to make it competitive.
Ani Cole's profile photoLunetebahia Bahia's profile photoAlejandro Perales's profile photoDong Liu's profile photo
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Speaking at AIPAC, Netanyahu said his controversial speech to Congress is not intended to "inject Israel into the American partisan debate."
"The last thing that I would want is for Israel to become a partisan issue," he said.
Brenda Schouten-Beckett's profile photoLunetebahia Bahia's profile photoDong Liu's profile photoPATRICIA STOCKMAN-BEATTY's profile photo
Bullshit he just being nice ha ha ha"; ) He is good man, the PM, Obama lies under Oath on the Bible ha ha ha! you must think the American people or Stupid.. Not good....
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Without new funding, Homeland Security would shut down at midnight.
Lunetebahia Bahia's profile photoDong Liu's profile photo‫ايهاب عتيق صالح السلامي السلامي‬‎'s profile photomark myers's profile photo
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"Politics is a game of addition, not a game of subtraction," Russo told The Hill. "One of the things we feel like has been mischaracterized widely is 'conservatives don’t have any ideas, all we do is vote "no" on President Obama’s wonderful agenda.'"
Sal Russo is cautioning conservatives to make sure they’re articulating big ideas.
De Hoeksteen's profile photoLunetebahia Bahia's profile photoJean-Roger Kaseki's profile photoDong Liu's profile photo
"My way or the highway"... who can agree with this POS?
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"I think it's somewhat ironic to see some members of Congress wanting to make common cause with the hardliners in Iran,” Obama said.
He said it is “ironic” that lawmakers would “make common cause with the hardliners in Iran."
Dong Liu's profile photo‫ايهاب عتيق صالح السلامي السلامي‬‎'s profile photoPatti Fischer's profile photoJohn Eng Woo's profile photo
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Koch Industries told lawmakers to oppose reauthorizing the Export-Import Bank in a letter sent to Congress on Tuesday and obtained by The Hill.
The firm headed by billionaire conservatives Charles and David Koch opposes reauthorization.
Lunetebahia Bahia's profile photoDong Liu's profile photoMargie N's profile photoJohn Eng Woo's profile photo
Only "cats out of the bag" I've seen has been the Democrat Octopus like tendrils grabbing more & more power as quickly as they can... leaving America unable  to fart properly.    The "Get along Gang" of the Republicans have long ago joined them... That "reach across  the ISLE" Manure ... has ;oing gone by the way.
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When asked to comment on Warren, Warren Buffett said that "she would do better if she was less angry and demonized less."
The billionaire investor also predicted Hillary Clinton will "very likely" be president.
Luke Vaughan's profile photoLunetebahia Bahia's profile photoAlejandro Perales's profile photoDong Liu's profile photo
This squaw heap big liar.  She go far in DNC.
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“There are multiple battles ahead," a commissioner said.
The FCC’s approval of net neutrality regulations is just the beginning of a high-stakes fight.
D Mac's profile photoAlejandro Perales's profile photoLunetebahia Bahia's profile photoDong Liu's profile photo
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"I’m very uncomfortable…they sit in a room with a dictator to get $10 or 15 million and we have no idea what they discussed," Gingrich said of the Clintons.
Former Speaker warns of the threat of radical Islam and foreign money coming into the U.S.
Lunetebahia Bahia's profile photoLee Sales's profile photoDong Liu's profile photoVeritas vos liberabit's profile photo
Robert: I probably do have numbers, but are they still working.?... I doubt it.   My family who basically passed for White, lived in the mid-clutches of an almost fully stocked  KKK neighborhood in the South.   .That was the 1950s and that whole neighborhood has been all but torn down now due to the expansion of a Hospital.... Thanx
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