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  • Iran tests show need to keep US missile defenses up to date

    As Iran continues testing ballistic missiles designed to carry nuclear weapons (“Iran test-fires new round of ballistic missiles,” March 9), the need to fully fund our ground-based midcourse defense (GMD) system has never been clearer. 

    GMD has been in use for over a decade and has...

  • It is crucial that the American people participate this election

    Last year, if you had told me that Donald Trump would be leading the pack of potential Republican presidential nominees, I would have laughed until my stomach ached. I couldn’t fathom the American people possibly taking him seriously. At that time, the more appropriate conversation in my mind...

  • Medical devices safe from hackers

    The Hill’s Feb. 27 article “Medical devices could be lethal in hands of hackers” does not accurately describe the steps medical technology companies take to help ensure their products are protected from cybersecurity threats. This lack of context could give a false impression of the risks of...

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  • Stand by Afghanistan’s courageous women

    Even amid war, Afghan women slowly transform their country for the better.

  • What happened to the American dream?

    For many years, politicians from both sides of the aisle have tried to endear themselves to the populace by claiming they are deeply concerned about the economic welfare of average Americans, as well as the preservation and enhancement of “the American dream.” Despite their multitudinous...

  • Did pirates kill ‘Hannibal’?

    I’ve had the great privilege of working in the film and television business for nearly four decades. I count myself among the fortunate few who have been able to oversee the production of movies and TV shows beloved by millions. To this day, despite the success I’ve enjoyed, I take nothing for...