Minecraft Adventures w/ Apple - TERRA SWOOP AWESOMENESS! (Terra Swoop Force Part 1)
Terra Swoop Force Map -
Thanks You Noxcrew for making an awesome map!
Hello der my friends and welcomes to the best adventures that mees and
Apples ever wents on!
Today were do part one of the Terra Swoop Force
Adventure Map. If your guys have not already make sure to go checking out this adventures map because it is a fantastic! Any way guys I hope that your likeded this adventure map and as the always Dirts, Have the
Great Day :)
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Hey guys, welcome back to another
Minecraft Adventures with
Apple! Today ThatGuyBarney is joined by (you’ll never guess) Apple for a Minecraft Adventure Map called Terra Swoop Force! They jump through a teleporter and end up in a helicopter – after landing, they head outside, where they find a building to head into. They’re greeted inside by a woman at the front desk, who sends them upstairs for a briefing of their mission. The Geo
Descent Labs briefing begins with a presentation, which tells them that their mission is to fly to the center of the earth in Thermal
Flight Armor and power up the
Bore Drill so it can be brought back to the surface – and recover the bodies of the last crew that attempted it, if at all possible. They take an elevator down to the armory, where they don their Thermal Flight Armor. SkyDoesMinecraft and TimDotTV crash
Barney’s studio for a minute to get
Barney to
sign the office petition for a new coffee maker (which, I might add, was successful and we are now in possession of a functioning coffee maker amen), then they head over for Apple’s signature. Getting back into it, they hop into another elevator which takes them down to a
hole. They jump into the hole and fly through a cavernous maze, where they must dodge the obstacles to make it safely through. Apple makes the mistake of flying into a waterfall, which short circuits his suit and kills him. Barney, on the other hand, makes it to base camp alpha. They move onto the next tunnel, and Apple jumps in only to be immediately blown up in a sacrifice to
Goat. Getting back on track, they jump again. Barney dies.
Eventually he makes it to the next checkpoint and awaits Apple (who’s busy accidentally collecting Noxesium and dying). They huddle up in the second base camp, and that’s it for this episode of Minecraft Adventures with Apple!
Join us next time for the continuation of this Terra Swoop Force map, and thanks for watching!
Apple – https://www.youtube.com/RedVacktor