- published: 30 Jul 2013
- views: 21678
An airplane or aeroplane (informally plane) is a powered, fixed-wing aircraft that is propelled forward by thrust from a jet engine or propeller. Airplanes come in a variety of sizes, shapes, and wing configurations. The broad spectrum of uses for airplanes includes recreation, transportation of goods and people, military, and research. Commercial aviation is a massive industry involving the flying of tens of thousands of passengers daily on airliners. Most airplanes are flown by a pilot on board the aircraft, but some are designed to be remotely or computer-controlled.
The Wright brothers invented and flew the first airplane in 1903, recognized as "the first sustained and controlled heavier-than-air powered flight". They built on the works of George Cayley dating from 1799, when he set forth the concept of the modern airplane (and later built and flew models and successful passenger-carrying gliders). Between 1867 and 1896, the German pioneer of human aviation Otto Lilienthal also studied heavier-than-air flight. Following its limited use in World War I, aircraft technology continued to develop. Airplanes had a presence in all the major battles of World War II. The first jet aircraft was the German Heinkel He 178 in 1939. The first jet airliner, the de Havilland Comet, was introduced in 1952. The Boeing 707, the first widely successful commercial jet, was in commercial service for more than 50 years, from 1958 to at least 2013.
130719 f(x) play pink tape 루나 추천곡 airplane
Clair de Lune (Extended)
f(x) Luna / 루나
F(x) - Airplane [English subs + Romanization + Hangul] HD
f(x) - Airplane (VOSTFR+COLOR CODED)
KCON Paris - Luna (루나) & Amber (엠버) of F(x) - Arrival at CDG Airport, by Franc C
[COVER] f(x) 에프엑스 - Airplane
f(x) - Airplane, 에프엑스 - 에어플레인, Show Champion 20130731
[中韓字幕] f(x) - 여우 같은 내 친구 狐狸一般的我朋友 (No More)
Luna(c) EP25. 루나의 바디&헤어 관리법 [루나의 알파벳]
f(x) 130719 play pink tape 뮤직스포일러
The extended version of Clair de Lune. I'm happy that so many people enjoy this. I hope it continues to help you live your days.
♥ Spreading the love for kpop ♥ 01. 첫 사랑니 (Rum Pum Pum Pum): http://youtu.be/LVnV-B3FzB8 02. 미행 (그림자 Shadow): http://youtu.be/LY25vVPCKr8 03. Pretty Girl: http://youtu.be/S8KWZ6uGeks 04. Kick: http://youtu.be/2gN5MaWZj7Q 05. 시그널 (Signal): http://youtu.be/pqvxZA22XoY 06. Step: http://youtu.be/QQvgvEf5DFE 07. Goodbye Summer (f(Amber+Luna+Krystal)) (Feat. D.O. of EXO-K): http://youtu.be/03TO5Ln1tCY 08. Airplane: ♥ 09. Toy: http://youtu.be/WMfVQHXg8cc 10. 여우 같은 내 친구 (No More): http://youtu.be/6cX0OMtIFkc 11. Snapshot: http://youtu.be/agLDAzOtZaA 12. Ending Page: http://youtu.be/A2hX9h4nXmU Artist: F(x) Song: Airplane Album: Pink Tape Blog: http://lovekpopsubs.blogspot.com Twitter: https://twitter.com/LoveKpopSubs Instagram @lovekpopsubs -----Credits----- Han: Daum Music Rom: thelapan Eng...
Pas de HD ― f(x) - Airplane (VOSTFR) vert/green: Luna bleu/blue: Victoria rouge/red: Krystal violet/purple: Amber rose/pink: Sulli THE VIDEOS ARE NOT OURS, ALL RIGHTS BELONG TO THEIR CREATORS. WE ONLY MAKE THE FRENCH SUBTITLES, PLEASE DO NOT DELETE THEM. Vous pouvez retrouver nos traductions de vos groupes préférés dans nos playlists YouTube regroupant nos traductions par artistes ! Suivez nous sur Twitter: https://twitter.com/Aisarangsub
KCON France - When we are in the Charles de Gaulle Airport waiting for our flight, we have the surprise of finding F(x) (에프엑스) Members Amber (엠버) and Luna arriving at the Airport in order to come back to Korea after the show. June 3, 2016.
Hi everyone:) Welcome to my latest cover video!!! The last cover that I have done is f(x)'s rum pum pum pum and seriously the whole album "Pink Tape" is really really my favourite within this two month, so I decided to cover two more songs from the album, here comes one of the them. I just love the song airplane so much, especially Luna and Amber's verse, their voices match the song really well. I also love the lyrics of this song! So beautiful! Since this is a really rough cover, hope you guys still love this! This song only have a short live version so i decided to mix two live together, luckly the music and the video is quite well matched!:) Hugs, Carrie Instrumental credit: Ca2Paradise (I made the inst myself) Video Credit: KMnetLive2 and KMusicLiveMBC Disclaimer: I own nothing e...
☞ Did you enjoy this video? Plz click "like"! ☞ For more awesome videos, subscribe our channels!! Daily update available! 공식 홈페이지 http://www.mbcplus.com/program/champion/ 방송시간 Wed 오후 06:00~ f(x) - Airplane, 에프엑스 - 에어플레인 EP72, 2013/07/31, MBC TV, Republic of Korea
#修正:1:52 韓文歌詞 "시작된 (開始)" 應為 "끝난 니 (結束)" 中文沒錯XD Buy it on itunes:https://itunes.apple.com/us/album/f-x-the-2nd-album-pink-tape/id677605556 耶~我又做了XD 這張專輯真的聽一首愛一首啊^_^b 這兩天的新歡是這首♥ 每個女生都會有這樣的朋友吧 可能有戀愛體質(?) 瘋狂陷入戀愛又瘋狂受傷 談戀愛的時候見色忘友 失戀又會來跟你吐苦水 看不慣她的作為卻又無法對她置之不理 歌詞可愛又生活化 加上一些成員像音效的效果真的是可愛可愛再可愛^////////^ 雪莉的"哼!"真的很驚喜!!哈哈哈哈 我的推特:https://twitter.com/allabtmii 我的微博:http://www.weibo.com/allabtmii 에프엑스 / Victoria 빅토리아 宋茜 / Amber 엠버 劉逸雲 / Luna 루나 朴善怜 / Sulli 설리 崔珍麗 / Krystal 크리스탈 鄭秀晶
Luna's Alphabet Channel Youtube subscribe : https://goo.gl/Bwj41e 에프엑스 페북: https://www.facebook.com/fx.smtown Vyrl 에프엑스: http://www.vyrl.com/fx 루나의 모든 것을 볼 수있는 신개념 버라이어티 채널 '루나의 알파벳' 이전 영상 보러가기 - Previous Episode EP01. 알파벳의 시작 : https://youtu.be/auFYtihz1-w EP02. 아티의 멘붕하루 : https://youtu.be/wCHGpkU-1d8 EP03. EDM 클럽공연 부산행 with 엠버 : http://youtu.be/Y8HFmsyIjMg EP04. EDM 클럽공연 부산행 2 with 엠버 : https://youtu.be/fJ0Aqg8vprI EP05. f(x) 완전체 되다! : https://youtu.be/GAMrDzVDdnI EP06. STAGE SMTOWN 비하인드 공개 : https://youtu.be/NSc-GemAQRM EP07. 루나의 달콤한 휴가 in 문경 : https://youtu.be/f7FYim7bNQ4 EP08. 루감독의 도그 인생극장 : https://youtu.be/9IXyC0BfsTk EP09. 루나의 일본 뮤지컬 공연기 : https://youtu.be/pN8hfKJ4j7Y EP10. 루나의 "하와이 어디까지 놀아봤니?" : https://youtu.be/13bVVyQQ7-o EP11. 힐링 in 하와이 : https://youtu.be/zLU7-Ew0OU0 EP12...
f(x) 130719 play pink tape 뮤직스포일러
. 크리스탈, 설리, 빅토리아 - 슝하 엠버, 루나 - 급강하
Pink Tape - The 2nd Album ( Mp3 ) 01. Rum Pum Pum Pum 첫 사랑니 02. Shadow 미행 ( 그림자 ) 03. Pretty Girl 04. Kick 05. Signal 시그널 06. Step 07. Goodbye Summer Feat. D.O. ( Sung by Amber 엠버, Luna 루나, Krystal 크리스탈 ) 08. Airplane 09. Toy 10. No More 여우 같은 내 친구 11. Snapshot 12. Ending Page
Pink Tape - The 2nd Album ( Mp3 ) 01. Rum Pum Pum Pum 첫 사랑니 02. Shadow 미행 ( 그림자 ) 03. Pretty Girl 04. Kick 05. Signal 시그널 06. Step 07. Goodbye Summer Feat. D.O. ( Sung by Amber 엠버, Luna 루나, Krystal 크리스탈 ) 08. Airplane 09. Toy 10. No More 여우 같은 내 친구 11. Snapshot 12. Ending Page
Pink Tape - The 2nd Album ( Mp3 ) 01. Rum Pum Pum Pum 첫 사랑니 02. Shadow 미행 ( 그림자 ) 03. Pretty Girl 04. Kick 05. Signal 시그널 06. Step 07. Goodbye Summer Feat. D.O. ( Sung by Amber 엠버, Luna 루나, Krystal 크리스탈 ) 08. Airplane 09. Toy 10. No More 여우 같은 내 친구 11. Snapshot 12. Ending Page
Pink Tape - The 2nd Album ( Mp3 ) 01. Rum Pum Pum Pum 첫 사랑니 02. Shadow 미행 ( 그림자 ) 03. Pretty Girl 04. Kick 05. Signal 시그널 06. Step 07. Goodbye Summer Feat. D.O. ( Sung by Amber 엠버, Luna 루나, Krystal 크리스탈 ) 08. Airplane 09. Toy 10. No More 여우 같은 내 친구 11. Snapshot 12. Ending Page
Pink Tape - The 2nd Album ( Mp3 ) 01. Rum Pum Pum Pum 첫 사랑니 02. Shadow 미행 ( 그림자 ) 03. Pretty Girl 04. Kick 05. Signal 시그널 06. Step 07. Goodbye Summer Feat. D.O. ( Sung by Amber 엠버, Luna 루나, Krystal 크리스탈 ) 08. Airplane 09. Toy 10. No More 여우 같은 내 친구 11. Snapshot 12. Ending Page
Pink Tape - The 2nd Album ( Mp3 ) 01. Rum Pum Pum Pum 첫 사랑니 02. Shadow 미행 ( 그림자 ) 03. Pretty Girl 04. Kick 05. Signal 시그널 06. Step 07. Goodbye Summer Feat. D.O. ( Sung by Amber 엠버, Luna 루나, Krystal 크리스탈 ) 08. Airplane 09. Toy 10. No More 여우 같은 내 친구 11. Snapshot 12. Ending Page
Pink Tape - The 2nd Album ( Mp3 ) 01. Rum Pum Pum Pum 첫 사랑니 02. Shadow 미행 ( 그림자 ) 03. Pretty Girl 04. Kick 05. Signal 시그널 06. Step 07. Goodbye Summer Feat. D.O. ( Sung by Amber 엠버, Luna 루나, Krystal 크리스탈 ) 08. Airplane 09. Toy 10. No More 여우 같은 내 친구 11. Snapshot 12. Ending Page
Pink Tape - The 2nd Album ( Mp3 ) 01. Rum Pum Pum Pum 첫 사랑니 02. Shadow 미행 ( 그림자 ) 03. Pretty Girl 04. Kick 05. Signal 시그널 06. Step 07. Goodbye Summer Feat. D.O. ( Sung by Amber 엠버, Luna 루나, Krystal 크리스탈 ) 08. Airplane 09. Toy 10. No More 여우 같은 내 친구 11. Snapshot 12. Ending Page