With over 8,000 rescue operations already underway, emergency workers have a battle against them as meteorologists warn the waters are expected to continue rising for days, according to The Associated Press. The Seine River has overflowed causing one town to be wholly evacuated as both government and citizen groups work to rescue those stranded by the flooding ... ... "Apart from that, we find it very entertaining ... –WN.com, Maureen Foody....
(CNN)A baby with Zika virus-related microcephaly was born in New Jersey on Tuesday, hospital officials said. The baby and mother are stable and doing well following the cesarean delivery, said Dr. Abdulla Al-Kahan, director of maternal and fetal medicine at Hackensack University Medical Center. "The mother is stable, obviously sad, which is the normal emotional reaction given the situation," he said ... Read More ...CDC confirmation ... ....
Thai wildlife authorities found 40 tiger cub carcasses in a freezer in Thailand’s infamous Tiger Temple on Wednesday as they removed live animals in response to international pressure over suspected trafficking and abuse ... But the temple has been investigated for suspected links to wildlife trafficking and abuse ... Reuters. . . ....
It figures that anyone with some knowledge of American popular culture who came across him in public would know him right away ... A new promotional clip for the company shows O'Neal in various disguises as a driver, talking with passengers who somehow do not recognize him beneath his comically large afro or get-up ... - - - - - - -....
Today was the Morgan State UniversityChoir's final day in Cuba! Typically, our international tours have been at least ten days; however, we chose to have a shorter stay in Cuba, given the relative newness of the rekindling of American-Cuban relations ... It was as though everyone in the country was told to be as kind to visitors (Americans) as possible, although I am sure this was not the case....
40 years after the US formally criminalized the participation of US citizens in economic boycotts of the state of Israel, Americans remain strongly divided on the question of the BDS movement, which seeks to protest Israeli behavior in the occupied territories through boycotts, divestment, and sanctions ... sentiment at American college campuses....
The names these groups take – “Patriot Movement,” “Freemen,” “Sovereign Citizens“ – serve to legitimize them in American eyes, drawing on the narrative that true Americans are not only able – but expected – to throw off oppression themselves ... Trump has on many occasions claimed that America is “lost” to the American people ... Politics is increasingly divisive, and anger is the defining characteristic of American society....
"AmericanSniper" New YorkPremiere - Inside ArrivalsNEW YORK, NY – DECEMBER 15. ActressStacey Dash attends the “American Sniper” New York Premiere at Frederick P ... In recent months American politicians have introduced legislation in Mississippi and North Carolina mandating transgender people relieve themselves in communal restrooms designated for the gender they were at birth ... ....
According to a study from the American Sociological Association, which placed calls to 640 therapists in New York City, therapists are less likely to return calls from perspective patients whom they assume to be poor and black ... According to the NAACP, 18% of African-Americans under 65 years old go without health insurance, and even the expansion, while the rate for the United States as a whole is 10.4%....
IN REALITY, BY ANY NUMBER OF MEASURES THE AMERICAN ECONOMY IS WORSE OFF THAN WHEN OBAMA TOOK OFFICE. American Incomes Are Falling... Middle-Income AmericanFamilies 'Make Substantially LessMoney' In Inflation Adjusted Terms Than Years Ago And 'There Is No Evidence That Is Reversing.' 'A middle-income American family, in other words, makes substantially less money in inflation-adjusted terms than it did 15 years ago....
Snoop’s point is that seeing more stories about African-Americans who are successful would inspire more minorities to overcome the difficult circumstances in which many find themselves ... The stories of modern African-American entrepreneurs and visionaries may not be as dramatic as the historical ones, but they are still compelling ... Many involve young African-American men with guns....
"Many Americans want to reduce sodium in their diets, but that’s hard to do when much of it is in everyday products we buy in stores and restaurants ... The average American adult takes in about 3,400 milligrams of sodium per day — about ... They are voluntary and call for a very gradual implementation, so Americans probably ......
US drone strikes in Pakistan “must stop”, Pakistan’s powerful army chief General Raheel Sharif said on Wednesday, days after American special forces killed Taliban chief Mullah Mansour in a drone attack in the country’s restive Balochistan province... “We have removed the leader of an organisation that has continued to plot against and unleash attacks on American and Coalition forces....
drone strikes in Pakistan “must stop”, Pakistan’s Army chief General Raheel Sharif said on Wednesday, days after American special forces killed Taliban chief Mullah Akhtar Mansour in a drone attack in the country’s restive Balochistan province... had said American forces would continue to go after threats on Pakistani soil....