Robin Robins - The 12 Months Of IT Services Marketing
Robin Robins,
CEO and
Author of
Technology Marketing Toolkit
The 12 Months Of Marketing
1. Pick a single, lucrative target market to focus on.
2. Have a compelling marketing message as to WHY that target market should choose YOU. (
Note: If you can't do this, then innovate, improve and revise your service offering so you TRULY have a compelling, TRUTHFUL reason why someone will
WANT to choose you over the competition.
Remember, service marketing starts with the service.)
3. Offer solid PROOF to backup your marketing claims in the form of client testimonials, guarantees, statistics about your service levels, etc.
4. Make sure your website SELLS you and isn't just a boring list of things you DO.
5. Implement a referral SYSTEM for asking for, following up on and rewarding your clients for referrals. (To quote
Edwards Deming, "If you can't describe what you are doing as a process, you don't know what you're doing.")
Develop a professional sales PROCESS that builds value, overcomes objections and closes the sale.
Launch at least ONE
NEW product or service to your existing customers (and prospects!) at least once a quarter, ideally every other month. (Note: Make sure you are selling services and products your customers want to
BUY, not what you think they should buy or what you can easily deliver.)
8. Implement at least one stay-in-touch marketing communication that is truly relevant, interesting and entertaining to your clients and prospects.
9. Make sure EVERYONE on your staff knows how to handle a client complaint, how to look for opportunities and how to
SELL. (Marketing is not a department.)
10. Develop at LEAST 3 solid Marketing Oil
Wells you can rely on to feed you quality new prospects and clients on a monthly basis.
11. Aggressively seek strategic partnerships with other non-competitive businesses and associations for the purposes of getting more new clients.
Nobody gets paid for good intentions, good ideas or for "should." Only
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Published by:
Technology Marketing Toolkit, Inc. 751
Cool Springs Blvd., Suite 104
Franklin, TN 37067
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Legal Notices:
While all attempts have been made to verify the information provided in this book and accompanying audio program, neither the Author nor the Publisher assumes any responsibility for errors, inaccuracies or omissions. Before implementing these strategies, you must be aware of the various laws governing business transactions, marketing or other business practices in your particular geographic location as some of the suggestions made in this book and audio program may have inadvertently introduced practices deemed unlawful in certain states, municipalities and countries. This book is not intended for use as a source of legal or accounting advice. In all cases, you should consult the services of a professional, licensed attorney in all matters pertaining to the operation, delivery and marketing of your business and services.