The Collège du Saint Esprit is a secondary school in Mauritius. The school consist of a boys-only department based in Quatre Bornes and a mixed school based in Riviere Noire, students are prepared for the School Certificate and the Higher School Certificate.
The secondary school was founded in January 1938 by Fathers of the Congregation of The Holy Spirit. In 1920, The 'Séminaire Père Laval' was inaugurated and in 1926 'le Collège Père Laval' was founded with priests as teachers. However, due to a lack of priests, 'le Collège Père Laval' closed its doors and it was only in 1938 that the college re-opened its doors as le Collège du Saint Esprit. In 1950, the college obtained its first laureate (Roland LAMUSSE). In 1972, l’Abbé Adrien WIEHE became the first Mauritian rector of the school and four years later there was the beginning of the secular administration with Mr Cyril LECKNING as rector of the college. The second secular rector was Mr Raymond RIVET in 1987 who was then succeeded by Mr Georges HO WAN KAU in 1995. Mr Jacques MALIE became Rector in 2000.