G-NAF & Administrative Boundaries now available from data.gov.au

The Assistant Minister for Cities and Digital Transformation, the Hon Angus Taylor MP has announced PSMA Australia’s products, G-NAF and Administrative Boundaries, are now available under open data terms.

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PSMA Australia offers authoritative, national location datasets which underpin an ever-expanding range of business solutions and government services.

Our flagship product, G-NAF, is Australia’s only authoritative, geocoded physical address file. G-NAF is complemented by datasets of roads, cadastre parcels, administrative boundaries, features of interest and more.

Used together, or separately, PSMA datasets provide the geographic context that enables effective decision-making and innovation based on quality location data.

Read More about PSMA Australia

G-NAF and Administrative Boundaries are available under open data terms from www.data.gov.au. For more information, click here


PSMA’s partner network

Corporate Publication

Our collaboration with a relatively small number of partners allows us share our data expertise with those organisations and enables them to multiply the impact our data has on the broader economy through their own distinctive commercial activities....

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PSMA responds to the Australian Government's release of G-NAF to the public


It's here! The much anticipated open release of G-NAF and Administrative Boundaries by the Australian Government has landed....

Read More about PSMA responds to the Australian Government's release of G-NAF to the public

Getting started with G-NAF - Hugh Saalmans


Interview with Hugh Saalmans, Location Science Manager at IAG. Hugh or @minus34 is an open data advocate and an expert user of G-NAF and Administrative Boundaries. In this interview, he provides some background and advice for getting started with these datasets....

Read More about Getting started with G-NAF - Hugh Saalmans

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