All the Light we Can Muster * Jill Renee Feeler
We launch into this new year with a message offering another perspective on what it means to be light in human form, what it means to be compassionate and how it is critically important to notice when your emotions are used to herd you into a certain way of thinking.
Whenever we feel disallowed or judged for asking questions or questioning public policy and media-fed thinking, please pause! This was a very challenging message to share, but I'm so glad we went into this important topic. Some solutions, aren't solving anything and seem to be creating bigger problems
For those not wanting to watch the full 1 hour and 17 minutes, fine with me. This isn't a fast food, drive-through experience - and neither is
Life btw.
Some news links you may appreciate to dig deeper:
Inspiring, evolutionary messages for personal joy and thriving in a non-religious yet deeply God-centered manner to expand consciousness, and help us evolve and thrive within our human experience. Jill
Renee Feeler is a speaker, published author, futurist, spiritual experiencer, alchemist, gifted intuitive and inspirational visionary for beings across the globe seek-ing personal re-union with God energy and
Consciousness. She has a bachelors degree in
Finance and Economics as well as an
MBA, with many years of success in business working for corporations in multiple industries. She awoke to her spiritual connection in 2008-2009 and has been passionate about integrating her connection along with her other ways of being human (Mom, wife, entrepreneur, etc
.). She is on the leading edge for ascended mastery in human form. Her work is truly unique, as her journey and wisdom are led by her own inner connection to
Source Creator God. Her purpose on
Earth includes embodying and sharing divine codes and activations for this next phase of human evolution, now underway. Her work is deep and captivating while also being fun and even playful, knowing the eternal light body is activated by an interdimensional approach that goes far beyond the five human senses. Jill is known to be inspiring, heartfelt, authentic, humorous and intelligent, helping us expand our concept of what it means to be divinely human, balanced spirit in form. She is a
Master awakening others Mastery.
Her insights related to the
Ages of Earth and the present
Ascension Cycle on Earth are inspiring, evolutionary and key for humanity’s progression. She applies this wisdom in all facets of her personal life, making it relevant and practical in our everyday lives. Jill delights in guiding and demonstrating her vision for the developing
Divine Human experience, filled with a sense of wholeness, well-being, joy and most importantly, love.
Her work is activating, expanding and life-changing for every human open to receive their inherent mastery. Jill lives in
Idaho with her husband of 20+ years, their 2 daughters and their many four legged friends.