To take on the problems not accept them

Workers have taken over plant: Maruti

NEW DELHI: The ongoing strike at Maruti Suzuki's plant in Manesar took a new turn on Monday with the company stating that workers have seized control of the factory . It said that workers attacked managers and supervisors and damaged equipment at the Manesar plant, shutting down production for a third consecutive day.

New Zealand: Vineyard Workers Go Wildcat

On Friday 22 July some forty contracted pruners and wrappers went on strike against our contractor, Kiwi Bunkhouse, Ltd.

Our demands were an increase in our per-plant rate, guaranteed minimum wage for workers who didn’t reach the threshold on their own, and to be treated with respect by our employer. This action was prompted by our contractor refusing to pay many workers the minimum wage. Trying to justify their actions, KBH accused “lazy people” of costing them money by intentionally not working hard.

Panic of the Plutocrats

It remains to be seen whether the Occupy Wall Street protests will change America’s direction. Yet the protests have already elicited a remarkably hysterical reaction from Wall Street, the super-rich in general, and politicians and pundits who reliably serve the interests of the wealthiest hundredth of a percent.

Occupy Wall Street ends capitalism's alibi

Occupy Wall Street has already weathered the usual early storms. The kept media ignored the protest, but that failed to end it. The partisans of inequality mocked it, but that failed to end it. The police servants of the status quo over-reacted and that failed to end it – indeed, it fueled the fire. And millions looking on said, "Wow!" And now, ever more people are organising local, parallel demonstrations – from Boston to San Francisco and many places between.

Occupy Wall Street: the direct action committee driving the protest's success

In a quiet park a short walk from the noise and bustle of the Occupy Wall Street protest in lower Manhattan, a handful of activists sit on the ground and talk tactics. They are members of the direct action committee, one of several "horizontal" working groups that have sprung up to ensure the protest is kept in the public eye.

So Real it Hurts - Notes on Occupy Wall Street

I first went down to Occupy Wall Street last Sunday, almost a week after it had started. I didn't go down before because I, like many of my other brown friends, was wary of what we had heard or just intuited that it was mostly a young, white male scene. When I asked friends about it they said different things: that it was really white; that it was all people they didn't know; and that they weren't sure what was going on. But after hearing about the arrests and police brutality on Saturday, September 24th and after hearing that thousands of people had turned up for their march I decided I needed to see this thing for myself.

Mining boom boosts Australia’s ultra-wealthy

In the past year, Australia’s richest 200 individuals have increased their collective wealth by 23 percent, or $33.1 billion, to a staggering $167.3 billion. The recently released Business Review Weekly (BRW) “Rich 200” points to escalating social inequality. Under conditions where working people are confronting worsening economic hardship, unprecedented levels of wealth are being concentrated in the hands of a tiny elite.

Noam Chomsky on the Occupy Wall Street protests

Noam Chomsky being interviewed by RT's Marina Portnaya about Occupy Wall Street.

IMF adviser: The global economy could collapse ‘in two to three weeks’

In an interview on BBC yesterday, International Monetary Fund (IMF) adviser Robert Shapiro said something quite alarming: without a plan to save the Euro, the global economy will collapse “in two to three weeks.”

Corporate fat cats cash in

Bosses of Australia's largest companies enjoyed pay rises almost three times the rate of inflation and equivalent to more than twice the average wage in the past year.

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