Before contacting us, read this:
  1. I want to publish my article in your journal.
    DOAJ is not a journal or a publisher; do not submit papers to us. We are a directory of open access journals.

  2. I want to index my journal in DOAJ. What do I do?
    Have a look at our Information for Publishers. If your journal fills our criteria please fill in an application.

  3. I have filled in an application or a reapplication. How long do I have to wait?
    We process applications as fast as possible. If you have not received an answer within 4 months, feel free to contact us but please check your Spam folder to make sure a message from us hasn't been spammed by your email program.

  4. Please send me articles about subject X.
    We do not supply that service. Use our subject browser and then contact the relevant journal.

  5. Please send me a list of journals on subject X.
    We do not supply that service. You can either use our subject browser, harvest our metadata or download a .csv file.

To contact us please send us email to feedback[at]doaj[.]org