FROM RUMOURS of free marks in tough Algebra paper to date declaration of results and even phony exam timetables are doing the rounds in the social media network—flooded with messages and WhatsApp forwards— proving to be a headache for state board officials.
Urging students “not to fall in the trap”, the Board officials said on Friday that any official announcement will be made through Board website and schools.
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A few days ago, 41 students of a city school missed their exam paper as they followed a wrong timetable which was forwarded to them through group messaging. Even as a police complaint was filed in that case, from Thursday students started calling helplines and counsellors to ask if the dates for the results have been declared. “I did get enquiries from students and I told them they should call up the Board helpline,” said Pavan Kumar Gaikwad, counsellor appointed by state board.
The message doing the rounds on Thursday read, “Board exam 2016 result date = H.S.C = 27/5/2016, S.S.C. = 6/6/2016”. However when asked, state board officials denied having made any date declaration.
Gangadhar Mhamane, chairman of Maharashtra State Board of Secondary and Higher Secondary Education (MSBSHSE) said that no such declaration had been made by the Board. Five days back, another rumour that created havoc was with reference to the Maths paper. Students got a message saying that moderators had been instructed by the Board to give full marks in Algebra paper (10) mark for question no 5 to any student who has attempted it and also full marks to students who attempted Qno 4 (iii) in Geometry paper. However, Sunil Magar, chairperson of MSBSHSE, Pune divisional board, said all these messages are false.