不朽之名曲 第一期Immortal Songs Episode 1: A-Lin"跟着感觉走"Follow Your Feelings 03012014
A-Lin performs singer
Su Rui's
Follow Your
Feelings (Gen Zhe Gan Ju Zou) on
Immortal Songs Episode 1 aired on 03-01-2014.
东方卫视大型音乐类明星对抗真人秀《不朽之名曲》将于3月1日晚开播.第一期节目将邀请华语乐坛天后苏芮,人气偶像周笔畅,飞儿乐团,平安,信,陈楚 生,A-LIN和一位重量级的神秘嘉宾,其中信还将担任主持人.该节目版权来自于韩国火热的同名节目,由竞演歌手选择一首名曲进行改编演绎,而歌曲的经典 原唱也坐在台下进行点评,最后得分则由现场大众评审给出。
Shanghai Media Group presents Immortal Songs, a reality show for singers to test their musical abilities and challenge other major singers. The first season starts on March 1st. The show has invited some popular
Chinese singers from
China such as Su Rui,
Zhou Bichang and
Taiwanese participants including: A-LIN,
F.I.R and
Shin etc. There is an unknown special guest feature in the show. Participants often use other singers' songs to adapt and mix a new version from the original, the original singer of the song would also be invited to rate and comment on the show, making the whole process even more exciting.The show is on air since March 1st, 2014.
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