The powers-that-be in NSW have deemed that there are so many examples of “unsafe protest activities” across the state that, to make everyone safe, we need new laws that will protect “lawful business activity”.

“Thank you for these protests. We love you and our hearts are with you in this moment.”

This message was sent from a refugee inside Northam Detention Centre in West Australia to activists who were protesting outside.

Australia is a wealthy country, but the reality is that 60% of that wealth is in the hands of the richest 20%, while the poorest 20% own virtually nothing. We need a radically different future!

Aboriginal activist and writer Ken Canning will head the Socialist Alliance NSW Senate ticket in the coming federal election. “I've joined this election campaign to build a people's movement."

A new wave of feminists is appearing, but sexism and misogyny in Australia is alive and well and still thrives among the younger generation.