Green Left Weekly Radio

Friday 7:00am to 8:30am
A weekly source of alternative information which aims to inspire action and organisation to put people and the environment first. Covering international political issues and struggles against the exploitation of the people and exposing the bias in mainstream media that preferences the power brokers and denies access to information.


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Green Left Weekly Radio

About Green Left Weekly Radio

Green Left Weekly Radio

with Lalitha and Zane

Friday 18 March, 2016 - Sustainable Breakfast Week (at Friends Of The Earth)

7:00am Mikaila tells us What's For Breakfast on the FOE Food Co-op menu today

7:05am Green Left Weekly discuss the murder of Bertha Caseres in Honduras 1.5 weeks ago; the killing of another comrade, Nelson Garcia, from the Council of Popular and Indigenous Organisations of Honduras (COPINH); the lawyer for Bertha is detained in Honduras for one month and not allowed to leave the country (he is from Mexico); and Hilary Clinton's collaboration with the Honduran government. Also further discussions on the NSW laws against protest with some draconian penalties; Sue Higgins, the Environmental Defenders Office labelled it "... a substantial intrusion on civil liberties"; and Stewart Murray, a farmer from Narrabrai said that, "...high fines will not stop farmers from protesting against CSG"

7:20am Joining Lalitha and Zane is FOE's Campaign Coordinator, Cam Walker. Discussions include issues around climate change, as well as the politics of big business statewide and internationally. Cam also covers campaigns that are currently being run by FOE, including commentary about the oppression demonstrated in the killing of Bertha Caseres from Honduras; the role and relationship between Indigenous peoples around the world and sustainability.

7.30am With 3CR turning 40 in 2016, station volunteer, Teishan, shares snippets of radical campaigns covered by 3CR over the decades and the station's role in providing a platform for activism as part of 'movement radio'. Teishan also speaks about 3CR's "If People Powered Radio" exhibition launching tonight at Gertrude Contemporary.

7:45am Interview with Margarita Windich, long term feminist and eco-socialist speaking about her Masters thesis on heat waves and women. Margarita discusses how heat waves inpact on women, climate and food and also explores the politics of climate change.

7:55am Community activist, Melissa Corbett, joins Zane to talk eco-socialism. She clarifies the difference between "socialism'' and eco-socialism also delves into capitalism and modes of production.

8.15am Syphon and Dr Fruit freestyling over Dilla beats

A newspaper that campaigns for people and environment before profits