Exclusively in the New Print Issue of CounterPunch

Screen Shot 2016-03-07 at 6.41.01 PMThe Torments of Scalia

Jeffrey St. Clair on the brutal jurisprudence of Antonin Scalia; Inside the CIA: Melvin Goodman recounts his battles with William Casey and Robert Gates; Prisoners of War: Jennifer Lowenstein on Syria, Iraq and the Silenced Majority; Steeltown, USA: Lee Ballinger on the collapse of the industrial midwest; Hillary in Honduras: Nick Alexandrov exposes Hillary Clinton’s nasty role in the Honduran coup; The Red-Baiting of Bernie Sanders: Yvette Carnell excoriates the black political class for turning its back on the rich history of black socialism; Holland’s Climate Crisis: Dave Lindorff reports from Amsterdam on how are the Dutch are taking action against rising sea levels; Populists United: Sam Husseini charts a way out of the two-party stranglehold on American politics. PLUS: Mike Whitney on the easy money con of the central banks; Chris Floyd on the rotten choices offered by democracy; Luciana Bohne on the films of Ettore Scola; and Javier Sethness Castro interviews Kim Stanley Robinson on radical politics and science fiction novels.

Bernie, Black, and Blue: Reflections on Race in the Democratic Primaries

One of the more irritating and disturbing things about some of the older white, middle-class and stereotypically pony-tailed Berniebros I regularly overhear in person and online is the grumbling they do about the difficulties their nominally socialist hero Bernie Sanders has had with the Black vote in the Democratic presidential primaries. “What’s wrong with these Black voters?” they say. “Why would they vote for that racist monster Hillary Clinton? Why don’t they get it that Bernie is their candidate? I just don’t understand it.”

Listen to the complaint of a white middle-aged Sanders supporter who wrote me two days ago from the small and 85% white town of Somers, Wisconsin as follows on Facebook: “Any African-American who would back Clinton over Sanders is a blithering fool! The excuse ‘we don't know him’ doesn't fly. GET TO KNOW HIM. It's your obligation as a voter, lazy ass!” Correspondents tell me they have heard similar sentiments expressed by younger white Sandernistas. It’s not just an old-guy thing. More

Skin in the Game: Obama and the Destruction of Libya

Of the many crimes committed in the name of humanitarian intervention by the West, the destruction of Libya in 2011 is among the most heinous. It was a classic example of ‘destroying the village in order to save it’ that will and must never be forgotten.

In 2016 seek not a truthful or accurate rendering of liberal democracy in the words of the US Declaration of Independence, US Constitution or Bill of Rights. Seek it not either in the grand statues and monuments that clog Whitehall in central London, nor in the stirring words of the Marseillaise, the national anthem of the French Republic. More

Exposing the Libyan Agenda: a Closer Look at Hillary’s Emails

The brief visit of then-Secretary of State Hillary Clinton to Libya in October 2011 was referred to by the media as a “victory lap.” “We came, we saw, he died!” she crowed in a CBS video interview on hearing of the capture and brutal murder of Libyan leader Muammar el-Qaddafi.

But the victory lap, write Scott Shane and Jo Becker in the New York Times, was premature. Libya was relegated to the back burner by the State Department, “as the country dissolved into chaos, leading to a civil war that would destabilize the region, fueling the refugee crisis in Europe and allowing the Islamic State to establish a Libyan haven that the United States is now desperately trying to contain.” More

This Week on CounterPunch Radio
Douglas Lain

  • HOST: Eric Draitser
  • GUEST: Douglas Lain
  • TOPICS: Identity and subjectivity, authenticity, the overlap between politics and art, and so much more.

Not Even a Dime’s Worth of Difference

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