Marxist interventions

Submission guidelines

Marxist interventions will publish theory and empirical research informed by Marxism. There will be a bias towards Australian subject matter but MI will also publish material on other countries and global issues. We seek contributions from those who work in or outside universities, based in Australia or elsewhere.

Material will be published after a double-blind review process.

Contributions will generally be about 7,000 words long but may be significantly shorter or more extensive, depending on the nature of the material and topics.

The editors play a very active sub-editorial role to ensure that articles are well-written and accessible. They are supported by the broader editorial board.

Contributors should down load the MI style sheet, a Word 2003 template. It describes the MI style conventions and includes Word styles used in the production of the journal.

To use the style sheet in Word 2003

Put the template into a document folder where you can find it again. In the folder double click on the template. This should open Word and create a new document (.doc extension) based on the template. It will have all the MI specifications as Word styles as well as text which provides examples of and describes the styles.

Copy the whole of your article into the new document, in front of the descriptions of the styles, which you will need as a guide for which Word style to apply to paragraphs and other elements you have just pasted in.

Save the new document with a new name

To apply Word styles

Menu View/Normal

Menu Tools/Options/View/Style area width 2cm

You should now be able to see the style area on the left of the document.

To attach a Word style to a para, double click in the style area next to the para. This should pop up a box with available styles. Click on the appropriate style. Look at the style descriptions to work out which style to apply. To view the footnote styles: Menu View/Footnote.

Note, in the footnotes, the footnote number should be followed by a tab only, not a space. Footnote numbers are superscripted in the body text but not in the footnotes. To remove superscripting from the footnote numbers in the footnotes select all footnotes (open any footnote in normal view then highlight all footnotes) then Menu Format/Font then make sure the box next to Superscript is empty and white (you may have to click in the box twice to achieve this). All the other effects in addition to Superscript should also have empty white boxes next to them.

When you have restyled the document you can delete the style descriptions from the end of it.

As a matter of computer hygiene, save and back up frequently.