Posts Tagged ‘Coca Cola’
Bloomington, Indiana: Banner drop in solidarity with Fernando Bárcenas (USA)
Thursday, February 18th, 2016
Responding to the call for solidarity with Fernando Bárcenas, we hung a
banner with words of support for our comrade. Fernando is an anarchist
imprisoned by the Mexican state for burning a Coca-Cola tree during a
demonstration against the rise of Metro ticket prices.
We hope that small gestures like these will accumulate and spread,
contributing to an anarchist internationalism that seeks to destroy the
walls of borders and prisons alike.
Against all states, against all prisons!
Solidarity with Fernando and all rebellious prisoners!
Tags: Banner drop, Coca Cola, Fernando Barcenas Castillo, USA
Posted in Prison Struggle
Living Up To The Name, Guerrero (Mexico)
Saturday, February 21st, 2015
Here is an overview that we were sent reporting on some recent events in Guerrero, written by a Mexican anarchist living in the U$A
Guerrero, considered to be one of the most violent states in Mexico, seems to be in a never ending state of chaos. Murders in the beach resort town of Acapulco, the capital city Chilpancingo, multiple clandestine grave sites and of course, the Iguala massacre. Estado Fallido, failed state, is constantly used to describe Mexico, but especially Guerrero. No doubts there, police involvement in many heinous crimes, politicians and political parties working hand in hand with organized crime. A failed state, but what is a functioning state?
Tags: Coca Cola, Community Resistance, Drug War, Fuck the Law, Guerrero, Mexico, Petaquillas, Police Bastards, Repression
Posted in Autonomy
Anarchist comrade Fernando Barcenas Castillo sentenced to 5 years, 9 months (Mexico)
Thursday, December 11th, 2014
A few days fulfilled a year to the arrest of Fernando Barcenas Castillo after a march against the rising of the price of metro tickets, where the Christmas tree owned by the Coca-Cola multinational was burned. Today the sentence was dictated to the comrade- 5 years, 9 months for the crime of attacks against the public peace, so he misses bail.
At a time when the Mexican government is intensifying its repressive methods, certainly the sentence to Fernando is looking to send a message to inhibit the growing signs of discontent. That is why it is important to continue fighting for the freedom of our imprisoned comrades, do not let them go into oblivion.
Continue demonstrating that solidarity is more than a written word.
Freedom to Fernando Barcenas !
Solidarity with Carlos, Amelie and Fallon !
Freedom to Abraham and Luis Fernando !
Down the prison walls !
Anarchist Black Cross Mexico
Tags: ABC Mexico, Coca Cola, Fernando Barcenas Castillo, Mexico, Repression
Posted in Social Control
“Green Nemesis” project: Sabotage against Coca-cola & Nestle products by FAI/IRF (Greece)
Wednesday, January 1st, 2014
from InterArma, click for video and picture.
We break the silence. Our life looks like a frozen product ready to be sold. We live in the concrete metropolises of your civilization, we submissively execute the orders of the managers, the bosses, the superiors, we operate like programmed robots, we breathe the polluted air of your factories, we wander and die on the high speed highways of your commodities, we believe in the false avatars of wealth, we desire what the advertisements command us to desire, we fall in love via screens, we communicate via keyboards, we imprison ourselves inside walls and storefronts, serial numbers and barcodes. That’s it… We break free from your prison. We are aware of the fact that everybody talks today about the financial crisis’ curse. The preachers of politics are attempting to rectify the numbers, to improve statistics, to invent the social formulas of treatment and promises of salvation.
Nobody mentions, however, that economy, the domination of wealth in social relationships, is an achievement of civilization that you taught and fed us with, all these years.
Meanwhile, nobody seems concerned about the murder of nature, the torture and killing of the animals and generally about the extermination of the human being itself caused by the totalitarianism of science of technology, its laboratory experiments, the nuclear energy, the radioactive “accidents”, the GE products, the cannibalism of massive meat production industry, the pollution of the oceans, the chemical weapons, the genetic manipulation, the deforestation… (more…)
Tags: ALF, Coca Cola, Conspiracy of Cells of Fire, Earth Liberation Front, Greece, Green Nemesis project, Informal Anarchist Federation (FAI), International Revolutionary Front, International Solidarity, Nestle
Posted in Direct Action
Guayaquil: Bruno Fillipi Cell of Iconoclastic Individuals of FAI/IRF attacks Coca Cola bottling industry (Ecuador)
Thursday, May 24th, 2012
From culmine, transl waronsociety:
22 May 2012
I’d like to lay down in a soft bed, fragranced with roses…
“Watch out for thorns,” they tell me.
And what do I care? Given that thorns are not lacking in life,
I prefer those of roses that give so much joy along with the pain.
Today, Tuesday May 22nd 2012, at 3:00 AM we placed an explosive device which contained 3 sticks of dynamite in the electric energy source of one of the primary vertebrae of the capitalist system: the bottling industry of “Coca-Cola” located on Av. Juan Tanca Marengo Km 4.5 in the city of Guayaquil.
We have heard it and read it, that phrase resonating every time greater in our heads, and in this opportunity as in the future ones, we neither image nor want nor could remain paralyzed: This time upright, proud and dignified we furiously add our cry to the unison of the indomitable spirits: “NO WARRIOR IS ALONE.”
That no warrior is alone, that solidarity between anarchists is more than a written word, that memory is never lost!, we go due to the same sense that those words draw out in us, because it is the voice of our brothers and sisters who call to us, it is the blood that demands to be liberated, that ferociously shouts and wildly revenges, and again we cannot nor want to be deaf to that voice.
Since 2009, May 22 will never be a normal day, it cannot be a normal day for those who declare themselves in permanent war on the system, it will never be a normal day for those who feel close to one who gave expression to his life with the same attack, to the indomitable contradiction: to MAURICIO MORALES DUARTE, Punki Mauri; who — like each one of those who delve into the attacks against power — knew the fate that is latent in this, here there are only two certain ways: “DEATH OR PRISON.” And he took it on as such, as the inevitable, without lowering the gaze, without doubt, without casting lots. In the same way that we carry the whole soul tattooed in our principles.
Beautiful and voracious is the way of this war, beautiful and voracious in all its branches and in all its tactics, inaccessible to the bland in spirit and idea. For them only remains the “elite critique,” the university reasoning, the non-life of citizenry, the work with the enemy.
There are certain individuals or cells who loudly proclaim: “we do not need dates,” “we are the negation of sense” or etc. Well who cares, regardless of whether one believes each cell or individual, we do not remain calm on this and other days when our brothers and sisters have fallen, when the powder, the dynamite, the anfo, the books and bullets do not suffice us, because they are part of us and because at the time we are all part of a legacy of indomitable and implacable spirits who decisively confront authority.
On this occasion we also want to greet the compas of the CCF; Eat and Billy; Rami Syrianos; compa Tortuga and the compas in Chile; the cells that don’t give up in Chile, Greece, Bolivia, Peru and Italy; the prisoners everywhere and those who have gone into clandestinity, strength for all of you!
Punki Mauri, your desire for freedom is a bomb that is contagious!
We walk in the night
with a sun in our minds
and with two great stars of gold
at our burning eyes
Bruno Fillipi Cell of Iconoclastic Individuals
Very proud members of the FAI-FRI
Tags: Billy, Bruno Fillipi Cell of Iconoclastic Individuals / FAI-IRF, Coca Cola, Conspiracy of Cells of Fire : Imprisoned Members Cell, Eat, Ecuador, Guayaquil, Informal Anarchist Federation (FAI), International Revolutionary Front, International Solidarity, Luciano Pitronello Schuffeneger, Mauricio Morales, Rami Syrianos
Posted in Direct Action