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Generation Anthropocene: How humans have altered the planet for ever

Edit The Guardian 01 Apr 2016
We are living in the Anthropocene age, in which human influence on the planet is so profound – and terrifying – it will leave its legacy for millennia ... Solastalgia is not a malady specific to the present – we might think of John Clare as a solastalgic poet, witnessing his native Northamptonshire countryside disrupted by enclosure in the 1810s – but it has flourished recently ... the home become suddenly unhomely around its inhabitants ... ❦ ... ....

The top 10 moments that shaped Atlanta

Edit Atlanta Journal 04 Mar 2016
When Atlanta was founded in 1837, even the chief engineer of the railroad responsible for putting the town on the map didn’t expect much of the place ... This story originally appeared in the March/April 2016 edition of Living Intown Magazine. "View of the state railroad depot in Atlanta. Sketched by A.W ... The Creeks were ousted during the 1810s and ’20s after their leaders were pressured to sign treaties ceding their territory to the state....

Flashback Fotos: Historic downtown Lawrenceville

Edit Atlanta Journal 24 Feb 2016
Everyone loves old photos, and there are plenty of those below. But first -- some fun facts. Lawrenceville, Gwinnett's county seat, was established in 1820 and named for Capt ... The fourth street on the square, Clayton, is named for Congressman Augustin Clayton, a Virginia native who attended the University of Georgia and served in the state and federal legislatures in the 1810s, '20s and '30s. His granddaughter would later marry Henry W ... ....

City sees summer temparatures in winter season

Edit The Times of India 16 Dec 2015
MANGALURU. While many parts of the country are in the grip of extreme weather events since the past few years, Mangaluru too seems to have caught the trend. For example, this December winter has still not set in the coast ... (UHI) means the area that is significantly warmer than its surrounding rural areas due to human activities, a phenomenon was first investigated and described by Luke Howard in the 1810s ... ....

Mary Shelley's Dundee: Re-animating a City (University of Dundee)

Edit Public Technologies 09 Nov 2015
(Source. University of Dundee). Published On Mon 9 Nov 2015 by Grant Hill. Frankenstein author Mary Shelley's formative experiences in Dundee will be revisited in a series of events starting from tomorrow, ... The Dundee programme includes the production and exhibition of an original comic, theatrical adaptations and immersive film screenings that will explore Shelley's teenage years in Dundee in the 1810s ... The full list of events is ... ' ... Tel....

Sex, Bond and Shakespeare among words used in UK parliamentary speeches

Edit BBC News 06 Nov 2015
Sex, James Bond and Shakespeare are highlighted amongst the 1.6 billion words published in a searchable online archive of parliamentary speeches. The website, launched by the University of Glasgow, has details of speeches made by MPs spanning over 200 years. It shows that references to sex have been made over 23,000 times since 1803. They have gradually increased over time, rising from just 12 in the 1810s, to 5,256 in the 1990s ... ....

Weekly Roundup of eBay Vintage Home Finds

Edit Huffington Post 21 Sep 2015
This eclectic mix of vintage and antique home auctions caught my discerning eye because of their uniqueness, contemporary feel or highly collectible nature ... Don't miss the George Nelson wood clock, the Donald Duck barber chair, the Pierre Paulin ribbon chair, the 1960s Jean Carzou tray, the antique pantry box set, Karl Palda decanter set, the antique 1810s wine cooler and the Milo Baughman for Thayer Coggin chairs ... ....

The 5,000 year history of interest rates shows just how historically low US rates are right now

Edit Business Insider 18 Sep 2015
Haldane's list of sources for this is pretty staggering (and you can look through them all here.) ... Check them out below. Mesopotamia, c 3000 BC. 20% Babylon, Code of Hammurabi, 1772 BC ... rates of 40+% ... 9.92% US, West Florida annexed by the US, 1810s ... ....

The 5,000-year history of interest rates shows just how historically low US rates are right now

Edit Business Insider 18 Sep 2015
Haldane's list of sources for this is pretty staggering (you can look through them all here) ... Check them out below. Mesopotamia, c 3000 BC. 20% Babylon, Code of Hammurabi, 1772 BC ... rates of 40+% ... 1150 ... 9.92% US, West Florida annexed by the US, 1810s ... ....

Black Professors Are Expected to 'Entertain' While Presenting

Edit Huffington Post 14 Sep 2015
Ebony O McGee, Vanderbilt University. Imagine this scenario. after going through the frustrations of being a high school mathematics teacher, you went back to school for a PhD and landed your dream job ... Blacks have a long history of being objectified for entertainment value, going all the way back to the blackface minstrels, a form of entertainment beginning in the 1810s in which performers used make up to represent a black person ... ....

Humphry Davy and the “safety lamp controversy”

Edit The Guardian 22 Jul 2015
This year marks the bicentenary of the invention of the Davy Lamp. But should credit for the first miners’ safety lamp be shared? ... Less than a month later, the Tyne Mercury published a hostile letter from a J. H. H ... Davy studied it, and returned it the next day ... Several different lamps, produced in response to a common problem by several different inventors, were in co-existence in the 1810s ... Merton, amongst others ... ....

Dreamstreets: A Journey Through Britain’s Village Utopias by Jacqueline Yallop – review

Edit The Guardian 26 Jun 2015
From Cromford and Cresswell to Port Sunlight and Saltaire, the despotic and the cutesy collide in this tour of philanthropic model villages. The village of Port Sunlight in Merseyside. Photograph. Alamy. Owen Hatherley ... This is unconvincing – I suspect that the drudgery of life under Arkwright made much of this impossible, and that self-realisation for the worker in the 1810s was actually far easier under the eye of Owen ... Facebook Twitter....

Jurassic World: Frankenstein for the 21st Century?

Edit IMDb 24 Jun 2015
Jack Stilgoe ... It remains the default parable of irresponsible innovation even though it was written in the 1810s, when experiments with electricity and surgery were capturing the imaginations of Mary Shelley, Lord Byron and co ... ....