Eduardo Arias is a Panamanian citizen of Kuna Indian descent, whose discovery of contaminated toothpaste saved lives by alerting the public to potentially poisonous products purchased from China.
Arias was born and grew up in a reservation in one of the San Blas Islands off the Caribbean coast of Panama.
On May 5, 2007, upon purchasing a tube of toothpaste from the Vendela Discount Store in Panama City, Arias discovered that it contained diethylene glycol (DEG), a toxic substance that had recently caused deaths as an ingredient of cough syrup. On May 7, Arias reported his findings to the Panamanian Ministry of Health. On May 10, Dr. Camilo Alleyne, the top health official of the Panamian Government announced that DEG had been found in toothpaste being sold in Panama City. A national uproar resulted in an investigation, the results of which indicated that Chinese manufacturers were systematically using DEG as a thickening agent (in place of Glycerin, which is more commonly used, but is more expensive) at levels that were far above safety limits. Investigations have also indicated that counterfeiters in China, sometime using branded labels such as Colgate and Sensodyne, have managed to penetrate markets in Canada, USA, India and Nigeria.