Monthly Archives: February 2016

February 2016 Round-up

Well, that’s the slightly elongated second month of the year out of the way, so it must be time for this old thing.


Still not going according to plan.

February 1: 220 pounds (15 stone 10 pounds, 99.8 kg)
February 29: 224.6 pounds (16 stone 0.6 pounds, 101.9 kg)

That’s a moderately alarming rise of 4.6 pounds (2.1 kg). The only good thing I can say about it is that it’s not as alarming as last month’s rise.


Yes, still doing that.


The painful shoulder keeps putting me off doing much, so I’ve been walking a lot less than normal, which is certainly not helping the weight thing.


February’s total is an almost sane 39.


Got a new lens:tigger: But haven’t been able to do much with it  :wah:

Weight and Stuff Report – 29 February 2016

Weight: 224.6 pounds (16 stone 0.6 pounds, 101.9 kg)
Steps taken: 2,388

Well, that’s a big downward change today. It seems the RNG had slipped a bit. Errr, let me explain that. The scale has four feet which have created indentations in the carpet. And if the scale is resting in its self-generated indentations, it’s nice and level and generally behaves itself, except when it doesn’t, of course. Now at some point, I must have nudged it a bit, so it was askew, and not in all the indentations, and therefore not level, which might account for the unusual figures of the last few days. Maybe.

All this shoulder annoyance is leading to neglect of this:

Play with me...

Play with me…

Camera X-T1
Aperture ƒ/5.6
Shutter speed 1/280s
Focal length 400mm
ISO 6400
Taken 11:48, 27 February, 2016

Stuff Report – 28 February 2016

Weight: 228.9 pounds (16 stone 4.9 pounds, 103.8 kg)
Steps taken: Remarkably few

Oh dear, up again. It’s all this inactivity, I suppose. But as doing anything more active than, errr, well, keeping very still, tends to make my annoying shoulder go into Don’t Do That mode, which now operates on the basis of Really Hurting when I move the wrong way then continuing to be unpleasant for quite some time afterward, alternating with a little bit of deciding to hurt all morning for no readily apparent reason, inactivity is all I’ve got right now.  And yes, that was a very bad sentence. And I don’t care, so there.

Gollum probably doesn’t care much either



Camera X-T1
Aperture ƒ/5.6
Shutter speed 1/105s
Focal length 400mm
ISO 6400
Taken 21:16, 26 February, 2016

Stuff Report – 27 February 2016

Steps taken: 1,626

Errr, I seem to have forgotten to do the stepping on the RNG today, so it’ll have to be a weightless report.

Didn’t have the energy, the inclination or indeed the anything else to do anything other than the shopping today, despite my shiny new lens wanting to go out and look at things, so it’s been a quiet day in catching up with recorded TV stuff.

But I have been having  a bit of a play with the lens. It actually works quite nicely for things that aren’t that far away, like this guy:



Camera X-T1
Aperture ƒ/5.6
Shutter speed 1/105s
Focal length 400mm
ISO 6400
Taken 20:51, 26 February, 2016

Weight and Stuff Report – 26 February 2016

Weight: 227.6 pounds (16 stone 3.6 pounds, 103.2 kg)
Steps taken: 2,228

Now either I’m really piling on the pounds, which is quite possible, or the scale has reset to full-on RNG mode, or possibly even SB mode. Whichever explanation is the closest to the truth, I am  apparently somewhat heavier today.

This is a nice bit of Grey Street architectural detail, of the kind normally appreciated only by birds:

Just for show

Just for show

Camera X-T1
Aperture ƒ/10
Shutter speed 1/500s
Focal length 252.1mm
ISO 500
Taken 13:06, 24 February, 2016

Fujifilm XF 100-40mm f/4.5-5.6 LM OIS WR Lens

If you’re reading this on Facebook, be sure to click through to see the photos!

I’ve been waiting for this beast to appear for a long time now. Pretty much since I got the X-E1 two and a half years ago. At the time, the one thing I really wanted was a longer telephoto, and soon enough one appeared on the Fuji roadmap. At first it was vaguely described as a “super telephoto”, but eventually it was announced that it would have a very useful 100-400mm range. Now you might recall that I had a rather large and heavy 150-500mm lens when I had the Canon 5D Mk III, which was quite nice, but really a bit too heavy to carry around much. But on the Fujifilm system, things are a wee bit smaller. And because of the crop factor[1], 400mm on my X-T1 gives a field of view equivalent to around 600mm on the full-frame 5D, so this was looking like it would be seriously useful. Add in compatibility with the 1.4x teleconverter, and we have the potential to get up close and very personal. So, when it was finally announced as being available for order, I didn’t hesitate for more than a microsecond or two. I pre-ordered from Wex Photographic (as you do – and I should point out that their price is a lot better than Amazon’s). I then took the semi-drastic step of selling the lenses I don’t use to MPB, which raised most of the substantial cost of the new lens).

Anyway, as I might have mentioned, it arrived yesterday. It is indeed quite large, though it’s actually about 400g lighter than the 70-200mm lens I had on the Canon, and I had no trouble carrying that around. Unlike the 50-140mm lens, this one doesn’t have a fixed maximum aperture through the zoom range – that would have made it a lot bigger, heavier and even more expensive. It also gets longer when you zoom in. It comes with a tripod foot which I’ve left on for now. There’s a lens hood which I haven’t looked at so far. Other than that, the box contains the usual pouch and manual.

Today was my first proper chance to take it out. I’ve got a sort of tradition[2] when it comes to long lenses. I like to see just how close a view I can get of Grey’s Monument. So for this first impressions review, let’s start with a view from the 100mm end, taken from a moderate distance along Grey Street:

Grey's Monument

Grey’s Monument

Camera X-T1
Aperture ƒ/10
Shutter speed 1/500s
Focal length 100mm
ISO 500
Taken 13:02, 24 February, 2016

As it happened, today must have been an open day, or something, because some people had climbed the steps, which is handy, as it gives a nice idea of the scale of the monument:

Earl Grey and Friends

Earl Grey and Friends

Camera X-T1
Aperture ƒ/10
Shutter speed 1/500s
Focal length 400mm
ISO 500
Taken 13:04, 24 February, 2016

As you can see, that’s quite a large statue.

So, I walked around the corner, added the teleconverter, zoomed right in and….

Earl Grey in detail

Earl Grey in detail

Camera X-T1
Aperture ƒ/14
Shutter speed 1/500s
Focal length 540.4mm
ISO 640
Taken 13:13, 24 February, 2016

It’s worth clicking to see the bigger version of that – there’s a load of texture in the stone.

And just for extreme detail, this is a tight crop of the above image, just showing the Earl’s head:

Earl Grey 100% crop

Earl Grey 100% crop

Camera X-T1
Aperture ƒ/14
Shutter speed 1/500s
Focal length 540.4mm
ISO 640
Taken 13:13, 24 February, 2016

I’ll need to go some more places with this one….

[1] Not explaining that. Anyone who cares knows already
[2] Or an old charter, or something


Weight and Stuff Report – 24 February 2016

Weight: 225.2 pounds (16 stone 1.2 pounds, 102.2 kg)
Steps taken: 3,169

Up again, shock, horror, etc

I popped out at lunchtime with my new toy – details coming next, but here’s a quick sample shot from Grey Street. This is a close view of the top of a building from across the road:

Watch the birdie...

Watch the birdie…

Camera X-T1
Aperture ƒ/10
Shutter speed 1/500s
Focal length 400mm
ISO 500
Taken 13:03, 24 February, 2016

I think I like my new toy…

Weight and Stuff Report – 23 February 2016

Weight: 223.6 pounds (15 stone 13.6 pounds, 101.4 kg)
Steps taken: 1,840

Up a bit today.

Something I’ve been waiting a long time for arrived today  :tigger:

Sadly, it arrived too late for a lunchtime test in good light, but here are a couple of quick test shots. Full details when I’ve had a chance to take it out properly. I might even identify it then..

Well, OK. It’s a long lens. And just as I like to test wide lenses from the middle of the Millennium Bridge, for long lenses, it has to be Earl Grey. Here he is at the long end of the lens.

Earl Grey at 400mm

Earl Grey at 400mm

Camera X-T1
Aperture ƒ/5.6
Shutter speed 1/250s
Focal length 400mm
ISO 6400
Taken 17:19, 23 February, 2016

What’s that? Not close enough? Well, OK. Let’s try that with the 1.4x teleconverter:

Earl Grey at 560mm

Earl Grey at 560mm

Camera X-T1
Aperture ƒ/8
Shutter speed 1/160s
Focal length 560mm
ISO 6400
Taken 17:23, 23 February, 2016

Still not happy? Well, let’s try a cropped view of that:

Earl Grey Cropped

Earl Grey Cropped

Camera X-T1
Aperture ƒ/8
Shutter speed 1/160s
Focal length 560mm
ISO 6400
Taken 17:23, 23 February, 2016

More to come when I get a chance to try it out in better light.