- published: 15 Dec 2015
- views: 4681
This is a list of countries in which Islam is the majority religion of the people. In a geopolitical sense these countries are often considered to form the Muslim world. The list contains only countries where more than 50% of the population is Muslim. The table is presorted by the largest population by country. It can be sorted on other criteria by clicking the tab of the appropriate column at the top of the table. The percentage shows the proportional amount of Muslims out of the total population of each country. In total, there are about 50 Muslim-majority countries, depending on a few disputed states.
The table is currently sorted by the total population but can be sorted in various ways. The Muslim % column is the percentage of Muslims of a country out of the total population. The higher the percentage is of a country, then the higher the Muslim majority. Mauritania, Maldives, Saudi Arabia and Somalia have the highest Muslim percentages with 100% of their countries population as Muslims. For the Maldives and Saudi Arabia this figure only applies to citizens of the respective countries. The foreign workers are excluded from this count; there are no official statistics available regarding the exact number of foreign workers in either of these two countries.
Malcolm X ( /ˈmælkəm ˈɛks/; May 19, 1925 – February 21, 1965), born Malcolm Little and also known as El-Hajj Malik El-Shabazz (Arabic: الحاجّ مالك الشباز), was an African-American Muslim minister and human rights activist. To his admirers, he was a courageous advocate for the rights of African Americans, a man who indicted white America in the harshest terms for its crimes against black Americans. Detractors accused him of preaching racism, black supremacy, antisemitism, and violence. He has been called one of the greatest and most influential African Americans in history.
Malcolm X's father died—killed by white supremacists, it was rumored—when he was young, and at least one of his uncles was lynched. When he was thirteen, his mother was placed in a mental hospital, and he was placed in a series of foster homes. In 1946, at age 20, he went to prison for breaking and entering.
In prison, Malcolm X became a member of the Nation of Islam and after his parole in 1952 he quickly rose to become one of its leaders. For a dozen years Malcolm X was the public face of the controversial group, but disillusionment with Nation of Islam head Elijah Muhammad led him to leave the Nation in March 1964. After a period of travel in Africa and the Middle East, he returned to the United States, where he founded Muslim Mosque, Inc. and the Organization of Afro-American Unity. In February 1965, less than a year after leaving the Nation of Islam, he was assassinated by three members of the group.
First Nations is a term that collectively refers to various Aboriginal peoples in Canada who are neither Inuit nor Métis. There are currently over 630 recognized First Nations governments or bands spread across Canada, roughly half of which are in the provinces of Ontario and British Columbia. The total population is nearly 700,000 people. Under the Employment Equity Act, First Nations are a "designated group", along with women, visible minorities, and persons with physical or mental disabilities. They are not defined as a visible minority under the Act or by the criteria of Statistics Canada.
The term First Nations (most often used in the plural) has come into general use for the indigenous peoples of the Americas located in what is now Canada, except for the Arctic-situated Inuit, and peoples of mixed European-First Nations ancestry called Métis. The singular, commonly used on culturally politicized reserves, is the term First Nations person (when gender-specific, First Nations man or First Nations woman). A more recent trend is for members of various nations to refer to themselves by their tribal or national identity only, e.g., "I'm Haida," or "We're Kwantlens," in recognition of the distinctiveness of First Nations ethnicities.
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