The Wayback Machine -
www.​kick-t.​com 1. ITF Taek­won-Do pat­tern per­formed by Jaroslaw Suska 5 Dan.
  • Du­ra­tion: 0:45
  • Pub­lished: 2007-07-14
  • Up­load­ed: 2010-08-28
  • Au­thor: trul­shotvedt
arti ganesh ji ki
shree ganesh ji ki arti Note - Becoz of some stupid fel­low ,who dont know re­spect oth­ers, i have to block adding com­ment . sorry i could­nt do this ear­li­er becoz of busi­ness. i am sorry if any­one's
  • Du­ra­tion: 4:30
  • Pub­lished: 2007-06-06
  • Up­load­ed: 2010-08-27
  • Au­thor: naveen004
Ji-sung Park Video
park ji sung PSV Eind­hoven Manch­ester Unit­ed FC
  • Du­ra­tion: 4:59
  • Pub­lished: 2007-02-06
  • Up­load­ed: 2010-08-27
  • Au­thor: psh9928
Full House OST - Geu Deh Ji Geum
Song: Geu Deh ji Geum Clips from: Full House (Ko­re­an Darma) Star­ring: Bi Rain and Song Hye Kyo
  • Du­ra­tion: 6:01
  • Pub­lished: 2006-12-15
  • Up­load­ed: 2010-08-29
  • Au­thor: 1317­faith1990
Arti shiv ji ki
arti shiv ji ki
  • Du­ra­tion: 5:27
  • Pub­lished: 2007-08-24
  • Up­load­ed: 2010-08-27
  • Au­thor: naveen004
Park Ji Sung Manch­ester Unit­ed Goal Pa­rade ~~
Park Ji Sung Manch­ester Unit­ed Goal Pa­rade ~~
  • Du­ra­tion: 10:15
  • Pub­lished: 2009-05-09
  • Up­load­ed: 2010-09-01
  • Au­thor: mgn0416
Hi­rokazu Kanaza­wa 10º Dan Ji'in
Hi­rokazu Kanaza­wa 10º Dan Ji'in
  • Du­ra­tion: 2:21
  • Pub­lished: 2006-08-22
  • Up­load­ed: 2010-08-30
  • Au­thor: or­belus
spop- dang ni+wei qiang+ji de live (jj lin jun jie)
jj sin­gin the songs tt he com­posed 4 other singers,dang ni( by cyndi), weiqiang(by nicky) n ji de(by a mei),durin spop
  • Du­ra­tion: 4:27
  • Pub­lished: 2008-03-17
  • Up­load­ed: 2010-08-31
  • Au­thor: xonne
Be­cause You Loved Me - Ce­line Dion Live in Mem­phis
Be­cause You Loved Me - Ce­line Dion LIVE. This is from her Live in Mem­phis Con­cert.... a very VERY unique per­for­mance of ce­line singing this song plus, watch her sing with the crowd!!! ENJOY!!!!
  • Du­ra­tion: 7:33
  • Pub­lished: 2007-05-07
  • Up­load­ed: 2010-09-01
  • Au­thor: hplailane
Ji'in - Shotokan Karate
The­most pop­u­lar image as­so­ci­at­ed with kata is that of a karate prac­ti­tion­er per­form­ing a se­ries of punch­es and kicks in the air. The kata are ex­e­cut­ed as a spec­i­fied se­ries of ap­prox­i­mate­ly 20 to 70 moves, gen­er­al­ly with step­ping and turn­ing, while at­tempt­ing to main­tain per­fect form. There are per­haps 100 kata across the var­i­ous forms of karate, each with many minor vari­a­tions. The num­ber of moves in a kata may be re­ferred to in the name of the kata, eg. Go­jushi­ho, which means "54 steps." The num­ber of moves may also have links with Bud­dhist spir­i­tu­al­i­ty. The num­ber 108 is sig­nif­i­cant in Bud­dhism, and kata with 54, 36, or 27 moves (di­vi­sors of 108) are com­mon. The prac­ti­tion­er is gen­er­al­ly coun­selled to vi­su­al­ize the enemy at­tacks, and his or her re­spons­es, as ac­tu­al­ly oc­cur­ring, and karate­ka are often told to "read" a kata, to ex­plain the imag­ined events. In teach­ing the open hand­ed kata, most styles of Karate start with a se­ries of three, or some­times two, very sim­ple kata called block­ing forms be­fore ad­vanc­ing to five basic kata named Pinan in some sys­tems and Heian in oth­ers. By work­ing through this se­ries (in order: Shodan, Nidan, San­dan, Yon­dan, Godan (ex­cept in Wado Ryu Karate, where Shodan and Nidan are re­versed)) the prac­ti­tion­er learns all the basic stances and tech­niques be­fore mov­ing on to more ad­vanced kata. Tra­di­tion­al­ly, kata are taught in stages. Pre­vi­ous­ly learned kata are re­turned to in order to show more ad­vanced tech­niques or ways of doing things, as <b>...</b>
  • Du­ra­tion: 3:13
  • Pub­lished: 2006-11-06
  • Up­load­ed: 2010-08-27
  • Au­thor: shotokankata­man
Dil To Bachcha Hai Ji with lyrics
Dil to Bachcha Hai Ji Movie or Album: Ishqiya Music: Vishal Bharad­waj Cast: Naseerud­din Shah, Ar­shad Warsi, Vid­hya Balan, Singer(s) : Clin­ton Cere­jo, Rahat Fateh Ali Khan I cudn't stop lis­ten­ing to this song..... Aisi uljhi nazar unse hatt ti nahi Daant se resh­mi dor katt ti nahi Umar kab ki baras ke safaid ho gayi Kaari badari jawani ki chatt ti nahi (My en­twined eyes dont seem to want to quit star­ing at her, My tongue tied teeth can­not (even) cut through a sim­ple silk thread, My life is far past an age where the white (hair) shows, And yet, the dense cloudy ve­neer of (my) youth re­fus­es to fade away) Walla ye dhad­kan bhadne lagi hai Chehre ki ran­gat udne lagi hai Darr lagta hai tanha sone mein ji (Oh my dear, my heart is start­ed rac­ing again, My cheery cheeks have start­ed bloody blush­ing again (my face has start­ed los­ing color), (Right­ful­ly so), I am now so scared of falling asleep all alone) Dil to bachcha hai ji Dil to bachcha hai ji Thoda kac­cha hai ji Haan dil to bac­cha hai ji (My heart has be­come like that of a child (again) A lit­tle naive, a lit­tle gullible, Yes, in­deed, in­no­cent like that of a child) Aisi ulji nazar unse hatt ti nahi Daant se resh­mi dor katt ti nahi Umar kab ki baras ke safaid ho gayi Kaari badari jawani ki chatt ti nahi Ra ra ra .. Kisko pataa tha pehlu mein rakha Dil aisa paaji bhi hoga Hum to hame­sha sama­jhte the koi Hum jaisa haaji hi hoga (The heart which I wore (and hid) under my sleeve, I never did ex­pect, would (even­tu­al­ly) turn out to be <b>...</b>
  • Du­ra­tion: 5:05
  • Pub­lished: 2010-02-08
  • Up­load­ed: 2010-08-31
  • Au­thor: mect­saran
[MV/HQ/EN] Kim Ji Eun - Yes­ter­day is Dif­fer­ent from Today
Singer: Kim Ji Eun (Lady Col­lec­tion) Song: Yes­ter­day is Dif­fer­ent from Today Ac­tress/Actor: Koo Hye Sun & Song Chang Ui Trans­la­tion of what guy said: Guy: JiEun... We only need to go a lit­tle more until we`re at the ocean. The weath­er is nice today so we can see a lot of stars. When I see a shoot­ing star, I'm going to wish that I can be with you for­ev­er. girl ac­tress: Ku Hye Sun guy actor: Song Chang Ui cred­it: gypsy + Kim Ji Eun forum Tran­la­tion cred­it: phoe­bekissh
  • Du­ra­tion: 5:25
  • Pub­lished: 2007-07-26
  • Up­load­ed: 2010-08-30
  • Au­thor: 01x5hor­tiee
Park Ji Sung Spe­cial 1982 - 2009 [ All Sea­son ]
Park Ji-Sung (Hangul: 박지성; Hanja:朴智星; Ko­re­an pro­nun­ci­a­tion: [pak̚t͈ɕisʌŋ]; born 25 Febru­ary 1981) is a South Ko­re­an pro­fes­sion­al foot­baller who plays for the En­glish club Manch­ester Unit­ed and is the cap­tain of the South Ko­re­an na­tion­al team. He is the only Ko­re­an play­er to win the UEFA Cham­pi­ons League and the first Asian to play in a final of the tour­na­ment.[ci­ta­tion need­ed] Park began his foot­ball ca­reer in his na­tive South Korea and played for the My­ongji Uni­ver­si­ty team be­fore mov­ing to Japan to play for Kyoto Pur­ple Sanga. After Park's na­tion­al team man­ag­er Guus Hid­dink moved back to the Nether­lands to man­age PSV Eind­hoven, Park fol­lowed him to the Dutch side a year later. After PSV reached the se­mi-fi­nals of the 200405 UEFA Cham­pi­ons League, Park's tal­ents were recog­nised by Manch­ester Unit­ed man­ag­er Alex Fer­gu­son and he signed Park for a fee of around £4 mil­lion in July 2005. Since then, Park has played in three con­sec­u­tive Pre­mier League-win­ning Manch­ester Unit­ed teams and has also won the UEFA Cham­pi­ons League and the FIFA Club World Cup. As a mem­ber of the South Ko­re­an na­tion­al team, Park has won 81 caps and scored 11 goals, and was a mem­ber of the team that fin­ished fourth at the 2002 FIFA World Cup. Per­son­al in­for­ma­tion Full name Park Ji-Sung Date of birth 25 Febru­ary 1981 (1981-02-25) (age 28) Place of birth Seoul, South Korea Height 5 ft 9 in (1.75 m) Play­ing po­si­tion Winger At­tack­ing mid­field­er Club in­for­ma­tion Cur­rent club Manch­ester Unit­ed Num­ber <b>...</b>
  • Du­ra­tion: 6:18
  • Pub­lished: 2009-09-28
  • Up­load­ed: 2010-08-31
  • Au­thor: Calm­Mass12
Sant Baba Jar­nail Singh Ji Khal­sa Bhin­dran­wale
A col­lec­tion of pic­tures of Sant Baba Jar­nail Singh Ji Bhin­dran­wale, along with music from Jagowale & Tiger­style. Sant Jar­nail Singh Ji Bhin­dran­wale has been given the hon­our of the Great­est Sikh of the 20th Cen­tu­ry by Sri Akal Takht Sahib. Click on the fol­low­ing links for more in­for­ma­tion on Sant Jar­nail Singh Ji Bhin­dran­wale: www.​sikhcoalition.​org www.​sikhiwiki.​org
  • Du­ra­tion: 9:20
  • Pub­lished: 2006-10-13
  • Up­load­ed: 2010-08-31
  • Au­thor: 2desi
Kala Pani - Achha Ji Main Haari Chalo Maan - Mohd Rafi - Asha Bhosle
Super Hit Hindi Song From Bol­ly­wood Film, Kala Pani, 1958, Dev Anand, Mad­hubala, Nali­ni, Jay­want, Kishor Sahu, Music By SD­Bur­man, Di­rect­ed By Raj Khol­sa. www.​shemaroo.​com
  • Du­ra­tion: 3:36
  • Pub­lished: 2009-02-17
  • Up­load­ed: 2010-08-31
  • Au­thor: She­ma­rooEnt
hanu­man ji Ba­jrang Baan
this is the ba­jrang baan
  • Du­ra­tion: 7:27
  • Pub­lished: 2007-08-23
  • Up­load­ed: 2010-08-28
  • Au­thor: naveen004
Joo Ji-Hoon and Yoon Eun-Hye (i've Fallin For You)
pic­ture and some videos of JJH and YEH.
  • Du­ra­tion: 4:31
  • Pub­lished: 2007-08-30
  • Up­load­ed: 2010-08-30
  • Au­thor: fame172
Bhai Sarab­jit Singh Ji - Mann Mera
www.​RajKaregaKhalsa.​Net This Shabad is by Guru Nanak Dev Ji in Raag Aasaa on Ang 359 of Sri Guru Granth Sahib Ji Ma­haraj aasaa ghar 5 meha­laa 1 Aasaa, Fifth House, First Mehla ik oa(n)kaar sathig­ur prasaadh || One Uni­ver­sal Cre­ator God. By The Grace Of The True Guru: bheethar pa(n)ch gu­path man vaasae || The five evil pas­sions dwell hid­den with­in the mind. thhir n re­he­hi jaisae bhave­hi oud­haasae ||1|| They do not re­main still, but move around like wan­der­ers. ||1|| man maer­aa dhaeiaal saethee thhir n rehai || My soul does not stay held by the Mer­ci­ful Lord. lob­hee ka­p­at­tee paapee paakha(n)ddee maaeiaa ad­hhik lagai ||1|| re­haao || It is greedy, de­ceit­ful, sin­ful and hyp­o­crit­i­cal, and to­tal­ly at­tached to Maya. ||1||Pause|| fool maalaa gal pe­hi­rougee haaro || I will dec­o­rate my neck with gar­lands of flow­ers. mi­laigaa preetham thab karougee see­gaaro ||2|| When I meet my Beloved, then I will put on my dec­o­ra­tions. ||2|| pa(n)ch sakhee ham eaek bhathaaro || I have five com­pan­ions and one Spouse. paedd lagee hai jeear­raa chaalane­haaro ||3|| It is or­dained from the very be­gin­ning, that the soul must ul­ti­mate­ly de­part. ||3|| pa(n)ch sakhee mil rud­han karae­haa || The five com­pan­ions will lament to­geth­er. saahu pa­joothaa prana­vath naanak laekhaa dhae­haa ||4||1||34|| When the soul is trapped, prays Nanak, it is called to ac­count. ||4||1||34||
[MV] Baek Ji Young - Do Not For­get 잊지 말아요《IRIS》OST
《IRIS》is a new Ko­re­an drama filmed in Japan; will be aired in Korea on Oct. 14, 2009. // Theme Song -- Do Not For­get // Singer -- Baek Ji Young
  • Du­ra­tion: 4:16
  • Pub­lished: 2009-10-13
  • Up­load­ed: 2010-08-31
  • Au­thor: Boxster­Gal
JKA Kata Jiin
  • Du­ra­tion: 0:59
  • Pub­lished: 2006-10-11
  • Up­load­ed: 2010-08-27
  • Au­thor: fab­ricec

South Korean captain Park Ji-sung Manchester United's Ji-Sung Park Manchester United's manager Sir Alex Ferguson is seen at a press conference in Manchester, England, Tuesday Sept. 29, 2009. Manchester United will play a Champions League soccer match against Wolfsburg Wednesday. South Korea's Park Ji-Sung Manchester United's Ji-Sung Park Manchester United's Ji-sung Park, Soccer South Korean Park Ji-sung Manchester United's Ji-sung Park, Soccer South Korea's Park Ji-Sung Manchester United's manager Sir Alex Ferguson, right, speaks alongside goalkeeper Edwin van der Sar at a press conference at Old Trafford Stadium the day before his team's Champions League semifinal soccer match against Arsenal, Manchester, England, Tuesday April 28, 2009. Australian Prime Minister Kevin Rudd speaks to students at the Beida University, in Beijing , China, Wednesday, April 9, 2008. Pakistan President Gen. Pervez Musharraf gestures during a joint press conference with Afghan President Hamid Karzai, not in photo, at the presidential palace in Kabul, Afghanistan on Wednesday, Sept. 6, 2006. South Korea's Park Ji-Sung Manchester United's Patrice Evra, top, jumps for the ball with Inter Milan's Marco Materazzi during their pre-season friendly soccer match at Old Trafford Stadium, Manchester, England, South Korean Park Ji-sung Indonesian militant Muslims raise their hands as they shout "Allahuakbar!" (God is great) during a rally in Solo, Central Java, Sunday, Aug. 10, 2003. About 3,000 Muslim extremists rallied Sunday in support of detained Indonesian cleric Abu Bakar Bashir, who allegedly heads the al-Qaida-linked group Jemaah Islamiyah accused in the deadly bombing at Jakarta's Marriott Hotel. (AP Photo/Dita Alangkara)hg3 England's Manchester United head coach Alex Ferguson, right, and South Korean midfielder Park Ji-Sung A hooded terror suspect, left, is led off of a plane by a member of Indonesia's elite anti-terror squad, Thursday, July 3, 2008 in Jakarta, Indonesia. Anti-terror police arrested nine suspected Muslim militants and seized a large cache of high-powered bombs, foiling a major attack targeting Westerners in the Indonesian capital, police and media reports said Thursd  Muslim cleric Abu Bakar Bashir waves to supporters thronging around him as he walks out of Cipinang  Eun-Hee Ji during Day 4 at the ADT Championship held at Trump International Golf Club in West Palm Beach, Florida, November 23, 2008 England's Manchester United head coach Alex Ferguson, right, and South Korean midfielder Park Ji-Sung  Bollywood actor and Indian law maker Dharmendra (jsen2) Manchester United's Ji-sung Park, Soccer  Supporters of the alleged leader of the al-Qaida-linked Jemaah Islamiyah terror group, Abu Bakar Bashir, demonstrate outside his prison cell, Thursday, April 29, 2004, in Jakarta, Indonesia. Bashir will be re-arrested after he is released from jail on Fr  A member of the extremist Abu Sayyaf Group, makes a throat-slashing gesture after the guilty verdict Tōfuku-ji (東福寺, Tōfuku-ji?) is a Buddhist temple in Higashiyama-ku in Kyoto, Japan. Tōfuku-ji takes its name from two temples in Nara, Tōdai-ji and Kōfuku-ji. The honden, or Shitennō-ji in Osaka, Osaka prefecture, Japan . Shitennō-ji (四天王寺?) is a Buddhist temple in Osaka, Japan. Shitennō-ji (四天王寺?) is a Buddhist temple in Osaka, Japan. The main gate into Tōdai-ji. The beginning of building a temple where the huge Tōdai-ji complex sits today can be dated to 728, when Emperor Shōmu established Kinshōsen-ji (金鐘山寺) as an appeasement for Prince Motoi, his first son with his Fujiwara clan consort Kōmyōshi. Prince Motoi died a year after his birth. Aerial view of Zojoji as seen from Tokyo Tower. San'en-zan Zōjō-ji (三縁山増上寺, San'en-zan Zōjō-ji?) is a Buddhist temple in the Shiba neighborhood of Minato in Tokyo, Japan. Konpon Chū-dō (根本中堂), Enryaku-ji's main hall Kondo of Shitennō-ji in Osaka, Osaka prefecture, Japan. Shitennō-ji (四天王寺?) is a Buddhist temple in Osaka, Japan. Prince Shōtoku is said to have constructed this temple in 593. Kinkaku-ji, a Golden Pavillion in Kyoto, glowing in the rays of setting winter sun. The Golden Pavilion, or Kinkaku, is a three-story building on the grounds of the Rokuon-ji temple complex. The top two stories of the pavilion are covered with pure gold leaf. kyoto daitoku-ji/garden of koutou- kyoto daitoku-ji/garden of koutou Yakushi-ji Temple Kinkaku-ji Gold Pavilion Japan kyoto toufuku-ji/hojyo west garden :kyoto toufuku-ji/kaizandou garden kyoto nanzen-ji/Konchi-in garden Ginkaku-ji (Silver pavilion, Kyoto) seen through Japanese maple leaves Chōjū-ji's rear garden The rock garden at Kōmyō-ji in Kamakura, Kanagawa Kinkaku-ji, Golden Pavillion in Kyoto, and it's reflection. The Golden Pavilion, or Kinkaku, is a three-story building on the grounds of the Rokuon-ji temple complex. The top two stories of the pavilion are covered with pure gold leaf. The pavilion functions as a shariden, housing relics of the Buddha (Buddha's Ashes). Gokuraku-mon of Shitennō-ji in Osaka, Osaka prefecture, Japan. Shitennō-ji (四天王寺?) is a Buddhist temple in Osaka, Japan. Prince Shōtoku is said to have constructed this temple in 593. the gardens of the Kinkaku-ji or This is the Zuigan-ji in Matsushima, Miyagi Prefecture, Japan. Ji-Yai Shin of South Korea South Korean captain Park Ji-sung The Sanshinzan Taisan-ji (三身山太山寺?) is a temple of the Tendai sect in Kobe, Hyōgo, Japan. It was established by Empress Genshō's instruction in 716.

The Siasat Daily: Mumbai, September 07: Quiz actor Emraan Hashmi about his serial kisser tag and he seems totally unperturbed by it. "I am used to the tag by now. I have broken the no kissing pact after marriage because I think my audience likes me that way. I don't have a choice, really!" Ask...
Goal: Team Meli look to back-up their recent win over China against one of Asia's form teams. By Chris Paraskevas Share Share Let The Good Times Roll...
The Daily Telegraph: A new 22,000 sq ft restaurant is to open in Croydon, welcoming in up to 800 customers a day. The entrance to Cosmo Wolverhampton Photo: COSMO The restaurant, which will be the largest in the country, will offer guests a choice of more than 300 dishes cooked by up to 50 chefs when it opens in...
China Daily: 2010-09-07 11:41:18.0Hu YuanyuanBroader investment pipeline could raise insurers' returnsinsurers,insurance,private equity,real estate11010460Economy2@webnews/enpproperty--> BEIJING - A broader investment pipeline for China's 4.5 trillion yuan ($661 billion) insurance industry could boost insurers'...
North Jersey: Religious differences in India were apparent at a Mahwah hotel today, where Muslims protested against a spiritual leader they say is using Hinduism to mask an agenda of intolerance against other religions. Pujya “Didi Maa” Sadhvi Ritambra Devi Ji, considered by many to be a Hindu...
The Press Democrat: Baltimore @ ± New York @ ab r h bi± @ ab r h bi BRorts 2b 5 0 3 2± Jeter ss 4 0 1 0 Pie lf 4 1 1 0± Swisher rf 3 1 0 0 Markks rf 3 0 1 0± Teixeir 1b 4 1 1 0 Scott dh 2 0 0 0± ARdrgz 3b 2 1 1 2 Wieters c 1 0 0 1± ENunez pr-3b 0 0 0 0...
Kansas City Star: More News Orioles 8, Rays 7 Tampa Bay ABRHBIBBSOAvg. Jaso dh-c 401010.281 Zobrist 1b-2b 511101.246 Crawford lf 412010.301 Longoria 3b 421211.295 Joyce rf 301001.234 b-Baldelli ph-rf 1112001.000 S.Rodriguez 2b 200001.262 a-Brignac ph-2b 111000.264 c-W.Aybar ph-1b 100001.233 B.Upton cf 311210.234...
Indian Express: A week-long national level coaching camp for special athletes was formally inaugurated on Sunday evening at AMC Stadium, Lucknow Cantonment. An impressive march past and colourful cultural programmes were the highlight of the inaugural function. About 300 mentally challenged athletes are taking part...
The New York Times: Filed at 4:57 p.m. ET ^Tampa Bay @ ^ Baltimore @ ^ ^ab r h bi @ ^ab r h bi Jaso dh-c 4 0 1 0 BRorts 2b 4 2 2 1 Zobrist 1b-2b 5 1 1 1 Markks rf 5 1 2 2 Crwfrd lf 4 1 2 0 Wggntn 1b 4 0 1 0...
Inquirer: MANILA, Philippines—Bouncing back from the humiliation it suffered in the hands of a lone hostage-taker in Manila, the Philippine National Police killed an Abu Sayyaf commander and two of his men in an assault on the bandits' hideout in Sulu at the weekend. Concerned about possible retaliatory...
Breitbart: TOKYO, Sept. 5 (AP) - (Kyodo)—Leading money winners on the Japan LPGA Tour after the Golf 5 Ladies at Mizunami Country...
Breitbart: MIZUNAMI, Japan, Sept. 5 (AP) - (Kyodo)—Final scores Sunday at the Golf 5 Ladies at Mizunami Country Club (6,514 yards, par 72) in Gifu...
Three at a time2010-09-05
The Hindu: Shruti Haasan talks to nikhil raghavan about the three exciting projects that keep her busy these days...
MSNBC: BEIJINGCensus takers counting China's more than 1.3 billion people already face a daunting task, and it's getting harder for the latest once-a-decade update. After years of reforms that have reduced the government's once-pervasive involvement in most people's lives, some Chinese are proving...
ESPN: September 4, 2010 insists Manchester United have no reason to fear Chelsea despite their hugely impressive start to the season. GettyImages Park Ji-Sung is confident Manchester United can rival Chelsea Defending champions Chelsea are...
Irish Times: Golf:�Ireland's Rebecca Coakley is two shots off the lead at the end of the first round of the UNIQA Ladies Open at Golf Club Foehrenwald in Wiener Neustadt, Germany. Coakley shot a four-under-par 68 to lie adrift of a five-way tie for the lead that includes England's Rebecca Hudson. Hudson was...
Breitbart: MIZUNAMI, Japan, Sept. 4 (AP) - (Kyodo)—Leading scores Saturday after the second round of the Golf 5 Ladies at Mizunami Country Club (6,514 yards, par 72) in...
The Examiner: Taking a break from the theater front, now is a good time to mention an underrated action gem just recently released on DVD. The summer season had its fair share of action-packed blockbusters (Iron Man 2, Inception, etc.). But there was a little-seen South Korean action film titled The Good, the...
The New York Times: Filed at 10:16 p.m. ET ^Tampa Bay @ ^ Baltimore @ ^ ^ab r h bi @ ^ab r h bi Jaso c 3 0 0 0 BRorts 2b 4 0 1 0 Zobrist 2b 4 0 0 1 Markks rf 4 0 0 0 Crwfrd lf 5 1 3 1 Wggntn 1b 4 1 1 0...
Manchester United midfielder Paul Scholes  celebrates after scoring during a Champions League, round of 16, first leg soccer match between AC Milan and Manchester United at the San Siro stadium in Milan, Italy, Tuesday, Feb. 16, 2010.
The Independent: Paul Scholes has admitted that at Christmas last year he thought he would have retired by now. The veteran Manchester United star is currently one of the most talked about players in the Premier League. The England manager, Fabio Capello, tried - and failed - to talk him out of international...
The Examiner: Nexus Showroom 39 West 56th Street September 2nd, 2010 Ji Oh - the Korean born, London raised fashion designer launched her Shadowconnected Spring/Summer 2011 collection...
Sporting Life: England's Rebecca Hudson was in a five-way tie for the lead at the end of the first round of the UNIQA Ladies Open at Golf Club Foehrenwald in Wiener Neustadt. Hudson was joined by 17-year-old Austrian amateur Marina Sttz, Australian Nikki Garrett and Frenchwoman Julie Greciet with all five women...
Taipei Times: AP, BEIJING Census takers counting China’s more than 1.3 billion people already face a daunting task, and it’s getting harder for the latest once-a-decade update. After years of reforms that have reduced the government’s once-pervasive involvement in most people’s lives, some Chinese are proving...