Weight and Stuff Report – 17 March 2016

Weight: 228.3 pounds (16 stone 4.3 pounds, 103.6 kg)
Steps taken: 2,602

OK, I think the scale is now quite definitely in RNG mode, as I’m not sure I believe what it’s saying. Again.

But never mind, here’s an authentic Welsh historical figure:

Owain Glyndŵr

Owain Glyndŵr

Camera X-T1
Aperture ƒ/8
Shutter speed 1/200s
Focal length 83.3mm
ISO 800
Taken 10:32, 13 June, 2015
Location 52° 58.8378′ 0″ N 3° 22.42′ 0″ W

Weight and Stuff Report – 14 March 2016

Down again, on a long and annoying day. Nothing more entertaining that some fundamental things not working, and the things that need fixing aren’t under your actual control…

But never mind that, here’s an owl

That's owl, folks

That’s owl, folks

Camera X-T1
Aperture ƒ/4.2
Shutter speed 1/600s
Focal length 26.6mm
ISO 200
Taken 13:52, 10 June, 2015
Location 52° 22.5727′ 0″ N 3° 51.2563′ 0″ W

Weight and Stuff Report – 13 March 2016

Weight: 225.6 pounds (16 stone 1.6 pounds, 102.3 kg)
Steps taken: Hardly any

Down a bit today, how random….

It’s possible that these people aren’t actually moving over the surface of the water….

Walking on water?

Walking on water?

Camera X-T1
Aperture ƒ/11
Shutter speed 1/200s
Focal length 122.6mm
ISO 200
Taken 12:46, 7 June, 2015
Location 55° 0.8161′ 0″ N 1° 25.6883′ 0″ W

Weight and Stuff Report – 12 March 2016

Weight: 226.2 pounds (16 stone 2.2 pounds, 102.6 kg)
Steps taken: 1,154

Mutter, mutter, up again.

Once again, vague plans of going out somewhere were abandoned in response to my shoulder telling me not to think about moving.

Here’s a rusty thing:



Camera X-T1
Aperture ƒ/4.5
Shutter speed 1/1400s
Focal length 38.9mm
ISO 200
Taken 13:06, 7 June, 2015
Location 55° 0.473′ 0″ N 1° 26.3553′ 0″ W

Weight and Stuff Report – 11 March 2016

Weight: 224.6 pounds (16 stone 0.6 pounds, 101.9 kg)
Steps taken: 1,352

Down a wee bit more today, which I’m sure won’t last…

After a few days of not feeling bad at all, I managed to make a bad shoulder-related move at work today, so that’s now not so comfortable. Mutter.

This is the statue of Lord Collingwood at the mouth of the Tyne:



Camera X-T1
Aperture ƒ/11
Shutter speed 1/250s
Focal length 34.5mm
ISO 200
Taken 12:37, 7 June, 2015
Location 55° 0.8567′ 0″ N 1° 25.2178′ 0″ W

Weight and Stuff Report – 9 March 2016

Weight: 225.2 pounds (16 stone 1.2 pounds, 102.2 kg)
Steps taken: 3,406

Up a bit today, according to the RNG.

Here’s a bit of post-industrial decay, given a bit of a grungy treatment

I wouldn't go in there...

I wouldn’t go in there…

Camera X-T1
Aperture ƒ/5.6
Shutter speed 1/200s
Focal length 135mm
ISO 320
Taken 13:13, 7 June, 2015
Location 55° 0.3195′ 0″ N 1° 26.6392′ 0″ W

Weight and Stuff Report – 8 March 2016

Weight: 224.3 pounds (16 stone 0.3 pounds, 101.7 kg)
Steps taken: 3,983

Down again today, it seems.

I really need to get myself out with the camera. I’m having to delve into the depths of time now. This one comes from June last year, and has been given a blast with Intensify CK, just for the heck of it.

North Shields

North Shields

Camera X-T1
Aperture ƒ/11
Shutter speed 1/200s
Focal length 78.7mm
ISO 200
Taken 13:23, 7 June, 2015
Location 55° 0.2317′ 0″ N 1° 26.6342′ 0″ W