Craig Thomson reprimanded for lying

Disgraced former Labor MP Craig Thomson.

Former Labor MP Craig Thomson faces a reprimand but no other penalty over a 2012 speech in which he was accused of deliberately misleading parliament.

Gabrielle Upton says directors need certainty about whether their insurance can fund their costs to defend a claim.

Directors urge personal liability overhaul

NSW Attorney-General Gabrielle Upton has asked the Law Reform Commission to review laws that could prevent directors from accessing their personal liability insurance.

Federal appeals court judge Merrick Garland, right, shakes hands with President Barack Obama in Washington.

Garland nominated to US Supreme Court

​President Barack Obama said he is nominating Merrick Garland to serve on the Supreme Court, setting up a protracted political fight with Republicans.

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Taliban 'joke' not sackable offence

An employee who jokingly said his colleague was from the Taliban got his job back due to his history of expressing strong political views.