
The Australian Jewish News privacy policy


The Australian Jewish News (AJN) maintains a strict policy of ensuring personal information is kept confidential. This Policy has been developed in accordance with the Commonwealth Privacy Act 1988 (Privacy Act).

Exemption Under the Privacy Act

In its role as a media organisation (including the gathering and dissemination of news and information), the AJN is exempt from the requirements of the Privacy Act. In its capacity as a media organisation it deals with privacy issues in accordance with the standards stipulated by the Australian Press Council. On all other matters concerning personal information, this policy will be applicable.

Collecting Personal Information

All information collected is for the purpose of providing services to our customers and clients. Generally, we will obtain personal information directly from you. This will include contact details and may include sensitive information such as professional or trade associations. If we obtain information about you without your knowledge and the law requires your express consent to obtain it, then you will be contacted by us. We may also collect information from you from subscriptions you may make or from functions of the AJN you may attend.

Website and Cookies

When visiting our web site we may obtain information from your personal computer that provides your internet address, your domain name (applicable), the previous sites you have visited and when you visited the web site.

When you visit the site a server attaches a ‘cookie’ to your computer’s memory. This is done to help us store information on how visitors to our web site use it and what that may be of most interest. However, this information is not linked to any information you may provide and cannot be used to identify you.

Use and Disclosure of Information

In the course of providing services to you, we may disclose your personal information to third parties (such as mailing houses). However, we will ensure the disclosure of any personal information to entities outside the AJN will be bound by the same principles of confidentiality we are bound to.


If access to the information we have concerning you is required, you may request to see what it is and if it is up-to-date. This will be subject to any exemptions allowed under the Privacy Act.

If we refuse to allow access to your personal information, you will be informed and given details of what exemptions under the Privacy Act prevent its acquisition. Please note, a request for access will most probably incur a fee in providing such a service.


All reasonable steps are taken to ensure our information is accurate, complete and up-to-date. Should you be aware that we may have inaccurate information concerning you, please contact us immediately and we will take all reasonable steps to correct it.


If you wish to access your personal information, have a complaint issued, believe your privacy has been breached or wish to update your details, please contact the AJN.


The SSL (and TLS) protocol is the Web standard for encrypting communications between users and SSL (Secure Sockets Llayer) e-commerce sites. Data sent via an SSL connection is protected by encryption, a mechanism that prevents eavesdropping and tampering with any transmitted data. SSL provides businesses and consumers with the confidence that private data sent to a web site, such as a credit card number, is kept confidential. Web server certificates (also known as Secure Server certificates or SSL certificates) are required to initialize an SSL session.
The customer information including payment details or any other information that is entered into the Jewish news website is encrypted using a secure 256 Bit SSL encryption before being transmitted over the internet to our servers. Any traffic going between the client computer/browser and the Jewish news server is encrypted, securing the client private information entered on the site or information coming from the server to the clients browser.