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Browse Psychologist jobs

453 Psychologist jobs in Australia

A psychologist is an expert that study's human behaviour and the human mind. They tend to do a lot of research and use scientific methods to study the way people think, feel act and learn.

Psychologists work with children and adults of all ages, they can be self-employed or within an organisation and in many different environments such as a position in a university, health care services including hospitals, clinics, and mental health, also high schools, private practices or government. Psychologists help patients with mental illness, addiction, eating disorders, depression, anxiety, or learning disabilities. Most psychologists choose to specialise in a certain area.

A psychologist observes and assesses the client's needs, and behaviour by interviewing and conducting a range of tests and understand their needs and offer treatment such as counselling, create a program for the client, conduct questionnaires and research and keep a report on the clients progress. They may also conduct individual or group therapy sessions.

Responsibilities & Skills

Psychologist are compassionate, patient, positive people who think outside the box. They strive for the end results for all their clients while maintaining respect and being non-judgmental.

Good psychologists don't get too personal and can still work on their own issues as well as helping work out patient's issues.

-Excellent verbal and written communication skills
-Excellent listener
-Able to sole problems

Required Qualifications

  • Graduate Diploma in Psychology
  • Doctorate Degree (to work in a clinical position)

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