Mar 17 /
Mar 14 /
Mar 8 /

Grassroots Action Saves Door-to-Door Mail

Mar 4 /

"Guerilla gardens" were among the creative tactics that helped stop an overhaul of Canadian postal services that would have decimated mail delivery and laid off thousands. »

Pennsylvania Nurses Catch Organizing Fever

Feb 22 /

This union has grown by 40 percent in a matter of weeks—and the wins keep coming. What's going on? »

Flight Attendant Reformers Sweep Union Elections

Feb 18 /

Reform candidates swept national elections in the Association of Professional Flight Attendants, which represents 25,000 crew members at the merged American Airlines and US Airways. »

Rolling Sickouts Expose Unsafe Detroit Schools

Mar 3 /

Detroit Public School teachers have hit a breaking point with mice and mold, shrinking paychecks, overcrowded classrooms, and taking the blame for the governor's mistakes. »

Railroad Shop Workers Vote No on Merging Jobs

Feb 19 /

Machinists and pipefitters bucked management threats and rejected a concessionary deal by an 8-to-1 vote. »

Teachers Hold Walk-In Protests in 30 Cities

Feb 18 /

Locals from both major teacher unions participated in “walk-ins” on February 17 to “reclaim our schools.” »

TroubleMakers Blog

This Shopping Is No Fun

Feb 24 /

Whether we like it or not, every December Labor Notes staffers get a firsthand look at how the new state health insurance exchanges are working. »

Fast Food Strikers March on Iowa’s Republican Debate

Feb 3 /

Des Moines fast food workers struck days before the caucus, hoping to use the news media's temporary obsession with Iowa to highlight the campaign for a $15 minimum wage. »

Five Ways Rank and Filers Are Fundraising to Come to Labor Notes 2016

Jan 29 /

The more activists from your area attend, the more skills and inspiration they’ll bring back to local organizing. »