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There needs to be more to work than money


We should not fixate on earning money to buy satisfaction when we could be doing much more to gain satisfaction while we earn.

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Top ways to slack off at work

In every office there is always someone who has mastered the art of shirking their responsibilities. Here are five common ways employees loaf about at work.

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Has it ever occurred to you that, in all our economic striving, most of us – almost all our business people, economists and politicians, but also many normal people – are missing the point?

It occurred to me years ago, and I've thought about it often, but reading a little book by one of my gurus, Barry Schwartz, a professor of psychology at Swarthmore​ College in the US, has revved me up.

In my job I have to focus mainly on whatever issues everybody else is getting excited about. I've written a lot lately about the budget deficit, mainly because I see the Coalition swinging from exaggerating the size and urgency of the problem while in opposition, to virtually ignoring it now it's in government.

Illustration: Kerrie Leishman

Illustration: Kerrie Leishman

They had one big ill-considered and ill-fated attempt to fix the problem in their first budget, but now they don't even want to think about it.

Of course, getting the budget back to surplus is really just a housekeeping measure. It doesn't advance our cause in any positive sense, it just stops problems building up for the future.

No, the more positive efforts to improve our lot have focused on the need for "reform". The economists have noticed that the rate of productivity improvement has slowed and, since improving our productivity is the main way we keep our material standard of living rising, they're casting around for something we could do to improve matters.

When economic-types look for things to improve, their first thought is to "reform" taxation in a way that does more to encourage people to "work, save and invest".

Sorry, but all this is missing the point. Schwartz's little book is called Why We Work, and he asks us to reconsider the most basic question in economic life: why do we work?

To most people that's a stupid question. We work to make money, which we then use to keep body and soul together and buy the other things we need to give us a happy or satisfying life.

Next question: do we enjoy our work? Answer: sometimes yes, sometimes no. Some people do most of the time; most people don't.

The basic economic model assumes that people don't enjoy work; they do it only for the money. And, except perhaps to the individual, whether they do or they don't isn't of great consequence.

Most employers organise work in ways designed to maximise their employees' productivity – their productiveness. If their workers happen to enjoy their jobs, that's their good luck. If they don't, that's not something a boss needs to worry about.

Schwartz's argument is that we've allowed money – and the economists' way of thinking about work, which goes back to Adam Smith in 1776 – to get us muddled between means and ends.

Money is merely a means, not an end in itself. The end money is meant to be a means to is life satisfaction. But if satisfaction is the object of the exercise, why on earth would we organise the economy on the basis that whether or not people get satisfaction from their jobs doesn't matter?

Why fixate on earning money to buy satisfaction when we could be doing much more to gain satisfaction while we earn?

When you remember how much of our lives we spend working, think what a fabulous "reform" it would be if more of us got more satisfaction from our work.

If we got more satisfaction from our work, economists and politicians wouldn't have to worry quite so much about ensuring our money income kept growing strongly so we could keep attempting to buy more satisfaction. (Tip: the satisfaction you get from enjoying your job and doing it well is more powerful than the satisfaction you get from buying more stuff.)

And if bosses got more satisfaction from their own jobs, maybe they wouldn't be so obsessed by achieving ever faster-growing profits so as to justify ever-bigger bonuses.

You'd think that, with all the status and executive assistants to wait on them and people to boss about, bosses would be rolling in job satisfaction. But when I see how obsessed they are with pay rises and bonuses, it makes me wonder if they actually hate their jobs more than most of their employees do.

Of all the company's workers, they're the ones showing most sign of only doing it for the money.

By now, I know, many managers will be thinking, if I made making sure my workers had a good time at work an objective, their productivity would suffer.

That's certainly why many jobs have been designed in the soul-destroying way they have been, and the mentality that informs the way many managers manage. Treat 'em mean to keep 'em keen.

But consider the reverse possibility. There's growing evidence that workers who gain satisfaction from their jobs try harder and think more about how they could do their jobs better. Is that so hard to believe?

I'm convinced greater effort to make jobs more satisfying could leave most of us better off with, at worst, no loss of efficiency.

How do employers go about making jobs more satisfying? How can someone with a deadly job make it more emotionally rewarding?

These questions have been well studied by industrial psychologists and Schwartz has lots of useful things to say. But I'll leave that for another day.

Ross Gittins is the Herald's economics editor.

87 comments so far

  • We ARE missing the point & working like mice on running wheels, drifting from one exhausting week into another but that is what it takes to put a roof over your family's head in Sydney.

    Date and time
    March 15, 2016, 9:21PM
    • As well as moving to the country and eating lots of peaches, the lifestyle and happiness is the best I have ever experienced. Leaving Sydney was the best thing I have ever done.

      seen it coming
      safely out of debt
      Date and time
      March 16, 2016, 7:16AM
    • G’day Len.
      Ross - thank you.
      Perhaps this may help, and we need look no further to finding what it takes to make the ideal occupation - being a Parliamentarian is the job du jour.
      Look at how our noble servants fight tooth and nail to get their bums on that plush leather in our houses of government.
      What’s the secret?
      Let me think……and I’m just guessing here: could it be power, money, prestige or their public profile?
      Even when they’ve had their run and retired - those who have been in Parliament may hanker for another shot at the game.
      There's obviously a powerful attraction!
      Of course, that kind of occupation - may appeal to a particular personality style.
      A case in point
      As if we needed it, Stephen Smith has provided further proof – that ageless ambition and inflated self-regard blind politicians as to what lives beyond their mirror.
      His ‘thought bubble out loud’ on becoming leader of the WA Labor party - has crashed into the ocean, and sunk without a trace.
      Few will mourn its demise.
      In his wisdom, God created us with all sorts of afflictions and vulnerabilities - and these things tug at the leash and lurk just beneath the surface; in the case of Stephen S - they jumped the fence and stumbled into the spotlight.
      Thankfully, his rash notions have been corralled – and he has returned to the paddock that is the sole preserve of former politicians with too much time on their hands.
      This transient titillation – at most, to occupy no more than a line in the tome that will be his grand memoire.
      Surely, this is a fascinating insight into the lure of the 'job' of a politician - an attraction some find impossible to resist.

      Howe Synnott
      Date and time
      March 16, 2016, 7:50AM
    • Good morning Howe. Whilst you, enjoyably, wax lyrical about the inner mind workings of one S. Smith, and you are probably correct in your diagnosis, I find the more intriguing case study is one Tony Abbott. Yes, I know I could be accused of hammering poor Tony but in this instance I speak not of his record, as lamentable as it is, but his personality and what drives the man. Whilst his supporters, and for some time I have read their eulogies of him on this site, would come down on the side of 'conviction', 'drive' and similar themes, I rather detect strains of Smithism in him, but writ large. Power they say is an aphrodisiac but unless he suffers from narcissism, it would appear that he is a fervent believer in ultra conservatism, verging on evangelicalism and that he is some form of wronged messiah. One could claim the same for Malcolm but he is a much less interesting case study, being wholly more transparent.

      Dr Reg
      Date and time
      March 16, 2016, 8:49AM
    • This article might be a good one for the $3ph maritime workers to read. Trouble is they are no doubt illiterate or fluent in English.
      The rate this govt is headed there won't be any jobs to either love or hate.

      A country gal
      Date and time
      March 16, 2016, 8:59AM
    • The irony of all of this is that we don’t have a shortage of wealth issue in the world. There are 60 ish people who own half of the world. If they distributed some part, perhaps in the way that Bill Gate is trying to do before he dies, then there would not be money issues.

      Personally I'm over work. I'm only doing it till the children are self supporting then I'm off to an island!

      Date and time
      March 16, 2016, 10:27AM
    • Dr Reg - thank you, and goody - you've provided an excuse for me to present a previous post (on - you guessed it, TA).
      I'm an equal opportunity cynic.
      The article: "Damaging internal ructions persist in Turnbull government following leadership coup, new book reveals".
      My repose - see below; enjoy:
      "Abbott is simply doing what he has always done – be it as Leader of the Opposition, PM or Embittered Backbencher; he stays true to character.
      Right now, he has embraced his role as ‘The Usurped’; although it adds spice to his behaviour - unquestionably, he remains the same man.
      It would appear he is incapable of doing things any differently – and I doubt he wants to change, in the slightest.
      In his various political roles, he has dutifully worn the garb of the occasion – but they did not disguise the man. The emperor’s different suits were invariably transparent - if we ever took the time to look.
      With this newly discovered freedom to (as loudly as possible) speak his mind, we have been allowed the joy of seeing the worldview of TA - writ large; a grateful Australia thanks its loving God.
      Abbott’s view of life is quite narrow – he does not understand or truly respect the divergent nature of Australian society; he has been incapable of incorporating the diversity of Australian life into his political considerations.
      In the years shared with TA, on our respective journeys through life –- we can see that Abbott’s character has shown little in the way of evolution; overwhelmingly what we note is the consolidation and ossification of his character - his recent public pronouncements simply confirm this.
      This is not what Australia requires in a PM or ex-PM - we will be well rid off him".

      Howe Synnott
      Date and time
      March 16, 2016, 11:55AM
    • Ha, ha, similar to human beings, all jobs are not created equal. During my working life, as a worker, a senior executive and a business owner, I learn't that happy people are more productive. And I mean happy within themselves, regardless of their roles within the workforce. Conversely, an unhappy worker in a 'dream job' generally doesn't perform well.

      IMO, there is an element very much present in the make-up of human beings, that has passed its use by date, and again IMO, is the cause of the negative issues mentioned by Ross in the workplace, and many other issues to boot. And I speak of that primitive animal instinct called 'competitiveness'.

      Why, because it's a distraction, it takes your mind off the job, as well as creating anxiety and divisiveness. I learn't very early, that trying to extract more sales from a sales team by introducing incentives, only resulted in mayhem!

      One of the principal reasons I am so down on our Westminster voting system, is that it's based upon and operates on competitiveness, in the form of a perpetual 'two horse race'. Unfortunately for Australians, it's becoming more obvious that the minds of politicians are more focused on 'the two horse race' than getting the country back on course.

      And it's the same in the workplace when CEO's and senior staff are offered incentives by thoughtless directors. Suddenly, focus shifts in favor of the huge personal bonuses on offer and the organization simply becomes the 'means to an end'. And hence, you have a WFC looming. And by jiminy, that's exactly what we got!

      Competition works fine in the animal world, but why do we need it when we have the ability to think.

      Date and time
      March 16, 2016, 2:22PM
    • As a mother of twins, and with a sick family member to look after, after working 11 hour days and coming home to a zoo, I realise that my kids have a bleak future. And as I lay in bed, worrying about making ends meet - and what can I sell to afford a school excursion - Im supposed to consider whether "there needs to be more to work than money". People on autopilot have no time to wonder about such bourgeoise nonsense. Please Mr Gittins, write about something useful to the working class folk - like lightning speed optimal decision making, for instance.

      Not making ends meet
      Dudney - Sydney's evil twin
      Date and time
      March 16, 2016, 2:57PM
    • "Competition works fine in the animal world, but why do we need it when we have the ability to think."

      Because if you're not competing the people who are will steamroll you while you're busy holding hands and singing kumbaya, trying to get consensus on who is going to take notes for your committee about whether you should get together and decide whether to order one type of biscuit or another. Fairly simple.

      Competition drives the best outcomes, not necessarily those which make people happy though (unless that's what you're competing for). There were quite a few societies which favoured communal decisions over competition. Were, being the operative word.

      Tim the Toolman
      Date and time
      March 16, 2016, 3:31PM

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