September, 2009 Archives


Missed Opportunity

by aragorn in General

The idea seemed great. Get off work at 4:30, get home and have a quick meal and be on BART by 6 pm for an 8 pm flight. Little did I know that even though BART has raised their rates another 15% they had also decreased their “off hours” train schedule so that by the time I actually arrived at the airport it was 7:50. I missed my flight and due to the pressurized BART trip and my still weakened body missed my chance to make it to the Tacoma Anarchist Bookfair. Fucking fuck!

I am bummed about it. LBC is bummed about it (since this is a time it needs more exposure than it has). Ardent is bummed about it (since we have a new book out this week). It is just a shitty situation that makes me question whether it is possible to do everything at the same time. The only good thing is that it meant that I set some time aside without any of the little pressures and got a couple actual things done. I am looking forward to launching @Planet. I am looking forward to changing my day-to-day situation and clearing my head of all the noise.

Next month brings up another challenge. I’m planning on heading back to the North West for the Seattle bookfair but am not quite sure how to do it. I am thinking that I have to take off a day of work, or two, on either side of the trip. Maybe drive. I’m going to think about it this week.


Nihilist Communism – the book

by aragorn in Ardent

This is the quote on the back cover of the book from “Anarchists Must Say What Only Anarchists Can Say”

It is not for anarchists to celebrate when The People tak over; anarchists ought not to be so amazed at examples of natural ingenuity and resilience. That is after all what they base all their principles on. Unfortunately their proper political task is less appealing and more controversial; it is to poke their fingers into the wounds of revolution, to doubt and to look for ways in which the Zapatistas, FLN, ANC or any other bunch of leftwing heroes will sell out, because they always do.

This simple statement probably sums up as well as I can why I wanted to publish this book. Today I held it in my hands for the first time and I am happy with it. It has heft. It is dark and moody. It is not a book that people should believe in but one that should shed some darkness on the places that my friends think are full of brightness.

Nihilist Communism


A new blog

by aragorn in General

I have kind of let the other blog go and while I have a little hesitation about that it has more to do with feeling the limitation of the blog as being associated with the magazine than with not having anything to blog about. Since the origin of the first blog and the AJODA tour that inspired it I have been engaged and involved in more projects than during any other time in my life. I have largely not talked about those projects on the other blog. I usually waited to blog until I had something 500-1000 words to say. Usually somewhat related to the magazine. That is a limitation I will not have here.

I will keep the AJODA blog limited to magazine material and this blog for everything else. That is going to include technical things, writing about the tensions of working while @ (WWA), and the variety of projects I am involved in which include, but are not limited to