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latest news

A chance for the trade unions to lead the EU referendum debate

11/03/2016: For a socialist, working class no campaign


Refugee crisis

10/03/2016: Cruel capitalist regimes responsible


European Union
Alliance with Turkey to close borders

09/03/2016: Crises for refugees - and the EU – continues

  Europe, Turkey

Between hatred and solidarity

08/03/2016: The situation in Germany


 International Women’s Day

07/03/2016: Working women’s fight for a world without oppression


Sanders campaign at a crossroads

04/03/2016: Bernie’s political revolution will be strangled if it remains imprisoned within the corporate-controlled Democratic Party.


No intervention in Syria! Stop the war on the Kurds!

01/03/2016: Two articles on the current situation in Turkey and Kurdistan

  Kurdistan, Syria, Turkey

Government routed in general election

29/02/2016: Establishment parties in crisis, as a new Left rises

  Ireland Republic

Crisis set to deepen

27/02/2016: Year of the Monkey opens with economy in worst situation for decades


Nevada Goes to Clinton – Sanders Looks to Super Tuesday

26/02/2016: Huge enthusiasm for Bernie Sanders’ call for a political revolution leads to serious challenge to Hillary Clinton


South Africa
Worker and student protests intensify

25/02/2016: #OutsourcingMustFall campaign becomes point of reference for the working class

  South Africa

Britain - EU referendum
Vote OUT the Tories

24/02/2016: The referendum on 23 June is not just about the EU but is also an opportunity to pass verdict on Cameron and his rotten government

  Britain, Europe

Successful AAA-PBP electoral rally in Dublin

23/02/2016: Below, videos of TD’s (members of Irish Parliament) Paul Murphy and Ruth Coppinger at a public meeting of the Anti-Austerity Alliance/People Before Profit, after a mass demonstration of tens of thousands against water charges in Dublin

  Ireland Republic, Video

Five years on from the “Arab Spring”

20/02/2016: The “Arab Spring” revolutionary wave brought dictators in Tunisia and Egypt crashing down. It swept through the Middle East, inspiring workers and youth the world over. It has since ebbed, however, leaving the region wracked with war and sectarian conflict.

  Middle East

Roman politics riddled with scandal

19/02/2016: Five Star Movement can gain


Over 140 attend successful ‘Socialism Conference’

18/02/2016: Israeli and Palestinian activists discuss resisting Nentanyahu and urgent need to build socialist forces

  Israel / Palestine

A Marxist view of Modi’s Hindutva

17/02/2016: Analysis of the present situation in India from an internationalist perspective

  India, Video

Farmers occupy central Athens over pensions bill

17/02/2016: “All together, workers and poor farmers, at Syntagma Square, against austerity”


State’s massacre in Cizre

16/02/2016: Looming civil war can only be countered by a united struggle of working people

  Kurdistan, Turkey

 CWI 11th World Congress
South Asia wracked by instability

15/02/2016: Huge potential for workers’ struggles

  Asia, CWI

Lack of strategy and exclusions threaten ‘Momentum’

15/02/2016: Left must mobilise millions to militant anti-austerity banner & building of political organisation to give it voice


Bernie’s political revolution opens new era for American politics

13/02/2016: Build a #Movement4Bernie to Defeat the Billionaire Class and the Democratic Party Establishment.


 CWI 11th World Congress
Upheaval of traditional European political framework

12/02/2016: Workers’ fury at austerity and capitalist system will find more expression

  CWI, Europe

Ireland North
Hundreds protest against manufacturing destruction

12/02/2016: Union movement should step up call for nationalisation of threatened factories

  Ireland North

 11th CWI World Congress
A World in turmoil

11/02/2016: Renewed economic crisis, wars, political polarisation & class struggle perspectives

  Africa, Asia, CWI, Latin America, Middle East, Russia, US, World Economy

Hong Kong
‘Fishball Revolution’!

10/02/2016: Brutal policing must be condemned

  Hong Kong

Hunger and deadly repression

09/02/2016: Crisis for imperialism and a fight-back from below


Powerful general strike opposes cuts to pensions

09/02/2016: All out in the struggle! Coordinate and develop the fight now!


New political storms and mass struggles

08/02/2016: Opportunities will arise for working class and poor to organise


Malaysia: Opposition mounting against Najib’s government

04/09/2015, Over 200,000 people on protest for two days
Yuva Balan, CWI Malaysia

Malaysia: Prime Minister implicated in financial scandals

11/08/2015, Power struggle in UMNO party
Socialist Alternative (CWI in Malaysia)

Malaysia: Stop arrests of government opponents!

20/02/2015, Respect the right to freedom of speech!
Statement on arrests from Socialist Alternative (CWI Malaysia)

Malaysia: Opposition leader imprisoned

16/02/2015, Government conspires to quell growing opposition
Socialist Alternative (CWI in Malaysia)

Malaysia: Obama visit aims at increasing US influence in the region

13/05/2014, Second visit of US President in 50 years
Yuva, CWI Malaysia

Malaysia: 30,000 attend Kuala Lumpur May Day rally

02/05/2014, Protest against Goods and Services Tax
CWI Malaysia reporters

Malaysia: Chin Peng dies

09/10/2013, New generation can learn from experience of Malaya Communist Party leader
CWI Malaysia

Malaysia: Economy worsening

23/08/2013, Further burden on working class and young people
Yuva Balan, CWI Malaysia

Malaysia: Election ’victory’ based on fraud

10/05/2013, Ruling Barisan Nasional’s widespread fraud enrages opposition supporters and young people
Ravichandren, CWI Malaysia

Malaysia: Ruling government faces toughest elections ever

18/02/2013, Opposition victory possible for first time but workers and youth without genuine alternative
Ravi, CWI Malaysia

Malaysia: Effects of global crisis felt in Asia

24/10/2011, Malaysian economy enters difficult period
Raviechandren, CWI Malaysia

Malaysia: Frightened government continues to hold the ‘EO6’

20/07/2011, PSM draws parallels with crackdown on Reformasi movement

Malaysia: Thousands of people protest in Kuala Lumpur for clean and fair elections

11/07/2011, Massive crackdown on opposition
By CWI supporters, Malaysia

Malaysia: Detained opposition activists brutally treated, six re-arrested

03/07/2011, Government steps up attacks on democratic and human rights to maintain grip on power
By CWI supporters, Malaysia

Malaysia: Political parties gear up for general election

27/12/2010, Real socialist alternative needed
CWI reporters

Malaysia: Three day protest by more than 5,000 migrant workers

20/08/2010, Employers bow down to their demands
CWI reporters in Malaysia

Further articles on 'Malaysia':






Featured in: Malaysia



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