It is one of the most powerful themes which resonates throughout the tapestry of human experience,
it permeates the spectrum of recorded literature, religious attention, political ideology, spiritual reflection...
From ancient mythology and oral traditions, down to present-day pop culture, this broader motif comes back again, and again, and again...
There certainly seems to be something about the human condition which instinctively recognizes an underlying, incessant, pull...
To escape, to surpass, to emerge, to exit...
Not only in the context of individual people's specific circumstances, whether embedded in real history, or just a work of fiction, but, in the broadest sense.
Somehow, our individual experiences which innately reject confinement, resist restriction, abhor oppression, these seem to connect us all to the larger, human story. A larger quest. A deeper need.
And of course, the
Flat Earth topic is fascinating in how it serves to bring particular facet of our human nature into such sharper focus.
Is at least part of the reason why so many people have such a violent and repulsive reaction to the idea of an enclosed world?
Does it perhaps have to do with even more than just all the propaganda and programming, all the humanistic pride invested in our perceived scientific understanding, and actually connect to something on a more sub-conscious, even spiritual level
Is it possible that the fraudulent invention of a massive, virtually infinite, deep space cosmology, was ultimately easy enough to pass off, because deep-down, we hate the idea of there being walls of any kind?
Hate even the suggestion of limitation?
And how does the recognition of the
Earth and cosmos itself being a much more confined, finite thing, relate to all the other forms of restriction, oppression, and control being perpetrated upon humanity by this ever-encroaching system being built all around us...?
What do these "
Elite", really know..?
What are they hiding? What are they seeking to accomplish?
Is it more land?
Far off somewhere across an icy, infinite plain?
Is it the Firmament? Do they hope to finally break through to waters above?
Do they intend to use secret technology to create some kind of inter-dimensional portal, effectively hopping the wall by defying the laws of time and space..?
What are they doing?
What is going on? And what does it mean for us? Are we trapped? Is there some realistic dream of ascension? Can we too transcend whatever limits exist in the cosmos, and ourselves one day soar into the heavens, whatever
that actually means...?
What IS on the other side.....???
- published: 10 May 2016
- views: 35774