Cumhurbaşkanı Erdoğan, TBMM 25. Dönem 2. Yasama Yılı Açılış Konuşması.
Cumhurbaşkanı Recep Tayyip Erdoğan, Türkiye Büyük Millet Meclisi 25. Dönem 2. Yasama Yılı Açılış Konuşması.
HDP'li Vekilin Kürdistan Çıkışı TBMM'de Kavga Çıkardı
HDP'li Vekilin "Kürdistan" Çıkışı TBMM'de Kavga Çıkardı
HDP Batman Milletvekili Ayşe Acar Başaran'ın Meclis'te yaptığı konuşmada sokağa çıkma yasağı ilan edilen bölgeler için "Kürdistan" ifadesini kullanması Meclis'i karıştırdı. TBMM Genel Kurulu'nda, HDP'nin, sokağa çıkma yasakları ile ilgili grup önerisinin görüşmelerinde tartışma yaşandı.
Genel Kurul'da, grup önerisinden önce, TBMM Başkanı İs
Sırrı Süreyya Önder - TBMM Klasikleri
Sırrı Süreyya Önder - TBMM Klasikleri
1. Haydar
2. Rol yeteneği
3. Mü'min
4. Bardak
5. Deve eşek metaforu
6. Sosyoloji dersi
7. Traş
8. Su bile vermeyen zihniyetin adamı
9. Gel hele gel gel
TBMM Yüce Divan MHP'li Koray Aydın'dan ( Hırsızlık yapana hırsız denir ) AKP Davutogluna firca
TBMM Yeni Yasama Yılı Açılışı-HDP Grup Başkanvekili İstanbul Milletvekili Pervin Buldan-1 Ekim 2015
TBMM Yeni Yasama Yılı Açılışı-HDP Grup Başkanvekili İstanbul Milletvekili Pervin Buldan-1 Ekim 2015
TBMM'de 'Ben Kürt'üm; sen kimsin?' tartışması
Türkiye Büyük Millet Meclisi (TBMM) Genel Kurulu'nun 17'nci birleşimi yoklamasız açıldı. Birleşimi TBMM Başkanvekili Pervin Buldan yönetiyor. HDP Grubu'nun bazı valiliklerce ilan edilen sokağa çıkma yasaklarına dair Meclis araştırma önergesinin bugün görüşülmesi önerisi kabul edilmedi.
HDP Şanlıurfa Milletvekili İbrahim Ayhan, Türkiye'nin gerçekten çok sancılı ve yakıcı bir süreçten geçtiğini, he
Leyla Zana TBMM Yemin Töreni Krizi 17 Kasım 2015
Ağrı'dan 26. Dönem Milletvekili seçilen Leyla ZANA'nın TBMM'de yaptığı yemini kabul edilmedi.
Osman Baydemir'in konuşması ve üzerine yaşanan sert tartışmalar / Tamamı
HDP Şanlıurfa Milletvekili Osman Baydemir'in Genel Kurul'da görüşülen HDP Grup Önerisi hakkındaki konuşmasının tamamı ve konuşma üzerine yaşanan sert tartışmalar.
Osman Baydemir / 27 Ocak 2016
Saffet Sancaklı'nın TBMM'de alkışlarla kesilen konuşması
Sırrı Süreyya Önder Meclis Başkanı'nı Kınadı | 25 Kasım 2015
HDP Milletvekili Sırrı Süreyya Önder TBMM'de 64.Dönem Hükümet Programı'nın görüşülmesi sırasında konuşan Meclis Başkanı İsmail Kahraman'ın 'Öğretmenler Günü' ile ilgili 12 Eylül darbe dönemini olumlamasını kınadı.
Sırrı Süreyya Önder 25 Kasım 2015,
Sırrı Süreyya Önder Meclis Başkanı
52) I.TBMM Dönemi ve Özellikleri - Ramazan Yetgin (2016)
İzediğiniz konu anlatımı Yediiklim AKADEMİ (ANKARA) Tarih Öğretmeni ve Evveliyat kitabının yazarı Ramazan Yetgin'in 2016 yılında yapılacak olan Lisans, Önlisans ve Ortaöğretim düzeyinden KPSS'ye girecek öğrenciler için çektiği ücretsiz videolardır.Mutlaka izleyiniz.İyi seyirler.
Osman Baydemir / 5 Ocak 2016 / HDP Grup Önerisi Hk.
HDP Şanlıurfa Milletvekili Osman Baydemir'in Genel Kurul'da görüşülen HDP Grup Önerisi hakkındaki konuşması.
53) I.TBMM'ye Karşı Çıkan Ayaklanmalar - Ramazan Yetgin (2016)
İzediğiniz konu anlatımı Yediiklim AKADEMİ (ANKARA) Tarih Öğretmeni ve Evveliyat kitabının yazarı Ramazan Yetgin'in 2016 yılında yapılacak olan Lisans, Önlisans ve Ortaöğretim düzeyinden KPSS'ye girecek öğrenciler için çektiği ücretsiz videolardır.Mutlaka izleyiniz.İyi seyirler.
4dk'da TBMM'nin AÇILIŞI |TEOG-1
Tonguç Akademi TBMM'nin AÇILIŞIkonu anlatımını her zamanki gibi en eğlenceli şekilde Tonguçlayarak bu videoda bulabilirsin.
TBMM'nin AÇILIŞI ve diğer tarih konu anlatımları için tek yapman gereken ise ÜCRETSİZ ABONE olmak.
Abone Olmak için ❄ http://goo.gl/ihZutG
Tonguç Akademi YGS-LYS ❄ http://goo.gl/vuNIOL
Tonguç Akademi TEOG ❄ http://goo.gl/rlOa6I
Diğer Sosyal Medya Hesaplarımız:
❄ Tonguç
HDP'liler TBMM'de Kürtçe Konuştu, MHP'liler Tepki Gösterdi
HDP'li bazı milletvekilleri, muhalefet partilerinin verdiği çeşitli önerileri görüşmelerinde kürsüden 'Dünya Anadil Günü' nedeniyle konuşmalarının sonlarında bugünün özelliği nedeniyle teşekkürlerini Kürtçe olarak yaptı. TBMM Başkanvekili Ayşenur Bahçekapılı ise Kürkçe'yi anlamadıkları için Kürtçe sözleri Türkçe'ye çevirmesini ve tutanaklara geçmesini istedi. Bunun üzerine Kürtçe konuşan HDP'li mi
Tonguç'la 10 dakikada TBMM YE AYAKLANMALAR konusunu öğrenmek istemez misin? Çıkabilecek soruların özellikle altını çizdiğimiz bu videoyu sakın kaçırma!
KPSS, LYS, YGS, TEOG'da muhakkak en az 1 soruyla karşına çıkan bu konuyu hemen izle!
Okul müfredatına uygun, Meb'e uyumlu tarih videolarımızı Tonguçlamalısın!
Çünkü Tonguç'layarak eğlenip öğrenmek artık daha kolay! :)
Bu arada unutma, paylaş
Tonguç'la 5 dakikada TEOG TBMM AÇILIŞI konusunu öğrenmek istemez misin? Çıkabilecek soruların özellikle altını çizdiğimiz bu videoyu sakın kaçırma!
KPSS, LYS, YGS, TEOG'da muhakkak en az 1 soruyla karşına çıkan bu konuyu hemen izle!
Okul müfredatına uygun, Meb'e uyumlu tarih videolarımızı Tonguçlamalısın!
Çünkü Tonguç'layarak eğlenip öğrenmek artık daha kolay! :)
Bu arada unutma, paylaşmak
TBMM'de Bozkurt! Kırıkkale Öğrenci meclis başkanı Kayacan KAYA
Türk öğrencisi, Kırıkkaleden çıkan günlük gazeteyi dünya milletlerine okutana, iç ve dış mihrapları yok edene, milli benliğimizi bir yılan misali sokmak ve çift dilde eğitim görmek isteyenlerin kafasını ezene, Attillanın yarım bıraktığı işi devam ettirip romaya tekbir nidalarıyla girene ve Mübarek cuma namazını vatikanda kılana kadar çalışmalıdır!
Mehmet Metiner'den HDP'ye, TBMM'de tokat gibi cevap!
AK Parti İstanbul Milletvekili Mehmet Metiner; bu akşam TBMM Genel Kurulunda şahsı adına söz alıp, bir konuşma gerçekleştirdi.
Metiner konuşmasında şunları ifade etti:
"Sayın Başkan, değerli milletvekilleri; önderleri olarak kabul ettikleri şahıs 'İnkâr biterse isyan biter.' diyordu. Biz inkârı bitirdik, asimilasyonu bitirdik. Biz Kürt halkı üzerindeki baskıyı ortadan kaldırdık. Bugün Kürt halkına
Osman Baydemir TBMM'de hüngür hüngür ağladı
Meclis Genel Kurulu'nda kürsüye çıkan HDP Şanlıurfa milletvekili Osman Baydemir, Şırnak ve Diyarbakır'da yapılan operasyonlardaki ölümlere dikkat çekrek başladığı konuşmasında hüngür hüngür ağladı. Baydemir 'Allah aşkına, Muhammed aşkına... Her neye inanıyorsanız onun aşkına o binada ölenler sizsiniz siz.! O binada ölenler MHP sırasıdır, HDP sırasıdır, CHP sırasıdır, AKP sırasıdır. Allah'tan korkm
I TBMM Donemi I TBMM Donemi ve Ozellikler
TBMM'de Oktay Saral vs Bülent TezcanYumruklu Kavgası - 23 OCAK 2014
TBMM Genel Kurulu bir kez daha büyük bir kavgaya sahne oldu. AK Parti'li Oktay Saral ile CHP'li Bülent Tezcan arasında yumruklu kavga yaşandı. Kavgayı başlatan Oktay Saral'a kınama cezası verildi.
Tarih - 21. TBMM ve Sevr Antlaşması
Tarih - 21. TBMM ve Sevr Antlaşması
Atlas Yayıncılık Tarafından hazırlanan Yeni bir yapım olan "KPSS Genel Kültür ve Genel Yetenek Seti" evde, işte, okulda ve her yerde rahatlıkla sınava hazırlanmanızı amaçlıyor. Sınıf ortamını sizlere yaşatan bu muhteşem eğitim seti sayesinde Matematik, Geometri, Coğrafya, Türkçe, Tarih dersleri arşiviniz oluyor.
Atlas Akademi YouTube kanalına abone olmak içi
Cumhurbaşkanı Erdoğan, TBMM 25. Dönem 2. Yasama Yılı Açılış Konuşması.
Cumhurbaşkanı Recep Tayyip Erdoğan, Türkiye Büyük Millet Meclisi 25. Dönem 2. Yasama Yılı Açılış Konuşması....
Cumhurbaşkanı Recep Tayyip Erdoğan, Türkiye Büyük Millet Meclisi 25. Dönem 2. Yasama Yılı Açılış Konuşması.
wn.com/Cumhurbaşkanı Erdoğan, Tbmm 25. Dönem 2. Yasama Yılı Açılış Konuşması.
Cumhurbaşkanı Recep Tayyip Erdoğan, Türkiye Büyük Millet Meclisi 25. Dönem 2. Yasama Yılı Açılış Konuşması.
- published: 01 Oct 2015
- views: 29123
HDP'li Vekilin Kürdistan Çıkışı TBMM'de Kavga Çıkardı
HDP'li Vekilin "Kürdistan" Çıkışı TBMM'de Kavga Çıkardı
HDP Batman Milletvekili Ayşe Acar Başaran'ın Meclis'te yaptığı konuşmada sokağa çıkma yasağı ilan edile...
HDP'li Vekilin "Kürdistan" Çıkışı TBMM'de Kavga Çıkardı
HDP Batman Milletvekili Ayşe Acar Başaran'ın Meclis'te yaptığı konuşmada sokağa çıkma yasağı ilan edilen bölgeler için "Kürdistan" ifadesini kullanması Meclis'i karıştırdı. TBMM Genel Kurulu'nda, HDP'nin, sokağa çıkma yasakları ile ilgili grup önerisinin görüşmelerinde tartışma yaşandı.
Genel Kurul'da, grup önerisinden önce, TBMM Başkanı İsmail Kahraman başkanlığındaki Parlamento heyetinin 9 Aralık'ta KKTC ve 15-16 Aralık tarihlerinde Azerbaycan'a resmi ziyaretlerde bulunmasına ilişkin Tezkere kabul edildi.
BMM Danışma Kurulu'nda uzlaşma sağlanamaması üzerine HDP, grup önerisini Genel Kurul'a taşıdı. Öneri üzerinde konuşan HDP Batman Milletvekili Ayşe Acar Başaran, AK Parti milletvekillerinin önyargılarını bırakarak kendisini dinlemelerini istedi. Başaran'ın, "Son bir kaç ayda Kürdistan'da 18 ayrı yerde 149 gün sokağa çıkma yasağı ilan edildiğini ve 77 sivilin yaşamını yitirdiğini" söylemesine, AK Parti milletvekilleri tepki gösterdi.
wn.com/Hdp'li Vekilin Kürdistan Çıkışı Tbmm'de Kavga Çıkardı
HDP'li Vekilin "Kürdistan" Çıkışı TBMM'de Kavga Çıkardı
HDP Batman Milletvekili Ayşe Acar Başaran'ın Meclis'te yaptığı konuşmada sokağa çıkma yasağı ilan edilen bölgeler için "Kürdistan" ifadesini kullanması Meclis'i karıştırdı. TBMM Genel Kurulu'nda, HDP'nin, sokağa çıkma yasakları ile ilgili grup önerisinin görüşmelerinde tartışma yaşandı.
Genel Kurul'da, grup önerisinden önce, TBMM Başkanı İsmail Kahraman başkanlığındaki Parlamento heyetinin 9 Aralık'ta KKTC ve 15-16 Aralık tarihlerinde Azerbaycan'a resmi ziyaretlerde bulunmasına ilişkin Tezkere kabul edildi.
BMM Danışma Kurulu'nda uzlaşma sağlanamaması üzerine HDP, grup önerisini Genel Kurul'a taşıdı. Öneri üzerinde konuşan HDP Batman Milletvekili Ayşe Acar Başaran, AK Parti milletvekillerinin önyargılarını bırakarak kendisini dinlemelerini istedi. Başaran'ın, "Son bir kaç ayda Kürdistan'da 18 ayrı yerde 149 gün sokağa çıkma yasağı ilan edildiğini ve 77 sivilin yaşamını yitirdiğini" söylemesine, AK Parti milletvekilleri tepki gösterdi.
- published: 09 Dec 2015
- views: 19943
Sırrı Süreyya Önder - TBMM Klasikleri
Sırrı Süreyya Önder - TBMM Klasikleri
1. Haydar
2. Rol yeteneği
3. Mü'min
4. Bardak
5. Deve eşek metaforu
6. Sosyoloji dersi
7. Traş
8. Su bile vermeyen zihniy...
Sırrı Süreyya Önder - TBMM Klasikleri
1. Haydar
2. Rol yeteneği
3. Mü'min
4. Bardak
5. Deve eşek metaforu
6. Sosyoloji dersi
7. Traş
8. Su bile vermeyen zihniyetin adamı
9. Gel hele gel gel
wn.com/Sırrı SüReyya ÖNder Tbmm Klasikleri
Sırrı Süreyya Önder - TBMM Klasikleri
1. Haydar
2. Rol yeteneği
3. Mü'min
4. Bardak
5. Deve eşek metaforu
6. Sosyoloji dersi
7. Traş
8. Su bile vermeyen zihniyetin adamı
9. Gel hele gel gel
- published: 05 Jun 2012
- views: 2187927
TBMM Yeni Yasama Yılı Açılışı-HDP Grup Başkanvekili İstanbul Milletvekili Pervin Buldan-1 Ekim 2015
TBMM Yeni Yasama Yılı Açılışı-HDP Grup Başkanvekili İstanbul Milletvekili Pervin Buldan-1 Ekim 2015...
TBMM Yeni Yasama Yılı Açılışı-HDP Grup Başkanvekili İstanbul Milletvekili Pervin Buldan-1 Ekim 2015
wn.com/Tbmm Yeni Yasama Yılı Açılışı Hdp Grup Başkanvekili İstanbul Milletvekili Pervin Buldan 1 Ekim 2015
TBMM Yeni Yasama Yılı Açılışı-HDP Grup Başkanvekili İstanbul Milletvekili Pervin Buldan-1 Ekim 2015
- published: 01 Oct 2015
- views: 26144
TBMM'de 'Ben Kürt'üm; sen kimsin?' tartışması
Türkiye Büyük Millet Meclisi (TBMM) Genel Kurulu'nun 17'nci birleşimi yoklamasız açıldı. Birleşimi TBMM Başkanvekili Pervin Buldan yönetiyor. HDP Grubu'nun bazı...
Türkiye Büyük Millet Meclisi (TBMM) Genel Kurulu'nun 17'nci birleşimi yoklamasız açıldı. Birleşimi TBMM Başkanvekili Pervin Buldan yönetiyor. HDP Grubu'nun bazı valiliklerce ilan edilen sokağa çıkma yasaklarına dair Meclis araştırma önergesinin bugün görüşülmesi önerisi kabul edilmedi.
HDP Şanlıurfa Milletvekili İbrahim Ayhan, Türkiye'nin gerçekten çok sancılı ve yakıcı bir süreçten geçtiğini, hem dış politika açısından hem de iç politika açısından oldukça tarihî öneme denk düşebilecek bir süreç olduğunu ifade etti. Türkiye'nin dış politikada tamamen AK Parti hükûmetinin militarizasyon politikaları sonucu bir savaş sürecine girdiğini belirten Ayhan, "Bir taraftan Musul, diğer taraftan Rusya, diğer yandan Suriye'ye ilişkin kışkırtıcı, şiddet eksenli politikalar Türkiye'yi bölgede bir savaşın eşiğine getirmiş durumdadır. AKP, kendi içerisinde çözemediği Kürt sorunu başta olmak üzere tüm toplumsal sorunların çözüm adresi olarak savaşı başlatarak böylesi bir felaketle Türkiye'yi ne yazık ki karşı karşıya getirmiş durumdadır. Türkiye hızlı bir şekilde bir kaosun ve krizin içerisine sürüklenmek durumundadır. Bunun herkes tarafından çok iyi bilinmesi gerekiyor. Daha yakın zamanda, beş aylık bir süreç içerisinde, 7 Haziran seçimlerinin hemen arkasından, Türkiye'de sokağa çıkma yasaklarıyla beraber müthiş derecede bir devlet terörü hayata geçirilmeye çalışıldı. Halkın iradesi, halkın öz yönetim duruşu, polisiye ve askerî yöntemlerle terörize edilmeye, savaş yöntemleriyle yok edilmeye çalışıldı. Bunun temel sebebi ise şu ana kadar AKP'nin iktidarda olduğu süreç de dâhil olmak üzere 100 yıllık Kürt sorunundaki çözümsüzlük politikalarıdır ve bugün AKP, âdeta topluma savaşı ve şiddeti ısrarla dayatma çabası ve gayreti içerisindedir." diye konuştu.
wn.com/Tbmm'de 'Ben Kürt'üm Sen Kimsin ' Tartışması
Türkiye Büyük Millet Meclisi (TBMM) Genel Kurulu'nun 17'nci birleşimi yoklamasız açıldı. Birleşimi TBMM Başkanvekili Pervin Buldan yönetiyor. HDP Grubu'nun bazı valiliklerce ilan edilen sokağa çıkma yasaklarına dair Meclis araştırma önergesinin bugün görüşülmesi önerisi kabul edilmedi.
HDP Şanlıurfa Milletvekili İbrahim Ayhan, Türkiye'nin gerçekten çok sancılı ve yakıcı bir süreçten geçtiğini, hem dış politika açısından hem de iç politika açısından oldukça tarihî öneme denk düşebilecek bir süreç olduğunu ifade etti. Türkiye'nin dış politikada tamamen AK Parti hükûmetinin militarizasyon politikaları sonucu bir savaş sürecine girdiğini belirten Ayhan, "Bir taraftan Musul, diğer taraftan Rusya, diğer yandan Suriye'ye ilişkin kışkırtıcı, şiddet eksenli politikalar Türkiye'yi bölgede bir savaşın eşiğine getirmiş durumdadır. AKP, kendi içerisinde çözemediği Kürt sorunu başta olmak üzere tüm toplumsal sorunların çözüm adresi olarak savaşı başlatarak böylesi bir felaketle Türkiye'yi ne yazık ki karşı karşıya getirmiş durumdadır. Türkiye hızlı bir şekilde bir kaosun ve krizin içerisine sürüklenmek durumundadır. Bunun herkes tarafından çok iyi bilinmesi gerekiyor. Daha yakın zamanda, beş aylık bir süreç içerisinde, 7 Haziran seçimlerinin hemen arkasından, Türkiye'de sokağa çıkma yasaklarıyla beraber müthiş derecede bir devlet terörü hayata geçirilmeye çalışıldı. Halkın iradesi, halkın öz yönetim duruşu, polisiye ve askerî yöntemlerle terörize edilmeye, savaş yöntemleriyle yok edilmeye çalışıldı. Bunun temel sebebi ise şu ana kadar AKP'nin iktidarda olduğu süreç de dâhil olmak üzere 100 yıllık Kürt sorunundaki çözümsüzlük politikalarıdır ve bugün AKP, âdeta topluma savaşı ve şiddeti ısrarla dayatma çabası ve gayreti içerisindedir." diye konuştu.
- published: 23 Dec 2015
- views: 10119
Leyla Zana TBMM Yemin Töreni Krizi 17 Kasım 2015
Ağrı'dan 26. Dönem Milletvekili seçilen Leyla ZANA'nın TBMM'de yaptığı yemini kabul edilmedi....
Ağrı'dan 26. Dönem Milletvekili seçilen Leyla ZANA'nın TBMM'de yaptığı yemini kabul edilmedi.
wn.com/Leyla Zana Tbmm Yemin Töreni Krizi 17 Kasım 2015
Ağrı'dan 26. Dönem Milletvekili seçilen Leyla ZANA'nın TBMM'de yaptığı yemini kabul edilmedi.
- published: 17 Nov 2015
- views: 34372
Osman Baydemir'in konuşması ve üzerine yaşanan sert tartışmalar / Tamamı
HDP Şanlıurfa Milletvekili Osman Baydemir'in Genel Kurul'da görüşülen HDP Grup Önerisi hakkındaki konuşmasının tamamı ve konuşma üzerine yaşanan sert tartışmala...
HDP Şanlıurfa Milletvekili Osman Baydemir'in Genel Kurul'da görüşülen HDP Grup Önerisi hakkındaki konuşmasının tamamı ve konuşma üzerine yaşanan sert tartışmalar.
Osman Baydemir / 27 Ocak 2016
wn.com/Osman Baydemir'in Konuşması Ve Üzerine Yaşanan Sert Tartışmalar Tamamı
HDP Şanlıurfa Milletvekili Osman Baydemir'in Genel Kurul'da görüşülen HDP Grup Önerisi hakkındaki konuşmasının tamamı ve konuşma üzerine yaşanan sert tartışmalar.
Osman Baydemir / 27 Ocak 2016
- published: 27 Jan 2016
- views: 8625
Sırrı Süreyya Önder Meclis Başkanı'nı Kınadı | 25 Kasım 2015
HDP Milletvekili Sırrı Süreyya Önder TBMM'de 64.Dönem Hükümet Programı'nın görüşülmesi sırasında konuşan Meclis Başkanı İsmail Kahraman'ın 'Öğretmenler Günü' il...
HDP Milletvekili Sırrı Süreyya Önder TBMM'de 64.Dönem Hükümet Programı'nın görüşülmesi sırasında konuşan Meclis Başkanı İsmail Kahraman'ın 'Öğretmenler Günü' ile ilgili 12 Eylül darbe dönemini olumlamasını kınadı.
Sırrı Süreyya Önder 25 Kasım 2015,
Sırrı Süreyya Önder Meclis Başkanı
wn.com/Sırrı Süreyya Önder Meclis Başkanı'nı Kınadı | 25 Kasım 2015
HDP Milletvekili Sırrı Süreyya Önder TBMM'de 64.Dönem Hükümet Programı'nın görüşülmesi sırasında konuşan Meclis Başkanı İsmail Kahraman'ın 'Öğretmenler Günü' ile ilgili 12 Eylül darbe dönemini olumlamasını kınadı.
Sırrı Süreyya Önder 25 Kasım 2015,
Sırrı Süreyya Önder Meclis Başkanı
- published: 25 Nov 2015
- views: 35786
52) I.TBMM Dönemi ve Özellikleri - Ramazan Yetgin (2016)
İzediğiniz konu anlatımı Yediiklim AKADEMİ (ANKARA) Tarih Öğretmeni ve Evveliyat kitabının yazarı Ramazan Yetgin'in 2016 yılında yapılacak olan Lisans, Önlisans...
İzediğiniz konu anlatımı Yediiklim AKADEMİ (ANKARA) Tarih Öğretmeni ve Evveliyat kitabının yazarı Ramazan Yetgin'in 2016 yılında yapılacak olan Lisans, Önlisans ve Ortaöğretim düzeyinden KPSS'ye girecek öğrenciler için çektiği ücretsiz videolardır.Mutlaka izleyiniz.İyi seyirler.
wn.com/52) I.Tbmm Dönemi Ve Özellikleri Ramazan Yetgin (2016)
İzediğiniz konu anlatımı Yediiklim AKADEMİ (ANKARA) Tarih Öğretmeni ve Evveliyat kitabının yazarı Ramazan Yetgin'in 2016 yılında yapılacak olan Lisans, Önlisans ve Ortaöğretim düzeyinden KPSS'ye girecek öğrenciler için çektiği ücretsiz videolardır.Mutlaka izleyiniz.İyi seyirler.
- published: 20 Oct 2015
- views: 93352
Osman Baydemir / 5 Ocak 2016 / HDP Grup Önerisi Hk.
HDP Şanlıurfa Milletvekili Osman Baydemir'in Genel Kurul'da görüşülen HDP Grup Önerisi hakkındaki konuşması....
HDP Şanlıurfa Milletvekili Osman Baydemir'in Genel Kurul'da görüşülen HDP Grup Önerisi hakkındaki konuşması.
wn.com/Osman Baydemir 5 Ocak 2016 Hdp Grup Önerisi Hk.
HDP Şanlıurfa Milletvekili Osman Baydemir'in Genel Kurul'da görüşülen HDP Grup Önerisi hakkındaki konuşması.
- published: 05 Jan 2016
- views: 32002
53) I.TBMM'ye Karşı Çıkan Ayaklanmalar - Ramazan Yetgin (2016)
İzediğiniz konu anlatımı Yediiklim AKADEMİ (ANKARA) Tarih Öğretmeni ve Evveliyat kitabının yazarı Ramazan Yetgin'in 2016 yılında yapılacak olan Lisans, Önlisans...
İzediğiniz konu anlatımı Yediiklim AKADEMİ (ANKARA) Tarih Öğretmeni ve Evveliyat kitabının yazarı Ramazan Yetgin'in 2016 yılında yapılacak olan Lisans, Önlisans ve Ortaöğretim düzeyinden KPSS'ye girecek öğrenciler için çektiği ücretsiz videolardır.Mutlaka izleyiniz.İyi seyirler.
wn.com/53) I.Tbmm'ye Karşı Çıkan Ayaklanmalar Ramazan Yetgin (2016)
İzediğiniz konu anlatımı Yediiklim AKADEMİ (ANKARA) Tarih Öğretmeni ve Evveliyat kitabının yazarı Ramazan Yetgin'in 2016 yılında yapılacak olan Lisans, Önlisans ve Ortaöğretim düzeyinden KPSS'ye girecek öğrenciler için çektiği ücretsiz videolardır.Mutlaka izleyiniz.İyi seyirler.
- published: 21 Oct 2015
- views: 92416
4dk'da TBMM'nin AÇILIŞI |TEOG-1
Tonguç Akademi TBMM'nin AÇILIŞIkonu anlatımını her zamanki gibi en eğlenceli şekilde Tonguçlayarak bu videoda bulabilirsin.
TBMM'nin AÇILIŞI ve diğer tarih konu...
Tonguç Akademi TBMM'nin AÇILIŞIkonu anlatımını her zamanki gibi en eğlenceli şekilde Tonguçlayarak bu videoda bulabilirsin.
TBMM'nin AÇILIŞI ve diğer tarih konu anlatımları için tek yapman gereken ise ÜCRETSİZ ABONE olmak.
Abone Olmak için ❄ http://goo.gl/ihZutG
Tonguç Akademi YGS-LYS ❄ http://goo.gl/vuNIOL
Tonguç Akademi TEOG ❄ http://goo.gl/rlOa6I
Diğer Sosyal Medya Hesaplarımız:
❄ Tonguç YouNow ❄ https://goo.gl/rk2Sng
❄ Tonguç'un Instagram'ı da var ❄ http://goo.gl/pyQPwE
❄ Facebook'suz olmaz ❄ http://goo.gl/OH4VsC
❄ Twit atmadan duramıyoruz ❄ http://goo.gl/V03f2t
Bilinen tüm eğitim anlayışının ötesinde eğlenceli çizimler ve anlatımıyla Tonguç Akademi'de dersler çok zevkli. Tonguç'un zıpır sorularıyla siz de YGS, LYS ve TEOG yolunda eğlenirken öğrenmenin keyfini çıkartın. Sorularınızı ve yorumlarınızı da yazmayı unutmayın :)
Takipte kalın ❄ https://goo.gl/2vtIZC
wn.com/4Dk'da Tbmm'Nin Açilişi |Teog 1
Tonguç Akademi TBMM'nin AÇILIŞIkonu anlatımını her zamanki gibi en eğlenceli şekilde Tonguçlayarak bu videoda bulabilirsin.
TBMM'nin AÇILIŞI ve diğer tarih konu anlatımları için tek yapman gereken ise ÜCRETSİZ ABONE olmak.
Abone Olmak için ❄ http://goo.gl/ihZutG
Tonguç Akademi YGS-LYS ❄ http://goo.gl/vuNIOL
Tonguç Akademi TEOG ❄ http://goo.gl/rlOa6I
Diğer Sosyal Medya Hesaplarımız:
❄ Tonguç YouNow ❄ https://goo.gl/rk2Sng
❄ Tonguç'un Instagram'ı da var ❄ http://goo.gl/pyQPwE
❄ Facebook'suz olmaz ❄ http://goo.gl/OH4VsC
❄ Twit atmadan duramıyoruz ❄ http://goo.gl/V03f2t
Bilinen tüm eğitim anlayışının ötesinde eğlenceli çizimler ve anlatımıyla Tonguç Akademi'de dersler çok zevkli. Tonguç'un zıpır sorularıyla siz de YGS, LYS ve TEOG yolunda eğlenirken öğrenmenin keyfini çıkartın. Sorularınızı ve yorumlarınızı da yazmayı unutmayın :)
Takipte kalın ❄ https://goo.gl/2vtIZC
- published: 17 Nov 2015
- views: 11548
HDP'liler TBMM'de Kürtçe Konuştu, MHP'liler Tepki Gösterdi
HDP'li bazı milletvekilleri, muhalefet partilerinin verdiği çeşitli önerileri görüşmelerinde kürsüden 'Dünya Anadil Günü' nedeniyle konuşmalarının sonlarında bu...
HDP'li bazı milletvekilleri, muhalefet partilerinin verdiği çeşitli önerileri görüşmelerinde kürsüden 'Dünya Anadil Günü' nedeniyle konuşmalarının sonlarında bugünün özelliği nedeniyle teşekkürlerini Kürtçe olarak yaptı. TBMM Başkanvekili Ayşenur Bahçekapılı ise Kürkçe'yi anlamadıkları için Kürtçe sözleri Türkçe'ye çevirmesini ve tutanaklara geçmesini istedi. Bunun üzerine Kürtçe konuşan HDP'li milletvekilleri konuşmasını Türkçeye çevirdi.
MHP'li milletvekilleri ise Kürtçe konuşulmasına ve bu konuşmanın Türkçeye çevrilmesinin istenmesine tepki gösterdi. Ardından da usul tartışması açıldı. MHP Grup Başkanvekili Yusuf Hallaçoğlu, "Biz burada TBMM'nin milletvekilleri olarak Türk milletini temsil için yemin ettik. Siz başkan olarak orada TBMM'yi temsil ediyorsunuz. Konuşulan dili siz tekrar çevirtemezsiniz. Bu mecliste Türkçeden başka bir şey hitap etmek mümkün değildir kanuna göre. Siz burada kendi İnsanlar ana dili ile konuşabilirler. TBMM' de olmaz. Bunun özgürlükle alakası yok. Hukuk devletiyle, anayasayla alakası var" dedi.
AK Parti Grup Başkanvekili Naci Bostancı ise, şunları söyledi:
"Yeryüzünde 8 bin dil var. 200 devlet var. Her ülkede farklı diller konuşulabilir. Türkiye Cumhuriyeti bir ulus devleti. Dili Türkçe. Bu ülkede farklı dili ana dili olanlar varsa onlarda bu ülkenin vatandaşı. Onlara saygı, dillerine saygıdır. AK Parti farklı dil ve lehçelerle siyasal propagandalarının önün açmıştır. Farklı dillere konuşmak son derece olağandır. Mecliste de yapılmaktadır" diye konuştu.
HDP Grup Başkanvekili İdris Baluken ise, "Ana dili Kürtçe olan bir vekil olarak bu tartışmanın içinde olmaktan icap duyuyorum. Bu bize yapılan bir hakarettir. Kendi dilimizle, ana dilimizle Ana Dil Günüde birkaç cümle sarf etmemize tahammülsüzlük ile karış karşıyayız" dedi.
TBMM Başkanvekili Ayşenur Bahçekapılı ise, "Kürtçe iki cümle kurdu. Bundan dolayı usul tartışması açılmasını esefle karşılıyorum üzülüyorum" şeklinde konuştu. Ardından da tartışmanın uzamaması için 1 saat yemek arası verdi.
wn.com/Hdp'Liler Tbmm'de Kürtçe Konuştu, Mhp'Liler Tepki Gösterdi
HDP'li bazı milletvekilleri, muhalefet partilerinin verdiği çeşitli önerileri görüşmelerinde kürsüden 'Dünya Anadil Günü' nedeniyle konuşmalarının sonlarında bugünün özelliği nedeniyle teşekkürlerini Kürtçe olarak yaptı. TBMM Başkanvekili Ayşenur Bahçekapılı ise Kürkçe'yi anlamadıkları için Kürtçe sözleri Türkçe'ye çevirmesini ve tutanaklara geçmesini istedi. Bunun üzerine Kürtçe konuşan HDP'li milletvekilleri konuşmasını Türkçeye çevirdi.
MHP'li milletvekilleri ise Kürtçe konuşulmasına ve bu konuşmanın Türkçeye çevrilmesinin istenmesine tepki gösterdi. Ardından da usul tartışması açıldı. MHP Grup Başkanvekili Yusuf Hallaçoğlu, "Biz burada TBMM'nin milletvekilleri olarak Türk milletini temsil için yemin ettik. Siz başkan olarak orada TBMM'yi temsil ediyorsunuz. Konuşulan dili siz tekrar çevirtemezsiniz. Bu mecliste Türkçeden başka bir şey hitap etmek mümkün değildir kanuna göre. Siz burada kendi İnsanlar ana dili ile konuşabilirler. TBMM' de olmaz. Bunun özgürlükle alakası yok. Hukuk devletiyle, anayasayla alakası var" dedi.
AK Parti Grup Başkanvekili Naci Bostancı ise, şunları söyledi:
"Yeryüzünde 8 bin dil var. 200 devlet var. Her ülkede farklı diller konuşulabilir. Türkiye Cumhuriyeti bir ulus devleti. Dili Türkçe. Bu ülkede farklı dili ana dili olanlar varsa onlarda bu ülkenin vatandaşı. Onlara saygı, dillerine saygıdır. AK Parti farklı dil ve lehçelerle siyasal propagandalarının önün açmıştır. Farklı dillere konuşmak son derece olağandır. Mecliste de yapılmaktadır" diye konuştu.
HDP Grup Başkanvekili İdris Baluken ise, "Ana dili Kürtçe olan bir vekil olarak bu tartışmanın içinde olmaktan icap duyuyorum. Bu bize yapılan bir hakarettir. Kendi dilimizle, ana dilimizle Ana Dil Günüde birkaç cümle sarf etmemize tahammülsüzlük ile karış karşıyayız" dedi.
TBMM Başkanvekili Ayşenur Bahçekapılı ise, "Kürtçe iki cümle kurdu. Bundan dolayı usul tartışması açılmasını esefle karşılıyorum üzülüyorum" şeklinde konuştu. Ardından da tartışmanın uzamaması için 1 saat yemek arası verdi.
- published: 22 Feb 2015
- views: 49169
Tonguç'la 10 dakikada TBMM YE AYAKLANMALAR konusunu öğrenmek istemez misin? Çıkabilecek soruların özellikle altını çizdiğimiz bu videoyu sakın kaçırma!
KPSS, ...
Tonguç'la 10 dakikada TBMM YE AYAKLANMALAR konusunu öğrenmek istemez misin? Çıkabilecek soruların özellikle altını çizdiğimiz bu videoyu sakın kaçırma!
KPSS, LYS, YGS, TEOG'da muhakkak en az 1 soruyla karşına çıkan bu konuyu hemen izle!
Okul müfredatına uygun, Meb'e uyumlu tarih videolarımızı Tonguçlamalısın!
Çünkü Tonguç'layarak eğlenip öğrenmek artık daha kolay! :)
Bu arada unutma, paylaşmak güzeldir! Facebook'unda, twitter'ında videomuzu paylaş! Eğer hala abone değilsen, hemen abone ol; karşına çıkan soruları yanlış cevaplama! :)
Sosyal Medya Hesaplarımız:
Google + : http://goo.gl/qVOqi9
Instagram: http://goo.gl/pyQPwE
Facebook: http://goo.gl/OH4VsC
Twitter: http://goo.gl/V03f2t
wn.com/Teog Tbmm Ye Ayaklanmalar
Tonguç'la 10 dakikada TBMM YE AYAKLANMALAR konusunu öğrenmek istemez misin? Çıkabilecek soruların özellikle altını çizdiğimiz bu videoyu sakın kaçırma!
KPSS, LYS, YGS, TEOG'da muhakkak en az 1 soruyla karşına çıkan bu konuyu hemen izle!
Okul müfredatına uygun, Meb'e uyumlu tarih videolarımızı Tonguçlamalısın!
Çünkü Tonguç'layarak eğlenip öğrenmek artık daha kolay! :)
Bu arada unutma, paylaşmak güzeldir! Facebook'unda, twitter'ında videomuzu paylaş! Eğer hala abone değilsen, hemen abone ol; karşına çıkan soruları yanlış cevaplama! :)
Sosyal Medya Hesaplarımız:
Google + : http://goo.gl/qVOqi9
Instagram: http://goo.gl/pyQPwE
Facebook: http://goo.gl/OH4VsC
Twitter: http://goo.gl/V03f2t
- published: 09 Nov 2014
- views: 106690
Tonguç'la 5 dakikada TEOG TBMM AÇILIŞI konusunu öğrenmek istemez misin? Çıkabilecek soruların özellikle altını çizdiğimiz bu videoyu sakın kaçırma!
Tonguç'la 5 dakikada TEOG TBMM AÇILIŞI konusunu öğrenmek istemez misin? Çıkabilecek soruların özellikle altını çizdiğimiz bu videoyu sakın kaçırma!
KPSS, LYS, YGS, TEOG'da muhakkak en az 1 soruyla karşına çıkan bu konuyu hemen izle!
Okul müfredatına uygun, Meb'e uyumlu tarih videolarımızı Tonguçlamalısın!
Çünkü Tonguç'layarak eğlenip öğrenmek artık daha kolay! :)
Bu arada unutma, paylaşmak güzeldir! Facebook'unda, twitter'ında videomuzu paylaş! Eğer hala abone değilsen, hemen abone ol; karşına çıkan soruları yanlış cevaplama! :)
Sosyal Medya Hesaplarımız:
Google + : http://goo.gl/qVOqi9
Instagram: http://goo.gl/pyQPwE
Facebook: http://goo.gl/OH4VsC
Twitter: http://goo.gl/V03f2t
wn.com/Teog Tbmm Açilişi
Tonguç'la 5 dakikada TEOG TBMM AÇILIŞI konusunu öğrenmek istemez misin? Çıkabilecek soruların özellikle altını çizdiğimiz bu videoyu sakın kaçırma!
KPSS, LYS, YGS, TEOG'da muhakkak en az 1 soruyla karşına çıkan bu konuyu hemen izle!
Okul müfredatına uygun, Meb'e uyumlu tarih videolarımızı Tonguçlamalısın!
Çünkü Tonguç'layarak eğlenip öğrenmek artık daha kolay! :)
Bu arada unutma, paylaşmak güzeldir! Facebook'unda, twitter'ında videomuzu paylaş! Eğer hala abone değilsen, hemen abone ol; karşına çıkan soruları yanlış cevaplama! :)
Sosyal Medya Hesaplarımız:
Google + : http://goo.gl/qVOqi9
Instagram: http://goo.gl/pyQPwE
Facebook: http://goo.gl/OH4VsC
Twitter: http://goo.gl/V03f2t
- published: 07 Nov 2014
- views: 102466
TBMM'de Bozkurt! Kırıkkale Öğrenci meclis başkanı Kayacan KAYA
Türk öğrencisi, Kırıkkaleden çıkan günlük gazeteyi dünya milletlerine okutana, iç ve dış mihrapları yok edene, milli benliğimizi bir yılan misali sokmak ve çift...
Türk öğrencisi, Kırıkkaleden çıkan günlük gazeteyi dünya milletlerine okutana, iç ve dış mihrapları yok edene, milli benliğimizi bir yılan misali sokmak ve çift dilde eğitim görmek isteyenlerin kafasını ezene, Attillanın yarım bıraktığı işi devam ettirip romaya tekbir nidalarıyla girene ve Mübarek cuma namazını vatikanda kılana kadar çalışmalıdır!
wn.com/Tbmm'de Bozkurt Kırıkkale Öğrenci Meclis Başkanı Kayacan Kaya
Türk öğrencisi, Kırıkkaleden çıkan günlük gazeteyi dünya milletlerine okutana, iç ve dış mihrapları yok edene, milli benliğimizi bir yılan misali sokmak ve çift dilde eğitim görmek isteyenlerin kafasını ezene, Attillanın yarım bıraktığı işi devam ettirip romaya tekbir nidalarıyla girene ve Mübarek cuma namazını vatikanda kılana kadar çalışmalıdır!
- published: 30 Apr 2012
- views: 151663
Mehmet Metiner'den HDP'ye, TBMM'de tokat gibi cevap!
AK Parti İstanbul Milletvekili Mehmet Metiner; bu akşam TBMM Genel Kurulunda şahsı adına söz alıp, bir konuşma gerçekleştirdi.
Metiner konuşmasında şunları ifad...
AK Parti İstanbul Milletvekili Mehmet Metiner; bu akşam TBMM Genel Kurulunda şahsı adına söz alıp, bir konuşma gerçekleştirdi.
Metiner konuşmasında şunları ifade etti:
"Sayın Başkan, değerli milletvekilleri; önderleri olarak kabul ettikleri şahıs 'İnkâr biterse isyan biter.' diyordu. Biz inkârı bitirdik, asimilasyonu bitirdik. Biz Kürt halkı üzerindeki baskıyı ortadan kaldırdık. Bugün Kürt halkına JİTEM'den bin kat daha fazla zulmeden bir terör örgütünün siyaseten sözcülüğünü yapmak Kürt halkına ihanettir.
Siz deminden beri burada Türkiye Cumhuriyeti devletinin, AK PARTİ Hükûmetinin Kürt halkına karşı bir savaş içinde olduğunu söylüyorsunuz. Bu büyük bir yalandır. Yüz binlerce Kürt sizin zulmünüzden kaçıyor. Rojava'da da on binlerce Kürt yerleştiğiniz yerden kaçtı. Siz Kürtlerin hakkını savunuyorsanız, Kürt milliyetçiliği yapacaksanız kendinizden farklı Kürtlere kendinize tanıdığınız hakları tanıyacaksınız. Bölgede PKK zulmü vardır, silahlı bir kalkışma vardır, mahalleler işgal altındadır, hendek terörizmine siyasi kılıf giydirilemez. Bizim bir cürmümüz yok. Silahları bırakın. Bu ülke çatısı içinde, bu Meclis çatısı içinde her şey özgürce konuşulabiliyor. Ama hem silahla bölgeyi elinize geçirmeye çalışacaksınız, sizden farklı düşünen Kürtleri imha edilmesi gereken bir düşman gibi göreceksiniz, bir de kalkıp burada demokrasiden bahsedeceksiniz, AK PARTİ'nin cürmünden bahsedeceksiniz. O mahalleleri siz yakıp yıkıyorsunuz, Kürtleri bu kar, kış kıyamette siz göçe zorluyorsunuz. Asıl hesabı siz vereceksiniz. Kürt halkına ihanet içindesiniz. Bunun hesabını da er geç Kürt halkının yiğit evlatları sizden soracaktır.
Şimdi, sırtınızı yasladığınız o terör örgütünün elindeki silahlara güveniyorsunuz. Demin bir milletvekiliniz şunu söyledi: 'Sözün gücüne güveniyoruz.' Sözün gücüne güveniyorsanız hodri meydan, silahları bırakın gelin, dağları boşaltın gelin.
Sözün gücüne, siyasetin gücüne güveniyorsanız hodri meydan!"
wn.com/Mehmet Metiner'Den Hdp'Ye, Tbmm'de Tokat Gibi Cevap
AK Parti İstanbul Milletvekili Mehmet Metiner; bu akşam TBMM Genel Kurulunda şahsı adına söz alıp, bir konuşma gerçekleştirdi.
Metiner konuşmasında şunları ifade etti:
"Sayın Başkan, değerli milletvekilleri; önderleri olarak kabul ettikleri şahıs 'İnkâr biterse isyan biter.' diyordu. Biz inkârı bitirdik, asimilasyonu bitirdik. Biz Kürt halkı üzerindeki baskıyı ortadan kaldırdık. Bugün Kürt halkına JİTEM'den bin kat daha fazla zulmeden bir terör örgütünün siyaseten sözcülüğünü yapmak Kürt halkına ihanettir.
Siz deminden beri burada Türkiye Cumhuriyeti devletinin, AK PARTİ Hükûmetinin Kürt halkına karşı bir savaş içinde olduğunu söylüyorsunuz. Bu büyük bir yalandır. Yüz binlerce Kürt sizin zulmünüzden kaçıyor. Rojava'da da on binlerce Kürt yerleştiğiniz yerden kaçtı. Siz Kürtlerin hakkını savunuyorsanız, Kürt milliyetçiliği yapacaksanız kendinizden farklı Kürtlere kendinize tanıdığınız hakları tanıyacaksınız. Bölgede PKK zulmü vardır, silahlı bir kalkışma vardır, mahalleler işgal altındadır, hendek terörizmine siyasi kılıf giydirilemez. Bizim bir cürmümüz yok. Silahları bırakın. Bu ülke çatısı içinde, bu Meclis çatısı içinde her şey özgürce konuşulabiliyor. Ama hem silahla bölgeyi elinize geçirmeye çalışacaksınız, sizden farklı düşünen Kürtleri imha edilmesi gereken bir düşman gibi göreceksiniz, bir de kalkıp burada demokrasiden bahsedeceksiniz, AK PARTİ'nin cürmünden bahsedeceksiniz. O mahalleleri siz yakıp yıkıyorsunuz, Kürtleri bu kar, kış kıyamette siz göçe zorluyorsunuz. Asıl hesabı siz vereceksiniz. Kürt halkına ihanet içindesiniz. Bunun hesabını da er geç Kürt halkının yiğit evlatları sizden soracaktır.
Şimdi, sırtınızı yasladığınız o terör örgütünün elindeki silahlara güveniyorsunuz. Demin bir milletvekiliniz şunu söyledi: 'Sözün gücüne güveniyoruz.' Sözün gücüne güveniyorsanız hodri meydan, silahları bırakın gelin, dağları boşaltın gelin.
Sözün gücüne, siyasetin gücüne güveniyorsanız hodri meydan!"
- published: 08 Jan 2016
- views: 1404
Osman Baydemir TBMM'de hüngür hüngür ağladı
Meclis Genel Kurulu'nda kürsüye çıkan HDP Şanlıurfa milletvekili Osman Baydemir, Şırnak ve Diyarbakır'da yapılan operasyonlardaki ölümlere dikkat çekrek başladı...
Meclis Genel Kurulu'nda kürsüye çıkan HDP Şanlıurfa milletvekili Osman Baydemir, Şırnak ve Diyarbakır'da yapılan operasyonlardaki ölümlere dikkat çekrek başladığı konuşmasında hüngür hüngür ağladı. Baydemir 'Allah aşkına, Muhammed aşkına... Her neye inanıyorsanız onun aşkına o binada ölenler sizsiniz siz.! O binada ölenler MHP sırasıdır, HDP sırasıdır, CHP sırasıdır, AKP sırasıdır. Allah'tan korkmuyor musunuz?' deyip eliyle kürsüye sert bir şekilde vurdu. Ardından Kürtçe üç defa 'Artık yeter' (edi bese) diyen Baydemir, 'Daha ne kadar ölüme sessiz...' dedi ve sözlerini tamamlayamadı, ağlamaya başladı.
wn.com/Osman Baydemir Tbmm'de Hüngür Hüngür Ağladı
Meclis Genel Kurulu'nda kürsüye çıkan HDP Şanlıurfa milletvekili Osman Baydemir, Şırnak ve Diyarbakır'da yapılan operasyonlardaki ölümlere dikkat çekrek başladığı konuşmasında hüngür hüngür ağladı. Baydemir 'Allah aşkına, Muhammed aşkına... Her neye inanıyorsanız onun aşkına o binada ölenler sizsiniz siz.! O binada ölenler MHP sırasıdır, HDP sırasıdır, CHP sırasıdır, AKP sırasıdır. Allah'tan korkmuyor musunuz?' deyip eliyle kürsüye sert bir şekilde vurdu. Ardından Kürtçe üç defa 'Artık yeter' (edi bese) diyen Baydemir, 'Daha ne kadar ölüme sessiz...' dedi ve sözlerini tamamlayamadı, ağlamaya başladı.
- published: 27 Jan 2016
- views: 21013
TBMM'de Oktay Saral vs Bülent TezcanYumruklu Kavgası - 23 OCAK 2014
TBMM Genel Kurulu bir kez daha büyük bir kavgaya sahne oldu. AK Parti'li Oktay Saral ile CHP'li Bülent Tezcan arasında yumruklu kavga yaşandı. Kavgayı başlatan ...
TBMM Genel Kurulu bir kez daha büyük bir kavgaya sahne oldu. AK Parti'li Oktay Saral ile CHP'li Bülent Tezcan arasında yumruklu kavga yaşandı. Kavgayı başlatan Oktay Saral'a kınama cezası verildi.
wn.com/Tbmm'de Oktay Saral Vs Bülent Tezcanyumruklu Kavgası 23 Ocak 2014
TBMM Genel Kurulu bir kez daha büyük bir kavgaya sahne oldu. AK Parti'li Oktay Saral ile CHP'li Bülent Tezcan arasında yumruklu kavga yaşandı. Kavgayı başlatan Oktay Saral'a kınama cezası verildi.
- published: 23 Jan 2014
- views: 52192
Tarih - 21. TBMM ve Sevr Antlaşması
Tarih - 21. TBMM ve Sevr Antlaşması
Atlas Yayıncılık Tarafından hazırlanan Yeni bir yapım olan "KPSS Genel Kültür ve Genel Yetenek Seti" evde, işte, okulda ve ...
Tarih - 21. TBMM ve Sevr Antlaşması
Atlas Yayıncılık Tarafından hazırlanan Yeni bir yapım olan "KPSS Genel Kültür ve Genel Yetenek Seti" evde, işte, okulda ve her yerde rahatlıkla sınava hazırlanmanızı amaçlıyor. Sınıf ortamını sizlere yaşatan bu muhteşem eğitim seti sayesinde Matematik, Geometri, Coğrafya, Türkçe, Tarih dersleri arşiviniz oluyor.
Atlas Akademi YouTube kanalına abone olmak için tıklayın ► https://goo.gl/D4wNdl
Bizi Facebook'ta Takip Edin ► https://goo.gl/57ynJZ
Web Sitemiz ► http://goo.gl/Ou5CIk
wn.com/Tarih 21. Tbmm Ve Sevr Antlaşması
Tarih - 21. TBMM ve Sevr Antlaşması
Atlas Yayıncılık Tarafından hazırlanan Yeni bir yapım olan "KPSS Genel Kültür ve Genel Yetenek Seti" evde, işte, okulda ve her yerde rahatlıkla sınava hazırlanmanızı amaçlıyor. Sınıf ortamını sizlere yaşatan bu muhteşem eğitim seti sayesinde Matematik, Geometri, Coğrafya, Türkçe, Tarih dersleri arşiviniz oluyor.
Atlas Akademi YouTube kanalına abone olmak için tıklayın ► https://goo.gl/D4wNdl
Bizi Facebook'ta Takip Edin ► https://goo.gl/57ynJZ
Web Sitemiz ► http://goo.gl/Ou5CIk
- published: 19 Feb 2014
- views: 23443
Turkey Wikipedia travel guide video. Created by http://stupeflix.com
Create your own video on http://studio.stupeflix.com/?w=1 ! Portion of
the legendary walls of Troy (VII), identified as the site of the Trojan
War, ca. 1200 BCE. The Celsus Library in Ephesus, dating from 135 CE.
The Sultan Ahmet Mosque (Blue Mosque) is one of the most famous
architectural legacies of the Ottoman Empire. Mustafa Kemal Atatürk -
Founder and first President of the Republic of Turkey
Ani - Turkey Travel Video
Ani - Turkey Travel Video.- Ani first rose to prominence in the 5th century A.D., as a hilltop fortress belonging to the Armenian Kamsarakan Dynasty. By the ninth century, the Kamsarakan possessions in Eastern Anatolia had merged with the Bagratid Dynasty, and in 956, King Ashot III moved the Armenian capital to Ani. Shortly thereafter, the Armenian Catholicos moved here as well, establishing the
What Is The Government of the Grand National Assembly?
The Government of the Grand National Assembly (Turkish: Büyük Millet Meclisi Hükûmeti), commonly known as the Ankara Government (Turkish: Ankara Hükümeti), was the name given to the provisional and revolutionary Turkish government based in Ankara during the Turkish War of Independence (1919–1923) and during the final years of the Ottoman Empire. It was led by the Turkish National Movement, as oppo
Our First Impressions Traveling in Istanbul, Turkey İstanbul, Türkiye Seyahat Bizim İlk İzlenimler
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TURCJA - STAMBUŁ - Dzień Dziecka (TURKEY, Istanbul, Children's Day 23 Nisan)
23 Nisan czyli 23 kwietnia to turecki Dzień Dziecka ale i Niepodległości. Mustafa Kemal Atatürk docenił dzieci bo wiedział, że przyszłość kraju zależy właśnie od nich. Widać w obchodach Dnia Dziecka jak ważne to wydarzenie. Nasz reportaż robiśmy w dzielnicy Istanbułu - Bayoglu. Wesoły korowód przedszkolaków przeszedł ulicą Istiklal. Razem z nimi szedł burmistrz dzielnicy. Po dojściu do sceny ż
Expo Antalya 2016 www.antalyahotels.travel
Flowers and children - a common wealth of nations
Arts and handicrafts represent and promote a nation's culture. Already the Ottoman Turks loved to say it with flowers. Whether it was on tiles or vases, on carpets or kilims, as embroideries or stamped on coins, in verses or songs, in the deliberately arranged garden of the Sultan's Palace or in the simple flowerpot of an Anatolian house - the f
Voting for Turkish general election begins in New York
Turkish people cast their ballot for the Turkish general election to elect the members of the Grand National Assembly at the Embassy of Turkey in New York, United States on May 16, 2015.
Voting for Turkish general election begins in Brussels
Turkish people cast their ballot for the Turkish general election to elect the members of the Grand National Assembly, at the Embassy of Turkey in Brussels, Belgium on May 8, 2015. ...
The Turkish Prime Minister Recep Tayyip Erdoğan [in office since 2003 - ten years of Deceit] has many secrets he must withhold from the Turkish public - one of them is allowing the sovereign state of Israel free rein to unilaterally attack Syria on 5 (five) separate occasions.
Erdogan is the chairman of the ruling "Justice and Development Party", w
Turkey Best the World
his article is about the country. For the bird, see Turkey (bird). For other uses, see Turkey (disambiguation).
This is a good article. Click here for more information.Page semi-protected
Republic of Turkey
Türkiye Cumhuriyeti
Motto: Egemenlik, kayıtsız şartsız Milletindir[1]
"Sovereignty unconditionally belongs to the Nation"
Anthem: İstiklal Marşı
Independence March
Capital Ankar
Cats of Istanbul, Turkey İstanbul, Türkiye Kediler
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Map of Turkey
Turkey is a Eurasian country located in the Western Asia. Turkey is officially known as the Republic of Turkey and has its coastline along the Mediterranean Sea, the Black Sea and the Aegean Sea. It shares its borders with Armenia and Iran in the East, Greece in the West, Iraq and Syria in the South and Bulgaria in the North. The capital of Turkey is Ankara and Istanbul is the largest city of the
Turkey gets first openly gay parliamentary candidate
Voters in Turkey’s Eskisehir province face a first when they go to the polls on June 7 – an openly gay candidate standing for the country’s Grand National Assembly.
Baris Sulu, who is representing the Peoples' Democratic Party (HDP), is the first gay man to seek a seat in the 550-member parliament.
In an interview with Anadolu Agency, Sulu said he was hoping to promote the rights of lesbian, gay
Opening ceremony of Turkish National Assembly TBMM legislative year
ANKARA, TURKEY - OCTOBER 01: Turkey's parliamentary speaker Ismet Yilmaz places a wreath during opening ceremony of the 2nd legislative year of the 25th term at Turkish National Assembly (TBMM) on October 1st, 2015 in Ankara, Turkey. Footage by Haluk Yavuzhan / Anadolu Agency .
National Assembly of Quebec - Motion on Armenian Genocide
http://genocide.mhmc.ca/ Reading of the motion on the commemoration of the Armenian Genocide in the National Assembly of Quebec. Source: National Assembly of Quebec
Nicaragua weighs change in abuse law
Subscribe to our channel http://bit.ly/AJSubscribe
Subscribe to our channel http://bit.ly/AJSubscribe
Nicaragua's National Assembly mulls over a proposed amendment to a year-old law making violence against women illegal. It would force mediation for some crimes, including psychological and physical abuse. Women's groups have lined up against the reform.
Al Jazeera's Adam Raney reports.
At Al
This video was uploaded from an Android phone.
National Assembly of the Republic of Bulgaria
meeting of the National Assembly of the Republic of Bulgaria
Turkey Kurdish Poltical Rally Blast: 2 Dead More Than 100 Injured
Two people died and almost 100 people were injured in a bomb blast during the Kurdish political rally in Turkey
Jaihind Television is a Malayalam channel based out of Thiruvananthapuram, Kerala. It was launched on August 17, 2007 in Delhi by Indian National Congress President and United Progressive Alliance Chairperson Sonia Gandhi, with the aim of meeting the aspirations of the family and the n
Sunset view from the Thansing Meadow.......speechless
Thansing is a meadow at the same altitude as Dzongri. The trail from Dzongri to Thansing descends a 1000ft to Kockchurang and then climbs a 1000ft to Thansing. At the end of the climb is Thansing a big meadow. There is a dilapidated trekker hut at the entrance of the flat meadow. The hut can be used as a kitchen but tents would be needed to stay. The open meadow can host any number of tents. You
1950s About the United Nations 221277-03
05:21:20 CU water & East River looking toward UN building & NYC skyline. Views from building on First Avenue. Tilt down & activity on plaza, flags raised on poles & flying in wind. Visitors & delegates arriving, Views inside from above, people enter. Moving camera past sculpture, people looking up.
05:23:24 Camera follows people into General Assembly Hall, sit in gallery. Documents passed
US Vice President Joe Biden in Turkey
Turkey Wikipedia travel guide video. Created by http://stupeflix.com
Create your own video on http://studio.stupeflix.com/?w=1 ! Portion of
the legendary walls of Troy (VII), identified as the site of the Trojan
War, ca. 1200 BCE...
Create your own video on http://studio.stupeflix.com/?w=1 ! Portion of
the legendary walls of Troy (VII), identified as the site of the Trojan
War, ca. 1200 BCE. The Celsus Library in Ephesus, dating from 135 CE.
The Sultan Ahmet Mosque (Blue Mosque) is one of the most famous
architectural legacies of the Ottoman Empire. Mustafa Kemal Atatürk -
Founder and first President of the Republic of Turkey. The Grand
Chamber of the Grand National Assembly of Turkey in the capital,
Ankara. Roosevelt, İnönü and Churchill at the Second Cairo Conference
on December 4December 6, 1943. Resort town of Fethiye in the Muğla
Province, on the Mediterranean coastline. Mount Ararat is the highest
peak in Turkey at 5,165 m and is located in the Iğdır Province in the
Eastern Anatolia region. The currency of Turkey is the New Turkish Lira
(Yeni Türk Lirası - 'YTL'). Whirling Dervishes perform at the Mevlevi
Museum in Konya, Central Anatolia region. Orhan Pamuk, winner of the
2006 Nobel Prize for Literature.
wn.com/Turkey Wikipedia Travel Guide Video. Created By Http Stupeflix.Com
Create your own video on http://studio.stupeflix.com/?w=1 ! Portion of
the legendary walls of Troy (VII), identified as the site of the Trojan
War, ca. 1200 BCE. The Celsus Library in Ephesus, dating from 135 CE.
The Sultan Ahmet Mosque (Blue Mosque) is one of the most famous
architectural legacies of the Ottoman Empire. Mustafa Kemal Atatürk -
Founder and first President of the Republic of Turkey. The Grand
Chamber of the Grand National Assembly of Turkey in the capital,
Ankara. Roosevelt, İnönü and Churchill at the Second Cairo Conference
on December 4December 6, 1943. Resort town of Fethiye in the Muğla
Province, on the Mediterranean coastline. Mount Ararat is the highest
peak in Turkey at 5,165 m and is located in the Iğdır Province in the
Eastern Anatolia region. The currency of Turkey is the New Turkish Lira
(Yeni Türk Lirası - 'YTL'). Whirling Dervishes perform at the Mevlevi
Museum in Konya, Central Anatolia region. Orhan Pamuk, winner of the
2006 Nobel Prize for Literature.
- published: 23 Mar 2010
- views: 319
Ani - Turkey Travel Video
Ani - Turkey Travel Video.- Ani first rose to prominence in the 5th century A.D., as a hilltop fortress belonging to the Armenian Kamsarakan Dynasty. By the ni...
Ani - Turkey Travel Video.- Ani first rose to prominence in the 5th century A.D., as a hilltop fortress belonging to the Armenian Kamsarakan Dynasty. By the ninth century, the Kamsarakan possessions in Eastern Anatolia had merged with the Bagratid Dynasty, and in 956, King Ashot III moved the Armenian capital to Ani. Shortly thereafter, the Armenian Catholicos moved here as well, establishing the city as the undisputed center of Armenia. The city grew rapidly, and by the eleventh century, the city boasted more than 100,000 citizens. At its height of power and wealth, it became known as the City of Forty Gates and the City of a Thousand Churches.
Ani's golden age ended with the death of King Gagik in 1020, when Armenian power was split between his two sons. In a series of political events that define the word Byzantine, the son who controlled Ani named the Byzantine Emperor his heir, in an attempt to prevent an invasion. Upon his death, the Byzantine Emperor stated his claim upon the city, but the new King of Ani reneged on the deal and repulsed the Emperor's armies. But a mere three years later, following a series of Armenian military defeats and a pro-Byzantine uprising in Ani, the city surrendered itself to Byzantine control.
All these machinations, however, were rendered moot in 1064 upon the arrival of the Seljuk Turks, who took the city in 25 days and massacred the populace. Though the city lived on for another six and a half centuries, it remained a provincial town at the edge of competing empires for the rest of its history. The Seljuk Turks passed possession of Ani to the Kurdish Shaddadids, who were attacked repeatedly by the neighboring Georgian Empire at the behest of Ani's unruly Christian population. In 1199 the Georgia's Queen Tamar conquered the Shaddadids, and established the Zakarid Dynasty of Ani, under which the city again prospered and rebuilt. Only to be devastated in 1236 by the invading Mongol Hordes. The Zakarids continued to govern the city as the vassals of various Turkic and Persian Empires, culminating with the Ottomans. Ani gradually faded into uninhabited ruins.
The Russian Empire took control of Kars and the surrounding areas in the late 19th century, and the Saint Petersburg Academy of Sciences oversaw a large archaeological and restorative effort until the Russian Revolution in 1917. The Russian scientists set up a huge museum on site of the artifacts excavated, principally in the Minuchihr mosque.
Following the Russian Revolution, and the founding of the short-lived Republic of Armenia, the Ottoman military drove east into the former Russian territories, seeking to seize the region and to cleanse it of its ethnic Armenians. Archaeologists from the Russian-led team scrambled to salvage what they could and fled to what is modern-day Armenia. During the Turkish War of Independence, the Grand National Assembly of Turkey ordered the commander of its Eastern Front that the "monuments of Ani be wiped off the face of the earth." Fortunately, he didn't fully comply with this order, and the monuments remain. But the Russian excavations and repairs were undone, and the site has languished under what can be most favorably described as neglect.
Modern History
Ani, from the time the Ottomans seized Kars Province, has sat right upon the edge of one of the world's most hostile borders (between Turkey and the Soviet Union, and later Armenia), and has been situated within a Turkish military zone that precluded tourism. Fortunately, things have been cooling down between Turkey and Armenia, and militant Turkish opposition to acknowledging these Armenian ruins as a destination of major tourist interest has subsided in recent years. (Although, you'll notice the sign outside the main city gate, which lists all of the fifteen or so empires that have controlled the region, doesn't ever even mention the Armenians who built the city and wrote its history.) The border, visible from the ruins, remains tense, but anyone can visit easily without any sort of permit, and photography restrictions are a thing of the (recent) past. The Turkish government now makes friendly noises about preservation, restoration, and excavation, but still receives low marks from international NGOs on the job it's doing.
Enjoy Your Ani - Turkey Travel Video!
wn.com/Ani Turkey Travel Video
Ani - Turkey Travel Video.- Ani first rose to prominence in the 5th century A.D., as a hilltop fortress belonging to the Armenian Kamsarakan Dynasty. By the ninth century, the Kamsarakan possessions in Eastern Anatolia had merged with the Bagratid Dynasty, and in 956, King Ashot III moved the Armenian capital to Ani. Shortly thereafter, the Armenian Catholicos moved here as well, establishing the city as the undisputed center of Armenia. The city grew rapidly, and by the eleventh century, the city boasted more than 100,000 citizens. At its height of power and wealth, it became known as the City of Forty Gates and the City of a Thousand Churches.
Ani's golden age ended with the death of King Gagik in 1020, when Armenian power was split between his two sons. In a series of political events that define the word Byzantine, the son who controlled Ani named the Byzantine Emperor his heir, in an attempt to prevent an invasion. Upon his death, the Byzantine Emperor stated his claim upon the city, but the new King of Ani reneged on the deal and repulsed the Emperor's armies. But a mere three years later, following a series of Armenian military defeats and a pro-Byzantine uprising in Ani, the city surrendered itself to Byzantine control.
All these machinations, however, were rendered moot in 1064 upon the arrival of the Seljuk Turks, who took the city in 25 days and massacred the populace. Though the city lived on for another six and a half centuries, it remained a provincial town at the edge of competing empires for the rest of its history. The Seljuk Turks passed possession of Ani to the Kurdish Shaddadids, who were attacked repeatedly by the neighboring Georgian Empire at the behest of Ani's unruly Christian population. In 1199 the Georgia's Queen Tamar conquered the Shaddadids, and established the Zakarid Dynasty of Ani, under which the city again prospered and rebuilt. Only to be devastated in 1236 by the invading Mongol Hordes. The Zakarids continued to govern the city as the vassals of various Turkic and Persian Empires, culminating with the Ottomans. Ani gradually faded into uninhabited ruins.
The Russian Empire took control of Kars and the surrounding areas in the late 19th century, and the Saint Petersburg Academy of Sciences oversaw a large archaeological and restorative effort until the Russian Revolution in 1917. The Russian scientists set up a huge museum on site of the artifacts excavated, principally in the Minuchihr mosque.
Following the Russian Revolution, and the founding of the short-lived Republic of Armenia, the Ottoman military drove east into the former Russian territories, seeking to seize the region and to cleanse it of its ethnic Armenians. Archaeologists from the Russian-led team scrambled to salvage what they could and fled to what is modern-day Armenia. During the Turkish War of Independence, the Grand National Assembly of Turkey ordered the commander of its Eastern Front that the "monuments of Ani be wiped off the face of the earth." Fortunately, he didn't fully comply with this order, and the monuments remain. But the Russian excavations and repairs were undone, and the site has languished under what can be most favorably described as neglect.
Modern History
Ani, from the time the Ottomans seized Kars Province, has sat right upon the edge of one of the world's most hostile borders (between Turkey and the Soviet Union, and later Armenia), and has been situated within a Turkish military zone that precluded tourism. Fortunately, things have been cooling down between Turkey and Armenia, and militant Turkish opposition to acknowledging these Armenian ruins as a destination of major tourist interest has subsided in recent years. (Although, you'll notice the sign outside the main city gate, which lists all of the fifteen or so empires that have controlled the region, doesn't ever even mention the Armenians who built the city and wrote its history.) The border, visible from the ruins, remains tense, but anyone can visit easily without any sort of permit, and photography restrictions are a thing of the (recent) past. The Turkish government now makes friendly noises about preservation, restoration, and excavation, but still receives low marks from international NGOs on the job it's doing.
Enjoy Your Ani - Turkey Travel Video!
- published: 30 Jul 2014
- views: 163
What Is The Government of the Grand National Assembly?
The Government of the Grand National Assembly (Turkish: Büyük Millet Meclisi Hükûmeti), commonly known as the Ankara Government (Turkish: Ankara Hükümeti), was ...
The Government of the Grand National Assembly (Turkish: Büyük Millet Meclisi Hükûmeti), commonly known as the Ankara Government (Turkish: Ankara Hükümeti), was the name given to the provisional and revolutionary Turkish government based in Ankara during the Turkish War of Independence (1919–1923) and during the final years of the Ottoman Empire. It was led by the Turkish National Movement, as opposed to the crumbling Constantinople Government, which was led by the Ottoman Sultan.
During the War of Independence, the Government of the Grand National Assembly commanded the army known as Kuva-yi Milliye ("National Forces"). After the war and victory over the monarchist Constantinople Government, the republican Ankara Government declared the end of the Ottoman Empire and the creation of the Republic of Turkey from its ashes in 1923. The Grand National Assembly is today the parliamentary body of Turkey.
At the time the Ankara Government was proclaimed, there existed another Turkish government in the Allied-occupied Constantinople, namely the Imperial Ottoman Government, often known as the "Constantinople Government" (as opposed to the nationalist Ankara Government). Once the Grand National Assembly was established, on 23 April 1920, without rejecting at first the legitimacy of the Ottoman Sultanate, the new parliament in Ankara formed its own government within the Assembly. The Ministers were called "Vekil" (Acting) instead of the conventional "Nazır", to keep with the provisional nature of the government.
The Ankara Government was founded to represent Turkey because of the fact that the de jure capital, Constantinople, was under occupation. President of the GNA (renamed the Grand National Assembly of Turkey after 8 February 1921) and later of the Republic of Turkey, was Mustafa Kemal. Once the Armistice of Mudanya was signed, replacing the Armistice of Mundros (signed by the Ottoman Empire in 1918 at the end of World War I) and ending the Turkish War of Independence, the GNA abolished the imperial Sultanate, which was accused of collaborating with the Allies during the occupation of Turkey.
The Constantinople Government, representing the Ottoman sultanate and the old imperial and monarchical order, initially refused to recognize the Turkish national movement and the Government of the Grand National Assembly in Ankara, holding that it alone was the legitimate government of the Ottoman Empire. It attempted to militarily defeat the Ankara Government using its Kuva-yi Inzibatiye, commonly known as the "Army of the Caliphate" (as opposed to the GNA's forces, the Kuva-yi Milliye, "Army of the Nation"), but failed to do so. In 1921, diplomatic teams from both the monarchist Constantinople Government and the republican Ankara Government appeared at the Conference of London. In a surprising move, however, the Ottoman diplomatic team led by Ahmet Tevfik Pasha gave in and allowed the Turkish diplomatic team led by Bekir Sami Kunduh to be the sole representatives of the country at the conference. The Treaty of Lausanne was signed on 24 July 1923, between the representatives of the Allies and of Ankara, thus officially recognizing the government of Ankara as the legitimate Turkish government.
On 29 October, the Republic of Turkey was proclaimed by the Grand National National Assembly of Turkey.
wn.com/What Is The Government Of The Grand National Assembly
The Government of the Grand National Assembly (Turkish: Büyük Millet Meclisi Hükûmeti), commonly known as the Ankara Government (Turkish: Ankara Hükümeti), was the name given to the provisional and revolutionary Turkish government based in Ankara during the Turkish War of Independence (1919–1923) and during the final years of the Ottoman Empire. It was led by the Turkish National Movement, as opposed to the crumbling Constantinople Government, which was led by the Ottoman Sultan.
During the War of Independence, the Government of the Grand National Assembly commanded the army known as Kuva-yi Milliye ("National Forces"). After the war and victory over the monarchist Constantinople Government, the republican Ankara Government declared the end of the Ottoman Empire and the creation of the Republic of Turkey from its ashes in 1923. The Grand National Assembly is today the parliamentary body of Turkey.
At the time the Ankara Government was proclaimed, there existed another Turkish government in the Allied-occupied Constantinople, namely the Imperial Ottoman Government, often known as the "Constantinople Government" (as opposed to the nationalist Ankara Government). Once the Grand National Assembly was established, on 23 April 1920, without rejecting at first the legitimacy of the Ottoman Sultanate, the new parliament in Ankara formed its own government within the Assembly. The Ministers were called "Vekil" (Acting) instead of the conventional "Nazır", to keep with the provisional nature of the government.
The Ankara Government was founded to represent Turkey because of the fact that the de jure capital, Constantinople, was under occupation. President of the GNA (renamed the Grand National Assembly of Turkey after 8 February 1921) and later of the Republic of Turkey, was Mustafa Kemal. Once the Armistice of Mudanya was signed, replacing the Armistice of Mundros (signed by the Ottoman Empire in 1918 at the end of World War I) and ending the Turkish War of Independence, the GNA abolished the imperial Sultanate, which was accused of collaborating with the Allies during the occupation of Turkey.
The Constantinople Government, representing the Ottoman sultanate and the old imperial and monarchical order, initially refused to recognize the Turkish national movement and the Government of the Grand National Assembly in Ankara, holding that it alone was the legitimate government of the Ottoman Empire. It attempted to militarily defeat the Ankara Government using its Kuva-yi Inzibatiye, commonly known as the "Army of the Caliphate" (as opposed to the GNA's forces, the Kuva-yi Milliye, "Army of the Nation"), but failed to do so. In 1921, diplomatic teams from both the monarchist Constantinople Government and the republican Ankara Government appeared at the Conference of London. In a surprising move, however, the Ottoman diplomatic team led by Ahmet Tevfik Pasha gave in and allowed the Turkish diplomatic team led by Bekir Sami Kunduh to be the sole representatives of the country at the conference. The Treaty of Lausanne was signed on 24 July 1923, between the representatives of the Allies and of Ankara, thus officially recognizing the government of Ankara as the legitimate Turkish government.
On 29 October, the Republic of Turkey was proclaimed by the Grand National National Assembly of Turkey.
- published: 19 Jun 2015
- views: 23
Our First Impressions Traveling in Istanbul, Turkey İstanbul, Türkiye Seyahat Bizim İlk İzlenimler
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turkey attack isis
This article is about the country. For the bird, see Turkey (bird). For other uses, see Turkey (disambiguation).
This is a good article. Click here for more information.Page semi-protected
Republic of Turkey
Türkiye Cumhuriyeti
Motto: Egemenlik, kayıtsız şartsız Milletindir[1]
"Sovereignty unconditionally belongs to the Nation"
Anthem: İstiklal Marşı
Independence March
Capital Ankara
39°55′N 32°50′E
Largest city Istanbul
41°1′N 28°57′E
Official languages Turkish
Ethnic groups (2008[2])
70–75% Turks
18% Kurds
7–12% others
Demonym Turkish
Government Unitary parliamentary constitutional republic
- President Recep Tayyip Erdoğan
- Prime Minister Ahmet Davutoğlu
- Speaker of the Parliament Cemil Çiçek
Legislature Grand National Assembly
Succession to the Ottoman Empire
- Government of the Grand National Assembly 23 April 1920
- Treaty of Lausanne 24 July 1923
- Declaration of Republic 29 October 1923
- Current constitution 7 November 1982
- Total 783,562 km2 (37th)
302,535 sq mi
- Water (%) 1.3
- 2013 census 76,667,864 [3] (18th)
- Density 100 [3]/km2 (108th)
259/sq mi
GDP (PPP) 2014 estimate
- Total $1.512 trillion[4] (17th)
- Per capita $19,556[4] (61st)
GDP (nominal) 2014 estimate
- Total $813.316 billion[4] (18th)
- Per capita $10,518[4] (67th)
Gini (2010) negative increase 40.2[5]
medium · 56th
HDI (2013) Steady 0.759[6]
high · 69th
Currency Turkish lira (Turkish lira symbol black.svg) (TRY)
Time zone EET (UTC+2)
- Summer (DST) EEST (UTC+3)
Date format dd/mm/yyyy (AD)
Drives on the right
Calling code +90
ISO 3166 code TR
Internet TLD .tr
Turkey (Listeni/ˈtɜr.ki/; Turkish: Türkiye, pronounced [tyrkije]), officially the Republic of Turkey (Turkish: Türkiye Cumhuriyeti, pronounced [tyrkije d͡ʒumhurijeti] ( listen)), is a contiguous transcontinental parliamentary republic largely located in Western Asia with the smaller portion of Eastern Thrace in Southeastern Europe. Turkey is bordered by eight countries: Bulgaria to the northwest; Greece to the west; Georgia to the northeast; Armenia, Iran and the Azerbaijani exclave of Nakhchivan to the east; and Iraq and Syria to the southeast. The Mediterranean Sea is to the south; the Aegean Sea to the west; and the Black Sea to the north. The Sea of Marmara, the Bosphorus and the Dardanelles (which together form the Turkish Straits) demarcate the boundary between Thrace and Anatolia; they also separate Europe and Asia.[7] Turkey's location at the crossroads of Europe and Asia makes it a country of significant geostrategic importance.[8]
Turkey has been inhabited since the paleolithic age,[9] including various Ancient Anatolian civilizations, Aeolian and Ionian Greeks, Thracians and Persians.[10][11][12] After Alexander the Great's conquest, the area was Hellenized, which continued with the Roman rule and the transition into the Byzantine Empire.[11][13] The Seljuk Turks began migrating into the area in the 11th century, starting the process of Turkification, which was greatly accelerated by the Seljuk victory over the Byzantines at the Battle of Manzikert in 1071.[14] The Seljuk Sultanate of Rûm ruled Anatolia until the Mongol invasion in 1243, upon which it disintegrated into several small Turkish beyliks.
wn.com/Our First Impressions Traveling In Istanbul, Turkey İstanbul, Türkiye Seyahat Bizim İlk İzlenimler
wolcome to turkey -HQ pleas subscribe
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turkey ,
turkey recipe ,
turkey song adam sandler ,
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turkey brine ,
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turkey and isis ,
turkey anthem ,
turkey army 2014 ,
turkey animal ,
turkey antichrist ,
turkey and the straw ,
turkey attacks reporter ,
turkey attack isis
This article is about the country. For the bird, see Turkey (bird). For other uses, see Turkey (disambiguation).
This is a good article. Click here for more information.Page semi-protected
Republic of Turkey
Türkiye Cumhuriyeti
Motto: Egemenlik, kayıtsız şartsız Milletindir[1]
"Sovereignty unconditionally belongs to the Nation"
Anthem: İstiklal Marşı
Independence March
Capital Ankara
39°55′N 32°50′E
Largest city Istanbul
41°1′N 28°57′E
Official languages Turkish
Ethnic groups (2008[2])
70–75% Turks
18% Kurds
7–12% others
Demonym Turkish
Government Unitary parliamentary constitutional republic
- President Recep Tayyip Erdoğan
- Prime Minister Ahmet Davutoğlu
- Speaker of the Parliament Cemil Çiçek
Legislature Grand National Assembly
Succession to the Ottoman Empire
- Government of the Grand National Assembly 23 April 1920
- Treaty of Lausanne 24 July 1923
- Declaration of Republic 29 October 1923
- Current constitution 7 November 1982
- Total 783,562 km2 (37th)
302,535 sq mi
- Water (%) 1.3
- 2013 census 76,667,864 [3] (18th)
- Density 100 [3]/km2 (108th)
259/sq mi
GDP (PPP) 2014 estimate
- Total $1.512 trillion[4] (17th)
- Per capita $19,556[4] (61st)
GDP (nominal) 2014 estimate
- Total $813.316 billion[4] (18th)
- Per capita $10,518[4] (67th)
Gini (2010) negative increase 40.2[5]
medium · 56th
HDI (2013) Steady 0.759[6]
high · 69th
Currency Turkish lira (Turkish lira symbol black.svg) (TRY)
Time zone EET (UTC+2)
- Summer (DST) EEST (UTC+3)
Date format dd/mm/yyyy (AD)
Drives on the right
Calling code +90
ISO 3166 code TR
Internet TLD .tr
Turkey (Listeni/ˈtɜr.ki/; Turkish: Türkiye, pronounced [tyrkije]), officially the Republic of Turkey (Turkish: Türkiye Cumhuriyeti, pronounced [tyrkije d͡ʒumhurijeti] ( listen)), is a contiguous transcontinental parliamentary republic largely located in Western Asia with the smaller portion of Eastern Thrace in Southeastern Europe. Turkey is bordered by eight countries: Bulgaria to the northwest; Greece to the west; Georgia to the northeast; Armenia, Iran and the Azerbaijani exclave of Nakhchivan to the east; and Iraq and Syria to the southeast. The Mediterranean Sea is to the south; the Aegean Sea to the west; and the Black Sea to the north. The Sea of Marmara, the Bosphorus and the Dardanelles (which together form the Turkish Straits) demarcate the boundary between Thrace and Anatolia; they also separate Europe and Asia.[7] Turkey's location at the crossroads of Europe and Asia makes it a country of significant geostrategic importance.[8]
Turkey has been inhabited since the paleolithic age,[9] including various Ancient Anatolian civilizations, Aeolian and Ionian Greeks, Thracians and Persians.[10][11][12] After Alexander the Great's conquest, the area was Hellenized, which continued with the Roman rule and the transition into the Byzantine Empire.[11][13] The Seljuk Turks began migrating into the area in the 11th century, starting the process of Turkification, which was greatly accelerated by the Seljuk victory over the Byzantines at the Battle of Manzikert in 1071.[14] The Seljuk Sultanate of Rûm ruled Anatolia until the Mongol invasion in 1243, upon which it disintegrated into several small Turkish beyliks.
- published: 04 Dec 2014
- views: 149
Taking a scenic train ride from Istanbul, Turkey to Sofia, Bulgaria travel video
wolcome to turkey -HQ pleas subscribe
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turkey ,
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turkey song adam sandler ,...
wolcome to turkey -HQ pleas subscribe
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turkey ,
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turkey song adam sandler ,
turkey gobble ,
turkey gravy ,
turkey brine ,
turkey carving ,
turkey in the straw ,
turkey stuffing ,
turkey ␣
turkey song ,
turkey recipe ,
turkey song adam sandler ,
turkey gobble ,
turkey gravy ,
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turkey in the straw ,
turkey stuffing ,
turkey dubstep ,
turkey a
turkey attack ,
turkey army ,
turkey and isis ,
turkey anthem ,
turkey army 2014 ,
turkey animal ,
turkey antichrist ,
turkey and the straw ,
turkey attacks reporter ,
turkey attack isis
This article is about the country. For the bird, see Turkey (bird). For other uses, see Turkey (disambiguation).
This is a good article. Click here for more information.Page semi-protected
Republic of Turkey
Türkiye Cumhuriyeti
Motto: Egemenlik, kayıtsız şartsız Milletindir[1]
"Sovereignty unconditionally belongs to the Nation"
Anthem: İstiklal Marşı
Independence March
Capital Ankara
39°55′N 32°50′E
Largest city Istanbul
41°1′N 28°57′E
Official languages Turkish
Ethnic groups (2008[2])
70–75% Turks
18% Kurds
7–12% others
Demonym Turkish
Government Unitary parliamentary constitutional republic
- President Recep Tayyip Erdoğan
- Prime Minister Ahmet Davutoğlu
- Speaker of the Parliament Cemil Çiçek
Legislature Grand National Assembly
Succession to the Ottoman Empire
- Government of the Grand National Assembly 23 April 1920
- Treaty of Lausanne 24 July 1923
- Declaration of Republic 29 October 1923
- Current constitution 7 November 1982
- Total 783,562 km2 (37th)
302,535 sq mi
- Water (%) 1.3
- 2013 census 76,667,864 [3] (18th)
- Density 100 [3]/km2 (108th)
259/sq mi
GDP (PPP) 2014 estimate
- Total $1.512 trillion[4] (17th)
- Per capita $19,556[4] (61st)
GDP (nominal) 2014 estimate
- Total $813.316 billion[4] (18th)
- Per capita $10,518[4] (67th)
Gini (2010) negative increase 40.2[5]
medium · 56th
HDI (2013) Steady 0.759[6]
high · 69th
Currency Turkish lira (Turkish lira symbol black.svg) (TRY)
Time zone EET (UTC+2)
- Summer (DST) EEST (UTC+3)
Date format dd/mm/yyyy (AD)
Drives on the right
Calling code +90
ISO 3166 code TR
Internet TLD .tr
Turkey (Listeni/ˈtɜr.ki/; Turkish: Türkiye, pronounced [tyrkije]), officially the Republic of Turkey (Turkish: Türkiye Cumhuriyeti, pronounced [tyrkije d͡ʒumhurijeti] ( listen)), is a contiguous transcontinental parliamentary republic largely located in Western Asia with the smaller portion of Eastern Thrace in Southeastern Europe. Turkey is bordered by eight countries: Bulgaria to the northwest; Greece to the west; Georgia to the northeast; Armenia, Iran and the Azerbaijani exclave of Nakhchivan to the east; and Iraq and Syria to the southeast. The Mediterranean Sea is to the south; the Aegean Sea to the west; and the Black Sea to the north. The Sea of Marmara, the Bosphorus and the Dardanelles (which together form the Turkish Straits) demarcate the boundary between Thrace and Anatolia; they also separate Europe and Asia.[7] Turkey's location at the crossroads of Europe and Asia makes it a country of significant geostrategic importance.[8]
Turkey has been inhabited since the paleolithic age,[9] including various Ancient Anatolian civilizations, Aeolian and Ionian Greeks, Thracians and Persians.[10][11][12] After Alexander the Great's conquest, the area was Hellenized, which continued with the Roman rule and the transition into the Byzantine Empire.[11][13] The Seljuk Turks began migrating into the area in the 11th century, starting the process of Turkification, which was greatly accelerated by the Seljuk victory over the Byzantines at the Battle of Manzikert in 1071.[14] The Seljuk Sultanate of Rûm ruled Anatolia until the Mongol invasion in 1243, upon which it disintegrated into several small Turkish beyliks.
wn.com/Taking A Scenic Train Ride From Istanbul, Turkey To Sofia, Bulgaria Travel Video
wolcome to turkey -HQ pleas subscribe
turkey song ,
turkey ,
turkey recipe ,
turkey song adam sandler ,
turkey gobble ,
turkey gravy ,
turkey brine ,
turkey carving ,
turkey in the straw ,
turkey stuffing ,
turkey ␣
turkey song ,
turkey recipe ,
turkey song adam sandler ,
turkey gobble ,
turkey gravy ,
turkey brine ,
turkey carving ,
turkey in the straw ,
turkey stuffing ,
turkey dubstep ,
turkey a
turkey attack ,
turkey army ,
turkey and isis ,
turkey anthem ,
turkey army 2014 ,
turkey animal ,
turkey antichrist ,
turkey and the straw ,
turkey attacks reporter ,
turkey attack isis
This article is about the country. For the bird, see Turkey (bird). For other uses, see Turkey (disambiguation).
This is a good article. Click here for more information.Page semi-protected
Republic of Turkey
Türkiye Cumhuriyeti
Motto: Egemenlik, kayıtsız şartsız Milletindir[1]
"Sovereignty unconditionally belongs to the Nation"
Anthem: İstiklal Marşı
Independence March
Capital Ankara
39°55′N 32°50′E
Largest city Istanbul
41°1′N 28°57′E
Official languages Turkish
Ethnic groups (2008[2])
70–75% Turks
18% Kurds
7–12% others
Demonym Turkish
Government Unitary parliamentary constitutional republic
- President Recep Tayyip Erdoğan
- Prime Minister Ahmet Davutoğlu
- Speaker of the Parliament Cemil Çiçek
Legislature Grand National Assembly
Succession to the Ottoman Empire
- Government of the Grand National Assembly 23 April 1920
- Treaty of Lausanne 24 July 1923
- Declaration of Republic 29 October 1923
- Current constitution 7 November 1982
- Total 783,562 km2 (37th)
302,535 sq mi
- Water (%) 1.3
- 2013 census 76,667,864 [3] (18th)
- Density 100 [3]/km2 (108th)
259/sq mi
GDP (PPP) 2014 estimate
- Total $1.512 trillion[4] (17th)
- Per capita $19,556[4] (61st)
GDP (nominal) 2014 estimate
- Total $813.316 billion[4] (18th)
- Per capita $10,518[4] (67th)
Gini (2010) negative increase 40.2[5]
medium · 56th
HDI (2013) Steady 0.759[6]
high · 69th
Currency Turkish lira (Turkish lira symbol black.svg) (TRY)
Time zone EET (UTC+2)
- Summer (DST) EEST (UTC+3)
Date format dd/mm/yyyy (AD)
Drives on the right
Calling code +90
ISO 3166 code TR
Internet TLD .tr
Turkey (Listeni/ˈtɜr.ki/; Turkish: Türkiye, pronounced [tyrkije]), officially the Republic of Turkey (Turkish: Türkiye Cumhuriyeti, pronounced [tyrkije d͡ʒumhurijeti] ( listen)), is a contiguous transcontinental parliamentary republic largely located in Western Asia with the smaller portion of Eastern Thrace in Southeastern Europe. Turkey is bordered by eight countries: Bulgaria to the northwest; Greece to the west; Georgia to the northeast; Armenia, Iran and the Azerbaijani exclave of Nakhchivan to the east; and Iraq and Syria to the southeast. The Mediterranean Sea is to the south; the Aegean Sea to the west; and the Black Sea to the north. The Sea of Marmara, the Bosphorus and the Dardanelles (which together form the Turkish Straits) demarcate the boundary between Thrace and Anatolia; they also separate Europe and Asia.[7] Turkey's location at the crossroads of Europe and Asia makes it a country of significant geostrategic importance.[8]
Turkey has been inhabited since the paleolithic age,[9] including various Ancient Anatolian civilizations, Aeolian and Ionian Greeks, Thracians and Persians.[10][11][12] After Alexander the Great's conquest, the area was Hellenized, which continued with the Roman rule and the transition into the Byzantine Empire.[11][13] The Seljuk Turks began migrating into the area in the 11th century, starting the process of Turkification, which was greatly accelerated by the Seljuk victory over the Byzantines at the Battle of Manzikert in 1071.[14] The Seljuk Sultanate of Rûm ruled Anatolia until the Mongol invasion in 1243, upon which it disintegrated into several small Turkish beyliks.
- published: 04 Dec 2014
- views: 197
TURCJA - STAMBUŁ - Dzień Dziecka (TURKEY, Istanbul, Children's Day 23 Nisan)
23 Nisan czyli 23 kwietnia to turecki Dzień Dziecka ale i Niepodległości. Mustafa Kemal Atatürk docenił dzieci bo wiedział, że przyszłość kraju zależy właśn...
23 Nisan czyli 23 kwietnia to turecki Dzień Dziecka ale i Niepodległości. Mustafa Kemal Atatürk docenił dzieci bo wiedział, że przyszłość kraju zależy właśnie od nich. Widać w obchodach Dnia Dziecka jak ważne to wydarzenie. Nasz reportaż robiśmy w dzielnicy Istanbułu - Bayoglu. Wesoły korowód przedszkolaków przeszedł ulicą Istiklal. Razem z nimi szedł burmistrz dzielnicy. Po dojściu do sceny życzenia, lizaki i krótki program artystyczny.
Zdjęcia: Anna i Krzysztof Kobusowie - TravelPhoto.pl oraz Portal Małego Podróżnika - www.malypodroznik.pl
The Grand National Assembly of Turkey was established on 1920, April 23, and to commemorate the event Mustafa Kemal Atatürk dedicated April 23 to the children of the country to emphasize that they are the future of the new nation.
Turkish name of this day is: Ulusal Egemenlik ve Çocuk Bayrami, literally "The Holiday of National Sovereignty and Children". Among the activities on this day, the children send their representatives to replace state officials and high ranking bureaucrats in their offices. On this day, the children also replace the parliamentarians
in the Grand National Assembly and hold a special session to discuss matters concerning children's issues. But most of all - this day kids in Turkey have a lot of fun!
Photographs: Anna i Krzysztof Kobusowie - TravelPhoto.pl & Portal Małego Podróżnika - www.malypodroznik.pl
wn.com/Turcja Stambuł Dzień Dziecka (Turkey, Istanbul, Children's Day 23 Nisan)
23 Nisan czyli 23 kwietnia to turecki Dzień Dziecka ale i Niepodległości. Mustafa Kemal Atatürk docenił dzieci bo wiedział, że przyszłość kraju zależy właśnie od nich. Widać w obchodach Dnia Dziecka jak ważne to wydarzenie. Nasz reportaż robiśmy w dzielnicy Istanbułu - Bayoglu. Wesoły korowód przedszkolaków przeszedł ulicą Istiklal. Razem z nimi szedł burmistrz dzielnicy. Po dojściu do sceny życzenia, lizaki i krótki program artystyczny.
Zdjęcia: Anna i Krzysztof Kobusowie - TravelPhoto.pl oraz Portal Małego Podróżnika - www.malypodroznik.pl
The Grand National Assembly of Turkey was established on 1920, April 23, and to commemorate the event Mustafa Kemal Atatürk dedicated April 23 to the children of the country to emphasize that they are the future of the new nation.
Turkish name of this day is: Ulusal Egemenlik ve Çocuk Bayrami, literally "The Holiday of National Sovereignty and Children". Among the activities on this day, the children send their representatives to replace state officials and high ranking bureaucrats in their offices. On this day, the children also replace the parliamentarians
in the Grand National Assembly and hold a special session to discuss matters concerning children's issues. But most of all - this day kids in Turkey have a lot of fun!
Photographs: Anna i Krzysztof Kobusowie - TravelPhoto.pl & Portal Małego Podróżnika - www.malypodroznik.pl
- published: 31 May 2014
- views: 341
Expo Antalya 2016 www.antalyahotels.travel
Flowers and children - a common wealth of nations
Arts and handicrafts represent and promote a nation's culture. Already the Ottoman Turks loved to say it wi...
Flowers and children - a common wealth of nations
Arts and handicrafts represent and promote a nation's culture. Already the Ottoman Turks loved to say it with flowers. Whether it was on tiles or vases, on carpets or kilims, as embroideries or stamped on coins, in verses or songs, in the deliberately arranged garden of the Sultan's Palace or in the simple flowerpot of an Anatolian house - the flower has been part of the Turks' life since centuries.
The best-known examples are certainly the splendid clothing and tiles from the Ottoman period. But also the folk people used and use flowers as a tool for talking without words.
Among the wide choice of wild and cultivated flowers the rose seems to be the number one when it comes to frequency and appearance. The Turkish word "gül" is of Persian origin and there is a theory that both words, rose and gül, derive from the same Indo-European root word. In Ottoman poetry the rose denotes the beloved and the village women of Anatolia use still today the rose lace for the bridal veil.
Even if the carnation is very frequently used as embroidery or decorative ornaments on tiles and vases, this flower is interestingly absently in poetry. The explication is probably that the Turkish word "karanfil" can be used also describing a wound.
And there is one more flower sharing the love of the east and the west equally. It came in 1594 from Turkey to the Netherlands and immediately won the European hearts. It is the tulip, which was found originally in Asia Minor and has become not only a favourite in Turkey's decorative gardens but also is also a mainstay in the embroidery of clothing and on tiles or vases.
In the Turkish language this delicate flower is called "lale", but the word "tulip" also originates from a Turkish word. It seems to have found its way by a simple matter of misunderstanding when a Turkish interpreter compared the flower to a "tülbent", a "turban" and thus it made its way as "tulp" to the Netherlands.
Oya - a kind of edging crochet of coloured threads in the shape of flowers or leafs -- is one of the most typical regional handicrafts. Like this the Anatolian girls and women reflect their emotions in colourful oya embroidery on their traditional scarves or also in natural motives of the hand-woven regional carpets of Döşemealtı.
Flowers are in Turkey not only wide spread in arts and handicrafts. Turkey is also worldwide one of the few countries where an extremely rich number of endemic plants can be found. According to present state of investigations about 30% of the cultivated plants still playing an important role for the food market today are originally from Anatolia.
From 9,160 botanical species growing in Turkey about 3,300 are endemic. 630 of these 3,300 plants grow only at the Mediterranean Sea and 500 of those only grow in the province of Antalya.
Since decades the Turkish children celebrate every year on the 23rd of April the "Sovereignty and Children's Day" as a national holiday. Schools participate in weeklong preparations marked by performances in all fields in large stadiums watched by the entire nation. Among the activities on this day, the children send their representatives to replace state officials in their offices. The President, the Prime Minister, the Cabinet Ministers, and provincial governors - all turn over their positions to children's representatives. These children, in turn, sign executive orders relating to educational and environmental policies. On this day, the children also replace the parliamentarians in the Grand National Assembly and hold a special session to discuss matters concerning children's issues.
Over the last decades, the Turkish officials have been working hard to internationalize this important day. Their efforts resulted in large number of world states' sending groups of children to Turkey to participate in the above stated festivities. During their stay in Turkey, the foreign children are housed in Turkish homes and find an important opportunity to interact with the Turkish kids and learn about each other's countries and cultures. The foreign children groups also participate in the special session of the Grand National Assembly. This results in a truly international Assembly where children pledge their commitment to international peace and brotherhood.
wn.com/Expo Antalya 2016 Www.Antalyahotels.Travel
Flowers and children - a common wealth of nations
Arts and handicrafts represent and promote a nation's culture. Already the Ottoman Turks loved to say it with flowers. Whether it was on tiles or vases, on carpets or kilims, as embroideries or stamped on coins, in verses or songs, in the deliberately arranged garden of the Sultan's Palace or in the simple flowerpot of an Anatolian house - the flower has been part of the Turks' life since centuries.
The best-known examples are certainly the splendid clothing and tiles from the Ottoman period. But also the folk people used and use flowers as a tool for talking without words.
Among the wide choice of wild and cultivated flowers the rose seems to be the number one when it comes to frequency and appearance. The Turkish word "gül" is of Persian origin and there is a theory that both words, rose and gül, derive from the same Indo-European root word. In Ottoman poetry the rose denotes the beloved and the village women of Anatolia use still today the rose lace for the bridal veil.
Even if the carnation is very frequently used as embroidery or decorative ornaments on tiles and vases, this flower is interestingly absently in poetry. The explication is probably that the Turkish word "karanfil" can be used also describing a wound.
And there is one more flower sharing the love of the east and the west equally. It came in 1594 from Turkey to the Netherlands and immediately won the European hearts. It is the tulip, which was found originally in Asia Minor and has become not only a favourite in Turkey's decorative gardens but also is also a mainstay in the embroidery of clothing and on tiles or vases.
In the Turkish language this delicate flower is called "lale", but the word "tulip" also originates from a Turkish word. It seems to have found its way by a simple matter of misunderstanding when a Turkish interpreter compared the flower to a "tülbent", a "turban" and thus it made its way as "tulp" to the Netherlands.
Oya - a kind of edging crochet of coloured threads in the shape of flowers or leafs -- is one of the most typical regional handicrafts. Like this the Anatolian girls and women reflect their emotions in colourful oya embroidery on their traditional scarves or also in natural motives of the hand-woven regional carpets of Döşemealtı.
Flowers are in Turkey not only wide spread in arts and handicrafts. Turkey is also worldwide one of the few countries where an extremely rich number of endemic plants can be found. According to present state of investigations about 30% of the cultivated plants still playing an important role for the food market today are originally from Anatolia.
From 9,160 botanical species growing in Turkey about 3,300 are endemic. 630 of these 3,300 plants grow only at the Mediterranean Sea and 500 of those only grow in the province of Antalya.
Since decades the Turkish children celebrate every year on the 23rd of April the "Sovereignty and Children's Day" as a national holiday. Schools participate in weeklong preparations marked by performances in all fields in large stadiums watched by the entire nation. Among the activities on this day, the children send their representatives to replace state officials in their offices. The President, the Prime Minister, the Cabinet Ministers, and provincial governors - all turn over their positions to children's representatives. These children, in turn, sign executive orders relating to educational and environmental policies. On this day, the children also replace the parliamentarians in the Grand National Assembly and hold a special session to discuss matters concerning children's issues.
Over the last decades, the Turkish officials have been working hard to internationalize this important day. Their efforts resulted in large number of world states' sending groups of children to Turkey to participate in the above stated festivities. During their stay in Turkey, the foreign children are housed in Turkish homes and find an important opportunity to interact with the Turkish kids and learn about each other's countries and cultures. The foreign children groups also participate in the special session of the Grand National Assembly. This results in a truly international Assembly where children pledge their commitment to international peace and brotherhood.
- published: 13 May 2012
- views: 521
Voting for Turkish general election begins in New York
Turkish people cast their ballot for the Turkish general election to elect the members of the Grand National Assembly at the Embassy of Turkey in New York, Unit...
Turkish people cast their ballot for the Turkish general election to elect the members of the Grand National Assembly at the Embassy of Turkey in New York, United States on May 16, 2015.
wn.com/Voting For Turkish General Election Begins In New York
Turkish people cast their ballot for the Turkish general election to elect the members of the Grand National Assembly at the Embassy of Turkey in New York, United States on May 16, 2015.
- published: 17 May 2015
- views: 74
Voting for Turkish general election begins in Brussels
Turkish people cast their ballot for the Turkish general election to elect the members of the Grand National Assembly, at the Embassy of Turkey in Brussels, Bel...
Turkish people cast their ballot for the Turkish general election to elect the members of the Grand National Assembly, at the Embassy of Turkey in Brussels, Belgium on May 8, 2015. ...
wn.com/Voting For Turkish General Election Begins In Brussels
Turkish people cast their ballot for the Turkish general election to elect the members of the Grand National Assembly, at the Embassy of Turkey in Brussels, Belgium on May 8, 2015. ...
- published: 09 May 2015
- views: 21
The Turkish Prime Minister Recep Tayyip Erdoğan [in office since 2003 - ten years of Deceit] has many secrets h...
The Turkish Prime Minister Recep Tayyip Erdoğan [in office since 2003 - ten years of Deceit] has many secrets he must withhold from the Turkish public - one of them is allowing the sovereign state of Israel free rein to unilaterally attack Syria on 5 (five) separate occasions.
Erdogan is the chairman of the ruling "Justice and Development Party", which holds a majority of the seats in the Grand National Assembly of Turkey. Ironically, his party does not offer Justice nor does it purport to offer substantive development to most of the public.
Erdogan is notorious for his not upholding equality for ALL people in the country.
His Human Rights record is atrocious - DIRE. He targets any politician that puts forward an alternative manifesto to his own.
After Turkey's bid to join the European Union stalled, European officials noted a return to far more vicious and authoritarian ways, notably on freedom of speech, press freedom and Kurdish minority rights.
The Human Rights charity "Reporters Without Borders" observed a continuous decrease in Freedom of the Press during his later terms, with an rank of around 100 on the Press Freedom Index during his first term and rank 154 of a total of 179 countries this year (2013)!
The Human Rights charity "Reporters Without Borders" furthermore lists Turkey as one of the countries under surveillance, because of ongoing online CENSORSHIP and the attempts to SILENCE online journalists and bloggers, despite a very limited progress like the deblocking of YouTube in 2010.
Demands by activists for the recognition of LGBT rights were publicly rejected by government members and the members of the Turkish LGBT community have been continuously ridiculed, marginalised, isolated and insulted by cabinet members. Many have been subjected to criminal process due to orientation - with many seeking asylum in EU countries - due to deliberate targeting by the Sovereign state.
[Under Recep Tayyip Erdoğan the Turkish government tightened the laws on consumption and sale of alcohol, like banning all advertising for and increasing the tax on alcoholic drink. A law that raised the legal drinking age from 18 to 24 years was in place from 2011 until it was abolished very recently in 2013].
wn.com/Turkey Gets Angry The Public Now Know The Truth
The Turkish Prime Minister Recep Tayyip Erdoğan [in office since 2003 - ten years of Deceit] has many secrets he must withhold from the Turkish public - one of them is allowing the sovereign state of Israel free rein to unilaterally attack Syria on 5 (five) separate occasions.
Erdogan is the chairman of the ruling "Justice and Development Party", which holds a majority of the seats in the Grand National Assembly of Turkey. Ironically, his party does not offer Justice nor does it purport to offer substantive development to most of the public.
Erdogan is notorious for his not upholding equality for ALL people in the country.
His Human Rights record is atrocious - DIRE. He targets any politician that puts forward an alternative manifesto to his own.
After Turkey's bid to join the European Union stalled, European officials noted a return to far more vicious and authoritarian ways, notably on freedom of speech, press freedom and Kurdish minority rights.
The Human Rights charity "Reporters Without Borders" observed a continuous decrease in Freedom of the Press during his later terms, with an rank of around 100 on the Press Freedom Index during his first term and rank 154 of a total of 179 countries this year (2013)!
The Human Rights charity "Reporters Without Borders" furthermore lists Turkey as one of the countries under surveillance, because of ongoing online CENSORSHIP and the attempts to SILENCE online journalists and bloggers, despite a very limited progress like the deblocking of YouTube in 2010.
Demands by activists for the recognition of LGBT rights were publicly rejected by government members and the members of the Turkish LGBT community have been continuously ridiculed, marginalised, isolated and insulted by cabinet members. Many have been subjected to criminal process due to orientation - with many seeking asylum in EU countries - due to deliberate targeting by the Sovereign state.
[Under Recep Tayyip Erdoğan the Turkish government tightened the laws on consumption and sale of alcohol, like banning all advertising for and increasing the tax on alcoholic drink. A law that raised the legal drinking age from 18 to 24 years was in place from 2011 until it was abolished very recently in 2013].
- published: 17 Jul 2013
- views: 537
Turkey Best the World
his article is about the country. For the bird, see Turkey (bird). For other uses, see Turkey (disambiguation).
This is a good article. Click here for more info...
his article is about the country. For the bird, see Turkey (bird). For other uses, see Turkey (disambiguation).
This is a good article. Click here for more information.Page semi-protected
Republic of Turkey
Türkiye Cumhuriyeti
Motto: Egemenlik, kayıtsız şartsız Milletindir[1]
"Sovereignty unconditionally belongs to the Nation"
Anthem: İstiklal Marşı
Independence March
Capital Ankara
39°55′N 32°50′E
Largest city Istanbul
41°1′N 28°57′E
Official languages Turkish
Ethnic groups (2008[2])
70–75% Turks
18% Kurds
7–12% others
Demonym Turkish
Government Unitary parliamentary constitutional republic
- President Recep Tayyip Erdoğan
- Prime Minister Ahmet Davutoğlu
- Speaker of the Parliament Cemil Çiçek
Legislature Grand National Assembly
Succession to the Ottoman Empire
- Government of the Grand National Assembly 23 April 1920
- Treaty of Lausanne 24 July 1923
- Declaration of Republic 29 October 1923
- Current constitution 7 November 1982
- Total 783,562 km2 (37th)
302,535 sq mi
- Water (%) 1.3
- 2013 census 76,667,864 [3] (18th)
- Density 100 [3]/km2 (108th)
259/sq mi
GDP (PPP) 2013 estimate
- Total $1.426 trillion [4][5] (15th)
- Per capita $19,080[5] (54th)
GDP (nominal) 2013 estimate
- Total $820.827 billion [6] (17th)
- Per capita $11,277 [5] (64th)
Gini (2010) negative increase 40.2[7]
medium · 56th
HDI (2013) Steady 0.759[8]
high · 69th
Currency Turkish lira (Turkish lira symbol black.svg) (TRY)
Time zone EET (UTC+2)
- Summer (DST) EEST (UTC+3)
Date format dd/mm/yyyy (AD)
Drives on the right
Calling code +90
ISO 3166 code TR
Internet TLD .tr
Turkey (Listeni/ˈtɜr.ki/; Turkish: Türkiye, pronounced [tyrkije]), officially the Republic of Turkey (Turkish: Türkiye Cumhuriyeti, pronounced [tyrkije d͡ʒumhurijeti] ( listen)), is a contiguous transcontinental parliamentary republic, with its smaller part in Southeastern Europe and its larger part in Western Asia (i.e. the Balkans and Anatolia, respectively). Turkey is bordered by eight countries: Bulgaria to the northwest; Greece to the west; Georgia to the northeast; Armenia, Iran and the Azerbaijani exclave of Nakhchivan to the east; and Iraq and Syria to the southeast. The Mediterranean Sea is to the south; the Aegean Sea to the west; and the Black Sea to the north. The Sea of Marmara, the Bosphorus and the Dardanelles (which together form the Turkish Straits) demarcate the boundary between Thrace and Anatolia; they also separate Europe and Asia.[9] Turkey's location at the crossroads of Europe and Asia makes it a country of significant geostrategic importance.[10]
Turkey has been inhabited since the paleolithic age,[11] including various Ancient Anatolian civilizations, Aeolian and Ionian Greeks, Thracians and Persians.[12][13][14] After Alexander the Great's conquest, the area was Hellenized, which continued with the Roman rule and the transition into the Byzantine Empire.[13][15] The Seljuk Turks began migrating into the area in the 11th century, starting the process of Turkification, which was greatly accelerated by the Seljuk victory over the Byzantines at the Battle of Manzikert in 1071.[16] The Seljuk Sultanate of Rûm ruled Anatolia until the Mongol invasion in 1243, upon which it disintegrated into several small Turkish beyliks.[17]
Starting from the late 13th century, the Ottomans united Anatolia and created an empire encompassing much of Southeastern Europe, Western Asia and North Africa, becoming a major power in Eurasia and Africa during the early modern period. The empire reached the peak of its power between the 15th and 17th centuries, especially during the reign of Suleiman the Magnificent (r. 1520–1566). After the second Ottoman siege of Vienna in 1683 and the end of the Great Turkish War in 1699, the Ottoman Empire entered a long period of decline. The Tanzimat reforms of the 19th century, which aimed to modernize the Ottoman state, proved to be inadequate in most fields, and failed to stop the dissolution of the empire.[18] The Ottoman Empire entered World War I (1914–1918) on the side of the Central Powers and was ultimately defeated.
wn.com/Turkey Best The World
his article is about the country. For the bird, see Turkey (bird). For other uses, see Turkey (disambiguation).
This is a good article. Click here for more information.Page semi-protected
Republic of Turkey
Türkiye Cumhuriyeti
Motto: Egemenlik, kayıtsız şartsız Milletindir[1]
"Sovereignty unconditionally belongs to the Nation"
Anthem: İstiklal Marşı
Independence March
Capital Ankara
39°55′N 32°50′E
Largest city Istanbul
41°1′N 28°57′E
Official languages Turkish
Ethnic groups (2008[2])
70–75% Turks
18% Kurds
7–12% others
Demonym Turkish
Government Unitary parliamentary constitutional republic
- President Recep Tayyip Erdoğan
- Prime Minister Ahmet Davutoğlu
- Speaker of the Parliament Cemil Çiçek
Legislature Grand National Assembly
Succession to the Ottoman Empire
- Government of the Grand National Assembly 23 April 1920
- Treaty of Lausanne 24 July 1923
- Declaration of Republic 29 October 1923
- Current constitution 7 November 1982
- Total 783,562 km2 (37th)
302,535 sq mi
- Water (%) 1.3
- 2013 census 76,667,864 [3] (18th)
- Density 100 [3]/km2 (108th)
259/sq mi
GDP (PPP) 2013 estimate
- Total $1.426 trillion [4][5] (15th)
- Per capita $19,080[5] (54th)
GDP (nominal) 2013 estimate
- Total $820.827 billion [6] (17th)
- Per capita $11,277 [5] (64th)
Gini (2010) negative increase 40.2[7]
medium · 56th
HDI (2013) Steady 0.759[8]
high · 69th
Currency Turkish lira (Turkish lira symbol black.svg) (TRY)
Time zone EET (UTC+2)
- Summer (DST) EEST (UTC+3)
Date format dd/mm/yyyy (AD)
Drives on the right
Calling code +90
ISO 3166 code TR
Internet TLD .tr
Turkey (Listeni/ˈtɜr.ki/; Turkish: Türkiye, pronounced [tyrkije]), officially the Republic of Turkey (Turkish: Türkiye Cumhuriyeti, pronounced [tyrkije d͡ʒumhurijeti] ( listen)), is a contiguous transcontinental parliamentary republic, with its smaller part in Southeastern Europe and its larger part in Western Asia (i.e. the Balkans and Anatolia, respectively). Turkey is bordered by eight countries: Bulgaria to the northwest; Greece to the west; Georgia to the northeast; Armenia, Iran and the Azerbaijani exclave of Nakhchivan to the east; and Iraq and Syria to the southeast. The Mediterranean Sea is to the south; the Aegean Sea to the west; and the Black Sea to the north. The Sea of Marmara, the Bosphorus and the Dardanelles (which together form the Turkish Straits) demarcate the boundary between Thrace and Anatolia; they also separate Europe and Asia.[9] Turkey's location at the crossroads of Europe and Asia makes it a country of significant geostrategic importance.[10]
Turkey has been inhabited since the paleolithic age,[11] including various Ancient Anatolian civilizations, Aeolian and Ionian Greeks, Thracians and Persians.[12][13][14] After Alexander the Great's conquest, the area was Hellenized, which continued with the Roman rule and the transition into the Byzantine Empire.[13][15] The Seljuk Turks began migrating into the area in the 11th century, starting the process of Turkification, which was greatly accelerated by the Seljuk victory over the Byzantines at the Battle of Manzikert in 1071.[16] The Seljuk Sultanate of Rûm ruled Anatolia until the Mongol invasion in 1243, upon which it disintegrated into several small Turkish beyliks.[17]
Starting from the late 13th century, the Ottomans united Anatolia and created an empire encompassing much of Southeastern Europe, Western Asia and North Africa, becoming a major power in Eurasia and Africa during the early modern period. The empire reached the peak of its power between the 15th and 17th centuries, especially during the reign of Suleiman the Magnificent (r. 1520–1566). After the second Ottoman siege of Vienna in 1683 and the end of the Great Turkish War in 1699, the Ottoman Empire entered a long period of decline. The Tanzimat reforms of the 19th century, which aimed to modernize the Ottoman state, proved to be inadequate in most fields, and failed to stop the dissolution of the empire.[18] The Ottoman Empire entered World War I (1914–1918) on the side of the Central Powers and was ultimately defeated.
- published: 16 Oct 2014
- views: 70
Cats of Istanbul, Turkey İstanbul, Türkiye Kediler
wolcome to turkey -HQ pleas subscribe
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turkey ,
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wolcome to turkey -HQ pleas subscribe
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turkey antichrist ,
turkey and the straw ,
turkey attacks reporter ,
turkey attack isis
This article is about the country. For the bird, see Turkey (bird). For other uses, see Turkey (disambiguation).
This is a good article. Click here for more information.Page semi-protected
Republic of Turkey
Türkiye Cumhuriyeti
Motto: Egemenlik, kayıtsız şartsız Milletindir[1]
"Sovereignty unconditionally belongs to the Nation"
Anthem: İstiklal Marşı
Independence March
Capital Ankara
39°55′N 32°50′E
Largest city Istanbul
41°1′N 28°57′E
Official languages Turkish
Ethnic groups (2008[2])
70–75% Turks
18% Kurds
7–12% others
Demonym Turkish
Government Unitary parliamentary constitutional republic
- President Recep Tayyip Erdoğan
- Prime Minister Ahmet Davutoğlu
- Speaker of the Parliament Cemil Çiçek
Legislature Grand National Assembly
Succession to the Ottoman Empire
- Government of the Grand National Assembly 23 April 1920
- Treaty of Lausanne 24 July 1923
- Declaration of Republic 29 October 1923
- Current constitution 7 November 1982
- Total 783,562 km2 (37th)
302,535 sq mi
- Water (%) 1.3
- 2013 census 76,667,864 [3] (18th)
- Density 100 [3]/km2 (108th)
259/sq mi
GDP (PPP) 2014 estimate
- Total $1.512 trillion[4] (17th)
- Per capita $19,556[4] (61st)
GDP (nominal) 2014 estimate
- Total $813.316 billion[4] (18th)
- Per capita $10,518[4] (67th)
Gini (2010) negative increase 40.2[5]
medium · 56th
HDI (2013) Steady 0.759[6]
high · 69th
Currency Turkish lira (Turkish lira symbol black.svg) (TRY)
Time zone EET (UTC+2)
- Summer (DST) EEST (UTC+3)
Date format dd/mm/yyyy (AD)
Drives on the right
Calling code +90
ISO 3166 code TR
Internet TLD .tr
Turkey (Listeni/ˈtɜr.ki/; Turkish: Türkiye, pronounced [tyrkije]), officially the Republic of Turkey (Turkish: Türkiye Cumhuriyeti, pronounced [tyrkije d͡ʒumhurijeti] ( listen)), is a contiguous transcontinental parliamentary republic largely located in Western Asia with the smaller portion of Eastern Thrace in Southeastern Europe. Turkey is bordered by eight countries: Bulgaria to the northwest; Greece to the west; Georgia to the northeast; Armenia, Iran and the Azerbaijani exclave of Nakhchivan to the east; and Iraq and Syria to the southeast. The Mediterranean Sea is to the south; the Aegean Sea to the west; and the Black Sea to the north. The Sea of Marmara, the Bosphorus and the Dardanelles (which together form the Turkish Straits) demarcate the boundary between Thrace and Anatolia; they also separate Europe and Asia.[7] Turkey's location at the crossroads of Europe and Asia makes it a country of significant geostrategic importance.[8]
Turkey has been inhabited since the paleolithic age,[9] including various Ancient Anatolian civilizations, Aeolian and Ionian Greeks, Thracians and Persians.[10][11][12] After Alexander the Great's conquest, the area was Hellenized, which continued with the Roman rule and the transition into the Byzantine Empire.[11][13] The Seljuk Turks began migrating into the area in the 11th century, starting the process of Turkification, which was greatly accelerated by the Seljuk victory over the Byzantines at the Battle of Manzikert in 1071.[14] The Seljuk Sultanate of Rûm ruled Anatolia until the Mongol invasion in 1243, upon which it disintegrated into several small Turkish beyliks.
wn.com/Cats Of Istanbul, Turkey İstanbul, Türkiye Kediler
wolcome to turkey -HQ pleas subscribe
turkey song ,
turkey ,
turkey recipe ,
turkey song adam sandler ,
turkey gobble ,
turkey gravy ,
turkey brine ,
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turkey in the straw ,
turkey stuffing ,
turkey ␣
turkey song ,
turkey recipe ,
turkey song adam sandler ,
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turkey gravy ,
turkey brine ,
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turkey in the straw ,
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turkey and isis ,
turkey anthem ,
turkey army 2014 ,
turkey animal ,
turkey antichrist ,
turkey and the straw ,
turkey attacks reporter ,
turkey attack isis
This article is about the country. For the bird, see Turkey (bird). For other uses, see Turkey (disambiguation).
This is a good article. Click here for more information.Page semi-protected
Republic of Turkey
Türkiye Cumhuriyeti
Motto: Egemenlik, kayıtsız şartsız Milletindir[1]
"Sovereignty unconditionally belongs to the Nation"
Anthem: İstiklal Marşı
Independence March
Capital Ankara
39°55′N 32°50′E
Largest city Istanbul
41°1′N 28°57′E
Official languages Turkish
Ethnic groups (2008[2])
70–75% Turks
18% Kurds
7–12% others
Demonym Turkish
Government Unitary parliamentary constitutional republic
- President Recep Tayyip Erdoğan
- Prime Minister Ahmet Davutoğlu
- Speaker of the Parliament Cemil Çiçek
Legislature Grand National Assembly
Succession to the Ottoman Empire
- Government of the Grand National Assembly 23 April 1920
- Treaty of Lausanne 24 July 1923
- Declaration of Republic 29 October 1923
- Current constitution 7 November 1982
- Total 783,562 km2 (37th)
302,535 sq mi
- Water (%) 1.3
- 2013 census 76,667,864 [3] (18th)
- Density 100 [3]/km2 (108th)
259/sq mi
GDP (PPP) 2014 estimate
- Total $1.512 trillion[4] (17th)
- Per capita $19,556[4] (61st)
GDP (nominal) 2014 estimate
- Total $813.316 billion[4] (18th)
- Per capita $10,518[4] (67th)
Gini (2010) negative increase 40.2[5]
medium · 56th
HDI (2013) Steady 0.759[6]
high · 69th
Currency Turkish lira (Turkish lira symbol black.svg) (TRY)
Time zone EET (UTC+2)
- Summer (DST) EEST (UTC+3)
Date format dd/mm/yyyy (AD)
Drives on the right
Calling code +90
ISO 3166 code TR
Internet TLD .tr
Turkey (Listeni/ˈtɜr.ki/; Turkish: Türkiye, pronounced [tyrkije]), officially the Republic of Turkey (Turkish: Türkiye Cumhuriyeti, pronounced [tyrkije d͡ʒumhurijeti] ( listen)), is a contiguous transcontinental parliamentary republic largely located in Western Asia with the smaller portion of Eastern Thrace in Southeastern Europe. Turkey is bordered by eight countries: Bulgaria to the northwest; Greece to the west; Georgia to the northeast; Armenia, Iran and the Azerbaijani exclave of Nakhchivan to the east; and Iraq and Syria to the southeast. The Mediterranean Sea is to the south; the Aegean Sea to the west; and the Black Sea to the north. The Sea of Marmara, the Bosphorus and the Dardanelles (which together form the Turkish Straits) demarcate the boundary between Thrace and Anatolia; they also separate Europe and Asia.[7] Turkey's location at the crossroads of Europe and Asia makes it a country of significant geostrategic importance.[8]
Turkey has been inhabited since the paleolithic age,[9] including various Ancient Anatolian civilizations, Aeolian and Ionian Greeks, Thracians and Persians.[10][11][12] After Alexander the Great's conquest, the area was Hellenized, which continued with the Roman rule and the transition into the Byzantine Empire.[11][13] The Seljuk Turks began migrating into the area in the 11th century, starting the process of Turkification, which was greatly accelerated by the Seljuk victory over the Byzantines at the Battle of Manzikert in 1071.[14] The Seljuk Sultanate of Rûm ruled Anatolia until the Mongol invasion in 1243, upon which it disintegrated into several small Turkish beyliks.
- published: 04 Dec 2014
- views: 334
Map of Turkey
Turkey is a Eurasian country located in the Western Asia. Turkey is officially known as the Republic of Turkey and has its coastline along the Mediterranean Sea...
Turkey is a Eurasian country located in the Western Asia. Turkey is officially known as the Republic of Turkey and has its coastline along the Mediterranean Sea, the Black Sea and the Aegean Sea. It shares its borders with Armenia and Iran in the East, Greece in the West, Iraq and Syria in the South and Bulgaria in the North. The capital of Turkey is Ankara and Istanbul is the largest city of the country. The residents of the country are called Turkish and the legislature of Turkey is known as the Grand National Assembly.
It covers an area of 783,562 square kilometers of land and has been known as the world''s 37th largest country. The total number of inhabitants in the country is 74,724,269. The national currency of the country is the Turkish Lira.
The Turkey PowerPoint maps which are offered by us are fully editable PowerPoint maps Turkey. In these Turkey PPT maps, you can add graphics, audios, videos etc. to make the presentation more attractive. Also, you can add animation to the PowerPoint map background Turkey in order to provide a life-like look to the presentation. These geographical layouts help its user to locate a specific region of Turkey.
wn.com/Map Of Turkey
Turkey is a Eurasian country located in the Western Asia. Turkey is officially known as the Republic of Turkey and has its coastline along the Mediterranean Sea, the Black Sea and the Aegean Sea. It shares its borders with Armenia and Iran in the East, Greece in the West, Iraq and Syria in the South and Bulgaria in the North. The capital of Turkey is Ankara and Istanbul is the largest city of the country. The residents of the country are called Turkish and the legislature of Turkey is known as the Grand National Assembly.
It covers an area of 783,562 square kilometers of land and has been known as the world''s 37th largest country. The total number of inhabitants in the country is 74,724,269. The national currency of the country is the Turkish Lira.
The Turkey PowerPoint maps which are offered by us are fully editable PowerPoint maps Turkey. In these Turkey PPT maps, you can add graphics, audios, videos etc. to make the presentation more attractive. Also, you can add animation to the PowerPoint map background Turkey in order to provide a life-like look to the presentation. These geographical layouts help its user to locate a specific region of Turkey.
- published: 05 Jun 2013
- views: 2381
Turkey gets first openly gay parliamentary candidate
Voters in Turkey’s Eskisehir province face a first when they go to the polls on June 7 – an openly gay candidate standing for the country’s Grand National Assem...
Voters in Turkey’s Eskisehir province face a first when they go to the polls on June 7 – an openly gay candidate standing for the country’s Grand National Assembly.
Baris Sulu, who is representing the Peoples' Democratic Party (HDP), is the first gay man to seek a seat in the 550-member parliament.
In an interview with Anadolu Agency, Sulu said he was hoping to promote the rights of lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender (LGBT) Turks if he wins his seat in the northwestern province.
"I am not a secret gay,” the 37-year-old said. “I have got the biggest support from my family and boyfriend and my friends in the party have given me their opinions."
Sulu, a gay rights activist for the last 17 years, said his struggle against discrimination led to him standing. "My interest in politics started when I decided to fight," he said.
Even if he does not win a seat, Sulu hopes his example will inspire others from the LGBT community to get involved in national politics.
"The elections in four years will be utterly different,” he predicted. “In the next elections, not just gay candidates will run but also lesbian or transgender candidates.”
Homosexuality is legal in Turkey but the country does not have laws to protect gay men and women. According to a 2013 report from the European Committee on Social Rights, the LGBT community faces discrimination, intimidation and violence in Turkey.
Two transgendered women - Deva Ozenen for the newly-formed Anatolia Party in Izmir and Niler Albayrak for the main opposition Republican People’s Party (CHP) in Istanbul - are also standing next month.
Sulu said he applied to stand for the pro-Kurdish, left-wing HDP because of the party’s progressive stance.
Referring to the Peoples' Democratic Congress, a pro-Kurdish bloc of lawmakers founded after the last general election, Sulu said: "There are 22 different languages spoken by the people of this country and, since the congress, these different identities have been united."
He praised the HDP, which is seeking to enter parliament as a political party for the first time, and the CHP for raising gay rights in parliament.
"There is no other political party that is saying 'These people are facing discrimination' at parliament," he told Anadolu Agency.
Acknowledging the obstacles he will face in seeking election, Sulu said as many as 85 percent of Turks would oppose a LGBT deputy in the assembly. "The perspective on homosexuals is the same wherever you go but perhaps this process will soften that perspective,” he added.
"We have a right to live but are being killed and face oppression, as well as not receiving education."
In an interview on the Turkish Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Trans and Intersex Association’s website last month, Ozenen declared her goal of fighting “for a Turkey where sexual identity can be fearlessly and bravely expressed in peace."
In 2013, Can Cavusoglu became the first openly gay candidate to stand for public office when he ran for the mayoralty of Bulancak on the Black Sea coast. He lost to the candidate from the ruling Justice and Development Party.
wn.com/Turkey Gets First Openly Gay Parliamentary Candidate
Voters in Turkey’s Eskisehir province face a first when they go to the polls on June 7 – an openly gay candidate standing for the country’s Grand National Assembly.
Baris Sulu, who is representing the Peoples' Democratic Party (HDP), is the first gay man to seek a seat in the 550-member parliament.
In an interview with Anadolu Agency, Sulu said he was hoping to promote the rights of lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender (LGBT) Turks if he wins his seat in the northwestern province.
"I am not a secret gay,” the 37-year-old said. “I have got the biggest support from my family and boyfriend and my friends in the party have given me their opinions."
Sulu, a gay rights activist for the last 17 years, said his struggle against discrimination led to him standing. "My interest in politics started when I decided to fight," he said.
Even if he does not win a seat, Sulu hopes his example will inspire others from the LGBT community to get involved in national politics.
"The elections in four years will be utterly different,” he predicted. “In the next elections, not just gay candidates will run but also lesbian or transgender candidates.”
Homosexuality is legal in Turkey but the country does not have laws to protect gay men and women. According to a 2013 report from the European Committee on Social Rights, the LGBT community faces discrimination, intimidation and violence in Turkey.
Two transgendered women - Deva Ozenen for the newly-formed Anatolia Party in Izmir and Niler Albayrak for the main opposition Republican People’s Party (CHP) in Istanbul - are also standing next month.
Sulu said he applied to stand for the pro-Kurdish, left-wing HDP because of the party’s progressive stance.
Referring to the Peoples' Democratic Congress, a pro-Kurdish bloc of lawmakers founded after the last general election, Sulu said: "There are 22 different languages spoken by the people of this country and, since the congress, these different identities have been united."
He praised the HDP, which is seeking to enter parliament as a political party for the first time, and the CHP for raising gay rights in parliament.
"There is no other political party that is saying 'These people are facing discrimination' at parliament," he told Anadolu Agency.
Acknowledging the obstacles he will face in seeking election, Sulu said as many as 85 percent of Turks would oppose a LGBT deputy in the assembly. "The perspective on homosexuals is the same wherever you go but perhaps this process will soften that perspective,” he added.
"We have a right to live but are being killed and face oppression, as well as not receiving education."
In an interview on the Turkish Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Trans and Intersex Association’s website last month, Ozenen declared her goal of fighting “for a Turkey where sexual identity can be fearlessly and bravely expressed in peace."
In 2013, Can Cavusoglu became the first openly gay candidate to stand for public office when he ran for the mayoralty of Bulancak on the Black Sea coast. He lost to the candidate from the ruling Justice and Development Party.
- published: 25 May 2015
- views: 329
Opening ceremony of Turkish National Assembly TBMM legislative year
ANKARA, TURKEY - OCTOBER 01: Turkey's parliamentary speaker Ismet Yilmaz places a wreath during opening ceremony of the 2nd legislative year of the 25th term a...
ANKARA, TURKEY - OCTOBER 01: Turkey's parliamentary speaker Ismet Yilmaz places a wreath during opening ceremony of the 2nd legislative year of the 25th term at Turkish National Assembly (TBMM) on October 1st, 2015 in Ankara, Turkey. Footage by Haluk Yavuzhan / Anadolu Agency .
wn.com/Opening Ceremony Of Turkish National Assembly Tbmm Legislative Year
ANKARA, TURKEY - OCTOBER 01: Turkey's parliamentary speaker Ismet Yilmaz places a wreath during opening ceremony of the 2nd legislative year of the 25th term at Turkish National Assembly (TBMM) on October 1st, 2015 in Ankara, Turkey. Footage by Haluk Yavuzhan / Anadolu Agency .
- published: 01 Oct 2015
- views: 40
National Assembly of Quebec - Motion on Armenian Genocide
http://genocide.mhmc.ca/ Reading of the motion on the commemoration of the Armenian Genocide in the National Assembly of Quebec. Source: National Assembly of Qu...
http://genocide.mhmc.ca/ Reading of the motion on the commemoration of the Armenian Genocide in the National Assembly of Quebec. Source: National Assembly of Quebec
wn.com/National Assembly Of Quebec Motion On Armenian Genocide
http://genocide.mhmc.ca/ Reading of the motion on the commemoration of the Armenian Genocide in the National Assembly of Quebec. Source: National Assembly of Quebec
- published: 23 Jun 2014
- views: 121
Nicaragua weighs change in abuse law
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Subscribe to our channel http://bit.ly/AJSubscribe
Nicaragua's National Assembly mulls over a proposed ame...
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Subscribe to our channel http://bit.ly/AJSubscribe
Nicaragua's National Assembly mulls over a proposed amendment to a year-old law making violence against women illegal. It would force mediation for some crimes, including psychological and physical abuse. Women's groups have lined up against the reform.
Al Jazeera's Adam Raney reports.
At Al Jazeera English, we focus on people and events that affect people's lives. We bring topics to light that often go under-reported, listening to all sides of the story and giving a 'voice to the voiceless.'
Reaching more than 270 million households in over 140 countries across the globe, our viewers trust Al Jazeera English to keep them informed, inspired, and entertained.
Our impartial, fact-based reporting wins worldwide praise and respect. It is our unique brand of journalism that the world has come to rely on.
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wn.com/Nicaragua Weighs Change In Abuse Law
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Subscribe to our channel http://bit.ly/AJSubscribe
Nicaragua's National Assembly mulls over a proposed amendment to a year-old law making violence against women illegal. It would force mediation for some crimes, including psychological and physical abuse. Women's groups have lined up against the reform.
Al Jazeera's Adam Raney reports.
At Al Jazeera English, we focus on people and events that affect people's lives. We bring topics to light that often go under-reported, listening to all sides of the story and giving a 'voice to the voiceless.'
Reaching more than 270 million households in over 140 countries across the globe, our viewers trust Al Jazeera English to keep them informed, inspired, and entertained.
Our impartial, fact-based reporting wins worldwide praise and respect. It is our unique brand of journalism that the world has come to rely on.
We are reshaping global media and constantly working to strengthen our reputation as one of the world's most respected news and current affairs channels.
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- published: 18 Sep 2013
- views: 338
This video was uploaded from an Android phone....
This video was uploaded from an Android phone.
wn.com/15.05.2012 National Assembly Of Bulgaria
This video was uploaded from an Android phone.
- published: 16 May 2012
- views: 38
National Assembly of the Republic of Bulgaria
meeting of the National Assembly of the Republic of Bulgaria...
meeting of the National Assembly of the Republic of Bulgaria
wn.com/National Assembly Of The Republic Of Bulgaria
meeting of the National Assembly of the Republic of Bulgaria
- published: 21 Jan 2011
- views: 127
Turkey Kurdish Poltical Rally Blast: 2 Dead More Than 100 Injured
Two people died and almost 100 people were injured in a bomb blast during the Kurdish political rally in Turkey
Jaihind Television is a Malayalam channel base...
Two people died and almost 100 people were injured in a bomb blast during the Kurdish political rally in Turkey
Jaihind Television is a Malayalam channel based out of Thiruvananthapuram, Kerala. It was launched on August 17, 2007 in Delhi by Indian National Congress President and United Progressive Alliance Chairperson Sonia Gandhi, with the aim of meeting the aspirations of the family and the nation. It has consistently remained at the forefront with innovative programming, and continuously setting new industry benchmarks in news coverage and entertainment packaging. It also boasts of a multigenre infotainment package for the whole family.
This channel is promoted by the Congress party with the support of non-resident Indians. The Kerala Pradesh Congress Committee president is the ex-officio Chairman of the Channel, while Shri. MM Hassan, former Minister and official spokesperson of the Kerala Pradesh Congress Committee, holds the office of the Managing Director. Veteran journalist KP Mohanan, winner of the Rajiv Gandhi Award for excellence in Journalism, is the Chief Executive Officer, while JS Indukumar, formerly of Asianet, is the Executive Editor for News.
Subcribe: https://www.youtube.com/jaihindtvofficial?sub_confirmation=1
wn.com/Turkey Kurdish Poltical Rally Blast 2 Dead More Than 100 Injured
Two people died and almost 100 people were injured in a bomb blast during the Kurdish political rally in Turkey
Jaihind Television is a Malayalam channel based out of Thiruvananthapuram, Kerala. It was launched on August 17, 2007 in Delhi by Indian National Congress President and United Progressive Alliance Chairperson Sonia Gandhi, with the aim of meeting the aspirations of the family and the nation. It has consistently remained at the forefront with innovative programming, and continuously setting new industry benchmarks in news coverage and entertainment packaging. It also boasts of a multigenre infotainment package for the whole family.
This channel is promoted by the Congress party with the support of non-resident Indians. The Kerala Pradesh Congress Committee president is the ex-officio Chairman of the Channel, while Shri. MM Hassan, former Minister and official spokesperson of the Kerala Pradesh Congress Committee, holds the office of the Managing Director. Veteran journalist KP Mohanan, winner of the Rajiv Gandhi Award for excellence in Journalism, is the Chief Executive Officer, while JS Indukumar, formerly of Asianet, is the Executive Editor for News.
Subcribe: https://www.youtube.com/jaihindtvofficial?sub_confirmation=1
- published: 06 Jun 2015
- views: 52
Sunset view from the Thansing Meadow.......speechless
Thansing is a meadow at the same altitude as Dzongri. The trail from Dzongri to Thansing descends a 1000ft to Kockchurang and then climbs a 1000ft to Thansing. ...
Thansing is a meadow at the same altitude as Dzongri. The trail from Dzongri to Thansing descends a 1000ft to Kockchurang and then climbs a 1000ft to Thansing. At the end of the climb is Thansing a big meadow. There is a dilapidated trekker hut at the entrance of the flat meadow. The hut can be used as a kitchen but tents would be needed to stay. The open meadow can host any number of tents. You are right in front of Pandim and the left wall of Kanchanjunga here.
airbnb animals architecture art boats bohemian bucket list buildings buses camping chiang mai christmas churches cities crossing borders culture dancms e dreaeurope european adventure everest base camp family flights flowers food friendly strangers friends himalayas history home hostels hotels kenya landmarks languages malaysia mountains museums music nature nepal nights out northern lights old memories outdoors peru planes public transport reflections religion road trips safari sherpa sick sightseeing snow snowboarding spirituality sunrises sunsets thailand trains trekking turkey walking yoga Nanda Devi
Argentina Australia Austria Belgium Brazil Canada Czech Republic Denmark France Germany Greece Hong Kong Hungary Italy Kenya Macau Malaysia Nepal Netherlands Peru Spain Switzerland Thailand Turkey United Kingdom USA - euro roadtrip adrenaline adventure adventures africa airports allwelcome ambassador van animals asia Doditalbackpacking bali bangkok beach beaches & sunshine beijing borneo california cambodia camping cartagena chiang mai children china culture delhi desert diving Doctors, hospitals & health ecuador egypt family farm first week food food & eating free free t-shirt friends General hiking india indonesia iphone ipod ipod touch island japan language guide language lesson laos laughter london markets mexico misadventures mountains nature new york new zealand news-daily on the road paris Party time Passport & Plate philippines philosophy of travel phnom penh photographer photography planes trains & automobiles postcards puerto lopez rajasthan relaxation road trip sanchez scholarship sea shanghai shopping sightseeing snow south africa south america sunset sunsets sydney temple great outdoors the planning phase tibet transport travel photography travel writing scholarship travel-alert travel-crime travel-health travel-safety travel-safety-tips travel-transport trekking turkey usa van-tastic adventures victoria vietnam volcano walking water Wildlife work world festivals world nomads adriatic sea airbus american breakfast biking cesme columbus copenhagen dc elbe elbe tunnel ferry grand canyon great trip hamburg home italian coast khom loy laugavegurinn loy krathong maple syrup marche national parks nature photography park fiction party all night planes remote locations sarah simon slow electronic statistics steffen thai massage venice wilderness photography wilhelmsburg safari, hiking & trekking, family vacations, wildlife, , new, popular fall trips, popular winter trips, popular summer trips, quick escapes, trips of a lifetime, solo travel, most Khatling GlacierpopularAnnapurna Circuit Easy Trek in Nepal Everest Base Camp Festivals of Nepal Ghorepani Poonhill Manaslu Circuit TrekKala Patthar & Everest Base Camp · Dhampus Peak Climbing in Nepal · Dhaulagiri Circuit · Hidden Valley T Himachal PradeshLake of RoopkundKuari Pass Panchachuli Milam Glacier
Jammu & KashmirTreks Pindari Glacier Kafni Glacier
February Nar and Phu valleys Padam – Darcha Namtso
Daunting Dolpo Traverse Manaslu Circuit Hemis – Nimaling Plateau Holy Mount Kailash Wild Lunana Phobjika Valley
Treks after Summer The Sacred Tsum Valley Langtang Valley
Autumn LhotseHelambu and Langtang Valleys: Merak
WinterKathmandu ValleyThe Rara Lake Ashen Expedition
March HumlaUpper Mustang TrekDhaulagiri Circuit Sakteng Yeti
AprilCho Oyu TrekRoyal Panch Pokhari K2 Base Camp
MayMarkha Valley TrekChadar TrekStok Kangri Snow Lake
JuneGoecha La TrekKinner Kailash Circuit September Nanga Parbat Karomber Lake Hunza Valley
JulyPin Parvati Valley HemKund & Valley of Flowers November
AugustGanges – Gangotri- Gaumukh- Tapoban: October
wn.com/Sunset View From The Thansing Meadow.......Speechless
Thansing is a meadow at the same altitude as Dzongri. The trail from Dzongri to Thansing descends a 1000ft to Kockchurang and then climbs a 1000ft to Thansing. At the end of the climb is Thansing a big meadow. There is a dilapidated trekker hut at the entrance of the flat meadow. The hut can be used as a kitchen but tents would be needed to stay. The open meadow can host any number of tents. You are right in front of Pandim and the left wall of Kanchanjunga here.
airbnb animals architecture art boats bohemian bucket list buildings buses camping chiang mai christmas churches cities crossing borders culture dancms e dreaeurope european adventure everest base camp family flights flowers food friendly strangers friends himalayas history home hostels hotels kenya landmarks languages malaysia mountains museums music nature nepal nights out northern lights old memories outdoors peru planes public transport reflections religion road trips safari sherpa sick sightseeing snow snowboarding spirituality sunrises sunsets thailand trains trekking turkey walking yoga Nanda Devi
Argentina Australia Austria Belgium Brazil Canada Czech Republic Denmark France Germany Greece Hong Kong Hungary Italy Kenya Macau Malaysia Nepal Netherlands Peru Spain Switzerland Thailand Turkey United Kingdom USA - euro roadtrip adrenaline adventure adventures africa airports allwelcome ambassador van animals asia Doditalbackpacking bali bangkok beach beaches & sunshine beijing borneo california cambodia camping cartagena chiang mai children china culture delhi desert diving Doctors, hospitals & health ecuador egypt family farm first week food food & eating free free t-shirt friends General hiking india indonesia iphone ipod ipod touch island japan language guide language lesson laos laughter london markets mexico misadventures mountains nature new york new zealand news-daily on the road paris Party time Passport & Plate philippines philosophy of travel phnom penh photographer photography planes trains & automobiles postcards puerto lopez rajasthan relaxation road trip sanchez scholarship sea shanghai shopping sightseeing snow south africa south america sunset sunsets sydney temple great outdoors the planning phase tibet transport travel photography travel writing scholarship travel-alert travel-crime travel-health travel-safety travel-safety-tips travel-transport trekking turkey usa van-tastic adventures victoria vietnam volcano walking water Wildlife work world festivals world nomads adriatic sea airbus american breakfast biking cesme columbus copenhagen dc elbe elbe tunnel ferry grand canyon great trip hamburg home italian coast khom loy laugavegurinn loy krathong maple syrup marche national parks nature photography park fiction party all night planes remote locations sarah simon slow electronic statistics steffen thai massage venice wilderness photography wilhelmsburg safari, hiking & trekking, family vacations, wildlife, , new, popular fall trips, popular winter trips, popular summer trips, quick escapes, trips of a lifetime, solo travel, most Khatling GlacierpopularAnnapurna Circuit Easy Trek in Nepal Everest Base Camp Festivals of Nepal Ghorepani Poonhill Manaslu Circuit TrekKala Patthar & Everest Base Camp · Dhampus Peak Climbing in Nepal · Dhaulagiri Circuit · Hidden Valley T Himachal PradeshLake of RoopkundKuari Pass Panchachuli Milam Glacier
Jammu & KashmirTreks Pindari Glacier Kafni Glacier
February Nar and Phu valleys Padam – Darcha Namtso
Daunting Dolpo Traverse Manaslu Circuit Hemis – Nimaling Plateau Holy Mount Kailash Wild Lunana Phobjika Valley
Treks after Summer The Sacred Tsum Valley Langtang Valley
Autumn LhotseHelambu and Langtang Valleys: Merak
WinterKathmandu ValleyThe Rara Lake Ashen Expedition
March HumlaUpper Mustang TrekDhaulagiri Circuit Sakteng Yeti
AprilCho Oyu TrekRoyal Panch Pokhari K2 Base Camp
MayMarkha Valley TrekChadar TrekStok Kangri Snow Lake
JuneGoecha La TrekKinner Kailash Circuit September Nanga Parbat Karomber Lake Hunza Valley
JulyPin Parvati Valley HemKund & Valley of Flowers November
AugustGanges – Gangotri- Gaumukh- Tapoban: October
- published: 04 Nov 2014
- views: 63
1950s About the United Nations 221277-03
05:21:20 CU water & East River looking toward UN building & NYC skyline. Views from building on First Avenue. Tilt down & activity on plaza, flags raised on ...
05:21:20 CU water & East River looking toward UN building & NYC skyline. Views from building on First Avenue. Tilt down & activity on plaza, flags raised on poles & flying in wind. Visitors & delegates arriving, Views inside from above, people enter. Moving camera past sculpture, people looking up.
05:23:24 Camera follows people into General Assembly Hall, sit in gallery. Documents passed out, name tags placed on desks, ear phones checked.
05:25:02 Delegates arriving, including US delegate James Byrnes, Soviets, Indians, people watch. Delegates shake hands, up escalator past camera. Talking, in Delegates Lounge. Entering General Assembly & taking seats. John Foster Dulles at United States desk. Photographers take pictures.
05:27:32 Translation booth & translator puts on earphones; newsreel camera. Madame Lakshmi Pandit presiding as President at 8th Assembly, SOF.
05:28:15 Canada’s Foreign Minister Lester Pearson to podium & speaks, SOF. Journalists take notes. Reporters and news agencies working / typing in press room. Foreign newspaper headlines. CU listening on speaker beside typewriter. Peruvian Ambassador speaking at microphone (SOF - Spanish).
05:30:07 Lobby w/ large statue of naked man & modern streamlined balconies seen. Tour guide w/ visitors show model of buildings; walk thru building, Trustee Council chamber shown.
05:32:12 British Togoland delegates speak to Trusteeship Council; New Zealand’s Leslie Knox Monroe presiding. Representative speaks SOF on people’s behalf.
05:33:37 Guide points out painting by Jose Vela Zanetti symbolizing struggle for peace. Visitors enter Economic & Social Council meeting. Sit & listen w/ earphones to translation, French delegate speaking.
Translators working in various languages. MCU young woman listening. Specialized United Nations staff members listening behind name plates.
05:36:13 Tour continues into Security Council, VO explanation. Mural in front. Empty room & filled. Dag Hammarskjold speaking about outbreaks in Palestine between Palestine & Israel. Chief of Staff of UN Peacekeepers introduced. Abba Eban speaking against Syria; Syria responds.
05:38:50 Visitors look up at office tower; views of offices. Camera follows morning mail van into building, unloaded & sorted letters, newspapers sorted by floor. Moved by dumbwaiter up building, then sorted & delivered to offices. Technical Assistance office receives package that includes cloth from a project requesting advice. Employees move thru halls, camera up elevator.
05:42:14 UNICEF offices; people look at photographs; supplies for doctors shown. Doctor & others talking.
05:42:50 SOF “Get me long distance please.” Telephone switchboard w/ row of operators connecting lines (GOOD). Public Information Department printing photographs, publicity, posters in various languages, pamphlets. Book about Libya & self-government; film of motorcade thru streets. Indonesia w/ ruler in open car & at microphone. UNICEF nurse inoculating baby. Technical assistance clear land, irrigation in orchard.
05:44:53 Elevator up thru building again w/ people working at desks. View of NYC skyline seen from office of Secretary General. Staff working. Hammarskjold at front of General Assembly. Voting on floor w/ ballot box. Lounge & talking. View of General Assembly building w/ lights on at night. Tilt up.
05:47:14 United Nations logo.
Diplomacy; Educational Film; Post-WWII; Idealism; Business Operations; Office Workers; Aid Workers;
For broadcast quality material of this reel or to know more about our Public Domain collection, contact us at info@footagefarm.co.uk
wn.com/1950S About The United Nations 221277 03
05:21:20 CU water & East River looking toward UN building & NYC skyline. Views from building on First Avenue. Tilt down & activity on plaza, flags raised on poles & flying in wind. Visitors & delegates arriving, Views inside from above, people enter. Moving camera past sculpture, people looking up.
05:23:24 Camera follows people into General Assembly Hall, sit in gallery. Documents passed out, name tags placed on desks, ear phones checked.
05:25:02 Delegates arriving, including US delegate James Byrnes, Soviets, Indians, people watch. Delegates shake hands, up escalator past camera. Talking, in Delegates Lounge. Entering General Assembly & taking seats. John Foster Dulles at United States desk. Photographers take pictures.
05:27:32 Translation booth & translator puts on earphones; newsreel camera. Madame Lakshmi Pandit presiding as President at 8th Assembly, SOF.
05:28:15 Canada’s Foreign Minister Lester Pearson to podium & speaks, SOF. Journalists take notes. Reporters and news agencies working / typing in press room. Foreign newspaper headlines. CU listening on speaker beside typewriter. Peruvian Ambassador speaking at microphone (SOF - Spanish).
05:30:07 Lobby w/ large statue of naked man & modern streamlined balconies seen. Tour guide w/ visitors show model of buildings; walk thru building, Trustee Council chamber shown.
05:32:12 British Togoland delegates speak to Trusteeship Council; New Zealand’s Leslie Knox Monroe presiding. Representative speaks SOF on people’s behalf.
05:33:37 Guide points out painting by Jose Vela Zanetti symbolizing struggle for peace. Visitors enter Economic & Social Council meeting. Sit & listen w/ earphones to translation, French delegate speaking.
Translators working in various languages. MCU young woman listening. Specialized United Nations staff members listening behind name plates.
05:36:13 Tour continues into Security Council, VO explanation. Mural in front. Empty room & filled. Dag Hammarskjold speaking about outbreaks in Palestine between Palestine & Israel. Chief of Staff of UN Peacekeepers introduced. Abba Eban speaking against Syria; Syria responds.
05:38:50 Visitors look up at office tower; views of offices. Camera follows morning mail van into building, unloaded & sorted letters, newspapers sorted by floor. Moved by dumbwaiter up building, then sorted & delivered to offices. Technical Assistance office receives package that includes cloth from a project requesting advice. Employees move thru halls, camera up elevator.
05:42:14 UNICEF offices; people look at photographs; supplies for doctors shown. Doctor & others talking.
05:42:50 SOF “Get me long distance please.” Telephone switchboard w/ row of operators connecting lines (GOOD). Public Information Department printing photographs, publicity, posters in various languages, pamphlets. Book about Libya & self-government; film of motorcade thru streets. Indonesia w/ ruler in open car & at microphone. UNICEF nurse inoculating baby. Technical assistance clear land, irrigation in orchard.
05:44:53 Elevator up thru building again w/ people working at desks. View of NYC skyline seen from office of Secretary General. Staff working. Hammarskjold at front of General Assembly. Voting on floor w/ ballot box. Lounge & talking. View of General Assembly building w/ lights on at night. Tilt up.
05:47:14 United Nations logo.
Diplomacy; Educational Film; Post-WWII; Idealism; Business Operations; Office Workers; Aid Workers;
For broadcast quality material of this reel or to know more about our Public Domain collection, contact us at info@footagefarm.co.uk
- published: 16 Apr 2015
- views: 178