Tu iPhone es tan (in)seguro como tu Windows
Conferencia dada por Chema Alonso en 5Talks sobre la seguridad de los dispositivos iPhone hoy en día. Más información sobre todo esto en el libro Hacking iOS: iPhone & iPad http://0xword.com/es/libros/39-libro-hacking-dispositivos-ios-iphone-ipad.html
Chema Alonso: "Cuidado dónde conectas tu iPhone"
Chema Alonso, consultor de seguridad, nos muestra lo sencillo que le puede resultar a un hacker acceder a los datos de nuestro iPhone para robarnos fotos, acceder a nuestra cuenta de Facebook u otras aplicaciones, e incluso modificar mensajes de nuestro WhatsApp. Evita conectar tu teléfono en ordenadores ajenos, incluso para cargar la batería.
5Talks - Primera edición para mejorar el mundo
La primera edición de 5Talks ha tenido lugar el día 4 de diciembre de 2014, en Barcelona, en el Mobile World Centre.
Hemos contado con:
Chema Alonso - Porque tu iPhone es tan (in)seguro como tu Windows
Nuria Oliver - Usar Big Data para vencer pandemias
Arancha Ruiz - El Mapa del Talento
Christian Rodríguez - La Re-Evolución del Travel con la tecnología
y también con Elsa Punset - Estrategias de
7 razones para actualizar a Windows 10 | Gratis
En este vídeo veremos 7 razones para actualizar desde windows anteriores a windows 10 de manera gratuita y sin formatear la PC, muchas personas aún conservan ese sentimiento de miedo por hacerlo pero hoy tenemos varios motivos por los cuales merece la pena actualizar.
Juegos baratísimos (Mitad de precio)►http://goo.gl/PGCidW
Mi App para tu navegador➜http://goo.gl/vne5H2
[2014] Excelente truco acelerar un 5000% el internet facilmente y sin programas (100% seguro!!)
Pagina oficial en Facebook: www.facebook.com/Tomasgaspatutoriales acelar el internet super facil y rapido. test de velocidad http:--www.speedtest.net- aqui o...
El hacker Chema Alonso piratea el móvil de Pablo Motos en 'El Hormiguero 3.0'
Tras la reciente noticia de la filtración de fotos privadas de numerosas famosas, Chema Alonso, también conocido como 'el hacker bueno', nos desvela los secretos del hacking. Para ello, piratea el teléfono de Pablo Motos en directo.
Cómo instalar Mac OS X en Windows
Material necesario (Todas las descargas son vía torrent): MAC OS X 10.7.3: http://bit.ly/JyEjvL VMWare 8.0.1: http://bit.ly/I4AcvR Instalar Mac OS X en un PC...
Consejos de seguridad para tener tu iPhone o iPad más seguro | iOS 8
Consejos de seguridad para tu iphone o ipad y que así este más seguro. Sirve para ios 8 y espero que os sea muy util!
- Web Oficial: www.TuAppleMundo.com
REDES SOCIALES: ¡Únete a la Comunidad!
Cómo comprar en Amazon desde México, Ecuador, Argentina o cualquier país en Latinoamérica
Aquí les traigo el tutorial de cómo comprar en Amazon desde México, Ecuador, Argentina, Chile o cualquier país en Latinoamérica. En este tutorial aprenderán:...
Que programas serán compatibles, se actualizará pirata ? | Preguntas Comunes | Windows 10 | 2015
Durante este vídeo intentaré aclarar varias preguntas acerca de windows 10, como el que programas serán compatibles y si se podrá actualizar a windows 10 desde windows pirata, espero que les sirva de mucho, de antemano muchas gracias por el apoyo :)
Juegos baratísimos (Mitad de precio)►http://goo.gl/PGCidW
Más videos sobre Windows 10 :
►Review completo | Windows 10 | Cortana, Action Center, Xb
Chema Alonso: 'Soy uno de los mejores hackers de España y del mundo' | Salvados
Entrevista de Jordi Évole a Chema Alonso, en la que nos explicarán el especial cuidado que ha de tener el usuario normal con la utilización cotidiana del envío de información que supuestamente creemos que es privada, cualquier hacker podría tener acceso a ella y suplantar su identidad en la red, Chema nos lo demuestra durante esta entrevista sin el menor esfuerzo.
Como Descargar e Instalar Grand Theft Auto V Para PC En Español Full 1 Link
Recuerda cualquier duda EN LA PAGINA, en los comentarios de este vídeo NO, gracias. Dale "me gusta" al vídeo, comenta y compártelos con tus amigos.
Elementos Para Descargar GTA 5: (El archivo Winrar se llama "fce.17" para que no lo borren, ademas de que ya no esta en mediafire ya que se cae cada rato. Este link
Como actualizar a Windows 10 desde 7/8/8.1 | Actualización Gratuita | Windows Update | Tutorial
En este video veremos como actualizar/instalar windows 10 con la actualización gratuita a través de Windows Update desde los windows anteriores 7/8/8.1, comentándoles y mostrandoles el proceso de actualización mas una solucion a errores en el proceso de actualizacion, se recomienda ver todo el video para poder sacarle todo el provecho, gracias.
Juegos baratísimos (Mitad de precio)►http://goo.gl/P
Si tu iPhone ha muerto después de instalar algún Tweak de Cydia, prueba este truco :)
Si tu iPhone no arranca y no pasa de la manzana posiblemente has instalado un tweak conflictivo que genera problemas. La solución es entrar en modo seguro y borrar los tweaks problemáticos (ya disponible el modo seguro para el iPhone 5S).
+++ NUESTRAS CAMISETAS: http://goo.gl/67la7I
+++ DESBLOQUEA TU MÓVIL: http://goo.gl/a4qUHi
+ Blog: http://www.isenacode.net
+ Foro: http://www.isenacode.com
Mundo Hacker: BYOD - Malware en iPhone y Android
Participación en el programa de Mundo Hacker dedicado a Bring Your Own Device. En mi caso hago una demo de robo de sesiones con JuiceJacking para hacer un hijacking de sesión en Linkedin. Más información aquí: http://www.elladodelmal.com/2012/06/linkedin-mata-tus-cookies-y-cambia-la.html
Lo que será Windows 8
Charla impartida por Chema Alonso, de la empresa Informática 64 para el evento Gira Up to Secure que tuvo lugar en Madrid el día 25 de Enero de 2012.
Programa Gratis Para Quitar iCloud muy seguro y 100 Para iPhone 4 4s 5 5s 5c
link https://www.dropbox.com/s/le7cv5oykegfddb/Desactivate%20icloud.rar?dl=0
requisito ejecutar como administrador en windows 7 en windows xp solo ejecutar
Que Es Paypal? Para Que Sirve? Es Realmente Seguro?
chequeen este vídeo para todos los que tengan dudas sobre lo que es paypal, conocer mas sobre este banco y lo seguro que es trabajar a traves de el
Configura tu iPhone para que sea más seguro
En este vídeo os mostramos unos consejos de seguridad para que no te roben la cuenta de correo y obtengan tus datos personales.
Enlace para suscribirse: http://goo.gl/vRDQiM
Comentarios, soporte y ayuda en el FORO: http://www.applemaniacos.com/showthread.php/4738-Configura-tu-iPhone-para-que-se-m%C3%A1s-seguro
¡Internet Gratis Para Android! Con Psiphon [Octubre 2014]
Suscríbete Al Canal
Si Te Ha Gustado Este Vídeo, Apóyalo Con Un Like y Compártelo En Tus Redes Sociales.
Que tal amigos, hoy les traigo una aplicación que nos servirá para tener Internet en nuestro dispositivo android totalmente gratis!, espero les guste este vídeo y puedan
📣 Cómo utilizar WHATSAPP desde el navegador ¡100% SEGURO! 🎊 - web.whatsapp.com
🎎 La página es http://web.whatsapp.com
PD.: Mi mòbil estaba en modo avión porque así gasta menos batería, no es un emulador ni nada por el estilo xD
🍥 Gracias a esto no tendréis que utilizar más BlueStacks ni otras aplicaciones de terceros (que ahora están prohibidas y pueden hacer que cancelen tu cuenta temporalmente o indefinidamente)
💈 Es tan fácil como escanear el código y ya tendrás WhatsA
Guía OS X Yosemite: Cómo instalar Windows 7 en tu Mac con Bootcamp y/o Parallels en Español
Tutorial en video mediante el cual vamos a enseñaros a instalar Windows 7 en tu Mac. Lo haremos mediante los dos métodos que existen, es decir, mediante instalación nativa con Bootcamp y mediante un programa de virtualización como Parallels. Además os enseñamos un truco para usar el mismo sistema desde Bootcamp y Parallels. Podéis usar otros programas como Vmware o VirtualBox.
Más información en
¡Tu contraseña es muy insegura!
Tu contraseña no es segura. Aprende con Sebastián Delmont (@sd), Ophelia Pastrana @ophcourse y Freddy Vega @freddier qué es una contraseña segura y cómo crearla.
Todo esto y más, en http://platzi.com
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Tu iPhone es tan (in)seguro como tu Windows
Conferencia dada por Chema Alonso en 5Talks sobre la seguridad de los dispositivos iPhone hoy en día. Más información sobre todo esto en el libro Hacking iOS: i...
Conferencia dada por Chema Alonso en 5Talks sobre la seguridad de los dispositivos iPhone hoy en día. Más información sobre todo esto en el libro Hacking iOS: iPhone & iPad http://0xword.com/es/libros/39-libro-hacking-dispositivos-ios-iphone-ipad.html
wn.com/Tu Iphone Es Tan (In)Seguro Como Tu Windows
Conferencia dada por Chema Alonso en 5Talks sobre la seguridad de los dispositivos iPhone hoy en día. Más información sobre todo esto en el libro Hacking iOS: iPhone & iPad http://0xword.com/es/libros/39-libro-hacking-dispositivos-ios-iphone-ipad.html
- published: 07 Jan 2015
- views: 3596
Chema Alonso: "Cuidado dónde conectas tu iPhone"
Chema Alonso, consultor de seguridad, nos muestra lo sencillo que le puede resultar a un hacker acceder a los datos de nuestro iPhone para robarnos fotos, acced...
Chema Alonso, consultor de seguridad, nos muestra lo sencillo que le puede resultar a un hacker acceder a los datos de nuestro iPhone para robarnos fotos, acceder a nuestra cuenta de Facebook u otras aplicaciones, e incluso modificar mensajes de nuestro WhatsApp. Evita conectar tu teléfono en ordenadores ajenos, incluso para cargar la batería.
wn.com/Chema Alonso Cuidado Dónde Conectas Tu Iphone
Chema Alonso, consultor de seguridad, nos muestra lo sencillo que le puede resultar a un hacker acceder a los datos de nuestro iPhone para robarnos fotos, acceder a nuestra cuenta de Facebook u otras aplicaciones, e incluso modificar mensajes de nuestro WhatsApp. Evita conectar tu teléfono en ordenadores ajenos, incluso para cargar la batería.
- published: 29 Sep 2014
- views: 242
5Talks - Primera edición para mejorar el mundo
La primera edición de 5Talks ha tenido lugar el día 4 de diciembre de 2014, en Barcelona, en el Mobile World Centre.
Hemos contado con:
Chema Alonso - Porque ...
La primera edición de 5Talks ha tenido lugar el día 4 de diciembre de 2014, en Barcelona, en el Mobile World Centre.
Hemos contado con:
Chema Alonso - Porque tu iPhone es tan (in)seguro como tu Windows
Nuria Oliver - Usar Big Data para vencer pandemias
Arancha Ruiz - El Mapa del Talento
Christian Rodríguez - La Re-Evolución del Travel con la tecnología
y también con Elsa Punset - Estrategias de Transformación que sólo se pudo ver en directo.
Permanece atento a http://www.5talks.org/ para conocer todo sobre nuestras futuros eventos.
wn.com/5Talks Primera Edición Para Mejorar El Mundo
La primera edición de 5Talks ha tenido lugar el día 4 de diciembre de 2014, en Barcelona, en el Mobile World Centre.
Hemos contado con:
Chema Alonso - Porque tu iPhone es tan (in)seguro como tu Windows
Nuria Oliver - Usar Big Data para vencer pandemias
Arancha Ruiz - El Mapa del Talento
Christian Rodríguez - La Re-Evolución del Travel con la tecnología
y también con Elsa Punset - Estrategias de Transformación que sólo se pudo ver en directo.
Permanece atento a http://www.5talks.org/ para conocer todo sobre nuestras futuros eventos.
- published: 16 Dec 2014
- views: 93
7 razones para actualizar a Windows 10 | Gratis
En este vídeo veremos 7 razones para actualizar desde windows anteriores a windows 10 de manera gratuita y sin formatear la PC, muchas personas aún conservan es...
En este vídeo veremos 7 razones para actualizar desde windows anteriores a windows 10 de manera gratuita y sin formatear la PC, muchas personas aún conservan ese sentimiento de miedo por hacerlo pero hoy tenemos varios motivos por los cuales merece la pena actualizar.
Juegos baratísimos (Mitad de precio)►http://goo.gl/PGCidW
Mi App para tu navegador➜http://goo.gl/vne5H2
Canal de Gaming➜ http://www.youtube.com/user/JuanchivoxGM
Facebook ➜ http://on.fb.me/Uc1uBW
Grupo de Facebook➜http://on.fb.me/WOtyvf
►Como crecer en youtube y tener muchos seguidores http://goo.gl/ySQyk4
►ESPECIAL 60mil SUSCRIPTORES http://youtu.be/b1zRfVbW44k
►Como saber si alguien te roba el interne thttp://goo.gl/IFGwj6
►Como tener muchos seguidores en Instagram http://goo.gl/Zz4VfH
►Como tener Whatsapp en la PC (2015) http://goo.gl/klf0Me
►Como saber si tu iphone es libre o robado http://goo.gl/WrD9j5
►Unboxing de mi PC http://goo.gl/0YODp1
►Como hacer un directo en Youtube con internet malo http://goo.gl/opEi0o
►Usa tu celular como webcam HD http://goo.gl/OwcUOy
►Como limpiar tu PC por dentro http://goo.gl/uRJat4
Cѳɱɛɳtɑʀ y ɗɑʀ ʆikɛ ɛร ɑgʀɑɗɛcɛʀ
αQυI єรтαмσร Lσร Qυє ρєяDIмσร єL мIєDσ
Lα cσpiα dε εstε vidεσ,
sεяα dεnunciαdα.
Tσdσs lσs Dεяεcнσs Rεsεяvαdσs.
cσρчяιgнτ ©2015 JuanchivoxHD©
No Copyright Infringement Intend
►Juan Feijoo ★ Youtuber
wn.com/7 Razones Para Actualizar A Windows 10 | Gratis
En este vídeo veremos 7 razones para actualizar desde windows anteriores a windows 10 de manera gratuita y sin formatear la PC, muchas personas aún conservan ese sentimiento de miedo por hacerlo pero hoy tenemos varios motivos por los cuales merece la pena actualizar.
Juegos baratísimos (Mitad de precio)►http://goo.gl/PGCidW
Mi App para tu navegador➜http://goo.gl/vne5H2
Canal de Gaming➜ http://www.youtube.com/user/JuanchivoxGM
Facebook ➜ http://on.fb.me/Uc1uBW
Grupo de Facebook➜http://on.fb.me/WOtyvf
►Como crecer en youtube y tener muchos seguidores http://goo.gl/ySQyk4
►ESPECIAL 60mil SUSCRIPTORES http://youtu.be/b1zRfVbW44k
►Como saber si alguien te roba el interne thttp://goo.gl/IFGwj6
►Como tener muchos seguidores en Instagram http://goo.gl/Zz4VfH
►Como tener Whatsapp en la PC (2015) http://goo.gl/klf0Me
►Como saber si tu iphone es libre o robado http://goo.gl/WrD9j5
►Unboxing de mi PC http://goo.gl/0YODp1
►Como hacer un directo en Youtube con internet malo http://goo.gl/opEi0o
►Usa tu celular como webcam HD http://goo.gl/OwcUOy
►Como limpiar tu PC por dentro http://goo.gl/uRJat4
Cѳɱɛɳtɑʀ y ɗɑʀ ʆikɛ ɛร ɑgʀɑɗɛcɛʀ
αQυI єรтαмσร Lσร Qυє ρєяDIмσร єL мIєDσ
Lα cσpiα dε εstε vidεσ,
sεяα dεnunciαdα.
Tσdσs lσs Dεяεcнσs Rεsεяvαdσs.
cσρчяιgнτ ©2015 JuanchivoxHD©
No Copyright Infringement Intend
►Juan Feijoo ★ Youtuber
- published: 17 Jul 2015
- views: 2646
[2014] Excelente truco acelerar un 5000% el internet facilmente y sin programas (100% seguro!!)
Pagina oficial en Facebook: www.facebook.com/Tomasgaspatutoriales acelar el internet super facil y rapido. test de velocidad http:--www.speedtest.net- aqui o......
Pagina oficial en Facebook: www.facebook.com/Tomasgaspatutoriales acelar el internet super facil y rapido. test de velocidad http:--www.speedtest.net- aqui o...
wn.com/2014 Excelente Truco Acelerar Un 5000 El Internet Facilmente Y Sin Programas (100 Seguro )
Pagina oficial en Facebook: www.facebook.com/Tomasgaspatutoriales acelar el internet super facil y rapido. test de velocidad http:--www.speedtest.net- aqui o...
- published: 06 Jan 2014
- views: 234510
author: Tomasgaspa
El hacker Chema Alonso piratea el móvil de Pablo Motos en 'El Hormiguero 3.0'
Tras la reciente noticia de la filtración de fotos privadas de numerosas famosas, Chema Alonso, también conocido como 'el hacker bueno', nos desvela los secreto...
Tras la reciente noticia de la filtración de fotos privadas de numerosas famosas, Chema Alonso, también conocido como 'el hacker bueno', nos desvela los secretos del hacking. Para ello, piratea el teléfono de Pablo Motos en directo.
wn.com/El Hacker Chema Alonso Piratea El Móvil De Pablo Motos En 'El Hormiguero 3.0'
Tras la reciente noticia de la filtración de fotos privadas de numerosas famosas, Chema Alonso, también conocido como 'el hacker bueno', nos desvela los secretos del hacking. Para ello, piratea el teléfono de Pablo Motos en directo.
- published: 08 Sep 2014
- views: 6422
Cómo instalar Mac OS X en Windows
Material necesario (Todas las descargas son vía torrent): MAC OS X 10.7.3: http://bit.ly/JyEjvL VMWare 8.0.1: http://bit.ly/I4AcvR Instalar Mac OS X en un PC......
Material necesario (Todas las descargas son vía torrent): MAC OS X 10.7.3: http://bit.ly/JyEjvL VMWare 8.0.1: http://bit.ly/I4AcvR Instalar Mac OS X en un PC...
wn.com/Cómo Instalar Mac Os X En Windows
Material necesario (Todas las descargas son vía torrent): MAC OS X 10.7.3: http://bit.ly/JyEjvL VMWare 8.0.1: http://bit.ly/I4AcvR Instalar Mac OS X en un PC...
Consejos de seguridad para tener tu iPhone o iPad más seguro | iOS 8
Consejos de seguridad para tu iphone o ipad y que así este más seguro. Sirve para ios 8 y espero que os sea muy util!
- Web Oficial: www.TuAppleMundo.com
Consejos de seguridad para tu iphone o ipad y que así este más seguro. Sirve para ios 8 y espero que os sea muy util!
- Web Oficial: www.TuAppleMundo.com
REDES SOCIALES: ¡Únete a la Comunidad!
- Como Personalizar iPhone: http://goo.gl/GAH6Jf
- Mejores Juegos para iPhone: http://goo.gl/flPPOa
- Mejores Programas para PC: http://goo.gl/OeoyUx
- Como Descifrar Claves Wifi: http://goo.gl/YFnW7gb
- TuWindowsMundo: http://goo.gl/olyCKj
- TuTecnoMundo: http://goo.gl/4hoNpR
wn.com/Consejos De Seguridad Para Tener Tu Iphone O Ipad Más Seguro | Ios 8
Consejos de seguridad para tu iphone o ipad y que así este más seguro. Sirve para ios 8 y espero que os sea muy util!
- Web Oficial: www.TuAppleMundo.com
REDES SOCIALES: ¡Únete a la Comunidad!
- Como Personalizar iPhone: http://goo.gl/GAH6Jf
- Mejores Juegos para iPhone: http://goo.gl/flPPOa
- Mejores Programas para PC: http://goo.gl/OeoyUx
- Como Descifrar Claves Wifi: http://goo.gl/YFnW7gb
- TuWindowsMundo: http://goo.gl/olyCKj
- TuTecnoMundo: http://goo.gl/4hoNpR
- published: 20 Apr 2015
- views: 1524
Cómo comprar en Amazon desde México, Ecuador, Argentina o cualquier país en Latinoamérica
Aquí les traigo el tutorial de cómo comprar en Amazon desde México, Ecuador, Argentina, Chile o cualquier país en Latinoamérica. En este tutorial aprenderán:......
Aquí les traigo el tutorial de cómo comprar en Amazon desde México, Ecuador, Argentina, Chile o cualquier país en Latinoamérica. En este tutorial aprenderán:...
wn.com/Cómo Comprar En Amazon Desde México, Ecuador, Argentina O Cualquier País En Latinoamérica
Aquí les traigo el tutorial de cómo comprar en Amazon desde México, Ecuador, Argentina, Chile o cualquier país en Latinoamérica. En este tutorial aprenderán:...
- published: 26 Jul 2014
- views: 4902
author: alambrixIT
Que programas serán compatibles, se actualizará pirata ? | Preguntas Comunes | Windows 10 | 2015
Durante este vídeo intentaré aclarar varias preguntas acerca de windows 10, como el que programas serán compatibles y si se podrá actualizar a windows 10 desde ...
Durante este vídeo intentaré aclarar varias preguntas acerca de windows 10, como el que programas serán compatibles y si se podrá actualizar a windows 10 desde windows pirata, espero que les sirva de mucho, de antemano muchas gracias por el apoyo :)
Juegos baratísimos (Mitad de precio)►http://goo.gl/PGCidW
Más videos sobre Windows 10 :
►Review completo | Windows 10 | Cortana, Action Center, Xbox Apphttps://youtu.be/7dmcBCClkR8
►Windows 10 acabará con la necesidad de formatear tu PC para siemprehttps://youtu.be/J9-G3I_Cc5U
►Como descargar e instalar Gratis Windows 10 máquina virtualhttps://youtu.be/G3D_ahJGJXQ
►Así será el nuevo Windows 10 | Resumen, Novedadeshttps://youtu.be/y1QWK90u13M
►Windows 10 Technical Preview Review completohttps://youtu.be/EBYE_v4sDyA
Mi App para tu navegador➜http://goo.gl/vne5H2
Canal de Gaming➜ http://www.youtube.com/user/JuanchivoxGM
Facebook ➜ http://on.fb.me/Uc1uBW
Grupo de Facebook➜http://on.fb.me/WOtyvf
►Como crecer en youtube y tener muchos seguidores http://goo.gl/ySQyk4
►ESPECIAL 60mil SUSCRIPTORES http://youtu.be/b1zRfVbW44k
►Como saber si alguien te roba el interne thttp://goo.gl/IFGwj6
►Como tener muchos seguidores en Instagram http://goo.gl/Zz4VfH
►Como tener Whatsapp en la PC (2015) http://goo.gl/klf0Me
►Como saber si tu iphone es libre o robado http://goo.gl/WrD9j5
►Unboxing de mi PC http://goo.gl/0YODp1
►Como hacer un directo en Youtube con internet malo http://goo.gl/opEi0o
►Usa tu celular como webcam HD http://goo.gl/OwcUOy
►Como limpiar tu PC por dentro http://goo.gl/uRJat4
Link de la página de preguntas➜https://www.microsoft.com/es-es/windows/windows-10-faq
Cѳɱɛɳtɑʀ y ɗɑʀ ʆikɛ ɛร ɑgʀɑɗɛcɛʀ
αQυI єรтαмσร Lσร Qυє ρєяDIмσร єL мIєDσ
Lα cσpiα dε εstε vidεσ,
sεяα dεnunciαdα.
Tσdσs lσs Dεяεcнσs Rεsεяvαdσs.
cσρчяιgнτ ©2015 JuanchivoxHD©
No Copyright Infringement Intend
►Juan Feijoo ★ Youtuber
wn.com/Que Programas Serán Compatibles, Se Actualizará Pirata | Preguntas Comunes | Windows 10 | 2015
Durante este vídeo intentaré aclarar varias preguntas acerca de windows 10, como el que programas serán compatibles y si se podrá actualizar a windows 10 desde windows pirata, espero que les sirva de mucho, de antemano muchas gracias por el apoyo :)
Juegos baratísimos (Mitad de precio)►http://goo.gl/PGCidW
Más videos sobre Windows 10 :
►Review completo | Windows 10 | Cortana, Action Center, Xbox Apphttps://youtu.be/7dmcBCClkR8
►Windows 10 acabará con la necesidad de formatear tu PC para siemprehttps://youtu.be/J9-G3I_Cc5U
►Como descargar e instalar Gratis Windows 10 máquina virtualhttps://youtu.be/G3D_ahJGJXQ
►Así será el nuevo Windows 10 | Resumen, Novedadeshttps://youtu.be/y1QWK90u13M
►Windows 10 Technical Preview Review completohttps://youtu.be/EBYE_v4sDyA
Mi App para tu navegador➜http://goo.gl/vne5H2
Canal de Gaming➜ http://www.youtube.com/user/JuanchivoxGM
Facebook ➜ http://on.fb.me/Uc1uBW
Grupo de Facebook➜http://on.fb.me/WOtyvf
►Como crecer en youtube y tener muchos seguidores http://goo.gl/ySQyk4
►ESPECIAL 60mil SUSCRIPTORES http://youtu.be/b1zRfVbW44k
►Como saber si alguien te roba el interne thttp://goo.gl/IFGwj6
►Como tener muchos seguidores en Instagram http://goo.gl/Zz4VfH
►Como tener Whatsapp en la PC (2015) http://goo.gl/klf0Me
►Como saber si tu iphone es libre o robado http://goo.gl/WrD9j5
►Unboxing de mi PC http://goo.gl/0YODp1
►Como hacer un directo en Youtube con internet malo http://goo.gl/opEi0o
►Usa tu celular como webcam HD http://goo.gl/OwcUOy
►Como limpiar tu PC por dentro http://goo.gl/uRJat4
Link de la página de preguntas➜https://www.microsoft.com/es-es/windows/windows-10-faq
Cѳɱɛɳtɑʀ y ɗɑʀ ʆikɛ ɛร ɑgʀɑɗɛcɛʀ
αQυI єรтαмσร Lσร Qυє ρєяDIмσร єL мIєDσ
Lα cσpiα dε εstε vidεσ,
sεяα dεnunciαdα.
Tσdσs lσs Dεяεcнσs Rεsεяvαdσs.
cσρчяιgнτ ©2015 JuanchivoxHD©
No Copyright Infringement Intend
►Juan Feijoo ★ Youtuber
- published: 06 Jun 2015
- views: 1135
Chema Alonso: 'Soy uno de los mejores hackers de España y del mundo' | Salvados
Entrevista de Jordi Évole a Chema Alonso, en la que nos explicarán el especial cuidado que ha de tener el usuario normal con la utilización cotidiana del envío ...
Entrevista de Jordi Évole a Chema Alonso, en la que nos explicarán el especial cuidado que ha de tener el usuario normal con la utilización cotidiana del envío de información que supuestamente creemos que es privada, cualquier hacker podría tener acceso a ella y suplantar su identidad en la red, Chema nos lo demuestra durante esta entrevista sin el menor esfuerzo.
wn.com/Chema Alonso 'Soy Uno De Los Mejores Hackers De España Y Del Mundo' | Salvados
Entrevista de Jordi Évole a Chema Alonso, en la que nos explicarán el especial cuidado que ha de tener el usuario normal con la utilización cotidiana del envío de información que supuestamente creemos que es privada, cualquier hacker podría tener acceso a ella y suplantar su identidad en la red, Chema nos lo demuestra durante esta entrevista sin el menor esfuerzo.
- published: 18 Mar 2015
- views: 136
Como Descargar e Instalar Grand Theft Auto V Para PC En Español Full 1 Link
Recuerda cualquier duda EN LA PAGINA, en los comentarios de este vídeo NO, gracias. Dale "me gusta" al vídeo, coment...
Recuerda cualquier duda EN LA PAGINA, en los comentarios de este vídeo NO, gracias. Dale "me gusta" al vídeo, comenta y compártelos con tus amigos.
Elementos Para Descargar GTA 5: (El archivo Winrar se llama "fce.17" para que no lo borren, ademas de que ya no esta en mediafire ya que se cae cada rato. Este link es de ZIPPYSHARE, solo le dan click en "DOWNLOAD NOW" y listo, empezara a descargar el archivo que no pesa casi nada)
Archivo para ponerlo en ESPAÑOL:
(CRACK Y UPDATE MAS RECIENTE, SIRVE COMO SOLUCIÓN SI EL JUEGO TIENE ALGUNA FALLA) Es un vídeo tutorial hecho un un Youtuber, los créditos son de el.
Requisitos mínimos:
Sistema operativo: Windows 8.1 64 Bit, Windows 8 64 Bit, Windows 7 64 Bit Service Pack 1, Windows Vista 64 Bit Service Pack 2* (*tarjeta de vídeo NVIDIA recomendada para Windows Vista)
Procesador: Intel Core 2 Quad CPU Q6600 @ 2.40GHz (4 CPUs) / AMD Phenom 9850 Quad-Core procesador (4 CPUs) @ 2.5GHz
Memoria: 4GB
Tarjeta de vídeo: NVIDIA 9800 GT 1GB / AMD HD 4870 1GB (DX 10, 10.1, 11)
Tarjeta de sonido: 100% DirectX 10 compatible
Espacio HDD: 65GB
Unidad DVD
Requisitos recomendados:
Sistema operativo: Windows 8.1 64 Bit, Windows 8 64 Bit, Windows 7 64 Bit Service Pack 1
Procesador: Intel Core i5 3470 @ 3.2GHZ (4 CPUs) / AMD X8 FX-8350 @ 4GHZ (8 CPUs)
Memoria: 8GB
Tarjeta de vídeo: NVIDIA GTX 660 2GB / AMD HD7870 2GB
Tarjeta de sonido: 100% DirectX 10 compatible
Espacio HDD: 65GB
Unidad DVD
wn.com/Como Descargar E Instalar Grand Theft Auto V Para Pc En Español Full 1 Link
Recuerda cualquier duda EN LA PAGINA, en los comentarios de este vídeo NO, gracias. Dale "me gusta" al vídeo, comenta y compártelos con tus amigos.
Elementos Para Descargar GTA 5: (El archivo Winrar se llama "fce.17" para que no lo borren, ademas de que ya no esta en mediafire ya que se cae cada rato. Este link es de ZIPPYSHARE, solo le dan click en "DOWNLOAD NOW" y listo, empezara a descargar el archivo que no pesa casi nada)
Archivo para ponerlo en ESPAÑOL:
(CRACK Y UPDATE MAS RECIENTE, SIRVE COMO SOLUCIÓN SI EL JUEGO TIENE ALGUNA FALLA) Es un vídeo tutorial hecho un un Youtuber, los créditos son de el.
Requisitos mínimos:
Sistema operativo: Windows 8.1 64 Bit, Windows 8 64 Bit, Windows 7 64 Bit Service Pack 1, Windows Vista 64 Bit Service Pack 2* (*tarjeta de vídeo NVIDIA recomendada para Windows Vista)
Procesador: Intel Core 2 Quad CPU Q6600 @ 2.40GHz (4 CPUs) / AMD Phenom 9850 Quad-Core procesador (4 CPUs) @ 2.5GHz
Memoria: 4GB
Tarjeta de vídeo: NVIDIA 9800 GT 1GB / AMD HD 4870 1GB (DX 10, 10.1, 11)
Tarjeta de sonido: 100% DirectX 10 compatible
Espacio HDD: 65GB
Unidad DVD
Requisitos recomendados:
Sistema operativo: Windows 8.1 64 Bit, Windows 8 64 Bit, Windows 7 64 Bit Service Pack 1
Procesador: Intel Core i5 3470 @ 3.2GHZ (4 CPUs) / AMD X8 FX-8350 @ 4GHZ (8 CPUs)
Memoria: 8GB
Tarjeta de vídeo: NVIDIA GTX 660 2GB / AMD HD7870 2GB
Tarjeta de sonido: 100% DirectX 10 compatible
Espacio HDD: 65GB
Unidad DVD
- published: 24 May 2015
- views: 1464
Como actualizar a Windows 10 desde 7/8/8.1 | Actualización Gratuita | Windows Update | Tutorial
En este video veremos como actualizar/instalar windows 10 con la actualización gratuita a través de Windows Update desde los windows anteriores 7/8/8.1, comentá...
En este video veremos como actualizar/instalar windows 10 con la actualización gratuita a través de Windows Update desde los windows anteriores 7/8/8.1, comentándoles y mostrandoles el proceso de actualización mas una solucion a errores en el proceso de actualizacion, se recomienda ver todo el video para poder sacarle todo el provecho, gracias.
Juegos baratísimos (Mitad de precio)►http://goo.gl/PGCidW
Mi App para tu navegador➜http://goo.gl/vne5H2
Canal de Gaming➜ http://www.youtube.com/user/JuanchivoxGM
Facebook ➜ http://on.fb.me/Uc1uBW
Grupo de Facebook➜http://on.fb.me/WOtyvf
►Como crecer en youtube y tener muchos seguidores http://goo.gl/ySQyk4
►ESPECIAL 60mil SUSCRIPTORES http://youtu.be/b1zRfVbW44k
►Como saber si alguien te roba el interne thttp://goo.gl/IFGwj6
►Como tener muchos seguidores en Instagram http://goo.gl/Zz4VfH
►Como tener Whatsapp en la PC (2015) http://goo.gl/klf0Me
►Como saber si tu iphone es libre o robado http://goo.gl/WrD9j5
►Unboxing de mi PC http://goo.gl/0YODp1
►Como hacer un directo en Youtube con internet malo http://goo.gl/opEi0o
►Usa tu celular como webcam HD http://goo.gl/OwcUOy
►Como limpiar tu PC por dentro http://goo.gl/uRJat4
Cѳɱɛɳtɑʀ y ɗɑʀ ʆikɛ ɛร ɑgʀɑɗɛcɛʀ
αQυI єรтαмσร Lσร Qυє ρєяDIмσร єL мIєDσ
Lα cσpiα dε εstε vidεσ,
sεяα dεnunciαdα.
Tσdσs lσs Dεяεcнσs Rεsεяvαdσs.
cσρчяιgнτ ©2015 JuanchivoxHD©
No Copyright Infringement Intend
►Juan Feijoo ★ Youtuber
wn.com/Como Actualizar A Windows 10 Desde 7 8 8.1 | Actualización Gratuita | Windows Update | Tutorial
En este video veremos como actualizar/instalar windows 10 con la actualización gratuita a través de Windows Update desde los windows anteriores 7/8/8.1, comentándoles y mostrandoles el proceso de actualización mas una solucion a errores en el proceso de actualizacion, se recomienda ver todo el video para poder sacarle todo el provecho, gracias.
Juegos baratísimos (Mitad de precio)►http://goo.gl/PGCidW
Mi App para tu navegador➜http://goo.gl/vne5H2
Canal de Gaming➜ http://www.youtube.com/user/JuanchivoxGM
Facebook ➜ http://on.fb.me/Uc1uBW
Grupo de Facebook➜http://on.fb.me/WOtyvf
►Como crecer en youtube y tener muchos seguidores http://goo.gl/ySQyk4
►ESPECIAL 60mil SUSCRIPTORES http://youtu.be/b1zRfVbW44k
►Como saber si alguien te roba el interne thttp://goo.gl/IFGwj6
►Como tener muchos seguidores en Instagram http://goo.gl/Zz4VfH
►Como tener Whatsapp en la PC (2015) http://goo.gl/klf0Me
►Como saber si tu iphone es libre o robado http://goo.gl/WrD9j5
►Unboxing de mi PC http://goo.gl/0YODp1
►Como hacer un directo en Youtube con internet malo http://goo.gl/opEi0o
►Usa tu celular como webcam HD http://goo.gl/OwcUOy
►Como limpiar tu PC por dentro http://goo.gl/uRJat4
Cѳɱɛɳtɑʀ y ɗɑʀ ʆikɛ ɛร ɑgʀɑɗɛcɛʀ
αQυI єรтαмσร Lσร Qυє ρєяDIмσร єL мIєDσ
Lα cσpiα dε εstε vidεσ,
sεяα dεnunciαdα.
Tσdσs lσs Dεяεcнσs Rεsεяvαdσs.
cσρчяιgнτ ©2015 JuanchivoxHD©
No Copyright Infringement Intend
►Juan Feijoo ★ Youtuber
- published: 01 Aug 2015
- views: 1971
Si tu iPhone ha muerto después de instalar algún Tweak de Cydia, prueba este truco :)
Si tu iPhone no arranca y no pasa de la manzana posiblemente has instalado un tweak conflictivo que genera problemas. La solución es entrar en modo seguro y bor...
Si tu iPhone no arranca y no pasa de la manzana posiblemente has instalado un tweak conflictivo que genera problemas. La solución es entrar en modo seguro y borrar los tweaks problemáticos (ya disponible el modo seguro para el iPhone 5S).
+++ NUESTRAS CAMISETAS: http://goo.gl/67la7I
+++ DESBLOQUEA TU MÓVIL: http://goo.gl/a4qUHi
+ Blog: http://www.isenacode.net
+ Foro: http://www.isenacode.com
+ Twitter: https://twitter.com/snavas10
+ Facebook: http://www.facebook.com/isenacode
wn.com/Si Tu Iphone Ha Muerto Después De Instalar Algún Tweak De Cydia, Prueba Este Truco )
Si tu iPhone no arranca y no pasa de la manzana posiblemente has instalado un tweak conflictivo que genera problemas. La solución es entrar en modo seguro y borrar los tweaks problemáticos (ya disponible el modo seguro para el iPhone 5S).
+++ NUESTRAS CAMISETAS: http://goo.gl/67la7I
+++ DESBLOQUEA TU MÓVIL: http://goo.gl/a4qUHi
+ Blog: http://www.isenacode.net
+ Foro: http://www.isenacode.com
+ Twitter: https://twitter.com/snavas10
+ Facebook: http://www.facebook.com/isenacode
- published: 16 Jan 2014
- views: 1830
Mundo Hacker: BYOD - Malware en iPhone y Android
Participación en el programa de Mundo Hacker dedicado a Bring Your Own Device. En mi caso hago una demo de robo de sesiones con JuiceJacking para hacer un hija...
Participación en el programa de Mundo Hacker dedicado a Bring Your Own Device. En mi caso hago una demo de robo de sesiones con JuiceJacking para hacer un hijacking de sesión en Linkedin. Más información aquí: http://www.elladodelmal.com/2012/06/linkedin-mata-tus-cookies-y-cambia-la.html
wn.com/Mundo Hacker Byod Malware En Iphone Y Android
Participación en el programa de Mundo Hacker dedicado a Bring Your Own Device. En mi caso hago una demo de robo de sesiones con JuiceJacking para hacer un hijacking de sesión en Linkedin. Más información aquí: http://www.elladodelmal.com/2012/06/linkedin-mata-tus-cookies-y-cambia-la.html
- published: 11 Aug 2015
- views: 560
Lo que será Windows 8
Charla impartida por Chema Alonso, de la empresa Informática 64 para el evento Gira Up to Secure que tuvo lugar en Madrid el día 25 de Enero de 2012....
Charla impartida por Chema Alonso, de la empresa Informática 64 para el evento Gira Up to Secure que tuvo lugar en Madrid el día 25 de Enero de 2012.
wn.com/Lo Que Será Windows 8
Charla impartida por Chema Alonso, de la empresa Informática 64 para el evento Gira Up to Secure que tuvo lugar en Madrid el día 25 de Enero de 2012.
Programa Gratis Para Quitar iCloud muy seguro y 100 Para iPhone 4 4s 5 5s 5c
link https://www.dropbox.com/s/le7cv5oykegfddb/Desactivate%20icloud.rar?dl=0
requisito ejecutar como administrador en windows 7 en windows xp solo ejecutar...
link https://www.dropbox.com/s/le7cv5oykegfddb/Desactivate%20icloud.rar?dl=0
requisito ejecutar como administrador en windows 7 en windows xp solo ejecutar
wn.com/Programa Gratis Para Quitar Icloud Muy Seguro Y 100 Para Iphone 4 4S 5 5S 5C
link https://www.dropbox.com/s/le7cv5oykegfddb/Desactivate%20icloud.rar?dl=0
requisito ejecutar como administrador en windows 7 en windows xp solo ejecutar
- published: 10 Sep 2014
- views: 169
Que Es Paypal? Para Que Sirve? Es Realmente Seguro?
chequeen este vídeo para todos los que tengan dudas sobre lo que es paypal, conocer mas sobre este banco y lo seguro que es trabajar a traves de el...
chequeen este vídeo para todos los que tengan dudas sobre lo que es paypal, conocer mas sobre este banco y lo seguro que es trabajar a traves de el
wn.com/Que Es Paypal Para Que Sirve Es Realmente Seguro
chequeen este vídeo para todos los que tengan dudas sobre lo que es paypal, conocer mas sobre este banco y lo seguro que es trabajar a traves de el
- published: 20 Dec 2014
- views: 23
Configura tu iPhone para que sea más seguro
En este vídeo os mostramos unos consejos de seguridad para que no te roben la cuenta de correo y obtengan tus datos personales.
Enlace para suscribirse: http://...
En este vídeo os mostramos unos consejos de seguridad para que no te roben la cuenta de correo y obtengan tus datos personales.
Enlace para suscribirse: http://goo.gl/vRDQiM
Comentarios, soporte y ayuda en el FORO: http://www.applemaniacos.com/showthread.php/4738-Configura-tu-iPhone-para-que-se-m%C3%A1s-seguro
wn.com/Configura Tu Iphone Para Que Sea MáS Seguro
En este vídeo os mostramos unos consejos de seguridad para que no te roben la cuenta de correo y obtengan tus datos personales.
Enlace para suscribirse: http://goo.gl/vRDQiM
Comentarios, soporte y ayuda en el FORO: http://www.applemaniacos.com/showthread.php/4738-Configura-tu-iPhone-para-que-se-m%C3%A1s-seguro
- published: 05 Apr 2015
- views: 652
¡Internet Gratis Para Android! Con Psiphon [Octubre 2014]
Suscríbete Al Canal
Si Te Ha Gustado Este Vídeo, Apóyalo Con Un Like y Compártelo En Tus Redes Sociales.
Suscríbete Al Canal
Si Te Ha Gustado Este Vídeo, Apóyalo Con Un Like y Compártelo En Tus Redes Sociales.
Que tal amigos, hoy les traigo una aplicación que nos servirá para tener Internet en nuestro dispositivo android totalmente gratis!, espero les guste este vídeo y puedan compartirlo en sus redes sociales y también apoyarlo con un like, saludos!
Mas Información Desde Aquí.
::::::::::Mis Redes Sociales::::::::::
Grupo En Facebook
::::::::::::: Más Vídeos Que Te Pueden Gustar :::::::::::::
Resident Evil 3: Nemesis Para Android Vía ePSXe
Asphalt Overdrive Para Android [NUEVO JUEGO] ¡Descarga Gratis!
Instala El Lockscreen Del OnePlus One En Tu Dispositivo Android [CyanogenMod]
Instala El Xperia Z3 Home + widgets + Live wallpaper En Tu Android
Beach Buggy Racing Para Android [Nuevo Juego De Carreras Al Estilo Mario Kart]
FIFA 15 Ultimate Team Para Android [Instalación Paso a Paso] No Root
Top 5 Los Mejores Módulos Xposed [En Colaboración Con AndroidGeekTv]
FIFA 15 Ultimate Team Para Android [NUEVO JUEGO]
Spider-Man Unlimited Para Android [NUEVO JUEGO]
The King of Fighters '99 Para Android Via ePSXe
Como Grabar La Pantalla De Tu Dispositivo Android Con Rec. (Screen Recorder) Root
Los Mejores Series De TV, Animé, Documentales, Caricaturas En Tu Telefono Android Totalmente Gratis
Flat Style Module/Xposed Installer [Estilo IOS En Tu Android]
Pepsiman Para Android Vía ePSXe [Viernes De Juegos Clásicos]
Los Mejores y Elegantes Fondos De Pantalla En Tu Android Con Tapet
Personaliza Tu Android Al Estilo OnePlus One [Icon Packs/Wallpapers]
Como Activar El Modo Inmersivo En Android KitKat [Immersive Mode Forcer - Xposed]
Review Gamepad Ipega PG 9021 [Androidappsteam/Español MX]
PES 2014 Para Android [Vía Emulador PPSSPP]
Root En Cualquier Dispositivo Android Con Towelroot [Root En LG G2 D-801 KitKat]
Como Instalar WhatsApp Plus En Cualquier Dispositivo Android
ePSXe El Mejor Emulador De PlayStation Para Android
Viernes De Juegos Clásicos [Marvel Vs Capcom 2] Vía Happy Chick
Como Usar y Para Que Sirve El Cable OTG En Android [LG G2]
Los Mejores Efectos y Animaciones En Tu Android Con Modulo XuiMod Instalador Xposed
LA MEJOR Aplicación Para Descargar Juegos/Emuladores/ROMS Para Android
Como Extraer Archivos Zip/Rar Dividido En Varias Partes Desde Tu Android [Fácil y Rápido]
Como Abrir Enlaces Adf.ly y Descargar Archivos Desde Tu Android [Fácil y Rápido]
wn.com/¡Internet Gratis Para Android Con Psiphon Octubre 2014
Suscríbete Al Canal
Si Te Ha Gustado Este Vídeo, Apóyalo Con Un Like y Compártelo En Tus Redes Sociales.
Que tal amigos, hoy les traigo una aplicación que nos servirá para tener Internet en nuestro dispositivo android totalmente gratis!, espero les guste este vídeo y puedan compartirlo en sus redes sociales y también apoyarlo con un like, saludos!
Mas Información Desde Aquí.
::::::::::Mis Redes Sociales::::::::::
Grupo En Facebook
::::::::::::: Más Vídeos Que Te Pueden Gustar :::::::::::::
Resident Evil 3: Nemesis Para Android Vía ePSXe
Asphalt Overdrive Para Android [NUEVO JUEGO] ¡Descarga Gratis!
Instala El Lockscreen Del OnePlus One En Tu Dispositivo Android [CyanogenMod]
Instala El Xperia Z3 Home + widgets + Live wallpaper En Tu Android
Beach Buggy Racing Para Android [Nuevo Juego De Carreras Al Estilo Mario Kart]
FIFA 15 Ultimate Team Para Android [Instalación Paso a Paso] No Root
Top 5 Los Mejores Módulos Xposed [En Colaboración Con AndroidGeekTv]
FIFA 15 Ultimate Team Para Android [NUEVO JUEGO]
Spider-Man Unlimited Para Android [NUEVO JUEGO]
The King of Fighters '99 Para Android Via ePSXe
Como Grabar La Pantalla De Tu Dispositivo Android Con Rec. (Screen Recorder) Root
Los Mejores Series De TV, Animé, Documentales, Caricaturas En Tu Telefono Android Totalmente Gratis
Flat Style Module/Xposed Installer [Estilo IOS En Tu Android]
Pepsiman Para Android Vía ePSXe [Viernes De Juegos Clásicos]
Los Mejores y Elegantes Fondos De Pantalla En Tu Android Con Tapet
Personaliza Tu Android Al Estilo OnePlus One [Icon Packs/Wallpapers]
Como Activar El Modo Inmersivo En Android KitKat [Immersive Mode Forcer - Xposed]
Review Gamepad Ipega PG 9021 [Androidappsteam/Español MX]
PES 2014 Para Android [Vía Emulador PPSSPP]
Root En Cualquier Dispositivo Android Con Towelroot [Root En LG G2 D-801 KitKat]
Como Instalar WhatsApp Plus En Cualquier Dispositivo Android
ePSXe El Mejor Emulador De PlayStation Para Android
Viernes De Juegos Clásicos [Marvel Vs Capcom 2] Vía Happy Chick
Como Usar y Para Que Sirve El Cable OTG En Android [LG G2]
Los Mejores Efectos y Animaciones En Tu Android Con Modulo XuiMod Instalador Xposed
LA MEJOR Aplicación Para Descargar Juegos/Emuladores/ROMS Para Android
Como Extraer Archivos Zip/Rar Dividido En Varias Partes Desde Tu Android [Fácil y Rápido]
Como Abrir Enlaces Adf.ly y Descargar Archivos Desde Tu Android [Fácil y Rápido]
- published: 02 Oct 2014
- views: 7392
📣 Cómo utilizar WHATSAPP desde el navegador ¡100% SEGURO! 🎊 - web.whatsapp.com
🎎 La página es http://web.whatsapp.com
PD.: Mi mòbil estaba en modo avión porque así gasta menos batería, no es un emulador ni nada por el estilo xD
🍥 Gracias...
🎎 La página es http://web.whatsapp.com
PD.: Mi mòbil estaba en modo avión porque así gasta menos batería, no es un emulador ni nada por el estilo xD
🍥 Gracias a esto no tendréis que utilizar más BlueStacks ni otras aplicaciones de terceros (que ahora están prohibidas y pueden hacer que cancelen tu cuenta temporalmente o indefinidamente)
💈 Es tan fácil como escanear el código y ya tendrás WhatsApp en Google Chrome, tambien hay una notificación emergente pero no me enviaron ningún mensaje así que no os la he podido enseñar D:
Esta nueva opción está disponible en los dispositivos iOS (iPhone), BlackBerry, Android, Symbian, Windows Phone, y Nokia S40 y S60
🐙 Está disponible para Google Chrome en Windows, Ubuntu, Canaima, Magallanes, Fedora, Suse, Mac y Guadalinex.
🎮 Ayudame a Seguir Creando Contenido! @ http://adf.ly/hsKgH
************** PREGUNTAS FRECUENTES ****************
- En directo: solo debes asistir al directo y escribir "PROMO"
- Individual: me avisas por MP de YouTube, y luego me mandas una petición de Skype (mi Skype está mas abajo)
- Skype: juliodiaz01
- Correo: juliodiazreche@informaticos.com
- Twitter: @tutorialesgua
- Siempre estoy abierto a gente que quiera jugar conmigo y me encantaria hacer una serie contigo ^_^
- En Minecraft y Linux uso el GTK-RecordMyDesktop
- En Windows uso Camtasia Recorder 8
- Todo lo edito con Camtasia 8, ProShow Edition y AfterEffects
- En Android uso SCR Pro
wn.com/📣 Cómo Utilizar Whatsapp Desde El Navegador ¡100 Seguro 🎊 Web.Whatsapp.Com
🎎 La página es http://web.whatsapp.com
PD.: Mi mòbil estaba en modo avión porque así gasta menos batería, no es un emulador ni nada por el estilo xD
🍥 Gracias a esto no tendréis que utilizar más BlueStacks ni otras aplicaciones de terceros (que ahora están prohibidas y pueden hacer que cancelen tu cuenta temporalmente o indefinidamente)
💈 Es tan fácil como escanear el código y ya tendrás WhatsApp en Google Chrome, tambien hay una notificación emergente pero no me enviaron ningún mensaje así que no os la he podido enseñar D:
Esta nueva opción está disponible en los dispositivos iOS (iPhone), BlackBerry, Android, Symbian, Windows Phone, y Nokia S40 y S60
🐙 Está disponible para Google Chrome en Windows, Ubuntu, Canaima, Magallanes, Fedora, Suse, Mac y Guadalinex.
🎮 Ayudame a Seguir Creando Contenido! @ http://adf.ly/hsKgH
************** PREGUNTAS FRECUENTES ****************
- En directo: solo debes asistir al directo y escribir "PROMO"
- Individual: me avisas por MP de YouTube, y luego me mandas una petición de Skype (mi Skype está mas abajo)
- Skype: juliodiaz01
- Correo: juliodiazreche@informaticos.com
- Twitter: @tutorialesgua
- Siempre estoy abierto a gente que quiera jugar conmigo y me encantaria hacer una serie contigo ^_^
- En Minecraft y Linux uso el GTK-RecordMyDesktop
- En Windows uso Camtasia Recorder 8
- Todo lo edito con Camtasia 8, ProShow Edition y AfterEffects
- En Android uso SCR Pro
- published: 09 Feb 2015
- views: 53
Guía OS X Yosemite: Cómo instalar Windows 7 en tu Mac con Bootcamp y/o Parallels en Español
Tutorial en video mediante el cual vamos a enseñaros a instalar Windows 7 en tu Mac. Lo haremos mediante los dos métodos que existen, es decir, mediante instala...
Tutorial en video mediante el cual vamos a enseñaros a instalar Windows 7 en tu Mac. Lo haremos mediante los dos métodos que existen, es decir, mediante instalación nativa con Bootcamp y mediante un programa de virtualización como Parallels. Además os enseñamos un truco para usar el mismo sistema desde Bootcamp y Parallels. Podéis usar otros programas como Vmware o VirtualBox.
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Apple, OS X, OSX, Yosemite, iMac, iPod, Apple Tv, Apple Watch, iPhone, iPhone 6, iPhone 5S, 6 Plus, Macbook Air, Macbook, Macbook Pro Retina, Retina, Apple Store, Español, tutorial, guía, cómo, análisis, comparativa, review, unboxing, desempaquetado, Mac Mini, Mac Pro, Macbook Touch, Retina táctil, rumor Apple, Juegos en Mac, Windows en Mac,
wn.com/GuíA Os X Yosemite CóMo Instalar Windows 7 En Tu Mac Con Bootcamp Y O Parallels En Español
Tutorial en video mediante el cual vamos a enseñaros a instalar Windows 7 en tu Mac. Lo haremos mediante los dos métodos que existen, es decir, mediante instalación nativa con Bootcamp y mediante un programa de virtualización como Parallels. Además os enseñamos un truco para usar el mismo sistema desde Bootcamp y Parallels. Podéis usar otros programas como Vmware o VirtualBox.
Más información en www.hablandodemanzanas.com
Podéis seguirnos en:
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Apple, OS X, OSX, Yosemite, iMac, iPod, Apple Tv, Apple Watch, iPhone, iPhone 6, iPhone 5S, 6 Plus, Macbook Air, Macbook, Macbook Pro Retina, Retina, Apple Store, Español, tutorial, guía, cómo, análisis, comparativa, review, unboxing, desempaquetado, Mac Mini, Mac Pro, Macbook Touch, Retina táctil, rumor Apple, Juegos en Mac, Windows en Mac,
- published: 22 Oct 2014
- views: 13806
¡Tu contraseña es muy insegura!
Tu contraseña no es segura. Aprende con Sebastián Delmont (@sd), Ophelia Pastrana @ophcourse y Freddy Vega @freddier qué es una contraseña segura y cómo crearla...
Tu contraseña no es segura. Aprende con Sebastián Delmont (@sd), Ophelia Pastrana @ophcourse y Freddy Vega @freddier qué es una contraseña segura y cómo crearla.
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wn.com/¡Tu Contraseña Es Muy Insegura
Tu contraseña no es segura. Aprende con Sebastián Delmont (@sd), Ophelia Pastrana @ophcourse y Freddy Vega @freddier qué es una contraseña segura y cómo crearla.
Todo esto y más, en http://platzi.com
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- published: 01 Dec 2015
- views: 3068
Lake Como Travel Guide - Bellagio [EN]
Bellagio is a beautiful town half way down the two legs of Lake Como, surrounded by green mountains, blue water and calm skies, its the place that Stendahl called an outstanding landscape in Italy
Milan and Lake Como
No trip to Italy is complete without Milan and Lake Como. In Milan we'll take a peek at Italy's highest fashion, fanciest delis, grandest cemetery, and greatest opera house...not to mention Leonardo's Last Supper. Then we'll cruise along Lake Como, settling down in the lakeside village of Varenna...classic honeymoon country, where Italy meets the Alps.
© 2006 Rick Steves' Europe
Guide to Lake Como
Travel Department's expert local guide Carol accompanies customers on their excursions during their 7 night holiday to Lake Como, the Swiss Alps & Milan http...
Menaggio - Lake Como Travel Guide [EN]
Welcome to Menaggio, ancient village on Lake Como, once was a merchant village, situated in a crucial position at the mouth of Menaggina Valley, that joins t...
FOOTLOOSE IN THE ITALIAN LAKES DVD ~ Garda Como Lugano Maggiore Travel guide video
Extract from the fabulous 140-minute DVD available on AmazonUK http://www.amazon.co.uk/dp/B009YTGIAO
The DVD is probably the longest and most comprehensive you can get of the Italian Lakes. Enjoy the stunning scenery of the four major lakes in the north of Italy: Garda Como Lugano and Maggiore. Each lake has a seperate chapter. Contains boat rides, walking trails, fabulous gardens, castles and mu
Chicago, Illinois Travel Guide - Must-See Attractions
Chicago is a city in the U.S. state of Illinois, and is the third most populous city in the United States, and the most populous city in the American Midwest. Chicago was incorporated as a city in 1837, near a portage between the Great Lakes and the Mississippi River watershed.
The most important places to visit in Chicago are: Willis Tower (formerly known as the Sears T
Atlanta Vacation Travel Guide | Expedia
Atlanta, Georgia, is home to 5.5 million people. When you venture into the lush foliage that engulfs much of Atlanta and frames its many skyscrapers, you’ll immediately understand why it’s referred to as “The City in a Forest.”
An Atlanta tour must include the Atlanta History Center. Learn about the city’s roots as a railways terminal, as well as its role in the Civil War, when it was nearly bur
Honolulu, Hawaii Travel Guide - Must-See Attractions
Honolulu is the county seat of the City and County of Honolulu. It is the state capital and the most populous city in the U.S. state of Hawaii. Situated on the island of Oahu, it is known worldwide as a major tourist destination; Honolulu is the main gateway to Hawaii and a major gateway into the United States of America. It is also a major hub for international business,
Dallas Vacation Travel Guide | Expedia
Welcome to Dallas, also called “The Big D,” part of the Dallas-Fort Worth-Arlington metroplex of 6.5 million people.
Whether you’re looking for arts, technology, or culture, a Dallas tour has a little bit of everything. Stroll through the Dallas Museum of Art and the Nasher Sculpture Center to take in their creative works, followed
Cancun, Mexico Travel Guide - Must-See Attractions
Cancun is a city in southeastern Mexico, located on the southeast coast of the Yucatán Peninsula in the Mexican state of Quintana Roo. It is a major world-renowned tourist destination, as well as being the seat of the municipality of Benito Juárez. The city is located on the Caribbean Sea, and is one of the easternmost points in Mexico. Cancún is located just north of Mex
Houston, Texas Travel Guide - Must-See Attractions
Houston is the fourth most populous city in the United States of America, and the most populous city in the U.S. state of Texas. According to the 2010 U.S. Census, the city had a population of over 2.1 million people within a land area of 599.6 square miles (1,553 km2).[1][5] Houston is the seat of Harris County and the economic center of Houston--The Woodlands-Sugar Land
Denver, Colorado Travel Guide - Must-See Attractions
Denver is the largest city and the capital of the U.S. state of Colorado. Denver is also the second most populous county in Colorado after El Paso County. Denver is a consolidated city and county located in the South Platte River Valley on the western edge of the High Plains just east of the Front Range of the Rocky Mountains.
The most important places to visit in Denver
New Orleans Vacation Travel Guide | Expedia
Come on down to New Orleans, better known as The Big Easy.
Dive headfirst into a melting pot of French, African, and Brazilian culture meshed with many different religions, foods, and of course jazz. Let the good times roll in the French Quarter, the birthplace of jazz, when you visit its numerous bars, clubs, and restaurants.
Phoenix, Arizona Travel Guide - Must-See Attractions
Phoenix is the capital, and largest city, of the U.S. state of Arizona, as well as the sixth most populous city nationally, and is also the most populous state capital in the United States. Located in the northeastern reaches of the Sonoran Desert, Phoenix has a subtropical desert climate.
The most important places to visit in Phoenix are: Mining and Mineral Museum, Cosa
Utah Travel Video Guide
Travel video about destination Utah. Taking in Salt Lake City, the Bonneville Salt Flats and Zion National Park, Utah is a land of endless horizons, canyons,...
Cancun Vacation Travel Guide | Expedia
Surrounded by the warm waters of the Yucatan Peninsula, Cancun is famed for its sunshine, history, and wild nightlife. Come to this former Mexican fishing village turned resort town to join legions of fellow sun worshippers – just don’t forget to pack sunscreen.
Your Cancun tour should stop at the Acuario Interactivo, where you can
San Diego Vacation Travel Guide | Expedia
Welcome to San Diego, often called the birthplace of California.
Start your San Diego tour with a stop in Old Town, a historic park filled with buildings dating back to the 1820s. If you want something a little livelier, go a few miles south to check out the Gaslamp District, full of Victorian-era architecture and a thriving bar
Puerto Rico Tourism Video | Travel Guide
Welcome to Puerto Rico: endless sand, swashbuckling history lessons and wildly diverse tropical terrain. The sun-washed backyard of the USA is a place locals fittingly call the 'Island of enchantment'
San Diego, California Travel Guide - Must-See Attractions
San Diego, California, is one of the most culturally diverse cities in the United States and, arguably, one of the most beautiful. The whitewashed stucco buildings give a Mediterranean-style flavor to the architecture while the culture has a decidedly Mexican influence to it (Tijuana is just a short drive over the border). Despite this foreign-country look and feel, the
Chicago Vacation Travel Guide | Expedia
Chicago, once a small trading post on Lake Michigan, has grown into one of the country’s most famous cities. Visit “The Windy City” and chow down on deep dish pizza for a truly unique vacation experience.
Follow “The Loop,” the city’s primary business district, and marvel at its array of high-rise buildings, consulates, and univer
New York City Vacation Travel Guide | Expedia
New York City is an international metropolis built on the shoulders of immigrants and their descendants.
New York City is home to eight million people, and the city receives more than 50 million visitors per year. Your New York City tour should include sampling the food of hundreds of different cultures, and you can explore the ea
Bogotá Colombia Travel Guide Best Places to Visit: Monserrate, Zipaquirá, Museo del Oro...
Bogotá, the capital of Colombia, located in the center of the country on a vast plain at 2,600 meters above sea level and with a moderate temperature has a population of eight million people from all corners of Colombia; a city as diverse as the entire country.
Declared World Book Capital by UNESCO and Iberoamerican Capital of Culture by the UCCI, Bogotá has become one of the most important citie
Washington D.C. Vacation Travel Guide | Expedia
Take in the many splendors of the nation’s capital when you arrive at Washington, D.C.
Your Washington, D.C. tour should start at the National Mall, where you’ll find monuments, memorials, and government buildings instead of tons of shopping. If you’d like to get around town easily but don’t want to rent a car, the Capital Bikes
Lake Como Travel Guide - Bellagio [EN]
Bellagio is a beautiful town half way down the two legs of Lake Como, surrounded by green mountains, blue water and calm skies, its the place that Stendahl call...
Bellagio is a beautiful town half way down the two legs of Lake Como, surrounded by green mountains, blue water and calm skies, its the place that Stendahl called an outstanding landscape in Italy
wn.com/Lake Como Travel Guide Bellagio En
Bellagio is a beautiful town half way down the two legs of Lake Como, surrounded by green mountains, blue water and calm skies, its the place that Stendahl called an outstanding landscape in Italy
- published: 30 Oct 2008
- views: 21334
Milan and Lake Como
No trip to Italy is complete without Milan and Lake Como. In Milan we'll take a peek at Italy's highest fashion, fanciest delis, grandest cemetery, and greatest...
No trip to Italy is complete without Milan and Lake Como. In Milan we'll take a peek at Italy's highest fashion, fanciest delis, grandest cemetery, and greatest opera house...not to mention Leonardo's Last Supper. Then we'll cruise along Lake Como, settling down in the lakeside village of Varenna...classic honeymoon country, where Italy meets the Alps.
© 2006 Rick Steves' Europe
wn.com/Milan And Lake Como
No trip to Italy is complete without Milan and Lake Como. In Milan we'll take a peek at Italy's highest fashion, fanciest delis, grandest cemetery, and greatest opera house...not to mention Leonardo's Last Supper. Then we'll cruise along Lake Como, settling down in the lakeside village of Varenna...classic honeymoon country, where Italy meets the Alps.
© 2006 Rick Steves' Europe
- published: 19 Aug 2013
- views: 100571
Guide to Lake Como
Travel Department's expert local guide Carol accompanies customers on their excursions during their 7 night holiday to Lake Como, the Swiss Alps & Milan http......
Travel Department's expert local guide Carol accompanies customers on their excursions during their 7 night holiday to Lake Como, the Swiss Alps & Milan http...
wn.com/Guide To Lake Como
Travel Department's expert local guide Carol accompanies customers on their excursions during their 7 night holiday to Lake Como, the Swiss Alps & Milan http...
Menaggio - Lake Como Travel Guide [EN]
Welcome to Menaggio, ancient village on Lake Como, once was a merchant village, situated in a crucial position at the mouth of Menaggina Valley, that joins t......
Welcome to Menaggio, ancient village on Lake Como, once was a merchant village, situated in a crucial position at the mouth of Menaggina Valley, that joins t...
wn.com/Menaggio Lake Como Travel Guide En
Welcome to Menaggio, ancient village on Lake Como, once was a merchant village, situated in a crucial position at the mouth of Menaggina Valley, that joins t...
- published: 31 Oct 2008
- views: 12862
author: VacanzeLago
FOOTLOOSE IN THE ITALIAN LAKES DVD ~ Garda Como Lugano Maggiore Travel guide video
Extract from the fabulous 140-minute DVD available on AmazonUK http://www.amazon.co.uk/dp/B009YTGIAO
The DVD is probably the longest and most comprehensive you...
Extract from the fabulous 140-minute DVD available on AmazonUK http://www.amazon.co.uk/dp/B009YTGIAO
The DVD is probably the longest and most comprehensive you can get of the Italian Lakes. Enjoy the stunning scenery of the four major lakes in the north of Italy: Garda Como Lugano and Maggiore. Each lake has a seperate chapter. Contains boat rides, walking trails, fabulous gardens, castles and museums (Silk,chocolate & Swiss Customs). Shot in the warm September sunshine of this fabulous holiday region.
Filmed and produced by David and Debra Rixon, Grindelwald Productions
Find some of our other films and visit ~ http://www.footloose.tv
Footloose in Italy, Footloose in Austria, Switzerland, Spain, Budapest Prague & Krakow, Footloose in Bavaria, London, Holland, Poland, on Madeira... collect the series
wn.com/Footloose In The Italian Lakes Dvd ~ Garda Como Lugano Maggiore Travel Guide Video
Extract from the fabulous 140-minute DVD available on AmazonUK http://www.amazon.co.uk/dp/B009YTGIAO
The DVD is probably the longest and most comprehensive you can get of the Italian Lakes. Enjoy the stunning scenery of the four major lakes in the north of Italy: Garda Como Lugano and Maggiore. Each lake has a seperate chapter. Contains boat rides, walking trails, fabulous gardens, castles and museums (Silk,chocolate & Swiss Customs). Shot in the warm September sunshine of this fabulous holiday region.
Filmed and produced by David and Debra Rixon, Grindelwald Productions
Find some of our other films and visit ~ http://www.footloose.tv
Footloose in Italy, Footloose in Austria, Switzerland, Spain, Budapest Prague & Krakow, Footloose in Bavaria, London, Holland, Poland, on Madeira... collect the series
- published: 06 Nov 2012
- views: 3249
Chicago, Illinois Travel Guide - Must-See Attractions
Chicago is a city in the U.S. state of Illinois, and is the third most populous city in the United States, and the most populous city ...
Chicago is a city in the U.S. state of Illinois, and is the third most populous city in the United States, and the most populous city in the American Midwest. Chicago was incorporated as a city in 1837, near a portage between the Great Lakes and the Mississippi River watershed.
The most important places to visit in Chicago are: Willis Tower (formerly known as the Sears Tower, this iconic symbol of Chicago was the world's tallest building when it was built), Millennium Park (a great urban park, among the most famous landmarks of Chicago and a site for many major city events), Shedd Aquarium (one of the world's largest aquariums. It displays an impressive array of animals), Grant Park (called the front lawn of Chicago, the park is wonderfully landscaped and offers many sites for an urban escape), Navy Pier (situated right on Lake Michigan, the Pier has a festive atmosphere with entertainment, shops and restaurants) and many more.
If you want to save time and money, the most important Chicago travel tip is to compare prices before booking a hotel room or a flight. You can do this for free on http://bookinghunter.com, a site that searches through hundreds of other travel websites in real time for the best travel deals available.
wn.com/Chicago, Illinois Travel Guide Must See Attractions
Chicago is a city in the U.S. state of Illinois, and is the third most populous city in the United States, and the most populous city in the American Midwest. Chicago was incorporated as a city in 1837, near a portage between the Great Lakes and the Mississippi River watershed.
The most important places to visit in Chicago are: Willis Tower (formerly known as the Sears Tower, this iconic symbol of Chicago was the world's tallest building when it was built), Millennium Park (a great urban park, among the most famous landmarks of Chicago and a site for many major city events), Shedd Aquarium (one of the world's largest aquariums. It displays an impressive array of animals), Grant Park (called the front lawn of Chicago, the park is wonderfully landscaped and offers many sites for an urban escape), Navy Pier (situated right on Lake Michigan, the Pier has a festive atmosphere with entertainment, shops and restaurants) and many more.
If you want to save time and money, the most important Chicago travel tip is to compare prices before booking a hotel room or a flight. You can do this for free on http://bookinghunter.com, a site that searches through hundreds of other travel websites in real time for the best travel deals available.
- published: 26 Apr 2013
- views: 363591
Atlanta Vacation Travel Guide | Expedia
Atlanta, Georgia, is home to 5.5 million people. When you venture into the lush foliage that engulfs much of Atlanta and frames its many skyscrapers, you’ll imm...
Atlanta, Georgia, is home to 5.5 million people. When you venture into the lush foliage that engulfs much of Atlanta and frames its many skyscrapers, you’ll immediately understand why it’s referred to as “The City in a Forest.”
An Atlanta tour must include the Atlanta History Center. Learn about the city’s roots as a railways terminal, as well as its role in the Civil War, when it was nearly burned to the ground. Fact became fiction when Margaret Mitchell featured Atlanta as a major setting in her novel, “Gone With the Wind,” and you can learn about the author and the book at the Margaret Mitchell House and Museum.
Stop by the Martin Luther King Jr. Historic Site to learn about the Civil Rights leader, and pay your respects at his final resting place. From there, your Atlanta sightseeing should continue at the Georgia Aquarium, where you can meet some beluga whales, swim with whale-sharks, and get up close and personal with sealife in the touch tanks.
Cap off a beautiful day with a trip to Stone Mountain Park. If you take the Summit Skyride, you’ll get an outstanding view of the city.
Visit our Atlanta travel guide page for more information or to plan your next vacation!
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wn.com/Atlanta Vacation Travel Guide | Expedia
Atlanta, Georgia, is home to 5.5 million people. When you venture into the lush foliage that engulfs much of Atlanta and frames its many skyscrapers, you’ll immediately understand why it’s referred to as “The City in a Forest.”
An Atlanta tour must include the Atlanta History Center. Learn about the city’s roots as a railways terminal, as well as its role in the Civil War, when it was nearly burned to the ground. Fact became fiction when Margaret Mitchell featured Atlanta as a major setting in her novel, “Gone With the Wind,” and you can learn about the author and the book at the Margaret Mitchell House and Museum.
Stop by the Martin Luther King Jr. Historic Site to learn about the Civil Rights leader, and pay your respects at his final resting place. From there, your Atlanta sightseeing should continue at the Georgia Aquarium, where you can meet some beluga whales, swim with whale-sharks, and get up close and personal with sealife in the touch tanks.
Cap off a beautiful day with a trip to Stone Mountain Park. If you take the Summit Skyride, you’ll get an outstanding view of the city.
Visit our Atlanta travel guide page for more information or to plan your next vacation!
Follow us on social media:
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Follow us on our travel blog, Viewfinder:
- published: 21 May 2013
- views: 226942
Honolulu, Hawaii Travel Guide - Must-See Attractions
Honolulu is the county seat of the City and County of Honolulu. It is the state capital and the most populous city in the U.S. state o...
Honolulu is the county seat of the City and County of Honolulu. It is the state capital and the most populous city in the U.S. state of Hawaii. Situated on the island of Oahu, it is known worldwide as a major tourist destination; Honolulu is the main gateway to Hawaii and a major gateway into the United States of America. It is also a major hub for international business, military defense, as well as famously being host to a diverse variety of east-west and Pacific culture, cuisine, and traditions.
The most important places to visit in Honolulu are: Kane'ohe, Polynesian Cultural Center, Bishop Museum and Planetarium, Pearl Harbor, Iolani Palace, Capitol District, Waikiki Oceanfront, Honolulu Academy of the Arts and many more.
If you want to save time and money, the most important Honolulu travel tip is to compare prices before booking a hotel room or a flight. You can do this for free on http://bookinghunter.com, a site that searches through hundreds of other travel websites in real time for the best travel deals available.
wn.com/Honolulu, Hawaii Travel Guide Must See Attractions
Honolulu is the county seat of the City and County of Honolulu. It is the state capital and the most populous city in the U.S. state of Hawaii. Situated on the island of Oahu, it is known worldwide as a major tourist destination; Honolulu is the main gateway to Hawaii and a major gateway into the United States of America. It is also a major hub for international business, military defense, as well as famously being host to a diverse variety of east-west and Pacific culture, cuisine, and traditions.
The most important places to visit in Honolulu are: Kane'ohe, Polynesian Cultural Center, Bishop Museum and Planetarium, Pearl Harbor, Iolani Palace, Capitol District, Waikiki Oceanfront, Honolulu Academy of the Arts and many more.
If you want to save time and money, the most important Honolulu travel tip is to compare prices before booking a hotel room or a flight. You can do this for free on http://bookinghunter.com, a site that searches through hundreds of other travel websites in real time for the best travel deals available.
- published: 21 Jul 2013
- views: 280319
Dallas Vacation Travel Guide | Expedia
Welcome to Dallas, also called “The Big D,” part of the Dallas-Fort Worth-Arlington metroplex ...
Welcome to Dallas, also called “The Big D,” part of the Dallas-Fort Worth-Arlington metroplex of 6.5 million people.
Whether you’re looking for arts, technology, or culture, a Dallas tour has a little bit of everything. Stroll through the Dallas Museum of Art and the Nasher Sculpture Center to take in their creative works, followed by a trip up to the top of the Reunion Tower for a breathtaking view of the city.
If you have an affinity for living beings, you Dallas sightseeing must include the underwater passages of the Dallas World Aquarium. Don’t worry – it also has an entire section devoted to creatures of dry land, so make sure you check out the Jungle Walk. You can also scream your way through over 100 rides at Six Flags, or explore the history of the cowboy way at Pioneer Plaza.
A fine Texas day comes to an end with steak, dancing, and mingling with friendly locals who have hearts as big as the state itself.
Visit our Dallas travel guide page for more information or to plan your next vacation!
Follow us on social media:
Twitter: https://twitter.com/Expedia
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wn.com/Dallas Vacation Travel Guide | Expedia
Welcome to Dallas, also called “The Big D,” part of the Dallas-Fort Worth-Arlington metroplex of 6.5 million people.
Whether you’re looking for arts, technology, or culture, a Dallas tour has a little bit of everything. Stroll through the Dallas Museum of Art and the Nasher Sculpture Center to take in their creative works, followed by a trip up to the top of the Reunion Tower for a breathtaking view of the city.
If you have an affinity for living beings, you Dallas sightseeing must include the underwater passages of the Dallas World Aquarium. Don’t worry – it also has an entire section devoted to creatures of dry land, so make sure you check out the Jungle Walk. You can also scream your way through over 100 rides at Six Flags, or explore the history of the cowboy way at Pioneer Plaza.
A fine Texas day comes to an end with steak, dancing, and mingling with friendly locals who have hearts as big as the state itself.
Visit our Dallas travel guide page for more information or to plan your next vacation!
Follow us on social media:
Twitter: https://twitter.com/Expedia
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/expedia
Instagram: http://instagram.com/expedia
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Follow us on our travel blog, Viewfinder:
- published: 15 Jul 2013
- views: 135427
Cancun, Mexico Travel Guide - Must-See Attractions
Cancun is a city in southeastern Mexico, located on the southeast coast of the Yucatán Peninsula in the Mexican state of Quintana Roo....
Cancun is a city in southeastern Mexico, located on the southeast coast of the Yucatán Peninsula in the Mexican state of Quintana Roo. It is a major world-renowned tourist destination, as well as being the seat of the municipality of Benito Juárez. The city is located on the Caribbean Sea, and is one of the easternmost points in Mexico. Cancún is located just north of Mexico's Caribbean coast resort band known as the Riviera Maya.
The most important places to visit in Cancun are: Chichen Itza (the world famous Mayan ruins with thousands of years of history are one of the most visited sites in the world), Isla Mujeres (Cancun is surrounded by spectacular scenery. Isla Mujeres, a small gorgeous island close to Cancun, is simply spectacular), Cenotes (these magical underwater natural pools are a big draw around the Cancun area. Many have rocky edge formations above them), Tulum (outside of Cancun, a unique site. You can go for a swim in turquoise waters and visit the famous ruins of Mayan civilization), Cancun beaches (Cancun, located in the Yucatan region of Mexico, has many great attractions. Start with the white sand beaches of Cancun City) and many more.
This video offers a lot of tips to help you plan the perfect vacation. If you want to save time and money, the most important Cancun travel tip is to compare prices before booking a hotel room or a flight. You can do this for free on http://bookinghunter.com, a site that searches through hundreds of other travel websites in real time for the best travel deals available.
wn.com/Cancun, Mexico Travel Guide Must See Attractions
Cancun is a city in southeastern Mexico, located on the southeast coast of the Yucatán Peninsula in the Mexican state of Quintana Roo. It is a major world-renowned tourist destination, as well as being the seat of the municipality of Benito Juárez. The city is located on the Caribbean Sea, and is one of the easternmost points in Mexico. Cancún is located just north of Mexico's Caribbean coast resort band known as the Riviera Maya.
The most important places to visit in Cancun are: Chichen Itza (the world famous Mayan ruins with thousands of years of history are one of the most visited sites in the world), Isla Mujeres (Cancun is surrounded by spectacular scenery. Isla Mujeres, a small gorgeous island close to Cancun, is simply spectacular), Cenotes (these magical underwater natural pools are a big draw around the Cancun area. Many have rocky edge formations above them), Tulum (outside of Cancun, a unique site. You can go for a swim in turquoise waters and visit the famous ruins of Mayan civilization), Cancun beaches (Cancun, located in the Yucatan region of Mexico, has many great attractions. Start with the white sand beaches of Cancun City) and many more.
This video offers a lot of tips to help you plan the perfect vacation. If you want to save time and money, the most important Cancun travel tip is to compare prices before booking a hotel room or a flight. You can do this for free on http://bookinghunter.com, a site that searches through hundreds of other travel websites in real time for the best travel deals available.
- published: 05 Dec 2013
- views: 199908
Houston, Texas Travel Guide - Must-See Attractions
Houston is the fourth most populous city in the United States of America, and the most populous city in the U.S. state of Texas. Accor...
Houston is the fourth most populous city in the United States of America, and the most populous city in the U.S. state of Texas. According to the 2010 U.S. Census, the city had a population of over 2.1 million people within a land area of 599.6 square miles (1,553 km2).[1][5] Houston is the seat of Harris County and the economic center of Houston--The Woodlands-Sugar Land, the fifth-largest metropolitan area in the U.S. with over 6 million people.
The most important places to visit in Houston are: Houston Zoo, Beer Can House, Houston Galleria, Houston Museum of Natural Science, Space Center Houston, Discovery Green, Williams Waterwall, National Museum of Funeral History and many more.
If you want to save time and money, the most important Houston travel tip is to compare prices before booking a hotel room or a flight. You can do this for free on http://bookinghunter.com, a site that searches through hundreds of other travel websites in real time for the best travel deals available.
wn.com/Houston, Texas Travel Guide Must See Attractions
Houston is the fourth most populous city in the United States of America, and the most populous city in the U.S. state of Texas. According to the 2010 U.S. Census, the city had a population of over 2.1 million people within a land area of 599.6 square miles (1,553 km2).[1][5] Houston is the seat of Harris County and the economic center of Houston--The Woodlands-Sugar Land, the fifth-largest metropolitan area in the U.S. with over 6 million people.
The most important places to visit in Houston are: Houston Zoo, Beer Can House, Houston Galleria, Houston Museum of Natural Science, Space Center Houston, Discovery Green, Williams Waterwall, National Museum of Funeral History and many more.
If you want to save time and money, the most important Houston travel tip is to compare prices before booking a hotel room or a flight. You can do this for free on http://bookinghunter.com, a site that searches through hundreds of other travel websites in real time for the best travel deals available.
- published: 21 Jul 2013
- views: 107776
Denver, Colorado Travel Guide - Must-See Attractions
Denver is the largest city and the capital of the U.S. state of Colorado. Denver is also the second most populous county in Colorado a...
Denver is the largest city and the capital of the U.S. state of Colorado. Denver is also the second most populous county in Colorado after El Paso County. Denver is a consolidated city and county located in the South Platte River Valley on the western edge of the High Plains just east of the Front Range of the Rocky Mountains.
The most important places to visit in Denver are: Rocky Mountains (located close to Denver, Rocky Mountains are one of the great mountain ranges of this planet offering an immersive experience with nature), The Colorado State Capitol Building (a highlight of the Denver skyline, it looks like the US Capitol Building. Its shining gold dome commemorates the Colorado gold rush), Denver City Hall (this beautiful city and county building was constructed in 1932. It is known for its grand display of lights during the Christmas season), Garden of the Gods (step outside the city and soak in this fascinating place. Massive rocks and unusual formations are sure to mesmerize you), Downtown (called the mile high city because of its closeness to Rocky Mountains, Denver downtown is a bustling commerce and cultural metropolis) and many more.
This video offers a lot of tips to help you plan the perfect vacation. If you want to save time and money, the most important Denver travel tip is to compare prices before booking a hotel room or a flight. You can do this for free on http://bookinghunter.com, a site that searches through hundreds of other travel websites in real time for the best travel deals available.
wn.com/Denver, Colorado Travel Guide Must See Attractions
Denver is the largest city and the capital of the U.S. state of Colorado. Denver is also the second most populous county in Colorado after El Paso County. Denver is a consolidated city and county located in the South Platte River Valley on the western edge of the High Plains just east of the Front Range of the Rocky Mountains.
The most important places to visit in Denver are: Rocky Mountains (located close to Denver, Rocky Mountains are one of the great mountain ranges of this planet offering an immersive experience with nature), The Colorado State Capitol Building (a highlight of the Denver skyline, it looks like the US Capitol Building. Its shining gold dome commemorates the Colorado gold rush), Denver City Hall (this beautiful city and county building was constructed in 1932. It is known for its grand display of lights during the Christmas season), Garden of the Gods (step outside the city and soak in this fascinating place. Massive rocks and unusual formations are sure to mesmerize you), Downtown (called the mile high city because of its closeness to Rocky Mountains, Denver downtown is a bustling commerce and cultural metropolis) and many more.
This video offers a lot of tips to help you plan the perfect vacation. If you want to save time and money, the most important Denver travel tip is to compare prices before booking a hotel room or a flight. You can do this for free on http://bookinghunter.com, a site that searches through hundreds of other travel websites in real time for the best travel deals available.
- published: 11 Oct 2013
- views: 129108
New Orleans Vacation Travel Guide | Expedia
Come on down to New Orleans, better known as The Big Easy.
Dive headfirst into a melting ...
Come on down to New Orleans, better known as The Big Easy.
Dive headfirst into a melting pot of French, African, and Brazilian culture meshed with many different religions, foods, and of course jazz. Let the good times roll in the French Quarter, the birthplace of jazz, when you visit its numerous bars, clubs, and restaurants. To really kick up your partying skills a notch, head to Bourbon Street, where festivals and late nights are a way of life.
For a slightly more sedate New Orleans sightseeing trip, visit Jackson Square, where you can tour historic buildings like the beautiful St. Louis Cathedral. Plan a trip to Memorial Hall and learn about the Civil War, or walk through Lafayette Cemetery to see one of the country’s most haunted graveyards. If you’d rather avoid a run-in with a ghost, you’ll find an assortment of galleries and boutiques throughout the city, so you can satisfy your desire for art and shopping.
Visit our New Orleans travel guide page for more information or to plan your next vacation!
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wn.com/New Orleans Vacation Travel Guide | Expedia
Come on down to New Orleans, better known as The Big Easy.
Dive headfirst into a melting pot of French, African, and Brazilian culture meshed with many different religions, foods, and of course jazz. Let the good times roll in the French Quarter, the birthplace of jazz, when you visit its numerous bars, clubs, and restaurants. To really kick up your partying skills a notch, head to Bourbon Street, where festivals and late nights are a way of life.
For a slightly more sedate New Orleans sightseeing trip, visit Jackson Square, where you can tour historic buildings like the beautiful St. Louis Cathedral. Plan a trip to Memorial Hall and learn about the Civil War, or walk through Lafayette Cemetery to see one of the country’s most haunted graveyards. If you’d rather avoid a run-in with a ghost, you’ll find an assortment of galleries and boutiques throughout the city, so you can satisfy your desire for art and shopping.
Visit our New Orleans travel guide page for more information or to plan your next vacation!
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- published: 31 May 2013
- views: 77327
Phoenix, Arizona Travel Guide - Must-See Attractions
Phoenix is the capital, and largest city, of the U.S. state of Arizona, as well as the sixth most populous city nationally, and is als...
Phoenix is the capital, and largest city, of the U.S. state of Arizona, as well as the sixth most populous city nationally, and is also the most populous state capital in the United States. Located in the northeastern reaches of the Sonoran Desert, Phoenix has a subtropical desert climate.
The most important places to visit in Phoenix are: Mining and Mineral Museum, Cosanti, Tovrea Castle, Sunrise Trail at McDowell Mountains, ASU Planetarium, The Arizona Grand Resort, Phoenix Art Museum, Arizona Science Center, Desert Botanical Gardens, Japanese Friendship Garden and many more.
This video offers a lot of tips to help you plan the perfect vacation. If you want to save time and money, the most important Phoenix travel tip is to compare prices before booking a hotel room or a flight. You can do this for free on http://bookinghunter.com, a site that searches through hundreds of other travel websites in real time for the best travel deals available.
wn.com/Phoenix, Arizona Travel Guide Must See Attractions
Phoenix is the capital, and largest city, of the U.S. state of Arizona, as well as the sixth most populous city nationally, and is also the most populous state capital in the United States. Located in the northeastern reaches of the Sonoran Desert, Phoenix has a subtropical desert climate.
The most important places to visit in Phoenix are: Mining and Mineral Museum, Cosanti, Tovrea Castle, Sunrise Trail at McDowell Mountains, ASU Planetarium, The Arizona Grand Resort, Phoenix Art Museum, Arizona Science Center, Desert Botanical Gardens, Japanese Friendship Garden and many more.
This video offers a lot of tips to help you plan the perfect vacation. If you want to save time and money, the most important Phoenix travel tip is to compare prices before booking a hotel room or a flight. You can do this for free on http://bookinghunter.com, a site that searches through hundreds of other travel websites in real time for the best travel deals available.
- published: 06 Sep 2013
- views: 6
Utah Travel Video Guide
Travel video about destination Utah. Taking in Salt Lake City, the Bonneville Salt Flats and Zion National Park, Utah is a land of endless horizons, canyons,......
Travel video about destination Utah. Taking in Salt Lake City, the Bonneville Salt Flats and Zion National Park, Utah is a land of endless horizons, canyons,...
wn.com/Utah Travel Video Guide
Travel video about destination Utah. Taking in Salt Lake City, the Bonneville Salt Flats and Zion National Park, Utah is a land of endless horizons, canyons,...
Cancun Vacation Travel Guide | Expedia
Surrounded by the warm waters of the Yucatan Peninsula, Cancun is famed for its sunshine, histo...
Surrounded by the warm waters of the Yucatan Peninsula, Cancun is famed for its sunshine, history, and wild nightlife. Come to this former Mexican fishing village turned resort town to join legions of fellow sun worshippers – just don’t forget to pack sunscreen.
Your Cancun tour should stop at the Acuario Interactivo, where you can meet mariachi-singing dolphins and other friendly sealife. Explore the vast historical offerings of Cancun by heading to the Yucatan interior, where you’ll find ancient Mayan cities available to tour. A day trip to Chichen Itza, one of the world’s Seven Modern Wonders, is another must. Wander through its ancient streets and take in the temples, an observatory, and even a sporting arena.
At sunset, your Cancun sightseeing will come to a dazzling conclusion amid the wild nightlife. Watch shows, go dancing, attend parties, and make sure you’ve got your camera out. It all begins anew the next day; morning in Cancun means more time to make sun-drenched memories that will last a lifetime.
What’s your first stop in Cancun going to be?
Visit our Cancun travel guide page for more information or to plan your next vacation!
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wn.com/Cancun Vacation Travel Guide | Expedia
Surrounded by the warm waters of the Yucatan Peninsula, Cancun is famed for its sunshine, history, and wild nightlife. Come to this former Mexican fishing village turned resort town to join legions of fellow sun worshippers – just don’t forget to pack sunscreen.
Your Cancun tour should stop at the Acuario Interactivo, where you can meet mariachi-singing dolphins and other friendly sealife. Explore the vast historical offerings of Cancun by heading to the Yucatan interior, where you’ll find ancient Mayan cities available to tour. A day trip to Chichen Itza, one of the world’s Seven Modern Wonders, is another must. Wander through its ancient streets and take in the temples, an observatory, and even a sporting arena.
At sunset, your Cancun sightseeing will come to a dazzling conclusion amid the wild nightlife. Watch shows, go dancing, attend parties, and make sure you’ve got your camera out. It all begins anew the next day; morning in Cancun means more time to make sun-drenched memories that will last a lifetime.
What’s your first stop in Cancun going to be?
Visit our Cancun travel guide page for more information or to plan your next vacation!
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- published: 03 Dec 2013
- views: 128972
San Diego Vacation Travel Guide | Expedia
Welcome to San Diego, often called the birthplace of California.
Start your San Diego tour ...
Welcome to San Diego, often called the birthplace of California.
Start your San Diego tour with a stop in Old Town, a historic park filled with buildings dating back to the 1820s. If you want something a little livelier, go a few miles south to check out the Gaslamp District, full of Victorian-era architecture and a thriving bar and club scene. Bringing the kids with you, or looking for a more sedate afternoon? Stop by the San Diego Zoo and spend some time with the many animals taking up residence there – including some of the few pandas outside of China.
Explore San Diego’s ties to the sea by touring the U.S.S. Midway, Navy Pier, and Maritime Museum. From there, it’s just a skip across the bay to Coronado, where you can lay out in the sun and soak up some rays in a quiet beach town.
Round out your day with a trip to “the jewel,” better known as La Jolla, and indulge in some of the best seafood and Mexican food you’ll find anywhere. Don’t forget to say “Hi” to the sea lions.
Visit our San Diego travel guide page for more information or to plan your next vacation!
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wn.com/San Diego Vacation Travel Guide | Expedia
Welcome to San Diego, often called the birthplace of California.
Start your San Diego tour with a stop in Old Town, a historic park filled with buildings dating back to the 1820s. If you want something a little livelier, go a few miles south to check out the Gaslamp District, full of Victorian-era architecture and a thriving bar and club scene. Bringing the kids with you, or looking for a more sedate afternoon? Stop by the San Diego Zoo and spend some time with the many animals taking up residence there – including some of the few pandas outside of China.
Explore San Diego’s ties to the sea by touring the U.S.S. Midway, Navy Pier, and Maritime Museum. From there, it’s just a skip across the bay to Coronado, where you can lay out in the sun and soak up some rays in a quiet beach town.
Round out your day with a trip to “the jewel,” better known as La Jolla, and indulge in some of the best seafood and Mexican food you’ll find anywhere. Don’t forget to say “Hi” to the sea lions.
Visit our San Diego travel guide page for more information or to plan your next vacation!
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- published: 07 Mar 2013
- views: 522648
Puerto Rico Tourism Video | Travel Guide
Welcome to Puerto Rico: endless sand, swashbuckling history lessons and wildly diverse tropical terrain. The sun-washed backyard of the USA is a place locals fi...
Welcome to Puerto Rico: endless sand, swashbuckling history lessons and wildly diverse tropical terrain. The sun-washed backyard of the USA is a place locals fittingly call the 'Island of enchantment'
wn.com/Puerto Rico Tourism Video | Travel Guide
Welcome to Puerto Rico: endless sand, swashbuckling history lessons and wildly diverse tropical terrain. The sun-washed backyard of the USA is a place locals fittingly call the 'Island of enchantment'
- published: 08 May 2014
- views: 21949
San Diego, California Travel Guide - Must-See Attractions
San Diego, California, is one of the most culturally diverse cities in the United States and, arguably, one of the most beautiful. The...
San Diego, California, is one of the most culturally diverse cities in the United States and, arguably, one of the most beautiful. The whitewashed stucco buildings give a Mediterranean-style flavor to the architecture while the culture has a decidedly Mexican influence to it (Tijuana is just a short drive over the border). Despite this foreign-country look and feel, the city of San Diego is uniquely American and a truly memorable place to visit.
The most important places to visit in San Diego are: Mission Beach, Balboa Park (one of the greatest urban parks of the world. With museums and gardens inside the park, you can spend days there), Hotel Del Coronado (an amazing ocean front hotel and historic national landmark. It has hosted top celebrities, like Marilyn Monroe, for over 120 years), Old Town (recreates traditional life from the past. Many fascinating buildings and artifacts bring the history alive), Tijuana, San Diego Zoo and many more.
This video offers a lot of tips to help you plan the perfect vacation. If you want to save time and money, the most important San Diego travel tip is to compare prices before booking a hotel room or a flight. You can do this for free on http://bookinghunter.com, a site that searches through hundreds of other travel websites in real time for the best travel deals available.
wn.com/San Diego, California Travel Guide Must See Attractions
San Diego, California, is one of the most culturally diverse cities in the United States and, arguably, one of the most beautiful. The whitewashed stucco buildings give a Mediterranean-style flavor to the architecture while the culture has a decidedly Mexican influence to it (Tijuana is just a short drive over the border). Despite this foreign-country look and feel, the city of San Diego is uniquely American and a truly memorable place to visit.
The most important places to visit in San Diego are: Mission Beach, Balboa Park (one of the greatest urban parks of the world. With museums and gardens inside the park, you can spend days there), Hotel Del Coronado (an amazing ocean front hotel and historic national landmark. It has hosted top celebrities, like Marilyn Monroe, for over 120 years), Old Town (recreates traditional life from the past. Many fascinating buildings and artifacts bring the history alive), Tijuana, San Diego Zoo and many more.
This video offers a lot of tips to help you plan the perfect vacation. If you want to save time and money, the most important San Diego travel tip is to compare prices before booking a hotel room or a flight. You can do this for free on http://bookinghunter.com, a site that searches through hundreds of other travel websites in real time for the best travel deals available.
- published: 27 Mar 2013
- views: 104993
Chicago Vacation Travel Guide | Expedia
Chicago, once a small trading post on Lake Michigan, has grown into one of the country’s most...
Chicago, once a small trading post on Lake Michigan, has grown into one of the country’s most famous cities. Visit “The Windy City” and chow down on deep dish pizza for a truly unique vacation experience.
Follow “The Loop,” the city’s primary business district, and marvel at its array of high-rise buildings, consulates, and universities. Shopping and fine dining abound in this area. If you’ve worn yourself out in the city proper, set a more sedate pace at the Riverwalk, a pedestrian path along the Chicago River, or visit the many museums and parks the city has to offer. You’ll never believe you’re actually downtown when you walk through the Garfield Park Conservatory, and the Art Institute of Chicago will allow you to appreciate creative works from around the world.
No Chicago tour is complete without a mention of the nightlife, so close out your day at a jazz lounge and let the sweet sound of music carry you away. Visit our Chicago travel guide and plan your next vacation today.
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wn.com/Chicago Vacation Travel Guide | Expedia
Chicago, once a small trading post on Lake Michigan, has grown into one of the country’s most famous cities. Visit “The Windy City” and chow down on deep dish pizza for a truly unique vacation experience.
Follow “The Loop,” the city’s primary business district, and marvel at its array of high-rise buildings, consulates, and universities. Shopping and fine dining abound in this area. If you’ve worn yourself out in the city proper, set a more sedate pace at the Riverwalk, a pedestrian path along the Chicago River, or visit the many museums and parks the city has to offer. You’ll never believe you’re actually downtown when you walk through the Garfield Park Conservatory, and the Art Institute of Chicago will allow you to appreciate creative works from around the world.
No Chicago tour is complete without a mention of the nightlife, so close out your day at a jazz lounge and let the sweet sound of music carry you away. Visit our Chicago travel guide and plan your next vacation today.
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- published: 08 Mar 2013
- views: 347637
New York City Vacation Travel Guide | Expedia
New York City is an international metropolis built on the shoulders of immigrants and their d...
New York City is an international metropolis built on the shoulders of immigrants and their descendants.
New York City is home to eight million people, and the city receives more than 50 million visitors per year. Your New York City tour should include sampling the food of hundreds of different cultures, and you can explore the easily on foot, by taxi, or via the famous subway system.
No New York sightseeing is complete without a visit to Times Square, which you’ve no doubt seen in many movies. Take in its billboards, its many people, and its food, then cross over to Central Park, which comprises 850 acres of lakes and meadows, and is the setting for many a romantic comedy. You also have your pick of art and history museums, as well as the Reflecting Absence Memorial and Museum, where you can pay your respects to the victims of 9/11.
Most of all, enjoy yourself, and get ready to take a bite out of the Big Apple. Visit our New York City travel guide page for more information or to plan your next vacation!
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wn.com/New York City Vacation Travel Guide | Expedia
New York City is an international metropolis built on the shoulders of immigrants and their descendants.
New York City is home to eight million people, and the city receives more than 50 million visitors per year. Your New York City tour should include sampling the food of hundreds of different cultures, and you can explore the easily on foot, by taxi, or via the famous subway system.
No New York sightseeing is complete without a visit to Times Square, which you’ve no doubt seen in many movies. Take in its billboards, its many people, and its food, then cross over to Central Park, which comprises 850 acres of lakes and meadows, and is the setting for many a romantic comedy. You also have your pick of art and history museums, as well as the Reflecting Absence Memorial and Museum, where you can pay your respects to the victims of 9/11.
Most of all, enjoy yourself, and get ready to take a bite out of the Big Apple. Visit our New York City travel guide page for more information or to plan your next vacation!
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- published: 07 Mar 2013
- views: 2881299
Bogotá Colombia Travel Guide Best Places to Visit: Monserrate, Zipaquirá, Museo del Oro...
Bogotá, the capital of Colombia, located in the center of the country on a vast plain at 2,600 meters above sea level and with a moderate temperature has a popu...
Bogotá, the capital of Colombia, located in the center of the country on a vast plain at 2,600 meters above sea level and with a moderate temperature has a population of eight million people from all corners of Colombia; a city as diverse as the entire country.
Declared World Book Capital by UNESCO and Iberoamerican Capital of Culture by the UCCI, Bogotá has become one of the most important cities of the continent, with public spaces such as plazas, streets and modern avenues. Its Mass Transit System is considered one of the most important in Latin America and a model for transportation systems in the country and the continent. The city has the world's largest bicycling network --the Ciclovía, which covers close to 300 kilometers.
Bogotá has a varied nightlife offering domestic and foreign tourists alike different options and styles; a permanent cultural agenda that is reflected in its more than 60 museums and art galleries; the most famous Rock Festival of the continent and the most important theater festival in the world, the Iberoamerican Theater Festival; 29 religious temples that are part of its heritage; 4,500 parks; close to 50 shopping malls and outlets where visitors can purchase the latest fashion and creations by haute couture Colombian designers.
Bogota: travel to a city full of culture and nightlife.
Bogotá has earned a place among the major gastronomic capitals of Latin America. Its six dining areas with world-class restaurants offer local and international cuisine. The many accommodation options with over 300 hotels of international and national chains make of Bogotá the main destination of foreign tourists arriving in the country. Its venues for business, events and conventions consolidate it as one of the favorite destinations for executives worldwide.
The city, which was declared by the prestigious New York Times as one of the 31 destinations to visit in 2010 is an inspiring city with millions of amazing stories that surprise visitors every day.
Essential tourism and travel information for your Bogota vacations:
Temperature ranges from 12º C (54º F) to 18º C (64º F)
2,640 meters above sea level
Bogotá is situated in the center of the country, on the western part of the Bogotá savanna. To the south, the Bogotá river forms the falls of Salto de Tequendama. Its tributaries shape valleys with thriving towns whose habitants make a living from agriculture, cattle ranching, and the manufacture of handicrafts.
El Dorado International Airport + 57 (1) 425-1000 concentrates 65% of the aerial operations in the country. All procedures related to entering or exiting Colombia, as well as connections to the rest of the country, can be made from this airport.
Ticket, reservation, and check-in counters for national and international flights, as well as immigration and customs, are on the first floor. Departure and arrival gates, information services, travel agencies, drugstores, restaurants, and book and handicraft stores are located on the second floor.
Passengers can easily find taxi stations and tourist information and hotel reservation booths in the international and national arrival areas.
How to get there?
By land, from the north coast, by the Troncal del Magdalena highway; from the western part of the country, by the Panamerican Highway; from the Llanos to the east, by the road that connects Villavicencio and Bogotá.
Inter-city transportation
Transmilenio: (buses on exclusive lanes) costs $1,400 Colombian pesos (about US$0.80)
Ordinary buses: tickets are $1,100 Colombian pesos (about US$0.60)
Public and tourist taxi phone numbers:
Radio Taxi: + 57 (1) 288-8888
Taxi Real: + 57 (1) 333-3333
Taxi Estrella: + 57 (1) 212-1212
Taxi Elite: + 57 (1) 222-2222
Taxis Libres: + 57 (1) 311-1111
Taxi Express: + 57 (1) 411-1111
Sígueme en Twitter @FelipeAcevedom para más info.
Video acerca de lo que se puede hacer en Bogotá. Bogotá vista por turistas.
wn.com/Bogotá Colombia Travel Guide Best Places To Visit Monserrate, Zipaquirá, Museo Del Oro...
Bogotá, the capital of Colombia, located in the center of the country on a vast plain at 2,600 meters above sea level and with a moderate temperature has a population of eight million people from all corners of Colombia; a city as diverse as the entire country.
Declared World Book Capital by UNESCO and Iberoamerican Capital of Culture by the UCCI, Bogotá has become one of the most important cities of the continent, with public spaces such as plazas, streets and modern avenues. Its Mass Transit System is considered one of the most important in Latin America and a model for transportation systems in the country and the continent. The city has the world's largest bicycling network --the Ciclovía, which covers close to 300 kilometers.
Bogotá has a varied nightlife offering domestic and foreign tourists alike different options and styles; a permanent cultural agenda that is reflected in its more than 60 museums and art galleries; the most famous Rock Festival of the continent and the most important theater festival in the world, the Iberoamerican Theater Festival; 29 religious temples that are part of its heritage; 4,500 parks; close to 50 shopping malls and outlets where visitors can purchase the latest fashion and creations by haute couture Colombian designers.
Bogota: travel to a city full of culture and nightlife.
Bogotá has earned a place among the major gastronomic capitals of Latin America. Its six dining areas with world-class restaurants offer local and international cuisine. The many accommodation options with over 300 hotels of international and national chains make of Bogotá the main destination of foreign tourists arriving in the country. Its venues for business, events and conventions consolidate it as one of the favorite destinations for executives worldwide.
The city, which was declared by the prestigious New York Times as one of the 31 destinations to visit in 2010 is an inspiring city with millions of amazing stories that surprise visitors every day.
Essential tourism and travel information for your Bogota vacations:
Temperature ranges from 12º C (54º F) to 18º C (64º F)
2,640 meters above sea level
Bogotá is situated in the center of the country, on the western part of the Bogotá savanna. To the south, the Bogotá river forms the falls of Salto de Tequendama. Its tributaries shape valleys with thriving towns whose habitants make a living from agriculture, cattle ranching, and the manufacture of handicrafts.
El Dorado International Airport + 57 (1) 425-1000 concentrates 65% of the aerial operations in the country. All procedures related to entering or exiting Colombia, as well as connections to the rest of the country, can be made from this airport.
Ticket, reservation, and check-in counters for national and international flights, as well as immigration and customs, are on the first floor. Departure and arrival gates, information services, travel agencies, drugstores, restaurants, and book and handicraft stores are located on the second floor.
Passengers can easily find taxi stations and tourist information and hotel reservation booths in the international and national arrival areas.
How to get there?
By land, from the north coast, by the Troncal del Magdalena highway; from the western part of the country, by the Panamerican Highway; from the Llanos to the east, by the road that connects Villavicencio and Bogotá.
Inter-city transportation
Transmilenio: (buses on exclusive lanes) costs $1,400 Colombian pesos (about US$0.80)
Ordinary buses: tickets are $1,100 Colombian pesos (about US$0.60)
Public and tourist taxi phone numbers:
Radio Taxi: + 57 (1) 288-8888
Taxi Real: + 57 (1) 333-3333
Taxi Estrella: + 57 (1) 212-1212
Taxi Elite: + 57 (1) 222-2222
Taxis Libres: + 57 (1) 311-1111
Taxi Express: + 57 (1) 411-1111
Sígueme en Twitter @FelipeAcevedom para más info.
Video acerca de lo que se puede hacer en Bogotá. Bogotá vista por turistas.
- published: 04 Mar 2012
- views: 243146
Washington D.C. Vacation Travel Guide | Expedia
Take in the many splendors of the nation’s capital when you arrive at Washington, D.C.
Take in the many splendors of the nation’s capital when you arrive at Washington, D.C.
Your Washington, D.C. tour should start at the National Mall, where you’ll find monuments, memorials, and government buildings instead of tons of shopping. If you’d like to get around town easily but don’t want to rent a car, the Capital Bikeshare program will let you cruise around the city without wasting gas or getting stuck in traffic.
Check out the Watergate Hotel and Kennedy Center when you stop at Foggy Bottom, then move on to Georgetown, the oldest district in D.C. It’s filled with 18th-century buildings and, of course, the university itself. After a stop at the National Cathedral, make your way to the Smithsonian National Zoo, the perfect stop for the young and the young at heart.
If you’re feeling the need to channel your inner 007, go to the International Spy Museum, and learn about the covert operations and intelligence agencies that have shaped the world we live in. Of course, you can’t enjoy any Washington, D.C., tourism without admiring the White House, so make sure that’s on your list too.
Visit our Washington, D.C., travel guide page for more information or to plan your next vacation!
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wn.com/Washington D.C. Vacation Travel Guide | Expedia
Take in the many splendors of the nation’s capital when you arrive at Washington, D.C.
Your Washington, D.C. tour should start at the National Mall, where you’ll find monuments, memorials, and government buildings instead of tons of shopping. If you’d like to get around town easily but don’t want to rent a car, the Capital Bikeshare program will let you cruise around the city without wasting gas or getting stuck in traffic.
Check out the Watergate Hotel and Kennedy Center when you stop at Foggy Bottom, then move on to Georgetown, the oldest district in D.C. It’s filled with 18th-century buildings and, of course, the university itself. After a stop at the National Cathedral, make your way to the Smithsonian National Zoo, the perfect stop for the young and the young at heart.
If you’re feeling the need to channel your inner 007, go to the International Spy Museum, and learn about the covert operations and intelligence agencies that have shaped the world we live in. Of course, you can’t enjoy any Washington, D.C., tourism without admiring the White House, so make sure that’s on your list too.
Visit our Washington, D.C., travel guide page for more information or to plan your next vacation!
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- published: 07 Mar 2013
- views: 452197