Tippe Top
The Tippe Top consists of a slightly flattened sphere, with a metal stem. It looks slightly like a small mushroom!
If you spin the top, it starts to slide and tip over. If you spin it fast enough, it will turn completely upside down, spinning on its stem.
This strange piece of physics was discovered by the German physicist Helen Sperl in 1891.
There are very cheap versions around, made of plas
Tippe top
This is a tippe top filmed with a highspeedcamera. It has been filmed with 1200 frames pr. sec.
It is a part of a first year projekt in physics at University of Copenhagen, and we are trying to explain what happens, which is a lot more difficult than it sounds.
My apologies if there are any miss spelling in the previous piece of text.
Tippe Top - The Spinning Top that flips itself over when it is spun!
This is a fascinating spinning top with an interesting behaviour.
The 'Tippe Top' inverts itself when spinning at sufficient speed. It does this because its centre of mass does not coincide with the geometrical centre of sphere. This means that when spinning the bulbous top slides over the surface on which it is spinning and this friction and motion causes enough force to 'drive' the spinning top
Woodturning a Tippe top
Woodturning a Tippe top from some Zirbe (Pinus Cembra) wood. I turn it between centers, including the hollowing and finish it off the lathe with a sharp knife and some sandpaper.
Visit my website at http://www.samcoeck.be for more of my woodturning work.
Make a Tippe Top
Neal Brand gives us his tips and techniques for making tippie tops. These amazing toys start spinning as a normal top then mysteriously flip over to spin on their stems. Neal explains why this happens and shows us how he makes these neat toys.
We want to thank the Harvard Natural Sciences Lecture Demonstration group for letting use their slow motion video of tippy tops in action. See their You
Tippe Top XL
This is the extra large (XL) version of the Tippe Top. Whereas our normal Tippe Top is 35mm high, this one is 50mm high! (One of the images shows the XL version next to the normal Tippe Top). A Tippe Top consists of a slightly flattened sphere, with a metal stem. It looks slightly like a small mushroom.
If you spin the top, it starts to slide and tip over. If you spin it fast enough, it will turn
How To Make A Confetti Tippe Top
Confetti blank take two! This time I turn another tippe top. A very satisfying little toy. Give it a spin and watch it flip over on it's head!
The original idea was to use nails as the stems for tippe tops and shape them on the belt sander with my hand drill. I had hoped to do a production run of tippe tops this way and make a cool video in the process. The thing about new ideas is not all of th
Tippy Top
Precession of a small metal top leads to surprising results. Shot in 1200 fps with a Casio EX-F1. Special thanks to Nils and Rob for their help.
Tippy-Top (1961)
Tippy-Top was a 30-minute made-for-TV musical / drama which originally aired on the series G.E. Theater on December 17, 1961 (Season 10, Episode 13) and was repeated on July 29, 1962. The show starred actor / comedian Red Buttons as the imaginary friend of a child, played by Ron (then billed as Ronny) Howard. While this premise was unusual enough, it was made more so by the fact that it was a musi
Spinning Disk Trick Solution
ZoggFromBetelgeuse's solution: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pwl-rBVbWAY
This is a preliminary solution to the spinning disk trick based on the commonly cited tippe top explanation. I have my doubts that it tells the whole story because the disk seems to tilt, so the argument about constant angular velocity is in doubt. I wonder if the weight of the disk plays a more important role in making it f
Woodturning A Wood Toy Tippy Top
I've turned several tops on my lathe but never a tippy top. A tippy top should start normally, then flip over onto its spindle. During this process, it reverses its rotation. Physics students create monstrous equations to explain this reversal that are totally beyond me.
This wood is poplar with a walnut spindle. The poplar is decorated with colored marker pens and finis
Tippe Top Physics ♪ Relatividad
¡Todos a bailar con una de las teorías más imporatantes de la Física! ¡Tenemos fuego en nuestro body y demasiado tiempo libre en nuestras manos! ¡Dame una A! ¡Dame una L! ¡Dame una B! Uf, estaremos aquí hasta el día del Juicio Final. ¡ALBERT EINSTEIN!
En 1905, Albert Einstein, un desconocido profesor de física y matemáticas que trabajaba en una oficina de patentes de Berna (Suiza) publicó lo
Slow Motion Video of a Tippe Top with explanation
Project for Classical Mechanics, Physics 374 at St. Olaf College.
Sources For understanding:
The Tippe Top Revisited by Richard J. Cohen: http://scitation.aip.org/content/aapt/journal/ajp/45/1/10.1119/1.10926
The Tippe Top by F.A. Bilsen: http://fabilsen.home.xs4all.nl/tippe-top.pdf
FysikBasen: http://www.fysikbasen.dk/English.php?page=Vis&id;=79
The Tippe Top
The tippe top consists in a section of a sphere fitted with a short, cylindrical rod. It shows an amazing behavior when it is spun upon a flat surface: after a few seconds it inverts itself, raising its center of mass!!!
Peonza mágica (The Tippe Top)
Tippe top movie in slow motion.
The motion of a tippe top is wonderful. The important thing to notice is that the contact with the table is sliding. This means that friction causes a couple which causes the spinning top to precess. The axis of spin therefore lifts up. When the shaft meets the table it too is sliding and friction here has a bigger lever arm so the precessio is faster. The to
Tippe top in slow-mo
See related G+ post http://goo.gl/WTfM50
Weird Physics: A tippetop turning upside-down while spinning.
Tippy Top spinning
The magical and delightful and fun motion of the tippy top.
Tippe Top slow motion
Trottola ribaltina o tippe top filmata in slow motion a 240 fotogrammi per secondo.
How To Make A Walnut Tippie Top
Wooden Tippy Top from claro walnut. Give it a spin and watch it flip over on it's head.
I turned this fairly quick and played with it non stop for the next few days!
Toupie tippe-top
La toupie tippe-top (ou toupie magique) est constituée d'une sphère tronquée et d'un petit manche. Caractéristique : elle se retourne pendant sa rotation !
Tippe Tops and Rattlebacks - QI: Series K Episode 16 Preview - BBC Two
More about this programme: http://www.bbc.co.uk/programmes/b03q9pgf Stephen demonstrates a spinning top that turns upside down called a tippe top and a spinning strip of plastic called a rattleback that always goes back to spinning in one direction.
Tippe Top
The Tippe Top consists of a slightly flattened sphere, with a metal stem. It looks slightly like a small mushroom!
If you spin the top, it starts to slide and ...
The Tippe Top consists of a slightly flattened sphere, with a metal stem. It looks slightly like a small mushroom!
If you spin the top, it starts to slide and tip over. If you spin it fast enough, it will turn completely upside down, spinning on its stem.
This strange piece of physics was discovered by the German physicist Helen Sperl in 1891.
There are very cheap versions around, made of plastic, but this designer version is made of aluminium, and comes in an elegant foam surround with a cardboard sleeve.
The top is about 35mm high, and the designer and maker of the top is - appropriately enough - German.
See http://www.grand-illusions.com/acatalog/Tippe_Top.html
wn.com/Tippe Top
The Tippe Top consists of a slightly flattened sphere, with a metal stem. It looks slightly like a small mushroom!
If you spin the top, it starts to slide and tip over. If you spin it fast enough, it will turn completely upside down, spinning on its stem.
This strange piece of physics was discovered by the German physicist Helen Sperl in 1891.
There are very cheap versions around, made of plastic, but this designer version is made of aluminium, and comes in an elegant foam surround with a cardboard sleeve.
The top is about 35mm high, and the designer and maker of the top is - appropriately enough - German.
See http://www.grand-illusions.com/acatalog/Tippe_Top.html
- published: 22 Jun 2012
- views: 248543
Tippe top
This is a tippe top filmed with a highspeedcamera. It has been filmed with 1200 frames pr. sec.
It is a part of a first year projekt in physics at University o...
This is a tippe top filmed with a highspeedcamera. It has been filmed with 1200 frames pr. sec.
It is a part of a first year projekt in physics at University of Copenhagen, and we are trying to explain what happens, which is a lot more difficult than it sounds.
My apologies if there are any miss spelling in the previous piece of text.
wn.com/Tippe Top
This is a tippe top filmed with a highspeedcamera. It has been filmed with 1200 frames pr. sec.
It is a part of a first year projekt in physics at University of Copenhagen, and we are trying to explain what happens, which is a lot more difficult than it sounds.
My apologies if there are any miss spelling in the previous piece of text.
- published: 06 Mar 2009
- views: 9469
Tippe Top - The Spinning Top that flips itself over when it is spun!
This is a fascinating spinning top with an interesting behaviour.
The 'Tippe Top' inverts itself when spinning at sufficient speed. It does this because its cen...
This is a fascinating spinning top with an interesting behaviour.
The 'Tippe Top' inverts itself when spinning at sufficient speed. It does this because its centre of mass does not coincide with the geometrical centre of sphere. This means that when spinning the bulbous top slides over the surface on which it is spinning and this friction and motion causes enough force to 'drive' the spinning top up and over until it is spinning on the stalk. Once on the stalk there are far less sliding forces and the top can now spin stably until it no longer has enough energy to sustain its speed and spin.
This Tippe Top is 29mm in diameter ( 1.14 inches ) and 36mm tall (1.41 inches )
You can buy this from:
Detailed explanation of science and history behind the Tippie Top:
I hope that my understanding and explanation of this spinning tops behaviour is accurate. If anyone can suggest corrections or improvements, I am always happy to update and refine the text that accompanies my videos.
wn.com/Tippe Top The Spinning Top That Flips Itself Over When It Is Spun
This is a fascinating spinning top with an interesting behaviour.
The 'Tippe Top' inverts itself when spinning at sufficient speed. It does this because its centre of mass does not coincide with the geometrical centre of sphere. This means that when spinning the bulbous top slides over the surface on which it is spinning and this friction and motion causes enough force to 'drive' the spinning top up and over until it is spinning on the stalk. Once on the stalk there are far less sliding forces and the top can now spin stably until it no longer has enough energy to sustain its speed and spin.
This Tippe Top is 29mm in diameter ( 1.14 inches ) and 36mm tall (1.41 inches )
You can buy this from:
Detailed explanation of science and history behind the Tippie Top:
I hope that my understanding and explanation of this spinning tops behaviour is accurate. If anyone can suggest corrections or improvements, I am always happy to update and refine the text that accompanies my videos.
- published: 06 Feb 2014
- views: 82350
Woodturning a Tippe top
Woodturning a Tippe top from some Zirbe (Pinus Cembra) wood. I turn it between centers, including the hollowing and finish it off the lathe with a sharp knife a...
Woodturning a Tippe top from some Zirbe (Pinus Cembra) wood. I turn it between centers, including the hollowing and finish it off the lathe with a sharp knife and some sandpaper.
Visit my website at http://www.samcoeck.be for more of my woodturning work.
wn.com/Woodturning A Tippe Top
Woodturning a Tippe top from some Zirbe (Pinus Cembra) wood. I turn it between centers, including the hollowing and finish it off the lathe with a sharp knife and some sandpaper.
Visit my website at http://www.samcoeck.be for more of my woodturning work.
- published: 18 Nov 2014
- views: 2119
Make a Tippe Top
Neal Brand gives us his tips and techniques for making tippie tops. These amazing toys start spinning as a normal top then mysteriously flip over to spin on th...
Neal Brand gives us his tips and techniques for making tippie tops. These amazing toys start spinning as a normal top then mysteriously flip over to spin on their stems. Neal explains why this happens and shows us how he makes these neat toys.
We want to thank the Harvard Natural Sciences Lecture Demonstration group for letting use their slow motion video of tippy tops in action. See their You Tube page at https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=58sryfWQOa0
We are a Denton, Texas based woodturning club meeting the first Monday of each month at the Center for the Visual Arts located at Hickory and Bell Streets in Denton, TX. You can find more about us at http://www.goldentrianglewoodturners.org
wn.com/Make A Tippe Top
Neal Brand gives us his tips and techniques for making tippie tops. These amazing toys start spinning as a normal top then mysteriously flip over to spin on their stems. Neal explains why this happens and shows us how he makes these neat toys.
We want to thank the Harvard Natural Sciences Lecture Demonstration group for letting use their slow motion video of tippy tops in action. See their You Tube page at https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=58sryfWQOa0
We are a Denton, Texas based woodturning club meeting the first Monday of each month at the Center for the Visual Arts located at Hickory and Bell Streets in Denton, TX. You can find more about us at http://www.goldentrianglewoodturners.org
- published: 05 Mar 2014
- views: 13667
Tippe Top XL
This is the extra large (XL) version of the Tippe Top. Whereas our normal Tippe Top is 35mm high, this one is 50mm high! (One of the images shows the XL version...
This is the extra large (XL) version of the Tippe Top. Whereas our normal Tippe Top is 35mm high, this one is 50mm high! (One of the images shows the XL version next to the normal Tippe Top). A Tippe Top consists of a slightly flattened sphere, with a metal stem. It looks slightly like a small mushroom.
If you spin the top, it starts to slide and tip over. If you spin it fast enough, it will turn completely upside down, spinning on its stem.
This strange piece of physics was discovered by the German physicist Helen Sperl in 1891.
There are very cheap versions around, made of plastic, but this designer version is made of aluminium, and comes in an elegant foam surround with a cardboard sleeve.
The top is about 50mm high, and the designer and maker of the top is - appropriately enough - German.
wn.com/Tippe Top Xl
This is the extra large (XL) version of the Tippe Top. Whereas our normal Tippe Top is 35mm high, this one is 50mm high! (One of the images shows the XL version next to the normal Tippe Top). A Tippe Top consists of a slightly flattened sphere, with a metal stem. It looks slightly like a small mushroom.
If you spin the top, it starts to slide and tip over. If you spin it fast enough, it will turn completely upside down, spinning on its stem.
This strange piece of physics was discovered by the German physicist Helen Sperl in 1891.
There are very cheap versions around, made of plastic, but this designer version is made of aluminium, and comes in an elegant foam surround with a cardboard sleeve.
The top is about 50mm high, and the designer and maker of the top is - appropriately enough - German.
- published: 02 Dec 2012
- views: 28917
How To Make A Confetti Tippe Top
Confetti blank take two! This time I turn another tippe top. A very satisfying little toy. Give it a spin and watch it flip over on it's head!
The original ide...
Confetti blank take two! This time I turn another tippe top. A very satisfying little toy. Give it a spin and watch it flip over on it's head!
The original idea was to use nails as the stems for tippe tops and shape them on the belt sander with my hand drill. I had hoped to do a production run of tippe tops this way and make a cool video in the process. The thing about new ideas is not all of them work. Anyone need a much of walnut squares with nails epoxied in?
Walnut Tippe Top: http://youtu.be/24ApXC7iabE
Pencil Spin Top: http://youtu.be/FDLpzenoEkA
Sycamore Spin Top: http://youtu.be/E_oAoQLpIBw
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ShopTime Blog: http://www.shoptimeshow.com
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wn.com/How To Make A Confetti Tippe Top
Confetti blank take two! This time I turn another tippe top. A very satisfying little toy. Give it a spin and watch it flip over on it's head!
The original idea was to use nails as the stems for tippe tops and shape them on the belt sander with my hand drill. I had hoped to do a production run of tippe tops this way and make a cool video in the process. The thing about new ideas is not all of them work. Anyone need a much of walnut squares with nails epoxied in?
Walnut Tippe Top: http://youtu.be/24ApXC7iabE
Pencil Spin Top: http://youtu.be/FDLpzenoEkA
Sycamore Spin Top: http://youtu.be/E_oAoQLpIBw
Please like and share!
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/kludge1977
Twitter: https://twitter.com/kludge1977
ShopTime Blog: http://www.shoptimeshow.com
Pinterest: http://www.pinterest.com/kludge77
- published: 21 Jul 2014
- views: 37109
Tippy Top
Precession of a small metal top leads to surprising results. Shot in 1200 fps with a Casio EX-F1. Special thanks to Nils and Rob for their help....
Precession of a small metal top leads to surprising results. Shot in 1200 fps with a Casio EX-F1. Special thanks to Nils and Rob for their help.
wn.com/Tippy Top
Precession of a small metal top leads to surprising results. Shot in 1200 fps with a Casio EX-F1. Special thanks to Nils and Rob for their help.
- published: 11 Mar 2011
- views: 17577
Tippy-Top (1961)
Tippy-Top was a 30-minute made-for-TV musical / drama which originally aired on the series G.E. Theater on December 17, 1961 (Season 10, Episode 13) and was rep...
Tippy-Top was a 30-minute made-for-TV musical / drama which originally aired on the series G.E. Theater on December 17, 1961 (Season 10, Episode 13) and was repeated on July 29, 1962. The show starred actor / comedian Red Buttons as the imaginary friend of a child, played by Ron (then billed as Ronny) Howard. While this premise was unusual enough, it was made more so by the fact that it was a musical, with each of the characters bursting into song at one point or another. The other performers featured were Frank Aletter and Joan O'brien. As John Kenrick mentions at musicals101.com: "Howard (who was then appearing as Opie on The Andy Griffith Show) is the only Academy-Award winning director who can say he starred in a TV musical."
Since its original broadcast the movie has become a fond remembrance by those who recall it. If you didn't see it in its original run yet it seems vaguely familiar, then you probably saw segments of it on the cult sitcom "Dream On," which aired on HBO in the '90s and later in syndication on the Fox Network and Comedy Central. The Dream On episode included Tippy-Top video clips and references throughout its entire 30 minutes. The episode was called "Try Not to Remember" and was from season 6, episode 1, which originally aired in 1995. Websites like Hulu, Sidereel and Fancast broadcast episodes of Dream On, and while presently they don't include any from season 6, they likely will eventually.
Tippy-Top was written by Sidney Michaels and Mark Sandrich Jr, both of whom also wrote the songs -- four in all: "Tippy Top," "What Do You Suppose?," "You Can't Run Away From a Problem" and "Tippy and Me." It was directed by Sherman Marks.
wn.com/Tippy Top (1961)
Tippy-Top was a 30-minute made-for-TV musical / drama which originally aired on the series G.E. Theater on December 17, 1961 (Season 10, Episode 13) and was repeated on July 29, 1962. The show starred actor / comedian Red Buttons as the imaginary friend of a child, played by Ron (then billed as Ronny) Howard. While this premise was unusual enough, it was made more so by the fact that it was a musical, with each of the characters bursting into song at one point or another. The other performers featured were Frank Aletter and Joan O'brien. As John Kenrick mentions at musicals101.com: "Howard (who was then appearing as Opie on The Andy Griffith Show) is the only Academy-Award winning director who can say he starred in a TV musical."
Since its original broadcast the movie has become a fond remembrance by those who recall it. If you didn't see it in its original run yet it seems vaguely familiar, then you probably saw segments of it on the cult sitcom "Dream On," which aired on HBO in the '90s and later in syndication on the Fox Network and Comedy Central. The Dream On episode included Tippy-Top video clips and references throughout its entire 30 minutes. The episode was called "Try Not to Remember" and was from season 6, episode 1, which originally aired in 1995. Websites like Hulu, Sidereel and Fancast broadcast episodes of Dream On, and while presently they don't include any from season 6, they likely will eventually.
Tippy-Top was written by Sidney Michaels and Mark Sandrich Jr, both of whom also wrote the songs -- four in all: "Tippy Top," "What Do You Suppose?," "You Can't Run Away From a Problem" and "Tippy and Me." It was directed by Sherman Marks.
- published: 05 Aug 2010
- views: 3582
Spinning Disk Trick Solution
ZoggFromBetelgeuse's solution: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pwl-rBVbWAY
This is a preliminary solution to the spinning disk trick based on the commonly cited ...
ZoggFromBetelgeuse's solution: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pwl-rBVbWAY
This is a preliminary solution to the spinning disk trick based on the commonly cited tippe top explanation. I have my doubts that it tells the whole story because the disk seems to tilt, so the argument about constant angular velocity is in doubt. I wonder if the weight of the disk plays a more important role in making it flip. Plus, I think the disk appears to roll without slipping while the lighter side is moving down. This violates one of the assumptions of the tippe top explanation. So why am I publishing this now? I feel bad it has been two weeks and I haven't posted the answer yet so let's consider this a starting point for a work in progress...
wn.com/Spinning Disk Trick Solution
ZoggFromBetelgeuse's solution: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pwl-rBVbWAY
This is a preliminary solution to the spinning disk trick based on the commonly cited tippe top explanation. I have my doubts that it tells the whole story because the disk seems to tilt, so the argument about constant angular velocity is in doubt. I wonder if the weight of the disk plays a more important role in making it flip. Plus, I think the disk appears to roll without slipping while the lighter side is moving down. This violates one of the assumptions of the tippe top explanation. So why am I publishing this now? I feel bad it has been two weeks and I haven't posted the answer yet so let's consider this a starting point for a work in progress...
- published: 05 Jun 2012
- views: 1195075
Woodturning A Wood Toy Tippy Top
I've turned several tops on my lathe but never a tippy top. A tippy top should start normally, then flip over onto its spindle. Durin...
I've turned several tops on my lathe but never a tippy top. A tippy top should start normally, then flip over onto its spindle. During this process, it reverses its rotation. Physics students create monstrous equations to explain this reversal that are totally beyond me.
This wood is poplar with a walnut spindle. The poplar is decorated with colored marker pens and finished with shellac friction polish.
However, my tippy top didn't tip. I don't know what I should do differently. Is it the center of gravity? The spherical shape? Or something else?
There will be another one - I'm not quitting.
Enter your email at http://www.AsWoodTurns.com & I'll let you know when the next woodturning project video is ready.
wn.com/Woodturning A Wood Toy Tippy Top
I've turned several tops on my lathe but never a tippy top. A tippy top should start normally, then flip over onto its spindle. During this process, it reverses its rotation. Physics students create monstrous equations to explain this reversal that are totally beyond me.
This wood is poplar with a walnut spindle. The poplar is decorated with colored marker pens and finished with shellac friction polish.
However, my tippy top didn't tip. I don't know what I should do differently. Is it the center of gravity? The spherical shape? Or something else?
There will be another one - I'm not quitting.
Enter your email at http://www.AsWoodTurns.com & I'll let you know when the next woodturning project video is ready.
- published: 24 May 2013
- views: 22409
Tippe Top Physics ♪ Relatividad
¡Todos a bailar con una de las teorías más imporatantes de la Física! ¡Tenemos fuego en nuestro body y demasiado tiempo libre en nuestras manos! ¡Dame una A! ¡D...
¡Todos a bailar con una de las teorías más imporatantes de la Física! ¡Tenemos fuego en nuestro body y demasiado tiempo libre en nuestras manos! ¡Dame una A! ¡Dame una L! ¡Dame una B! Uf, estaremos aquí hasta el día del Juicio Final. ¡ALBERT EINSTEIN!
En 1905, Albert Einstein, un desconocido profesor de física y matemáticas que trabajaba en una oficina de patentes de Berna (Suiza) publicó lo que más tarde sería una teoría revolucionaria: la relatividad especial, donde conceptos aparentemente sencillos como son el tiempo y distancias cobraban una nueva dimensión (pun intented). Se desechaban el tiempo y espacio absolutos de Newton, dando lugar a fenómenos inesperados como son la equivalencia masa-energía y dilatación del tiempo y contracción de longitudes.
Pero todo esto sólo era válido sin gravedad, por lo que diez años (10!) después, en 1915, hizo lo propio incluyendo la gravitación: su teoría de la relatividad general. En este marco, los objetos lo que hacen es simplemente modificar la geometría del espacio-tiempo. Esta teoría explicó un fenómeno que traía a los físicos de cabeza: la precesión de la órbita de Mercurio (http://astronomia.konradlorenz.edu.co/2015/08/albert-einstein-y-la-%C3%B3rbita-de-mercurio.html).
¡Pero no sólo se aplica a cosas tan raras! Cuando se lanzaron por primera vez los GPS, no se creyeron su teoría, y tocó volver a bajarlos porque se adelantaban, como bien predice la relatividad general (más gravedad, más lento va el tiempo). Estos ejemplos son una muestra infinitesimal de todo lo que abarca esta maravillosa teoría, que ya en 1916 fue capaz de predecir los agujeros negros. ¿Dónde estaríamos sin ellos ahora mismo? Seguramente en el mismo sitio, pero sin la peli de Interstellar. Pobres nosotros.
Veeeenga, ¡sabes que te gusta! Dale al like y suscríbete. Y sobre todo, ve a dar la brasa sobre este vídeo a tus amigos. Y a tus enemigos también, a ver si ven lo bueno que es este vídeo quieren hacer las paces contigo. ¡Nunca se sabe!
Mil gracias a:
SoundEffectsFactory, por sus efectos de Whoosh!
¡Cae en nuestras redes... sociales!
¡Síguenos en Twitter! https://twitter.com/ttphysics
¡Ámanos en Facebook! https://www.facebook.com/tippetopphysics
Y en Google+... Ahí haz lo que te dé la gana. http://bit.ly/1iQiyhG
wn.com/Tippe Top Physics ♪ Relatividad
¡Todos a bailar con una de las teorías más imporatantes de la Física! ¡Tenemos fuego en nuestro body y demasiado tiempo libre en nuestras manos! ¡Dame una A! ¡Dame una L! ¡Dame una B! Uf, estaremos aquí hasta el día del Juicio Final. ¡ALBERT EINSTEIN!
En 1905, Albert Einstein, un desconocido profesor de física y matemáticas que trabajaba en una oficina de patentes de Berna (Suiza) publicó lo que más tarde sería una teoría revolucionaria: la relatividad especial, donde conceptos aparentemente sencillos como son el tiempo y distancias cobraban una nueva dimensión (pun intented). Se desechaban el tiempo y espacio absolutos de Newton, dando lugar a fenómenos inesperados como son la equivalencia masa-energía y dilatación del tiempo y contracción de longitudes.
Pero todo esto sólo era válido sin gravedad, por lo que diez años (10!) después, en 1915, hizo lo propio incluyendo la gravitación: su teoría de la relatividad general. En este marco, los objetos lo que hacen es simplemente modificar la geometría del espacio-tiempo. Esta teoría explicó un fenómeno que traía a los físicos de cabeza: la precesión de la órbita de Mercurio (http://astronomia.konradlorenz.edu.co/2015/08/albert-einstein-y-la-%C3%B3rbita-de-mercurio.html).
¡Pero no sólo se aplica a cosas tan raras! Cuando se lanzaron por primera vez los GPS, no se creyeron su teoría, y tocó volver a bajarlos porque se adelantaban, como bien predice la relatividad general (más gravedad, más lento va el tiempo). Estos ejemplos son una muestra infinitesimal de todo lo que abarca esta maravillosa teoría, que ya en 1916 fue capaz de predecir los agujeros negros. ¿Dónde estaríamos sin ellos ahora mismo? Seguramente en el mismo sitio, pero sin la peli de Interstellar. Pobres nosotros.
Veeeenga, ¡sabes que te gusta! Dale al like y suscríbete. Y sobre todo, ve a dar la brasa sobre este vídeo a tus amigos. Y a tus enemigos también, a ver si ven lo bueno que es este vídeo quieren hacer las paces contigo. ¡Nunca se sabe!
Mil gracias a:
SoundEffectsFactory, por sus efectos de Whoosh!
¡Cae en nuestras redes... sociales!
¡Síguenos en Twitter! https://twitter.com/ttphysics
¡Ámanos en Facebook! https://www.facebook.com/tippetopphysics
Y en Google+... Ahí haz lo que te dé la gana. http://bit.ly/1iQiyhG
- published: 25 Nov 2015
- views: 1866
Slow Motion Video of a Tippe Top with explanation
Project for Classical Mechanics, Physics 374 at St. Olaf College.
Sources For understanding:
The Tippe Top Revisited by Richard J. Cohen: http://scitation.aip...
Project for Classical Mechanics, Physics 374 at St. Olaf College.
Sources For understanding:
The Tippe Top Revisited by Richard J. Cohen: http://scitation.aip.org/content/aapt/journal/ajp/45/1/10.1119/1.10926
The Tippe Top by F.A. Bilsen: http://fabilsen.home.xs4all.nl/tippe-top.pdf
FysikBasen: http://www.fysikbasen.dk/English.php?page=Vis&id;=79
wn.com/Slow Motion Video Of A Tippe Top With Explanation
Project for Classical Mechanics, Physics 374 at St. Olaf College.
Sources For understanding:
The Tippe Top Revisited by Richard J. Cohen: http://scitation.aip.org/content/aapt/journal/ajp/45/1/10.1119/1.10926
The Tippe Top by F.A. Bilsen: http://fabilsen.home.xs4all.nl/tippe-top.pdf
FysikBasen: http://www.fysikbasen.dk/English.php?page=Vis&id;=79
- published: 12 Dec 2014
- views: 578
The Tippe Top
The tippe top consists in a section of a sphere fitted with a short, cylindrical rod. It shows an amazing behavior when it is spun upon a flat surface: after a ...
The tippe top consists in a section of a sphere fitted with a short, cylindrical rod. It shows an amazing behavior when it is spun upon a flat surface: after a few seconds it inverts itself, raising its center of mass!!!
wn.com/The Tippe Top
The tippe top consists in a section of a sphere fitted with a short, cylindrical rod. It shows an amazing behavior when it is spun upon a flat surface: after a few seconds it inverts itself, raising its center of mass!!!
- published: 22 Jun 2008
- views: 21934
Tippe top movie in slow motion.
The motion of a tippe top is wonderful. The important thing to notice is that the contact with the table is sliding. This me...
Tippe top movie in slow motion.
The motion of a tippe top is wonderful. The important thing to notice is that the contact with the table is sliding. This means that friction causes a couple which causes the spinning top to precess. The axis of spin therefore lifts up. When the shaft meets the table it too is sliding and friction here has a bigger lever arm so the precessio is faster. The top then jumps up very quickly. So it all comes down to gyroscpoc precesson. For more on gyroscopes see http://www2.eng.cam.ac.uk/~hemh/gyroscopes.htm
Tippe top movie in slow motion.
The motion of a tippe top is wonderful. The important thing to notice is that the contact with the table is sliding. This means that friction causes a couple which causes the spinning top to precess. The axis of spin therefore lifts up. When the shaft meets the table it too is sliding and friction here has a bigger lever arm so the precessio is faster. The top then jumps up very quickly. So it all comes down to gyroscpoc precesson. For more on gyroscopes see http://www2.eng.cam.ac.uk/~hemh/gyroscopes.htm
- published: 12 Jan 2011
- views: 2285
Tippe top in slow-mo
See related G+ post http://goo.gl/WTfM50...
See related G+ post http://goo.gl/WTfM50
wn.com/Tippe Top In Slow Mo
See related G+ post http://goo.gl/WTfM50
- published: 04 Jan 2015
- views: 1102
Weird Physics: A tippetop turning upside-down while spinning....
Weird Physics: A tippetop turning upside-down while spinning.
Weird Physics: A tippetop turning upside-down while spinning.
- published: 24 Mar 2014
- views: 41
Tippy Top spinning
The magical and delightful and fun motion of the tippy top....
The magical and delightful and fun motion of the tippy top.
wn.com/Tippy Top Spinning
The magical and delightful and fun motion of the tippy top.
- published: 17 May 2007
- views: 19224
Tippe Top slow motion
Trottola ribaltina o tippe top filmata in slow motion a 240 fotogrammi per secondo....
Trottola ribaltina o tippe top filmata in slow motion a 240 fotogrammi per secondo.
wn.com/Tippe Top Slow Motion
Trottola ribaltina o tippe top filmata in slow motion a 240 fotogrammi per secondo.
- published: 29 Nov 2014
- views: 423
How To Make A Walnut Tippie Top
Wooden Tippy Top from claro walnut. Give it a spin and watch it flip over on it's head.
I turned this fairly quick and played with it non stop for the next ...
Wooden Tippy Top from claro walnut. Give it a spin and watch it flip over on it's head.
I turned this fairly quick and played with it non stop for the next few days!
wn.com/How To Make A Walnut Tippie Top
Wooden Tippy Top from claro walnut. Give it a spin and watch it flip over on it's head.
I turned this fairly quick and played with it non stop for the next few days!
- published: 30 Sep 2013
- views: 42203
Toupie tippe-top
La toupie tippe-top (ou toupie magique) est constituée d'une sphère tronquée et d'un petit manche. Caractéristique : elle se retourne pendant sa rotation !
La toupie tippe-top (ou toupie magique) est constituée d'une sphère tronquée et d'un petit manche. Caractéristique : elle se retourne pendant sa rotation !
wn.com/Toupie Tippe Top
La toupie tippe-top (ou toupie magique) est constituée d'une sphère tronquée et d'un petit manche. Caractéristique : elle se retourne pendant sa rotation !
- published: 25 Oct 2015
- views: 102
Tippe Tops and Rattlebacks - QI: Series K Episode 16 Preview - BBC Two
More about this programme: http://www.bbc.co.uk/programmes/b03q9pgf Stephen demonstrates a spinning top that turns upside down called a tippe top and a spinning...
More about this programme: http://www.bbc.co.uk/programmes/b03q9pgf Stephen demonstrates a spinning top that turns upside down called a tippe top and a spinning strip of plastic called a rattleback that always goes back to spinning in one direction.
wn.com/Tippe Tops And Rattlebacks Qi Series K Episode 16 Preview BBC Two
More about this programme: http://www.bbc.co.uk/programmes/b03q9pgf Stephen demonstrates a spinning top that turns upside down called a tippe top and a spinning strip of plastic called a rattleback that always goes back to spinning in one direction.
- published: 14 Jan 2014
- views: 24673