- published: 01 Jun 2011
- views: 30928
Stephen Chow (Chinese: 周星馳, Chow Sing-Chi; born 22 June 1962) is a Hong Kong actor, screenwriter, film director, producer and political adviser of Chinese People's Political Consultative Conference.
Chow began as a temporary actor for the television station TVB. He entered TVB in early 1980s, and was trained there, although he had few opportunities to appear in films. Chow graduated from TVB's acting classes in 1982. Chow began to find some success with the children's programme 430 Space Shuttle. In 1987, Chow entered into the movie industry through the film Final Justice, which won him the Taiwan Golden Horse Award for Best Supporting Actor.
While Chow became quite well known on TVB for his comedies (especially 1989's The Final Combat), he shot to stardom in 1990's All for the Winner. This film made him one of the most sought-after stars in the Hong Kong film industry, and its undisputed No. 1 comedian. Chow would collaborate with Ng on many of his more successful comedies, including Shaolin Soccer. Chow's comedies are of the mo lei tau genre. With his expert comic timing and "rubber-faced mannerisms", Chow ranked alongside Chow Yun-fat and Jackie Chan as the major box office draws of the 1990s.
Stephen Chow Interview on French TV
Stephen Chow in Germany
邓超抢周星驰头彩宣传新片《美人鱼》/ Stephen Chow presents his new movie "Mermaid“
Stephen Chow got pissed by the reporter!! The translation was totally bullshit!!
Hebe vs Stephen Chow
Stephen Chow full interview (周星馳)- PART 1
Stephen Chow full interview - PART 2
Top 9 Beautiful Girls in Stephen Chow movies
Stephen Chow very funny judo scene
Leslie Cheung and Stephen Chow Interview
stephen chow ,châu tinh trì
Stephen Chow in Germany promoting his movie, Kung Fu Hustle. Demonstrate some Kung Fu movement as well. Funny
周星驰携邓超等明星大腕1月28日做客江苏,畅聊新片“美人鱼”台前幕后的故事。 周星驰新片《美人鱼》讲述了一艘在海上航行的船,突然不幸遭遇劫难,化身“美人鱼”的智慧女神挺身而出,而船上的一名英俊青年对她一见钟情,并由此谱写出一段惊心动魄的“人鱼恋曲”的童话故事。当天下午,周星驰携邓超、林允走进江苏广播电视总台会粉丝,和影迷玩互动。现场还和“小伙伴们”秀剪纸技艺,并各自完成“美人鱼”的窗花造型。除此之外,“星爷”还和南京姑娘模仿起了南京话,逗得现场粉丝们阵阵尖叫声。 当被问及什么是“喜剧之王”和喜剧的初衷时,一贯无厘头的周星驰坦言自己做得还不够,称最喜欢喜剧大师——卓别林的作品,值得当下年轻人学习。活动现场,邓超也大赞导演周星驰,并称“星爷”是自己的超级粉丝。 影片《美人鱼》由周星驰执导的电影,邓超、林允、张雨绮、罗志祥等联合主演,该片于2016年2月8日在中国内地各大院线上映。据悉,电影《美人鱼》将于2月8日大年初一全国公映。
Stephen Chow had a interview for his Film Kung Fu Hustle . The reporter asked him about how Chinese people can understand the fortune cookie, and Stephen got pissed because the reporter asked all the bullshit in the whole interview, so he used Cantonese to fuck him off, but the translation was totally wrong ..
[2008-02-04] Kang Xi Lai Le - Hebe having some solo time with Stephen Chow. She commented on his hair and say he's better looking compared with Tony Leung, winning a praise from Stephen Chow.
Clarence Tsui of the South China Morning Post sits down with Hong Kong writer, director and actor Stephen Chow to discuss his new film CJ7 (長江七). This is the first half of a two-part interview and is in Cantonese with English subtitles.
Clarence Tsui of the South China Morning Post sits down with Hong Kong writer, director and actor Stephen Chow to discuss his new film CJ7. This is the second half of a two-part interview and is in Cantonese with English subtitles.
Top 9 the best Beautiful Girls in Stephen Chow movies is actresses like Athena Chu Yan, Eva Huang, Sharla Cheung Man, Gong Li, Cecilia Cheung, Zhao Wei, Maggie Cheung and Anita Mui Yim-fong
Leslie Cheung and Stephen Chow Interview Contact Us at https://www.facebook.com/Remembering.LeslieCheung
Royal Tramp is a 1992 Hong Kong film based on Louis Cha's novel The Deer and the Cauldron. The film was one of the five top grossing Hong Kong films in 1992. Stephen Chow, who played the protagonist Wai Siu-bo, also starred in the other four films
周星馳 劉德華《整蠱專家》整人專家 中字高清HD版 1991年 (Stephen Chow Andy Lau - Tricky Brains HD aka The Ultimate Trickster HD 720p 1991) 主演: 周星馳 |劉德華 | 吳孟達| 關之琳| 邱淑貞| 李子雄| 鮑漢琳| 程東| 王晶| 陳曼娜| 魯芬| 余慕蓮| 成奎安| 曹查理| 顏麗如| 江道海| 林迪安| 潘健君 是1991年王晶導演的港產電影,劉德華、周星馳、邱淑貞和關之琳主演。電影講述了整人專家古晶假扮車文傑同父異母的弟弟替人整蠱車文傑,卻又接連發生了一系列搞笑意外的事情。該片於1991年2月2日在香港上映,以3138萬的票房成績位列1991年香港年度票房第五名。 角色介紹 1.周星馳 | 古晶 ,整蠱專家古晶,獨來獨往,專收取高昂費用,代人整蠱仇家及敵人,計劃高超,手法獨特,故被稱為“整蠱界”第一高手。 2.劉德華 | 車文傑,升任經理當天,在公司認識剛回國的程樂兒,兩人發展迅速,引起程樂兒前男友不滿,找來整蠱專家古晶對付車文傑。 3.吳孟達 | 車親仁,車親仁是車文傑、古晶的父親,車親仁多年前和古晶之母曼玉發生了一夜情。多年後古晶整蠱了車親仁、車文傑。 4.關之琳 | 程樂兒、程樂樂(臺灣版),程運濤之女,Banana之好友,車文傑、金默基之喜歡對象,車文傑之女朋友。 5.邱淑貞 | Banana,程樂兒之好友,古晶之歡喜冤家,後為男朋友。 其他 李子雄 飾 金默基、麥克基(臺灣版) 鮑漢琳 飾 程運濤 程東 飾 整蠱之霸 、整人之霸(臺灣版) 王晶 飾 沙漠超 陳曼娜 飾 車親仁舊情人 魯芬 飾 大白鯊 余慕蓮 飾 朱先生的前妻 成奎安 飾 朱先生 曹查理 飾 藥店店員,將春藥「淫賤不能移」賣給古晶的店員 整蠱武器 車文晶私家位/亂坐殺佢全家 車文晶專用...
[720p] 整蠱專家 粵語: https://youtu.be/BobwronJVRA 阿星(周星馳飾)向賭神學賭術半年後學成歸來,在賭俠中敗給阿星的大軍為了向阿星報仇,回到大陸找師弟們一起對阿星發功,結果發生時空倒流,阿星、他的三叔(吳孟達飾)和大軍由1991年的香港返回到1937年的上海。結果阿星遇上他的祖父周大福,兩人投靠上海大亨丁力。日本人川島芳子欲奪取上海,與丁力相約賭桌上定生死,之後阿星為了上海安危即在賭桌上與法國賭神對決,最後在大軍幫忙下阿星贏得這場賭局,並回到1991年。
从小右臂就具神力的大陆青年刘晶(周星驰 饰)来港不久便接连遭遇倒霉事,先是钱包被偷,而后行李也遭人抢劫,不过也因此结识放荡不羁的潇洒(钟镇涛 饰)。刘晶四处寻找工作,却迟迟未定,甚至还卷入黑帮斗争之中。走投无路之际,刘晶和潇洒决定参加散打比赛,更阴差阳错拜入具有黑社会性质的赵东拳馆。在黑社会师傅(成奎安 饰)的带领下,二人随同前去夜袭霍家拳馆的霍环师傅,籍此机缘,刘晶得以拜入霍师傅门下。二人都对师傅的女儿嘉敏(张敏 饰)存有好感,也由此闹出不少笑话。然而门下大师兄(尹扬明 饰)嫉恨刘晶,设计陷害,致使刘晶被逐出师门。他的未来将何去何从...... 周星馳 飾 劉晶 / 賭聖(客串) 鍾鎮濤 飾 瀟灑 張敏 飾 阿敏 元奎 飾 霍環 尹揚明 飾 鄭威 成奎安 飾 趙東 童志 飾 阿強 胡楓 飾 阿強老大 吳孟達 飾 三叔(客串) 李兆基 飾 大難雄(客串) 陳百祥 飾 牛皮(客串) 蕭芳芳 飾 牛牡丹(客串) subscribe:)
《九品芝麻官之白面包青天》 (粵語) 香港演員周星馳於1994年主演的喜劇,導演為王晶 出演: 吴孟达,张敏,钟丽缇,蔡少芬,徐锦江,吴启华等. 包龙星(周星驰 饰)用钱买来了一个候补知县的职位,可是为人贪婪,县上的人都对他痛恨之极。在他代替正式知县的时候,戚家媳妇戚秦氏(张敏 饰)遭到了常威的强暴,后来常威动了杀机把戚家上下都杀害了,更嫁祸于戚秦氏。常威是水师提督大人的儿子,请来大状方唐镜(吴启华 饰),收买了所有证人以便洗脱罪名。包龙星虽然极力寻找证据,也被迫害至落难他乡。他决定要上京告御状,后来他因没钱不得不在妓院打工,向老板娘学习了一身斗嘴的好功夫。他在妓院里误打误撞认识了皇上,帮助皇上有功他被封了大官,重审戚家被害的案件。他凭着聪慧与口才,全力为戚秦氏讨回公道。
喜劇天王周星馳從演員跨足到導演,推出的電影作品屢破華語片紀錄,名氣甚至紅到歐洲,登上德國綜藝節目受訪,卻也曾遭到外國人歧視,受訪時不滿主持人訪問暗酸中國人不懂英文,當場在節目上發飆,影片近日被網友再度瘋傳。 據悉,周星馳出國宣傳電影接受採訪,當時受訪已經十分不悅,不料主持人竟問“中國人能看得懂那些幸運餅乾上的字嗎?”讓他當場飆罵….. 接著用粵語說“你想問什么問題啊?你整晚就問這些無聊問題,你當我是什么東西啊?你是不是玩我啊!啊?是要我發火就對了?爛泥扶不上墻就是你這種人啦!那么賤啊你!” 影片近日被陸網友瘋傳,不少人都大贊周星馳相當有氣魄,甚至有網友發揮創意將名字拆成3句讚美的話“週而復始喜經典,星爺奮斗苦也甜,馳騁影壇粉絲贊!”但也有人對於周星馳發飆的模樣感到震驚。 (2016-08-01 選稿) Yes娛樂、掌握藝人第一手新聞報導、↖現在就訂閱 Youtube 頻道 官網: http://www.fansyes.com.tw/ FB: https://www.facebook.com/starsyes
dz- ¹2 () ° Royal Tramp2 周星驰(Stephen Chow ),生于香港,著名电影演员,兼导演、编剧、电影监制以及电影制作人。曾与吴孟. 史提芬周(周星驰饰).
【周星驰经典电影】唐伯虎点秋香高清粤语HD. dz- ¹2 () ° Royal Tramp2 周星驰(Stephen Chow ),生于香港,著名电影演员,兼导演、编剧、电影监制以及电影制作人。曾与吴孟. 史提芬周(周星驰饰).
The making of Stephen Chow directed The Mermaid. In cinemas 8 Feb nationwide, CNY eve midnight screening on 7 Feb. Get your tickets now!
周星驰(Stephen Chow ),生于香港,著名电影演员,兼导演、编剧、电影监制以及电影制作人。曾与吴孟达是"黄金搭档",曾主演《九品芝麻官》、《大话西游》、《食神》等多部喜剧影片,自导自演《喜剧之王》《功夫》等影片。有香港"喜剧之王"之称,亦是"无厘头"电影始祖,在华人世界具有极大影响力和知名度。擅于挖掘新艺人,如:陈国坤、张柏芝、黄圣依等人均相继走红。且在1998年荣誉国际杰人会港澳杰人之星奖。其与成龙和周润发并称"双周一成",意为香港电影票房的保证。Stephen Chow (Stephen Chow), born in Hong Kong, the famous movie actor, and director, screenwriter, film producer and film producer. Worked with Ng Man Tat is a "gold partner", who starred in "Hail the Judge", "Westward Journey," "Iron Chef" and many other comedy film, directed and starred in "King of Comedy," "Kung Fu" and other films. The Hong Kong "King of Comedy," said also "nonsense" movie ancestor, in the Chinese world has great influence and visibility. Good at digging new artists, such as: Danny Chan, Cecilia Cheung, Huang and other popular per capita in...
King of Comedy (Chinese: 喜劇之王) is a 1999 Hong Kong comedy film directed by Lee Lik-Chi and Stephen Chow. Unlike Stephen Chow's typical mo lei tau films, King of Comedy verges on comedy drama, describing the trials and tribulation that an aspiring actor experiences on his way to stardom. Some commentators[who?] say the story is based on Stephen Chow's early career, as he started off as a temporary actor, before becoming a successful and popular comedy actor over the course of a decade. The film does retain some of bizarre visual gags Chow is known for, such as Chow's character bleeding from the nose and eyes during a singing number. Jackie Chan plays a cameo role during the film.
The Tricky Master - Major swindler Ferrari specializes in swindling the rich. Serious Crime Unit inspector Chan Foon is ordered to infiltrate Ferrari's organization but is uncovered by him. Chan decides to con a conman and becomes a student of Wong Fu Si. Thus begins the swindle of the century.
Here list of movies : 10 - Fight Back To School 1991 09 - Fight Back To School 1992 08 - Fight Back To School 1993 07 - Flirting Scholar 1993 06 - From Beijing With Love 1994 05 - God of Gambler 2 1991 04 - God of Gambler 3 1991 03 - Tricky Brains 1991 02 - Royal Tramp 2 1992 01 - The Lucky Guy 1998
Fist Of Fury II 1992 - Stephen Chow Movies - Cantonese Movie (Eng Sub) The Tricky Master - Major swindler Ferrari specializes in swindling the rich. Serious Crime Unit inspector Chan Foon is ordered to infiltrate Ferrari's organization but is uncovered by him. Chan decides to con a conman and becomes a student of Wong Fu Si. Thus begins the swindle of the century.
From Beijing With Love (Chinese: 國產凌凌漆; 凌凌漆 is a homophone for the numbers "007" in Chinese) is a 1994 Hong Kong action and comedy film directed by Lee Lik-Chi and Stephen Chow. It's a very direct spoof of James Bond movies and stars Stephen Chow, Anita Yuen and Law Ka-Ying. Golden Gun steals the cranium of China's only dinosaur fossil. Chow, starring as a hawker-cum-secret-agent 007, is sent to Hong Kong by a high-ranking government official to recapture the cranium. When he arrives in Hong Kong, he meets Siu Kam (Anita Yuen), who proposes to help him in his endeavor. However, Siu Kam turns out to be a subordinate of Golden Gun. Golden Gun is in actuality the government official who directs Chow to find the cranium. Golden Gun instructs Siu Kam to send 007 on a false lead and tells him t...
The God of Cookery (Chinese: 食神) is a 1996 Hong Kong comedy film directed by Hong Kong comedian, actor and director, Stephen Chow, best known in the West for his films Shaolin Soccer and Kung Fu Hustle. This is known to be Chow's first film to utilize deep and sometimes dark themes while retaining his signature nonsensical style. An 35-mm print of the film brought by Amanda Cohen of Dirt Candy was shown at a sold-out screening at one of Alamo Drafthouse Cinema South Lamar's "Food and Film Events".
Fight Back to School 2 Subtitle: - English - Indonesia
[超高清 1080p] 周星驰 唐伯虎点秋香 1993年 粤语中文字幕版 Stephen Chow Flirting Scholar 1993 English Subtitle Indonesia Subtitle
Chow stars as Lau Ching in 1991, a mainland country boy hoping to earn a living in Hong Kong. Upon reaching Hong Kong, he finds his luggage stolen, but soon becomes fast friends with the thief, Smart. Together, they try to improve their financial situation through various odd jobs, until Smart discovers Ching's special ability, his extremely strong right arm, and then convinces him to enter a martial arts tournament in the hopes of winning the prize money. The two soon learn that they need to be registered with a school in order to compete. Some scenes do bear some resemblance to Bruce Lee's Fist of Fury including the dojo fight where the Japanese man is forced to eat the sign. Cast: Stephen Chow as Sing Kenny Bee as Smart Corey Yuen as Master Fok Wan Wan Yeung-ming as Cheng Wai Sharla Che...
〝Kung Fu Hustle〝 Steven Chow Interview with Ric Meyers
与周星驰搭档多年的演员吴孟达近来身体欠佳。25日晚,吴孟达在微博上发出了一张照片,照片中的他做出剪刀手的样子,同时配文,“谢谢大家的关心,现在在休养,很快就会与大家见面。”更惊喜的是,多年不往来的周星驰通过其助理陈震宇转发了这条微博并写道:“好好休养!期待再合作!”顿时,网友们对于周吴二人的和好和合作有了新的遐想。 -------【Please subscribe to the SMG Official TV Channel! 欢迎订阅SMG上海电视台官方YouTube频道】 ★SMG Official TV Channel 上海电视台官方频道 http://www.youtube.com/user/kankanews Use the links below for navigating to specific shows 请使用以下链接来快速观看节目: ★China's Immortal Songs HD 《不朽之名曲》高清完整版 http://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLGjsh-EBqdUN89v7-rJA6YwXUmm-oh7r6 ★Latest entertainment news 头条娱乐新闻 http://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLGjsh-EBqdUPNjfbnDYPQt4WpUggmKHpo ★China's Got Talent Season 5 HD 中国达人秀第五季高清完整版 http://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLGjsh-EBqdUNsDXUA65Uapu5X0_1KhEkE ★Tonight's show with the 80s generation 王自健《今晚80后脱口秀》全集 http://www.youtub...
stephen chow hakka
The God Of Cookery stephen chow |stephen chow HD link video https://youtu.be/eDHl6GRyO2U like and subcribe to channel !
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