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'Treated like a criminal': Insurance industry's fraud investigations hurting innocent claimants

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Claimants feel 'bullied' by insurance investigators

A new report from the Financial Rights Legal Centre shows claimants routinely find insurance fraud investigations to be lengthy and intimidating and that their guilt is being prejudged.

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When her car was stolen and she lodged a claim on her insurance policy, Nina*, a Sydney mother-of-two, thought it would be a smooth process. Insurance, after all, is supposed to give you a peace of mind.

She was shocked her insurer launched a fraud investigation. What's worse, despite having no criminal history, the private investigator probed her about a rape earlier in the year that led to dealings with the police and to giving birth to the child of her attacker, who was never found.

During the interview, the investigator hit the stop button and asked seemingly irrelevant and invasive questions about the rape. Nina, a single parent, felt harassed.

Insurers claim fraud costs the industry more than $2 billion each year, lifting premiums for honest policyholders.

Insurers claim fraud costs the industry more than $2 billion each year, lifting premiums for honest policyholders.

"Can you remember what the guy looked like? What happened to you during the incident? Why did you decide to keep the baby afterwards?" he interrogated.

Nina is among tens of thousands of claimants each year who are suspected of committing fraud and subjected to investigations by insurance companies and third party investigators.

While there is a need to combat fraudulent claims, the Financial Rights Legal Centre said too many innocent policyholders are being "treated like criminals", routinely feeling bullied, harassed and intimidated.

Insurance fraud investigators have demanded access to entire Facebook histories.

Insurance fraud investigators have demanded access to entire Facebook histories.

The insurance industry said 8-9 per cent of claims are fraudulent, costing them $2 billion a year and and lifting premiums for honest policyholders.

In a new report, Financial Rights said a lack of standards has led to investigators using unscrupulous methods to extract information - for example, conducting five hour interviews, demanding to be "friended" on Facebook and urging claimants to sign a blank authority form.

It said nearly one-quarter of calls to its insurance arm now come from distressed policyholders being investigated.

John Price, lead ombudsman (general insurance) of the Financial Ombudsman Service.

John Price, lead ombudsman (general insurance) of the Financial Ombudsman Service. Photo: James Lauritz

"A lot of consumers withdraw their claims because of the onerous demands placed on them. They feel like they're treated like criminals ... that investigators have prejudged their guilt with fanciful scenarios in their mind," said Drew MacRae, policy officer at Financial Rights.

"In the incident involving rape, they asked about previous sexual history, it seems like it was to intimidate that person. Our concern is a consumer should be able to say, 'I don't want to answer that, until you tell me why it's relevant."

Financial Rights said there are no guidelines for the use of interpreters, no right to have the interview held in a neutral location, no reminder to seek legal advice and no interview time limits.

It is calling for the creation of best practice standards under the General Insurance Code of Practice and of uniform private investigator licensing regulations with an enforceable code of conduct.

The Financial Ombudsman Service has backed the call for a new standard. Its dispute figures show one-third of insurance fraud cases are found to be in the consumer's favour.

"I am concerned some investigation interviews can take an extraordinary amount of time when the issues in dispute are not complicated. People are asked a lot of irrelevant matters and feel intimidated, impacting on the quality of the investigation," said John Price, lead ombudsman for general insurance at FOS.

Asked about investigators accessing Facebook accounts and extensive telephone records, Mr Price said "they've crossed the line when they're entering into a fishing exercise".

In a recent training session on fraud, the FOS said a worrying percentage of claimants were of a middle eastern background, raising questions about racial profiling.

"We see a trend of disputes that can arise from people from various ethnic backgrounds ... it does raise the question of whether discrimination is occurring," said Mr Price.

The Insurance Council of Australia said it recognised the investigative process can be "stressful" and it sought to "strike an appropriate balance" between conducting a thorough inquiry and treating the claimant respectfully.

It pointed to case studies in the report where the insurer had disciplined or sacked private investigators who acted out of line. In the case of Nina, the insurer said the rape questions were relevant to the stolen car claim.

"The ICA would support a review of professional standards in the private investigation industry ... . The ICA anticipates the Code Governance Committee will consider the Code recommendations in the Financial Rights report," said its chief executive Rob Whelan.

The ICA said 3.2 per cent of the one million motor and home claims lodged in NSW were investigated in 2014-15. Of these, 3250 claims were ultimately denied or withdrawn.

In its recent CommInsure investigations, Fairfax Media revealed in the second half of 2013 the insurer went on an all-out assault on the privacy of its policyholders by increasing the number of claims under surveillance by a massive 48 per cent to 366 investigations in a six-month period.

A member of the Australian Private Investigators Association with 30 years of experience said investigators were bound by enough laws and codes of conduct and rejected the need for more.

"We're bound by licensing requirements, insurer's code of conduct, company's code of practice. I can tell you insurers are very rigid with complying with the code. It's pretty strong," he said.

"We're not prejudiced, we don't make determinations. We have to be objective as possible. There's no value in colouring the matter, because the matter may get tested before the FOS or the courts of law."

* Not her real name

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