- published: 29 Oct 2011
- views: 6622
- author: Aussie50
New Siemens Gasturbine
New 37-MW industrial gas turbine from Siemens provides efficient and reliable power....
published: 14 Dec 2010
author: Siemens
New Siemens Gasturbine
New 37-MW industrial gas turbine from Siemens provides efficient and reliable power.
- published: 14 Dec 2010
- views: 162865
- author: Siemens
Afrox Industrial Gas
Afrox is the leading provider of gases and related products, services and solutions in sub...
published: 18 Dec 2012
author: AfroxSA
Afrox Industrial Gas
Afrox is the leading provider of gases and related products, services and solutions in sub-Saharan Africa. Afrox's gas expertise is unmatched in the industry...
- published: 18 Dec 2012
- views: 19
- author: AfroxSA
Coro-Flo Seal - Industrial Gas Technology - How To
This video from Industrial Gas Technology, Inc. discusses seal replacement on the Corken C...
published: 22 Jul 2009
Coro-Flo Seal - Industrial Gas Technology - How To
This video from Industrial Gas Technology, Inc. discusses seal replacement on the Corken Coro-Flo pump.
- published: 22 Jul 2009
- views: 1317
Process Heating & Control Engineering, Industrial Gas Burner Application
Phone: 414.332.6000
Marshall W. Nelson & Associates, Inc. s...
published: 27 Sep 2011
Process Heating & Control Engineering, Industrial Gas Burner Application
Phone: 414.332.6000
Marshall W. Nelson & Associates, Inc. shows their on-site Field Service, Training Management, Adjustments on the Industrial Gas Burner Combustion System. The Eclipse Industrial Gas Burners were installed, Entry Flame is shown, as well as Training Employees about the details of the burner components.
- published: 27 Sep 2011
- views: 780
Liquid Transfer Vapor Recovery - Railcar Unloading - Industrial Gas Technology
This presentation illustrates the use of a gas compressor for Liquified Gas Transfer and V...
published: 14 Jul 2010
author: IndustrialGasTech
Liquid Transfer Vapor Recovery - Railcar Unloading - Industrial Gas Technology
This presentation illustrates the use of a gas compressor for Liquified Gas Transfer and Vapor Recovery. Using a compressor for this process is much more eff...
- published: 14 Jul 2010
- views: 23451
- author: IndustrialGasTech
Industrial Gas Plants, PSA Nitrogen Gas Plant
http://www.samgasplants.com/ SAM Gas Projects (P) Ltd is a technology-driven USD 2 million...
published: 29 Sep 2009
author: samgasprojects
Industrial Gas Plants, PSA Nitrogen Gas Plant
http://www.samgasplants.com/ SAM Gas Projects (P) Ltd is a technology-driven USD 2 million company that infuses engineering with imagination. We offer a wide...
- published: 29 Sep 2009
- views: 6658
- author: samgasprojects
automatizacion industrial de un quemador a gas
un prototipo para controlar el calor de un macerador ASESORIAS : grupojorge@hotmail.com...
published: 21 Sep 2009
automatizacion industrial de un quemador a gas
un prototipo para controlar el calor de un macerador ASESORIAS : grupojorge@hotmail.com
- published: 21 Sep 2009
- views: 14503
Este quemador fue fabricado especialmente para la siderurgic...
published: 23 Mar 2012
Este quemador fue fabricado especialmente para la siderurgica de Guadalajara, para mantener la temperatura de un horno que trabaja con gas, la idea es ayudarle con aceite y bajar el consumo de gas.
- published: 23 Mar 2012
- views: 677
Industrial Gas Museum - Athens, Greece: Retort
From the displays at the Industrial Gas Museum in Athens, Greece. Modelled and rendered to...
published: 11 Mar 2013
author: antidotdesignstudio
Industrial Gas Museum - Athens, Greece: Retort
From the displays at the Industrial Gas Museum in Athens, Greece. Modelled and rendered to specifications of museum curators. Visit the Museum for more!
- published: 11 Mar 2013
- views: 8
- author: antidotdesignstudio
Industrial Gas Museum - Athens, Greece: Filters
From the displays at the Industrial Gas Museum in Athens, Greece. Modelled and rendered to...
published: 11 Mar 2013
author: antidotdesignstudio
Industrial Gas Museum - Athens, Greece: Filters
From the displays at the Industrial Gas Museum in Athens, Greece. Modelled and rendered to specifications of museum curators. Visit the Museum for more!
- published: 11 Mar 2013
- views: 6
- author: antidotdesignstudio
Industrial Gas Museum - Athens, Greece: Circulator
From the displays at the Industrial Gas Museum in Athens, Greece. Modelled and rendered to...
published: 11 Mar 2013
author: antidotdesignstudio
Industrial Gas Museum - Athens, Greece: Circulator
From the displays at the Industrial Gas Museum in Athens, Greece. Modelled and rendered to specifications of museum curators. Visit the Museum for more!
- published: 11 Mar 2013
- views: 18
- author: antidotdesignstudio
Natural Gas VRU Compressor Package - Corken - Industrial Gas Technology
This is a walkaround of one our latest compressor packages. This is designed as a Vapor Re...
published: 18 Feb 2011
Natural Gas VRU Compressor Package - Corken - Industrial Gas Technology
This is a walkaround of one our latest compressor packages. This is designed as a Vapor Recovery Unit for Natural Gas. Once piped into the system it will be a turnkey solution for recovering excess vapor at a tank farm.
- published: 18 Feb 2011
- views: 1958
Industrial Gas Museum - Athens, Greece: Pelouze filter
From the displays at the Industrial Gas Museum in Athens, Greece. Modelled and rendered to...
published: 11 Mar 2013
author: antidotdesignstudio
Industrial Gas Museum - Athens, Greece: Pelouze filter
From the displays at the Industrial Gas Museum in Athens, Greece. Modelled and rendered to specifications of museum curators. Visit the Museum for more!
- published: 11 Mar 2013
- views: 7
- author: antidotdesignstudio
Vimeo results:
DON'T WORRY, DRIVE ON: Fossil Fools & Fracking Lies
Hello, Vimeo -
This video represents the talents of animators Alexander Perry & Michael W...
published: 28 Aug 2012
author: MONSTRO
DON'T WORRY, DRIVE ON: Fossil Fools & Fracking Lies
Hello, Vimeo -
This video represents the talents of animators Alexander Perry & Michael Wilson along with audio genius Ben Roider. They were supported by Tod Brilliant and Dalton G Crosthwait. Monstro managed the whole shabang. We do our best to support messages that we truly believe in, and this is definitely one of them. There's a lot we could be doing to reduce how much oil we consume - hopefully this little ditty convinces more people that they have the ability to reduce their consumption.
A message from the Post Carbon Institute:
In recent months we've seen a spate of assertions that peak oil is a worry of the past thanks to so-called "new technologies" that can tap massive amounts of previously inaccessible stores of "unconventional" oil. "Don't worry, drive on," we're told.
We can fall for the oil industry hype and keep ourselves chained to a resource that's depleting and comes with ever increasing economic and environmental costs, or we can recognize that the days of cheap and abundant oil (not to mention coal and natural gas) are over.
Unfortunately, the mainstream media and politicians on both sides of the aisle are parroting the hype, claiming — in Obama's case — that unconventional oil can play a key role in an "all of the above" energy strategy and — in Romney's — that increased production of tight oil and tar sands can make North America energy independent by the end of his second term.
Please share this video and help bring a dose of reality to the energy conversation:
* Email the video to everyone you think needs to watch it
* Share it through your social networks
* Send it to your elected officials
THE SKY IS PINK by Josh Fox and the GASLAND Team
An emergency short film from Josh Fox, the Oscar-nominated director of GASLAND addressing ...
published: 20 Jun 2012
author: JFOX
THE SKY IS PINK by Josh Fox and the GASLAND Team
An emergency short film from Josh Fox, the Oscar-nominated director of GASLAND addressing the urgent crisis of drilling and fracking in New York state.
Go to www.NYAgainstfracking.org for more info and to get involved.
PINK LINKS: Selected Compiled Research
The Sky Is Pink- Annotated industry documents featured in the film:
Affirming GASLAND- Our responses to industry charges against GASLAND
Flaming Faucets
Well Failures/Gas Leaks
Well Construction/Integrity
Climate Change
Breast Cancer
Pittsburgh Fracking Ban
Water Contamination
‘Drilling Down’
PR/Hill and Knowlton
State Government Documents
‘Reality Tour’ Marcellus Shale
Merchants of Doubt
Colbert Report
Gas Industry Conference:
Cardi-Body, from Russia with love...
Cardi-Body & Cardi-Curara...
Depuis quelques mois, les créations automobiles européennes ...
published: 29 Nov 2009
author: Patrice De Bruyne
Cardi-Body, from Russia with love...
Cardi-Body & Cardi-Curara...
Depuis quelques mois, les créations automobiles européennes (et encore moins américaines) ne me passionnent plus, tant elles me semblent issues d'une sorte d'eugénisme industriel ou la créativité n'est qu'un moyen publicitaire à usage des salons automobiles...
J'ai pourtant vécu quelques moments de bonheur au vu des concepts-cars électriques de Renault (Twizy et Zoe) et Peugeot (la BB1), me demandant pourquoi ces petits bijoux ne servent qu'à faire rêver les rêveurs... alors qu'une mise en production ne devrait pas être plus complexe que de fabriquer les petites horreurs re-stylées qu'on nous sert et ressert à grands coups de battages médiatiques distillant de vaines promesses et espoirs...
Ca fait longtemps que sous des faux principes sécuritaires, les Etats Européens détournent le sacro-saint principe de la liberté d'acheter et vendre partout..., un des piliers de la Communauté Européenne, que tous les Etats membres s'échinent à contourner en créant de multiples contraintes et obligations qui s'avèrent bien pires et plus sournoises que les taxations douanières qui servaient de barrières...
A force de taxer et de contraindre le monde de l'automobile est devenu gris et sans véritable saveur, robotisé, quasi uniforme et les automobiles qui sortent du lot, comme les Ferrailleries et Porscheries jusqu'à l'indigestion, ne sont que des arnaques bien plus sophistiquées que leurs mécaniques, vendues non plus par rapport à ce qu'elles ont couté, mais en fonction de ce que les cibles sélectionnées peuvent payer pour leur soif de paraître et pour étancher leur égo...
Il n'y a plus de véritable passion dans ces calculs sordides si ce n'est celle que doit procurer un hold-up réussi, sachant que les crétins qui se sont à la fois fait piéger et se sont piégés eux-mêmes, devront continuer à payer des sommes mirobolantes pour entretenir l'objet de leurs désirs inventés...
C'est cela, également, qui a détruit irrémédiablement les nombreux créateurs et petits industriels automobiles, qui inventaient et fabriquaient des voitures totalement hors-normes, en petites séries.
Certes, ces réalisations artisanales n'étaient pas toutes exceptionnelles, loin de là, beaucoup étaient d'horribles petits canards déformés, des engins apocalyptiques ou des retours aux sources, parfois complexes, souvent faciles et désuets..., mais, en tous les cas, c'était du rêve plus ou moins accessible.
Le plus grand succès commercial de ce type d'engin, furent les répliques, il y en eut d'extraordinaires, mais bien plus d'abominables..., les "Cobra" arrivant à réunir ces deux extrèmes, vers le top-niveau avec les "continuations " AC MKIV et Shelby'revival CSX4000 series..., les Arntz et Dax..., puis, descendant vers le pire avec les Pilgrim 4 et 6 cylindres et surtout les Scobra montées maladroitement sur des chassis de VW coccinnelle en conservant le flat-four arrière...
Il n'empèche, que même si cela faisait rire, les moins lotis de la vie pouvaient ainsi jouer à faire "comme-si " ils étaient riches...
Les complications administratives délibérées, les obligations de contrôle technique, les homologations et attestations de toutes sortes, les sur-taxations, la mise en place de nos sociétés hyper-policées imposant les diktats du Nouvel Ordre Mondial par "une stratégie de la peur "... et les principes appliqués de la tolérance zéro pour tout (et n'importe quoi)..., ont peu à peu dégouté les "ceusses " (les petits constructeurs) qui continuaient à vouloir jouer dans la cour des grands (les grandes marques automobiles)... et comme les lois en matière d'homologation et d'immatriculation sont devenues drastiques et incontournables, tous ces engins, catalogués "Kit-Cars " à défaut d'être reconnus comme vraies marques individualistes..., sont devenus quasi inutilisables et in-revendables...
Le manque de moyens financiers a dès-lors tué cette industrie qui a du se reconvertir dans la fabrication de pièces "tuning " et/ou dans la construction d'engins "aux-normes ", forcément infiniment plus chers, donc peu concurrentiels avec les voitures "de niche " des grands constructeurs...
La crise de 2008 a terminé d'achever les plus faibles, quoique certains irréductibles créatifs survivent encore...
C'est de Russie que vient une sorte de renouveau, mais aucun média automobile occidental n'en cause parce que les journaleux "de chez nous " ne se déplacent que si les voyages sont pré-payés, avec cadeaux à la clé et reportages pré-machés.
Notez qu'à la lecture de mes articles, beaucoup se mettent à publier quelques infos et photos...
Vous avez pu le constater avec l'article en 4 parties sur les Marussia B1, B2, B3 et B4..., aucun magazine n'en a jamais "parlé " véritablement, sinon sous forme d'entre-filets méprisants...
Et pourtant, avec un prix de 70.000 euros, par rapport à ce que les ténors du haut de gamme occidental pro
The Truth About Stanley
No home, no belongings, plenty of baggage. A short film about a man, his stories and the b...
published: 03 Apr 2012
author: www.thetruthaboutstanley.com
The Truth About Stanley
No home, no belongings, plenty of baggage. A short film about a man, his stories and the boy who listened, by award-winning director Lucy Tcherniak.
This film was made for 10% of its standard industry cost with so many individuals and companies offering their time and services for free. We want as many people to watch this film as possible and help bring the growing problem of homelessness back into the main public debate. Please help us by spreading the word. We have a marketing budget of £0 and so we need your help. Post us on your facebook page, tweet about us, embed us in your blog and ask your friends to do the same. Thank you for your help.
Please give generously to the Truth About Stanley fund to help tackle the growing homelessness problem.
Text STANLEY2, 3 or 6 to 70300 to give £2, £3 or £6.
Or visit our Just Giving Page - http://www.justgiving.com/Anchor-House-The-Big-Issue.
All money raised goes to The Big Issue Foundation and homelessness charity Anchor House. Help turn around the lives of real people.
Also available on YouTube here:
Starring Oliver Litondo, Raif Clarke and Andrew Lee Potts. Produced by Tom Clark. Soundtrack by Radiohead and Mumford & Sons. A WSP Production in association with Trademark Films and Freshfields Bruckhaus Deringer.
Full details at http://thetruthaboutstanley.com.
Youtube results:
Industrial Gas Museum - Athens, Greece: Gas Making
From the displays at the Industrial Gas Museum in Athens, Greece. Modelled and rendered to...
published: 11 Mar 2013
author: antidotdesignstudio
Industrial Gas Museum - Athens, Greece: Gas Making
From the displays at the Industrial Gas Museum in Athens, Greece. Modelled and rendered to specifications of museum curators. Visit the Museum for more!
- published: 11 Mar 2013
- views: 34
- author: antidotdesignstudio
Industrial Gas Museum - Athens, Greece: Ammonia Filter
From the displays at the Industrial Gas Museum in Athens, Greece. Modelled and rendered to...
published: 11 Mar 2013
author: antidotdesignstudio
Industrial Gas Museum - Athens, Greece: Ammonia Filter
From the displays at the Industrial Gas Museum in Athens, Greece. Modelled and rendered to specifications of museum curators. Visit the Museum for more!
- published: 11 Mar 2013
- views: 21
- author: antidotdesignstudio
Industrial Gas Museum - Athens, Greece: Distributor
From the displays at the Industrial Gas Museum in Athens, Greece. Modelled and rendered to...
published: 11 Mar 2013
author: antidotdesignstudio
Industrial Gas Museum - Athens, Greece: Distributor
From the displays at the Industrial Gas Museum in Athens, Greece. Modelled and rendered to specifications of museum curators. Visit the Museum for more!
- published: 11 Mar 2013
- views: 6
- author: antidotdesignstudio
Industrial Gas Museum - Athens, Greece: Volume measuring
From the displays at the Industrial Gas Museum in Athens, Greece. Modelled and rendered to...
published: 11 Mar 2013
author: antidotdesignstudio
Industrial Gas Museum - Athens, Greece: Volume measuring
From the displays at the Industrial Gas Museum in Athens, Greece. Modelled and rendered to specifications of museum curators. Visit the Museum for more!
- published: 11 Mar 2013
- views: 10
- author: antidotdesignstudio