Anarchist Studies Network

A PSA Specialist Group for the Study of Anarchism.


ASN members secure £250k research grant from the ESRC. See here

Rowman & Littlefield Int publish two book series by ASN members Saul Newman and Ruth Kinna


The following sub-sections contain details of our members publications to date. These lists are not exhaustive and most members have fuller lists of publications on their university webpages. If you can't find what you're looking for here, try the Reading Lists in the side menu or individual member webpages. See also BooksJournals for list of edited collections, monographs and special issues of journals written and edited by ASN members by year of publication.

1. Journal Articles

2. Single Authored Books

3. Edited Volumes

4. Book Chapters

5. Book Reviews

6. Newspaper articles

7. Miscellaneous

8. Encyclopaedia Entries