
  • Posted on: 14 March 2016
  • By: thecollective

From Black Rose Anarchist Federation

On Friday, March 11th, thousands of Chicagoans descended on the University of Illinois at Chicago (UIC) Pavilion to protest the rally of Donald Trump, including UIC students, different political organizations, affinity groups and autonomous individuals.

Our affinity group was composed of two WOC, four self-identifying sex-workers, and others, the majority of whom identify as queer folx, anarchists, marx/fems, progressive/radicals, all under the common goal of representing an Anti-fascist politic.

To be clear, no one was promoting Bernie Sanders, or any other presidential candidate within our affinity group.

We arrived three hours early for the rally, where there was already a line around the block. Outside of the pavilion, CPD had mounted police, barricades surrounding the entire building, and a protest “pit” segregated across street. The entrance saw several layers of security: TSA was assigned to overly thorough bag searches, metal detectors were in place, and secret service were administering body scans. Overall, the CPD had jurisdiction, with UIC campus police working in tandem.

Once the rally began, we saw numerous folks of color being escorted out, simply because Trump supporters identified them as “undesirable/troublemakers.” To identify them, Trump supporters were instructed to point at protesters, hold a placard over head and chant “Trump” repeatedly until security removed the person. A Trump loudspeaker/announcer said not to hit protesters, as several break out protests had already begun, and that it was to be a “peaceful” rally.

The supporter crowd bore confederate flag insignia, KKK identifying arm patches, and we heard other racist overtones. While we waited for Trump to take the stage we also saw a number of folks wearing keffiyehs, and headscarves confronted by Trump supporters. We overheard people saying they traveled from southern Illinois and Indiana, and the surrounding wealthy suburbs.

After a series of inside protests, and a half an hour plus delay, the Chicago Trump rally was ultimately cancelled, and the stadium exploded with applause, protesters jumping up and down, celebrating wildly. Our group then decided to unfurl our “Trump = Hate” banner over the balcony near the stage. We chanted, “Trump is Hate,” and held the banner for a few minutes. We saw police moving through the crowd, gathering around protesters celebrating on the ground, in addition to Trump supporters moving in and getting aggressive/fighting. We decided to join our like-minded folks on the ground, and melee ensued.

We had our hair, breasts, arms grabbed/assaulted and pulled on by Trump supporters, while security staff looked on. We were pushed and hit as we yelled at people to “stop,” and “leave us alone,” and “Calm down!” but Trump supporters were determined to rip our banner to pieces. An African American couple came to our defense and tried to free us from the hold the Trump supporters had on us. The woman who came to our defense took up the chant “Trump is Hate!” as she struggled to loosen their grip on us, ultimately allowing us to break free.

Rory Fanning of the Iraq Veterans Against the War & International Socialist Organization, could been seen holding up a “Vets Against Racism & Imperialism” banner across the way from where we did our banner drop. Tons of other small groupings and individuals began revealing concealed banners, chanting and celebrating. Booming chorus of “We Gon’ Be Alright” could be heard.

After the filmed fighting, we moved toward the protesting crowd and exited the building, joining the mass demonstrations outside.

Thousands of protesters took the parking garage, intersections from Harrison to Van Buren on Racine, and finally the highway. The crowd outside swelled to a projected 5,000 protesters – including various Arab-American groups, unions, and student groups – a much larger crowd than the Trump supporters. We protested at least an hour following the cancellation of the rally.

Organized protests outside included Assata’s Daughters, Black Lives Matter Chicago, and BYP 100, all of whom coordinated the intersection blockade at Racine & Van Buren, specifically to link the #ByeAnita actions with the efforts to shut down Trump. They held banners and signs saying “We ❤️ Laquan,” “We ❤️ Rekia” and “Alvarez Must Go!” Folks chanted “Sixteens shots and a cover-up!” to draw attention to the murder of Laquan McDonald at the hands of CPD and the subsequent attempted cover up by State’s Attorney Anita Alvarez. Police allowed the blockade at first and then attacked protesters, some people then needing emergency care. A number of arrests happened, some protesters facing felony charges.

The ultimate message was clear: Donald Trump is not welcome in Chicago.



Well Done!!!!

Nice! Not a critique, but I am wondering: is there an endgame on this? Like, is there a goal for these actions?

NWO gay commie conspiracy?

to protest and disrupt is an important end, life-and-death ingredients for our beautiful free-totality

why would anyone self-identify as a sex-worker?


how unfortunately disturbing for a person to identify their-self by a JOB ...

You're a self-identified sex worker if you're trying to score a couple extra points in an identity politics contest, duh.

I appreciate the effort to explain this group's choices and actions. This is a good practice and ought to be encouraged.

I'm also confused, though, by the tone and the argument. There's almost nothing specifically anarchist, let alone specific to BRAF's approach in this text. The approach seems to be broad left and populist in tone. What does disrupting Trump have to do with the class struggle? How do the personal positions of the participants interact with their activities the other night? How does this push past electoral politics or reflect horizontalism/autonomy? I'm not actually feeling skeptical about the action or BRAF but I want communiques that offer more actual analysis.

So what if you didn't endorse someone to be your master? It's completely impossible for any action against trump to not be coopted into reformism, short of killing him.

Challenging Trump may end up helping some other candidate, but that's hardly the point. There is palpatable tension right now, and anarchists should be helping to bring it to some kind of tipping point in whatever ways they can while bringing an anarchist analysis of white supremacy, capitalism, and the State. It's also of strategic value to oppose Trump, as emboldened racists are crawling out of the woodwork thinking that they have some kind of popular mandate. An empowered racist populism is not favorable terrain for anarchists to fight on, and needs to be stomped out before it can gain further traction.

Even if they had somehow presented an anarchist analysis, which they didn't, there is no anarchist analysis that won't get coopted by liberals in this situation. Why do you want to do liberals' work for them?

I held this position while watching the events in Chicago the other night. However, on further reflection, I don't think opposing nascent fascism has ever been the job of liberals - they seem to apologize for it at best, and roll over at worst - and instead that job falls to the far-left. Now, I don't want to get started on the left, but really if it's not going to be anarchos out in the street fucking shit up as Trump accelerates then who? The fucking Maoists? If it can be done in a way that doesn't route momentum in Sanders' direction then I think the kids should have at it. And if we really need to shit on a liberal at the moment then how about those fucking Occupy assholes hosting pledge drives in Zucotti park? Seems a bit more useful.

Clearly anarchist are not being "coopted by liberals" nor will they be on this issues. Rather, anarchist are being coopted by corpritist and the right which are funded by the likes of the Koch Brothers. The fact is their puppets Bush, Cruz, Rubio, Kasich who have all accepted the backing of corperatist are plane pissed because they can't controll Trump.

Be sure that I am no Trump supporter but I also see the game that is being played. The number one problem for corperatist is currently Trump. It is Trump who is running against corperatist funded Republican like Bush, Cruz, Rubio, Kasich. The country is only involved in primaries and the corperatist are doing what ever they can to get their puppets in position at this time.

You act as if Bush, Cruz, Rubio, Kasich are less racist, are less classist, and less interested in curtailing freedoms than Trump. Maybe you are just co opting other peoples anger or the issue is to complex for you to understand. Currently Trump's only opposition is Cruz, so are you saying you are willing to action which benefits Ted Cruz? Just how much AstroTurfing do you believe corperatist are engaged in opposing Trump?

Trump is also a corporatist, only he isn't a proxy, but rather a member of the ruling class. He might throw off the current establishment in the way that Caesar broke the Senate of Rome. If anyone today can cast off the establishment and start fighting wars for overt aggression rather than a bunch of trumped up legal or humanitarian reasons or as a response to false flag aggression, Donald Trump can.

I am not afraid of Donald Trump nor what he represents. The authoritarian behavior on the left that nitpicks name calling might actually have to adjust to waves of right populism domestically, but the wars in the Middle East will end as will most aggression that isn't somehow paying fealty to Donald Trump. No more plutocracy, no more oligarchy, with Trump you get no more of the lies of democracy. You want white people to admit they are white supremacists? Well Trump is going to make it happen that white supremacists no longer have to hide and you can see them for all their glory. No more "I think he might be racist because he said something about arabs and black people that generalized them in ways that I don't agree with" and more like "holy shit, I hope white people stop burning our neighborhoods and the police and Nazi groups stop attacking oppressed minorities". The authoritarian left might actually start re-learning that our class interests matter, that controlling the social norms of the left through authoritarian measures will not create unity, but rather encourage marginalization. They might start learning to let shit slide and not get so stuck on the lack of females and people of color that are standing up when real heads are getting cracked and no more white privilege for radicals in prison.

In other words, the lullaby of the spectacle will be pulled back more by Trump, who is proud to be aggressive. His spectacle will become one of the great personality cults, but it will lack the godlike qualities of a desperate nation. Instead, it will revel in gaudy bling, hokey Americana, flags and eagles. His power will become obvious and since he is challenging other ruling class members, there will be lots of people to put into prisons and after the federal decriminalization of marijuana, there will be no lack of space to put people. I'm ready for a real fight, just like Trump is ready to be a real ruler.

You don't get rid of the bribed by electing the briber.

an analysis doesn't accomplish anything magically by itself, even if it isn't contradicted by the choice of terrain/tactics/etc where it's presented. leave ideological salesmanship to the leftists (who not coincidentally are loving the trump protests) and other politicians and activists. @s should be interested in spreading non- or anti-authoritarian tactics and practices. i'm not sure how protesting political candidates links up with that. a really anarchist practice would expose the fact that politicians are just figureheads that don't do anything. the idea of anarchists or other left-wing voluntarists "stomping out" the fascist milieu populated by trumps followers is just a bad joke at this point. all my liberal relatives are talking about how 'scary' trump is. like you they are missing the point.

I'm actually hoping Trump wins. He will most likely destroy the country, and that will be a good thing.

Would be as good a time as any for something to trigger its beak down.

You vastly underestimate the tenacity of American empire if you think a Trump presidency would destroy the country. The ruling elite can easily adapt to overt fascism, it saves them the trouble of having to pretend otherwise. The only benefit to the forms of control practiced by Western democracies are their ability to get the masses to acquiesce to and ultimately embrace their subjugation. But if no credible resistance is evident, outright fascism is a much more efficient way of doing business.

Fascist and totalitarian systems don't usually last very long. Overt tyranny usually creates its own backlash. When something becomes so stark and obvious there is a natural reaction against it.

What is more insidious and dangerous is continuing to live under a 'soft' or more subtle form of totalitarianism where it has become normalized and banal, creating the illusion that we all still live in a democracy. Governments and corporations can slowly and subtly increase the controls over society, while the population remains largely unaware that very much has changed. We've been living in this 'boiling frog' mode since approx WW II. Gradual fascism is much more dangerous than the kind of blatant and abrupt fascism represented by Trump.

Just like Kaiser Wilhelm II vs Bismark, fascism is not made to last but rather to gradually force-steer the State towards building an always more despotic rule until the State becomes too rigid to adapt to external or internal movements of changes; where restitutive element like the "liberal humanitarian" face of power (Wilhelm II) feeds from the repulsion against the consolidating element (Bismark), only to push for a more totalitarian rule while playing the sympathetic figure of State power.

Look at the false duality of "Sarkozy vs Hollande" or "Bush vs Obama" for more recent instances.

I meant dichotomy, not duality.

Trump isn't a fascist. This is the confusing part to people. He is a corporatist and economic nationalist, but he lacks the desperate nation that is losing its empire's greatness. He is instead a naked imperialist as in enforcing the boundaries of the empire and the power of the empire. Compare him to Caesar or Napoleon, these routes do have extended posterity, even if their rulership is cut short. There were many Caesars after Julius and several Napoleons after the first. Trump is old, far older than Hitler or Mussolini. He sees the Bushes and Clintons and Kennedys and he wants what they have, only he wants more than shared rule, he wants the whole fucking cake. He wants to shove the Koch brothers on their asses and spit in their faces and laugh at them. This is what Trump represents, which shakes not just the political system, but also the established shadow government. The only fealty the shadow government can give Trump is to ensure his continued victory in elections or to justify a naked coup.

Trump is not mere fascism. Trump is the new, bold, face of the American Empire.

Trump is fascist. By Mussolini's own definition of the merging of corporation and the state. Trump is a corporatist and a nationalist; sprinkle in a little racism, a pinch of xenophobia, and that is exactly what fascism is.

When have corporations not been merged with the state? Where are they not already? When has America not been racist? I think fascism is more aptly described as all of the above, but without having to pretend to be anything but.

I would say that corporations were not merged with the state until about WW I. Is America racist? Depends what you mean by 'America'. You mean the state, or the people, or the culture?

So corporations were outside of the state until the same time that the Federal Reserve was founded? Your argument mirrors a common reactionary one. And, to reply directly: all fucking three. In fact I think the very question "Is America racist" is naive in good faith, and very sus in any other.

...only to create a Turner Diaries White supremacist utopia? How brilliant of you...

America actually is a white supremacist utopia. It always has been, and the sooner everyone else loses any pretensions about it being about democracy or freedom or some horseshit the more viable a real insurrection becomes.

A failed theory which still has yet to be proven. Did Berlusconi, or Sarkozy, or Tatcher's regimes brought bigger insurrections? What about more brutal regimes like Pinochet or Pol Pot? Naaa.

They've actually made things really hard for subversives and people from minorities alike. Just like Giuliani's fascist policing of New York in the "90s (that didn't end when he moved out of office) , that has sent hordes of Black people in jail for absolutely no reason other than hanging out on the sidewalks/parks. And the thing is that when these ultra-conservative, racist people take over, the following « liberal » administrations just pick up where they left, sometimes to go ever further in despotism. What power has been in West over the past few decades is an accumulation of despotism.

« In a way, we're revolutionaries. » - neocon Richard Perle

"Did Berlusconi, or Sarkozy, or Tatcher's regimes brought bigger insurrections? What about more brutal regimes like Pinochet or Pol Pot? Naaa. "

Thatcher's policies definitely brought out a lot more resistance. There were countless protests and major strikes during her regime. She is probably the most hated Prime Minister in modern British history, judging by the widespread contempt at her state funeral. I don't know as much about the reactions to Berlosconi or Sarkozy.

Pinochet's regime brought out massive resistance, most of it underground due to the regime's brutality towards dissent in the early years. By 1983, the resistance was more above ground and more difficult to ignore. During the next several years Pinochet loosened his control and activists and trade unionists won more freedoms and rights. By 1988, most people and most elected officials and bureaucrats were fed up with Pinochet and he was not permitted another 8-year term. An election that year saw a coalition of opposition groups take over and form a new government.

None of this addressed the unique context of America, a nation founded through the conquest and genocide of the indigenous population along with the intercontinental slave trade. The fuck does Sarkozy have to do with any of this aside from obscuring the critique made...

Democracy ultimately leads nations to their collective psychic desire, which in the Western is materialism, mass schizophrenia, and social catatonia. A good political account of this election could parody Orwell with a "Homage to Catatonia" or Hunter S Thompson's "Fear and Loathing in Washington"

Fuck off, democracy is a buzzword for white slaveowning men's rights to rape, pillage, and plunder whomever they want to, and has never meant anything else.

"democracy is a buzzword" Sure, well if that is true why change shit at all. As long as that reality is in play, as a white male , why should I give a shit or act to subject myself to someone vengeance and hatred due to race? Why wouldn't I not just say fuck it under the realization that no mater what, someone is going to be on top based on race, it may as well be me. As long as I have a right to rape as you assert, why would I do anything to change that situation, I'll just continue raping white bitches, pillaging their homes and "pacify" my non-white slave whose male component will be busy raping and pillaging women who are not Caucasian as I'm saving those, the attractive ones and the young ones, for white males.

You're really bad at your job.

it means Hope Bloc 2016: Make Total Feel the Bern

Trump card, bridge's oldest trick in the book!

Trump control
The ability, from a combination of the holding in trumps with play technique, to prevent the opponents from taking too many tricks in a plain suit.

The irony is over-powering, US politics is a card game! Mwuh, ha ha ha ha ha!!

it'd be more fun to protest a Bernie rally with some conversational disruption. then, some wildcat strike out of Philly in August could be pretty dope.

yeah, i have some partiality to the logic of the BLM disruptions of Bernie events because they 1) expose the left's racism and 2) actually create potentially useful public pressure on politicians. not that this is my politics or i think politicians are really there to work for us or whatever. but it suits my principle that in general it's preferable for radicals to attack the shit we kinda like (green capitalism, public transit, the left, etc.) rather than join the left and try to radicalize the struggle against the right, and to offer ways out of the impasse, showing how both L and R totally depend on capitalism etc. another post maybe...

The comments on this thread are consistently intelligent and engaged with contemporary society as it actually exists. It's encouraging to see that even anarchistnews.org can fulfill some useful function as the decline of capitalist America accelerates...

one must disengage a way from contemporary society as it actually exists,
in preference to following our 5th dimensional senses. we recreate intuitively,
each spoke at every turn, quietly fulfilling some useful function
for the organism's timeless movement.

Is it possible to image "anti-Trump" events/actions as being centered less around opposition to Trump the presidential candidate and more as actions against the movement behind him? It's been articulated before that, whether that guy wins or not, there is a fairly large mobilization of people behind him which may or may not go away after the election. That could be something we have to deal with.

Possibly most interesting to me is ways that we can be combative against this momentum while also doing a better job of communicating with poor and working class white folks - at this point we don't seem to offer very much other than "well, you still have white privilege."

Recently some friends of mine went to a counter-protest against a rally in support of Lavoy Finicum, the guy from Arizona who got killed my feds in Oregon. It was weird from the get-go to be countering what was, at least arguably, a protest against state violence, and got weirder when some of the Finicum supporters started invoking the names of black men killed by police and responding to the counter-demo that they also oppose white supremacy and hate the cops.

Which isn't to say that the central organizers aren't total racists, with connections to overt fascists, neo-nazis, etc, or that the whole Burns occupation wasn't intricately tied to anti-immigrant and anti-Islam organizing nationally, or that those people don't love the military and, usually, the police. It was, they do, and that's stuff that we need to confront forcefully. But a lot of poor white folks are stepping into that space in large part because of a lack of alternatives. So, we should probably make the anarchist space(s) more accessible (which in this case, a lot of the time would mean the OPPOSITE of what we think of as 'accessible' now [also i'm having a hard time articulating this and 'accessible' is probably not the best word]) while finding and acting on the existing fractures in the libertarian right.

Also, those of us who are poor and white and anarchists probably are positioned to do this and maybe, dare I say, have some responsibility to? (No one's gonna like that one!) And we should also stop, just, please STOP, insisting that white anarchist = middle class anarchist.

Those are just some not-fully-formed ideas, anyway.

discussion about this" Amazing" phenomenon

Hail the New An-cap Caesar!! The cards are on the table, no more liceral rhetoric.

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