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Blogger Gordon said...

It's hard to escape the conclusion that there wasn't something dodgy going on with Dizaei, isn't it?

Thursday, May 19, 2011 11:41:00 am

Blogger Jim Jepps said...

Ever since Operation Helios came to light (check old link in post) it's been clear the the police were out to get him - and when these charges first came to light the Met and the press descended on them with glee.

The press in particular was awful reporrting it all completely uncritcially despite the fact they knew the history.

It stank from the start.

Thursday, May 19, 2011 11:44:00 am

Blogger Gordon said...

But would the CPS press ahead if there was no case?

My gut feeling is that there may have been people out to get him for one reason or another, but that doesn't preclude there actually being things to get him on...

That said, I've really got no idea...

Thursday, May 19, 2011 12:40:00 pm

Blogger Jim Jepps said...

Well the CPS work with the evidence given to them so they wouldn't have be part of a conspiracy as such - as they only work on what they are given, and if that information is corrupted that's where the problem lies.

However, what we need is a real investigation into this decade long persecution of Ali Dizaei as no one has the real information. Sadly that wont happen though as corruption in the police is consistently covered up rather than exposed.

Thursday, May 19, 2011 5:27:00 pm

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