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Blogger dwight said...

An honour (and I am not being sarky) to be guest-posted! I take responsibility for the couple of typos that I didn't tidy up before sending you - sorry!

This post, about economists and climate change, may be of interest...

Next week I have the dubious pleasure of going to Ross Garnaut's first public lecture after he hands down his final report on climate change and Australia. I'll blog it...

Best wishes

Dwight Towers

Friday, May 27, 2011 2:48:00 am

Blogger Jim Jepps said...

It's no problem - thanks so much for the post.

I'm in a bad connection spot at the moment which explains why I didn't spot all the typos as I was struggling with the computer a bit and was just relieved I was able to post it up.

thanks again!

Friday, May 27, 2011 8:34:00 pm

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