Fighting with Ghosts: Thatcher’s Legacy and post-politics

This is not a discussion of the ‘legacy’ of Thatcher in concrete terms – plenty of ink has been and will be spilled on this point – but rather the way in which the debate is being framed. Arguably, it’s a worrying reflection of the British version of ‘post-politics’. And on it goes. Day three […]

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Because this is the internet and too soon doesn’t exist.

My poorly researched pick of the day (so far) for Thatcher related malarky. In which Thatcher is pronounced ‘fit to work’ by ATOS In which Glaswegians celebrate in an impromtu manner: In which the typo/troll debate will never be answered satisfactorily: And this meme: No doubt, there will be more.


Trying to reground society: The politics of time travel by way of Xavier’s School for Gifted Mutants

I can only apologize that this site has been inactive for so long. Way too much real life. Or way too little, depending on how you look at it. Either way: the plan for the time being is so produce one article a week, ideally coming out on Monday, i.e. today. The topics are going […]

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Happy Birthday Muhammad Ali

18 days ago Ago, Muhammad Ali turned 70. So it seemed apt to comment on this most singular of professional athletes. Of course, unlike this man, I’ve never interviewed Ali, or like this guy, never fought with him either. So, instead, I’m going to relay 6 great Ali facts gleaned from Thomas Hauser’s excellent biography: […]

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Quote it Like You Stole It: Living in the End Times Part 3

Chapter 5: Acceptance The final chapter, excluding the paperback afterword – which I’ll not be covering – opens by discussing three sites of truth in contemporary life: political commitments, the economic sphere and scientific knowledge. Zizek points towards the inarticulation these generate; that, despite the wealth of information and significantion there is a distinct lack […]

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Quote it Like you Stole It: Living in the End Times Part 2

Chapter 3: Bargaining In Chapter 3, Zizek  ambitiously ponder whether Marx might not be divided into a later, non Marxist “Marx” and the earlier, less impressive version. Put another way, we have a problematization of utopian thought based around Marx’s theory of exploitation. It’s a shame that the reading of natural capitalism, found in afterword, […]

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Quote it Like you Stole it: Living in the End Times Part 1

With ‘Quote it Like you Stole it’ I want to go back a little to the original intentions of this blog: to disseminate and debate leftist theoretical ideas in the soundbyte age.  Here, I’m going to start again by talking about the ideas in Zizek’s Living in the End Times, a book that should have […]

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