New Internationalist


If Google and Facebook can flip elections does code now rule the real world?

Internet users used to be worried about government control of the web but the opposite may be true, writes Chris Spannos

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Hail Caesar! The personal whim of not so fair trade

The struggle for real Fairtrade is reminiscent of gladiator battles, writes Ben O’Hanlon.


Worse than fiction: discrimination against women

Too often our legal system privileges the status quo instead of protecting the vulnerable, writes Brian Loffler.

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The EU-Turkey summit exposes our inhumanity to refugees

Open and democratic societies cannot be built on fear and hatred, writes Nick Dearden.


Dalits and Adivasis protest their unequal share in 2016 budget

The new scheme lacks understanding and will continue to marginalize the most vulnerable, writes Mari Marcel Thekaekara.

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Universalizing environmental and human rights

Doug Weir explains why these rights are especially important during times of armed conflict.


Help us reach our fundraising goals!

Independent journalism is an endangered species — together we can protect and defend it. Helen Wallis explains why it is important to support New Internationalist.

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From Google tax scandals to Taiwan havens

The Tax Justice Network examines the companies and countries that profit from lack of regulation, with host Naomi Fowler.

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Planting a million trees for Malawi

Sabine Joukes reports on a project to halt deforestation in a once-fertile land.

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Climate change needs real solutions not more hot air

Are certain proposals to reduce carbon emissions based on technological hype? Almuth Ernsting asks.

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Hope springs eternal

And from the most unexpected sources, writes Mari Marcel Thekaekara.

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