GROW @ the Positive Living Centre

Peer support for mental health

GROW is a national organisation that provides a peer supported program for growth and personal development to people with a mental illness and those people experiencing difficulty in coping with life’s challenges.

GROW is designed for people to take back control of their lives, overcome obstacles and start living a life full of meaning, hope and optimism.

In a small group setting, GROW offers the opportunity for people to share challenges and solutions for recovery in a supportive and structured way.


  • I enhance a sense of wellbeing.
  • To reduce the sense of isolation and aloneness.
  • To assist with practical strategies for living more fully.
  • To discuss life challenges in a peer based supportive environment.

A GROW group for HIV positive people is held at the Positive Living Centre every Friday between 1-3pm. Each meeting goes for 2 hours, followed by time to chat over refreshments.

New members are most welcome. For more information please contact one of the Client Support Team at the PLC on 9863-0444.