Complementary therapies

Complementary therapies are health care treatments that supplement conventional medicine. They focus on improved health and wellbeing and strengthening the immune system.

The Positive Living Centre offers a range of therapies. Bookings are essential.

Therapeutic massage

Massage is the manipulation of superficial muscles and tissues and is provided by a qualified massage therapist. Massage promotes wellbeing and relaxation and can improvement movement or reduce pain and soreness in particular areas of the body.


Yoga is a system of breathing exercises, postures and meditation. The name is a Sanskrit word meaning 'union', and the practices are designed to achieve the union of mind, body and spirit.

Exercise activities

Activities are offered at the Positive Living Centre and supervised by trained professionals. They include:

  • Muscles and curves classes: general exercise suitable for beginners and those with more experience
  • Pilates: a low impact, relaxing exercise to build up core muscles and reduce back pain and trim waistline
  • Tums and bums classes: high-energy exercise focusing on fitness and strength in a group environment.

Contact us

Phone: (03) 9863 0444 or 1800 622 795 (free call for country callers)